Foto del docente

Stefano Chersoni

Associate Professor

Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

Academic discipline: MED/28 Oral Diseases and Dentistry

Curriculum vitae

Date of birth: april22,1970

Place of birth: Conselice (Ravenna), Italy

Civil status: married to Gaia Tellarini

Citizenship: italian

Professional positions:

2001-2002 visiting professor : University of Bologna

2002-2003-2004 visiting professor: University of Siena

2003-2004-2005 professor of endodontics master University of Bologna

2006 researcher  University of Bologna



1. Chersoni S. Movimenti mandibolari e posizione del capo. Minerva Stomatologica 1995;44:285-9

2. Chersoni S, Montanari G, Prati C. Adattamento marginale dei restauri in compomero.1995 III congresso

nazionale SIDOC(Capri 5-7 ottobre) 71-5

3. Chersoni S, Prati C. Infiltrazione delle cavità di classe V. Dental Cadmos 1996: Volume 3; 66-73.

4. Semprini P, Ruggeri O, Prati C, Chersoni S. Tossicità del mercurio e nuovi tipi di amalgama. Dental Cadmos

1996: Volume 4, 74-80.

5. Prati C, Chersoni S, Ferrieri P, Mongiorgi R, Checchi L. Handling of Composite Resin: Clinical data. In:

Factors affecting the quality of composite restorations: theory and practice. Dondi dall'Orologio G. and Prati C.

Editors. Aries Eds, Carimate (Co) 1997, pagine 65-86.

6. Chersoni S. Interazione sternocleidomastoideo mandibolare (ISM) e postura. Minerva stomatologica


7. Chersoni S, Lorenzi R, Ferrieri P, Prati C. laboratory evaluation of Compom-ers in Class V restorations.

American Journal of Dentistry . 1997;10:147-51

8. Prati C, Chersoni S, Cretti L, Mongiorgi R. Marginal morphology of Class V composite restorations.

American Journal of Dentistry . 1997;10:231-36

9. Cretti L, Chersoni S, Ferrieri P, Prati C. dentina sclerotica e adattamento marginale. Dental Cadmos


10. Chersoni S, Prati C, Mongiorgi R, Montanari G. Meccanismi di adesione alla dentina di sistemi flowable. Il

dentista moderno 1998;16;3:63-67

11. Prati C, Chersoni S, Mongiorgi R, Pashley D H. Resin-infiltrated dentin layer formation of new bonding

systems. Operative Dentistry 1998;23:185-194

12. Prati C, Chersoni S, Mongiorgi R, Montanari G. Quali fattori influenzano la morfologia dell' interfaccia

restauro-dente? Atti del II° simposio internazionale (S. Margherita Ligure)1998; 20-21 Marzo: 48-52

13. Chersoni S, Prati C, Lucchese A, Mongiorgi R. Dentin Permeability and dentin morphology after treatments

with sanguinaria canadensis and chlorhexidine. RECENT ADVANCES IN DENTAL RESERCH IN ITALY

(Proceedings from a symposium in Rome, Italy IV congresso nazionale del "Collegio dei Docenti di odontoiatria)

January 1998: 105-110

14. Prati C, Chersoni S, Mongiorgi R. Dentin permeability after brushing. Role of brushing in preventing and

inducing dentin sensivity. RECENT ADVANCES IN DENTAL RESERCH IN ITALY (Proceedings from a

symposium in Rome, Italy IV congresso nazionale del "Collegio dei Docenti di odontoiatria) January 1998: 119-


15. Mongiorgi R, Prati C, Lucchese A, Chersoni S. Dentin permeability after tothbrushing with two different

toothpastes. RECENT ADVANCES IN DENTAL RESERCH IN ITALY (Proceedings from a symposium in

Rome, Italy IV congresso nazionale del "Collegio dei Docenti di odontoiatria) January 1998: 125-132

16. Prati C, Chersoni S, Mongiorgi R. Dentin morphology and dentin permeability after toothpaste and

mouthrinse treatments. Their theoretical role in preventing dentin sensivity. RECENT ADVANCES IN DENTAL

