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BENVENUTI S., MACCHIA M. and STEFANI A., 1994. EFFECTS OF SHADE ON REPRODUCTION AND SOME MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF Abutilon theophrasti Medicus, Datura stramonium L. and Sorghum halepense L. Pers. Weed Research, 34, 283-288.
BENVENUTI S., 1995. Soil light penetration AND DORMANCY OF JIMSONWEED (Datura stramonium L.) seeds. Weed Science, 43, 389-393.
BENVENUTI S., 1995. Ecologia della "seed bank": aspetti fisiologici ed implicazioni agronomiche nella gestione della flora infestante. Rivista di Agronomia, 3, 204-219.
Benvenuti S. e Macchia M., 1997. Light environment, phytochrome and germination of Datura stramonium (L.) seeds. Environmental Experimental Botany, 38, 61-71.
Benvenuti S. e Macchia M., 1997. Germination ecophysiology of bur beggarthicks (Bidens tripartita) as affected by light and oxygen. Weed Science, 45, 696-700.
Benvenuti S. e Macchia M., 1998. Phytochrome-mediated germination control of Datura stramonium L. seeds following seed burial. Weed Research, 38, 199-205.
BENVENUTI S., MACCHIA M. e MIELE S: 2001 Light, temperature and burial depth effects on Rumex obtusifolius seed germination and emergence. Weed Research, 41, 177-186.
BENVENUTI S. e MACCHIA M. 2001. Dormancy and germination in Myrtus communis L. seeds. Agricoltura Mediterranea, 130, 1-5.
BENVENUTI S., MACCHIA M. e MIELE S. 2001. Quantitative analysis of buried weed seedling emergence with increasing soil depth. Weed Science, 49, 528-535.
BENVENUTI S. 2003. Soil texture involvement in germination and emergence of buried weed seeds. Agronomy Journal, 95,191-198.
Benvenuti S., Capurro A. e Simonelli G., 2002. Analisi dell’accumulo di semi di malerbe nella coltura del Basilico (Ocimum basilicum L.) in Liguria. Informatore Fitopatologico, 5, 50-55.
Benvenuti S. e Macchia M. 2003. Weed community dynamics in perennial medicinal crops of organic agricultural systems. Advances in Horticultural Sciences, 17, 207-214.
BENVENUTI S., A. POMPEIANO, M. MACCHIA AND S. MIELE, 2004. Agronomic evaluation of an experimental stimulant for germination induction of a parasitic species (Orobanche ramosa L.) in Tobacco crops (Nicotiana tabacum L.). Italian Journal of Agronomy, 8, 17-28.
Benvenuti S., Dinelli G. e Bonetti A., 2004. Germination ecology of Leptochloa chinensis L. Nees: a new weed in Italian rice (Oryza sativa L.) agro-environment. Weed Research, 44, 87-96.
Benvenuti S., 2004. Weed dynamics in the Mediterranean urban ecosystem: ecology, biodiversity and management. Weed Research, 5, 341-354.
S BENVENUTI, G DINELLI, A BONETTI, P CATIZONE 2005 Germination ecology, emergence and host detection in Cuscuta campestris. Weed Research, 45, 270-278.
Bretzel Francesca, Pistelli Laura, Benvenuti Stefano (2009) Physiological parameters and secondary metabolites in dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) grown on contaminated urban solid run off. Atti Convegno. Codice identificativo ARPI 11568/135431.
Benvenuti Stefano 2007. Role of Weed Emergence Time for the Relative Seed Production in Maize. Italian Journal/Riv. Agronomia 1, 23-30
Benvenuti S. 2007. Natural weed seed burial: effect of soil texture, rain and seed characteristics. Seed Science Research, 17:211-219.
Benvenuti S., Macchia M, Loddo D. 2008. Biodiversità della “seedbank” di fitocenosi spontanee nella coltura del farro (Triticum dicoccum (Schrank) Schübler) in agroecosistemi della Garfagnana (LU). Rivista di Agronomia 30. 136-142.
