Foto del docente

Stefano Costa

Adjunct professor

Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari"

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 44KB )


WORKING POSITION: M.D., Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, NHS, in charge as Director of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Unit, Bologna.


Since 2013, member of the National Executive Board of the Italian Society of Medical Psychotherapy

Since 2012 fromo 2020, National Secretary-Treasurer of the Psychiatry Section of the Italian Society of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry.

From 2003 to 2009 was Professor
at the School of Specialization in Child Neuropsychiatry, University of Bologna.
In 1999 and 2000, was Professor at teaching course in Child Neuropsychiatry, 16 hours each year, for Professional Nurses School of Elena Gjika School at Elbasan, Albania.
In 1998, obtained the Postgraduate Specialization in Child Neuropsychiatry at the University of Bologna, discussing the thesis "The child with autism: study of the development and gestural language and social and educational inclusion"
In 1992 obtained the Degree in Medicine at the University of Bologna, discussing the thesis: "The SPECT in partial epilepsy of childhood and adolescence: correlation with the neuro- image (CT), neuroimage (MRI), EEG and clinical data”

From 1992 to 2016, he has published more than 70 scientific papers, in italian and foreign journals and some books; the largest part of the academic production is in the field of adolescent psychopathology and psichiatry.

In 1992 he won the Golden Malpighi Award for best scientific thesis of the year in the University of Bologna.


Since 2008 is in charge as Director of the "Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy" Clinical Unit of the NHS in Bologna

From 2002 to 2008 he worked as a Child and adolescent neuropsychiatrist at the "Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy" Clinical Unit of the NHS in Bologna

From November 1998 to December 2002 he worked as a Child Neuropsychiatrist at the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Day Service and the Day Hospital of the NHS in Bologna.



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