RESERCH IN ITALY (Proceedings from a symposium in Rome, Italy IV congresso nazionale del "Collegio dei

Docenti di odontoiatria) January 1998:133-141

17. Prati C, Chersoni S, Cretti L, Montanari G. Retention and marginal adaptation of compomer placed in nonstress-

bearing areas used with the total -etch technique: a 3-year retrospective study. Clinical Oral Investigation

1998; 2: 168-173

18. Prati C, Chersoni S, Mongiorgi R, Montanari G. Quali fattori influenzano la morfologia dell'interfaccia

restauro-dente? Atti del II° simposio internazionale S. Margherita Ligure 20-21 marzo 1998;48-52

19. Prati C, Chersoni S, Mongiorgi R, Montanari G, Pashley DH. Thickness and Morfology of Resin-infiltrated

dentin layer in Young, Old and Sclerotic Dentin. Operative Dentistry 1999;24:66-72

20. Prati C, Chersoni S, Mongiorgi R, Montanari G, Pashley DH,. Thickness and morphology of resin-infiltrated

dentin layer in young, old, and sclerotic dentin.Operative Dentistry , 1999;24,66-72

21. Prati C, Chersoni S, Pashley DH. Effect of removal of surface collagen fibrils on resin-dentin bonding. Dental

Materials 1999; 15,323-331

22. Prati C, Chersoni S, Lucchese A, Pashley DH, Mongiorgi R. Dentin permeability after toothbrushing with

different toothpastes.American Journal of Dentistry . 1999;12,:190-193

23. Prati C, Chersoni S, Montebugnoli l, Montanari G. Effect of air, dentin and resin-based composite thickness

on light intensity reduction. American Journal of Dentistry . 1999;12,:231-234

24. Prati C, Pashley DH, Chersoni S, Mongiorgi R. Marginal Hybrid Layer in Class V restorations. Operative

Dentistry , 2000, 25, 228-233

25. Mercuri M, Chersoni S, Nucci C, Prati C. I sistemi adesivi smalto-dentinali alle porte del 2000: il

raggiungimento di un traguardo ORIS 2000;5-13

26. Prati C, Mercuri M, Nucci C, Chersoni S, Breschi L. In vivo biofilm formation on composite resin restorative

materials “Self-etching primer:Current status and its evolution” Proceedings of the International symposium' 01

in Tokio June 26,2001 Edited by Junji TAGAMI

27. Prati C, Breschi L, Chersoni S, Tay FR, Ferrieri P, Suppa P. Alterazione della integrità marginale e

permeabilià marginale dello strato ibrido e dei sistemi adesivi Atti del VII simposio internazionale S. Margherita

Ligure 21-22 marzo 2003:68-73

28. Prati C, Chersoni S, Suppa P, Breschi L. Resistance of marginal enamel to acid solubility is influenced by

restorative systems: an in vitro scanning electron microscopic study. Clinical Oral Investigation . 2003


29. Breschi L, Gobbi P, Chersoni S, Mazzotti G, Prati C. Effects of different acid and sodium hypochlorite

treatments on dentin collagen: a FEISEM analysis.

American Journal of Dentistry . 2003 Sep;16 Spec No:77A-81A.

30. Suppa P, Ruggeri A, Chersoni S, Cadenaro M, breschi L. Sistemi adesivi self-etching: studio ultrastrutturale

dell' interfaccia nello smalto. Giornale Italiano di Conservativa. 2003 ottobre-dicembre;1(1):28-33

31. Prati C, Nucci C, Toledano M, Garcia-Godoy F, Breschi L, Chersoni S. Microleakage and marginal hybrid

layer formation of compomer restorations.

Opererative Dentistry. 2004 Jan-Feb;29(1):35-41.