Francesca Bretzel, Beatrice Pezzarossa, Stefano Benvenuti, Alessio Bravi, Fernando Malorgio 2009. Soil influence on the performance of 26 native herbaceous plants suitable for sustainable Mediterranean landscaping. Acta Oecologica 35, 657-663.
Stefano Benvenuti, Donato Loddo, Giulia Basteri, Annalucia Russo 2009. INSECT-POLLINATED WEEDS AS INDICATOR OF THE AGROECOSYSTEM BIODIVERSITY Agricoltura Mediterranea, 137 (3-4) 132-137.
Benvenuti S. 2010. Germination ecology of Mediterranean species from natural “living walls”. 2° International Conference on Landscape and Urban Horticulure, Bologna, 9 – 13 June 2009. Acta Horticulture 881 (2):585-590.
Benvenuti Stefano e Bacci Davide 2010. Initial agronomic performances of Mediterranean xerophytes in simulated dry green roofs. Urban Ecosystem 13, 124-129.
Roberta Masin, Donato Loddo, Stefano Benvenuti, Maria Clara Zuin, Mario Macchia, e Giuseppe Zanin 2010. Temperature and Water Potential as Parameters for Modelling Weed Emergence in Central-Northern Italy. Weed Science 58:216–222.
Bretzel, F., Benvenuti, S., & Pistelli, L. (2014). Metal contamination in urban street sediment in Pisa (Italy) can affect the production of antioxidant metabolites in Taraxacum officinale Weber. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21(3), 2325-2333.
Canale, A., Benelli, G., & Benvenuti, S. (2014). First record of insect pollinators visiting Muscari comosum (L.) Miller (Liliaceae-Hyacinthaceae), an ancient Mediterranean food plant. Plant Biosystems, 148(5), 889-894.
Benvenuti, Stefano. (2014): "Wildflower green roofs for urban landscaping, ecological sustainability and biodiversity." Landscape and Urban Planning 124, 151-161.
Benelli, G., Benvenuti, S., Desneux, N., & Canale, A. (2014). Cephalaria transsylvanica-based flower strips as potential food source for bees during dry periods in European Mediterranean basin countries. PloS one, 9(3), e93153.
Canale, A., Benvenuti, S., Raspi, A., & Benelli, G. (2014). Insect pollinators of the late winter flowering Rhamnus alaternus L., a candidate for honeybee-friendly scrubland spots in intensively managed agricultural areas. Plant Biosystems, 1-5.
Rollin, O., Benelli, G., Benvenuti, S., Decourtye, A., Wratten, S. D., Canale, A., & Desneux, N. (2016). Weed-insect pollinator networks as bio-indicators of ecological sustainability in agriculture. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 36, 1-22.
Benvenuti, S., Bortolotti, E., & Maggini, R. (2016). Antioxidant power, anthocyanin content and organoleptic performance of edible flowers. Scientia Horticulturae, 199, 170-177.
Benvenuti, S., Benelli, G., Desneux, N., & Canale, A. (2016). Long lasting summer flowerings of Lythrum salicaria as honeybee-friendly flower spots in Mediterranean basin agricultural wetlands. Aquatic Botany, 131, 1-6.
Benvenuti S. e Pardossi A. (2016) Germination ecology of nutraceutical herbs for agronomic perspectives. European Journal of Agronomy 76, 118–129.
Benvenuti S. (2016) Seed ecology of Mediterranean hind dune wildflowers. Ecological Engineering 91, 282–293.
Bretzel, F., Vannucchi, F., Romano, D., Malorgio, F., Benvenuti, S., & Pezzarossa, B. (2016). Wildflowers: From conserving biodiversity to urban greening—A review. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 20, 428-436.
Benvenuti, S., Malandrin, V., Pardossi, A. (2016). Germination ecology of wild living walls for sustainable vertical garden in urban environment. Scientia Horticulturae, 203, 185-191.
Benvenuti S., Bretzel F., Piotto B., Romano D. (2016) Vogliamo un verde urbano che aumenti il senso di identità. Fratello Albero 34-41.
