Foto del docente

Stefano Mulas

PhD Student

Department of Philosophy

Academic discipline: M-STO/05 History of Science and Technology

Curriculum vitae

Ph.D. student at the University of Bologna since 2021, he conducts his research in the field of the History of Science. His research interests concern the reception of Paracelsian philosophy and medicine in the XVI and XVII century Florence.


Master's degree in Philosophical Sciences in 2021 at the School of Humanities and Cultural Heritage of the University of Bologna with a thesis entitled: History, diffusion, and fortune of the Epistle of Ibn Tufayl between the Middle Ages and Modernity: Italy, England, Holland.

Evaluation: 110/110 cum laude

Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy in 2018 at the School of Humanities and Cultural Heritage of the University of Bologna. Title of the thesis: Eternity of Mind: considerations on Spinoza's philosophical formation between Judaism and Averroism.

Evaluation: 110/110 

Membership in scientific and editorial committees

Since 2022, member of the scientific and editorial board of the journal Aldrovandiana. Historical Studies in Natural History as editorial assistant.

Conferences participation

30\05-1\06 2022: Conference of the Italian Society for the History of Science (SISS), Ad limina. Frontiers and transdisciplinary contaminations in the history of science. Talk title: Hermes, Hippocrates, and Galen: the debate between ancient and modern medicine in some printed frontispieces.

23\05-27\05 2023: International Conference on the History of Chemistry - 13ICHC2023. Talk title: Alchemy and public health: a case-study from the official pharmacopoeia of Florence.

06\09-08\09 2023: Biennial conference (SISS) of young scholars in the History of Science, Natura incognita. Places, methods, and representations in the study of nature. Talk title: From the visible to the invisible: the practices of the cure between Paracelsus, Thurneysser, and Don Antonio de' Medici.

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