32. Acquaviva GL, Piana G, Nucci C, Chersoni S, Pizzi S, Prati C. Permeabilità e osmosi dello strato ibrido

marginale nei restauri in composito. Giornale Italiano di Conservativa. 2004 gennaio-marzo;II(1):33

33. Gandolfi MG, Acquaviva GL, Chersoni S, Prati C, Mongiorgi R. Rilascio ed assorbimento di ioni fluoruro da

parte di cementi vetro-ionomerici in ambienti a diverso pH. Giornale Italiano di Conservativa. 2004 gennaiomarzo;


34. Suppa P, Ruggeri A, Breschi L, Prati C, Chersoni S, Ferrari M, Tay Fr. Nanoleakage dei sistemi adesivi:

analisi comparativa TEM/FE-SEM. Giornale Italiano di Conservativa. 2004 gennaio-marzo;II(1):91

35. Tay FR, Lai CN, Chersoni S, Pashley DH, Mak YF, Suppa P, Prati C, King NM. Osmotic blistering in enamel

bonded with one-step self-etch adhesives. Journal of Dental Research 2004 Apr;83(4):290-5.

36. Chersoni S, Acquaviva GL, Suppa P. Ferrari M, Ferrieri P,Tay FR, Prati C The protection of vital abutments

in prosthetic preparations. An in vivo

study Dentista Moderno 2004 maggio ;XXII (5): 55-63

37. Montebugnoli L, Chersoni S, Prati C, Dolci G. A between-patient disinfection method to control water line

contamination and biofilm inside dental units.

Journal of Hospital Infection . 2004;Apr;56(4):297-304.

38. Chersoni S, Suppa P, Grandini S, Goracci C, Monticelli F, Yiu C, Huang C, Prati C, Breschi L, Ferrari M,

Pashley DH, Tay FR. In vivo and in vitro permeability of one-step self-etch adhesives. Journal of Dental

Research 2004;Jun;83(6):459-64.

39. Chersoni S, Suppa P, Breschi L, Ferrari M, Tay FR, Pashley DH, Prati C, Water movement in the hybrid layer

after different dentin treatments. Dental Materials 2004;Nov;20(9): 796-803.

40. Carvalho RM, Chersoni S, Frankenberger R, Pashley DH, Prati C, Tay FR. A challenge to the conventional

wisdom that simultaneous etching and resin infiltration always occurs in self-etch adhesives.Biomaterials

2005;Mar; 26(9):1035-42.

41. Suppa P, Breschi L, Ruggeri A, Mazzotti G, Prati C, Chersoni S, Pashley DH, Tay FR. Nanoleakage within

the hybrid layer: a correlative FEISEM/TEM investigation. Journal of Biomedical Material Research B Appl

Biomater. 2005;Apr;73(1):7-14.

42. Chersoni S, Acquaviva GL, Prati C, Ferrari M, Grandini S, Pashley DH, Tay FR. In vivo fluid movement

through dentin adhesives in endodontically treated teeth.

Journal of Dental research . 2005;Mar;84(3):223-7.

43. Prati C, Chersoni S, Acquaviva GL, Breschi L, Suppa P, Tay FR, Pashley DH.Permeability of marginal hybrid

layers in composite restorations.

Clin Oral Investig. 2005;Mar;9(1):1-7.

44. Yiu CK, Hiraishi N, Chersoni S, Breschi L, Ferrari M, Prati C, King NN, Pashley DH, Tay FR. Single-bottle

adhesives behave as permeable membranes after polymerisation. II. Differential permeability reduction with an

oxalate desensitiser.

Journal of Dentistry . 2005;Jun 22;

45.Gandolfi MG, Chersoni S, Acquaviva GL, Piana G, Prati C, Mongiorgi R. Fluoride release and absorption at

different pH from glass-ionomer cements.

Dental Materials . 2005 accepted

46.Sauro S,. Watson TF,. Tay FR, Chersoni S, Breschi L and Prati C. Water uptake of bonding systems applied

on root dentin suraces: a SEM and confocal microscopic study. Dental Materials accepted

47. Pirani C, Chersoni S, Foschi F, Piana G, Loushine RJ, Tay FR, Prati C. Does hybridization of intraradicular

dentin really improve fiber post retention in endodontically treated teeth? Journal of endodontics accepted

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