Benvenuti, S., Maggini, R., Pardossi, A. (2016). Agronomic, Nutraceutical and Organoleptic Performances of Wild Herbs of Ethnobotanical Tradition. International Journal of Vegetable Science, 1-12.
Benvenuti, S., & Bretzel, F. (2017). Agro-biodiversity restoration using wildflowers: What is the appropriate weed management for their long-term sustainability?. Ecological Engineering, 102, 519-526.
Benelli, G., Benvenuti, S., Scaramozzino, P. L., & Canale, A. (2017). Food for honeybees? Pollinators and seed set of Anthyllis barba-jovis L. (Fabaceae) in arid coastal areas of the Mediterranean basin. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 5, 1056-1060.
Benvenuti, S., & Pardossi, A. (2017). Weed seedbank dynamics in Mediterranean organic horticulture. Scientia Horticulturae, 221, 53-61.
STEFANO BENVENUTI, PIER LUIGI CIONI, GUIDO FLAMINI, ALBERTO PARDOSSI. (2017) Weeds for weed control: Asteraceae essential oils as natural herbicides. Weed Research 57: 342-353.
Maggini, R., Benvenuti, S., Leoni, F., & Pardossi, A. (2018). Terracrepolo (Reichardia picroides (L.) Roth.): Wild food or new horticultural crop? Scientia Horticulturae, 240, 224-231.
Benvenuti, S., & Mazzoncini, M. (2019). Soil Physics Involvement in the Germination Ecology of Buried Weed Seeds. Plants, 8(1), 7.
Massa, D., Benvenuti, S., Cacini, S., Lazzereschi, S., & Burchi, G. (2019). Effect of hydro-compacting organic mulch on weed control and crop performance in the cultivation of three container-grown ornamental shrubs: Old solutions meet new insights. Scientia Horticulturae, 252, 260-267.
Benvenuti, S., Mazzoncini, M., Cioni, P. L., & Flamini, G. (2020). Wildflower-pollinator interactions: Which phytochemicals are involved?. Basic and Applied Ecology, 45, 62-75.
Benvenuti, S., & Mazzoncini, M. (2020). The biodiversity of edible flowers: discovering new tastes and new health benefits. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11, 1812.
Benvenuti, S., & Mazzoncini, M. (2021). “Active” Weed Seed Bank: Soil Texture and Seed Weight as Key Factors of Burial-Depth Inhibition. Agronomy, 11(2), 210.
Benvenuti, S., & Mazzoncini, M. (2021). Entomogamy in wildflowers: What level of pollinator biodiversity is required?. Acta Oecologica, 111, 103737.
Benvenuti, S., Selvi, M., Mercati, S., Cardinali, G., Mercati, V., & Mazzoncini, M. (2021). Stale seedbed preparation for sustainable weed seed bank management in organic cropping systems. Scientia Horticulturae, 289, 110453.
Maggini, R., Benvenuti, S., Leoni, F., Incrocci, L., & Pardossi, A. (2021). Effects of NaCl on hydroponic cultivation of Reichardia picroides (L.) roth. Agronomy, 11(11), 2352.
Benvenuti, S. (2022). The toxic weed Heliotropium europaeum L.: Germination ecology, soil seed bank, and emergence dynamics in diversified cropping systems. Weed Biology and Management, 22(2), 37-46.
Mercati V., Benvenuti S. 2022. Malerbe amiche: la biodiversità e il futuro del Pianeta. Aboca edizioni. ISBN 9788855231374.
Benvenuti, S. (2022). Wildflowers-pollinator-crab spider predator food-web as indicator of the agroecosystem biodiversity. Ecological Indicators, 143, 109272.
Benvenuti, S. (2023). Soil texture involvement in wildflower strip ecosystem services delivery in Mediterranean agro-environment. European Journal of Agronomy, 145, 126793.
Benvenuti S. (2024) Aree archeologiche “glyphosate-free”: quali strategie per una gestione sostenibile della flora infestante? In: Diserbo nella conservazione dei Beni Culturali Atti del convegno Studia Archaeologica, 259 2023, 100 pp., ISBN: 9788891332615; ISSN: 0081-6299.