Foto del docente

Stefania Vignini

Assistant professor

Department of Management

Academic discipline: ECON-06/A Business Administration, Accounting & Performance Measurement

Curriculum vitae

  • High School Diploma in Classical Studies at the Giacomo Leopardi High School in Recanati, Civitanova (Marche).
  • Degree in Economics and Business obtained at the University of Ancona.
  • Specialization course in Organization and Business Management lasting 800 at the ENAIP of Fermo (AP).
  • Qualified to practice as a Chartered Accountant and Auditor at the Faculty of Economics and Commerce of the University of Ancona.
  • Registration in the Register of Statutory Auditors with the following registration number 72353.
  • Expert of General and Applied Accounting I at the Institute of Business Sciences of the Faculty of Economics and Commerce of Ancona in 1995.
  • Expert of Business Economics at the Institute of Business Sciences of the Faculty of Economics and Commerce of Ancona in 1996.
  • Expert of Business Methodologies and Quantitative Determinations at the Institute of Business Sciences of the Faculty of Banking Sciences of Macerata in 1997.
  • Research summer school: “Methodology of Social Sciences” organized by the Italian Academy of Business Economics, in 1998.
  • Summer School of Didactics for young teachers, organized by the Italian Academy of Business Economics, in 1999.
  • PhD in Business Administration at the E. Giannessi Department of Pisa (thirteenth cycle) in 2001.
  • Research fellow at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Bologna, Rimini branch in the project: “Non-profit companies and tourism: the conditions of interaction and development. The tools for controlling performances” since January 2001.
  • In the period 2002-2005 she was the winner of a research grant for the E-qual-Osservatorio sull'Economia social project. The project aims to make a careful analysis of the demand and supply of work especially for the disadvantaged in a broad sense in order to be able to create, over a three-year period, new job opportunities, also with the ad hoc constitution of new businesses, for individuals with different abilities present in the territory of the Province of Rimini. The project began in July 2002 and had a three-year duration. At the end of the project, the different realities of the Civil Economy present in Rimini were analyzed, including: social cooperatives, voluntary associations, foundations, also identifying some Italian and international best practices.
  • Winner of the competition for researcher in the scientific disciplinary sector SECS-P/07 at the University of Bologna, Faculty of Economics, Rimini branch (January 2005).
  • National Scientific Qualification to university professor of the Second Band, in the competition sector 13/B1 Business Economics.


Teacher of company financial statements (DEGREE COURSE IN BUSINESS ECONOMICS) in the years 2009/2010.

Teacher of programming and control (DEGREE COURSE IN ECONOMICS OF TOURISM and DEGREE COURSE IN BUSINESS ECONOMICS) in the years 2005/2006, 2006/2007, 2007/2008, 2008/2009, 2009/2010, 2010/2011 2011/2012 at the University of Bologna, Rimini branch.

Teacher of General Accounting and General Accounting and Applied to Tourism Companies (DEGREE COURSE IN ECONOMICS OF TOURISM and DEGREE COURSE IN BUSINESS ECONOMICS) in the years 2011/2012, 2012/2013, 2013/2014 at the University of Bologna headquarters of Rimini.

Teacher of Business Economics (Degree Course in Business Economics and Administration) in the academic years 2005/2006, 2006/2007, 2007/2008, 2008/2009, 2009/2010.

Professor of Business Economics (Degree Course in Business Economics) in the academic years 2014/2015, 2015/2016, 2016/2017, 2017/2018, 2018/2019, 2019/2020, 2020/2021, 2021/2022.

Teacher of General and Applied Accounting (Degree Course in Economics and Management) in the years 2005/2006, 2006/2007, 2014/2015, 2017/208, 2018/2019, 2019/2020 at the University of Bologna, Rimini office.

Professor of General and Applied Accounting Course (Degree Course in Economics and Management of Tourist Services) in the years 2004/2005 at the University of Bologna, Rimini branch.

Holder of the Programming and Control Course (DEGREE COURSE IN ECONOMICS OF TOURISM, Degree Course in Economics and Business Administration) in the years 2004/2005, at the University of Bologna, Rimini branch.

Adjunct Professor of General and Applied Accounting in the Degree Course Degree Course in Economics and Management of Tourist Services (odd students), at the University of Bologna, Rimini branch (Academic Years 2003/2004).

Collaboration in the exams relating to the degree course in Tourism Economics-Rimini branch, held by Professor Maria-Gabriella Baldarelli in the academic years 2000/2001.

Collaboration in the exams related to the degree course in Tourism Economics-Rimini branch, held by professor Gianfranco Capodaglio in the academic years 2000/2001.

Collaboration in the exams related to the degree course in Tourism Economics-Rimini branch, held by professor Marco Tieghi in the years 98/99, 99/2000.

Tutor of the accounting course relating to the teaching of Methodologies and Quantitative Determinations of the Company held by professor Antonio Matacena at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Bologna, Rimini branch in the academic years 98/99 and 99/2000 and collaboration in the relative exams.

Interventions in the exercises relating to the teaching of Methodologies and Quantitative Determinations of the company held by professor Antonio Matacena at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Bologna, branch of Rimini in the academic years 1998/1999 and collaboration in the relative exams.

Interventions in exercises relating to the teaching of Methodologies and corporate quantitative determinations held by professor Fabrizio Cerbioni in the academic years 1996/1997, 1997/1998, member of the examination commission and collaboration in the relative exams.

Interventions in exercises related to the teaching of Business Economics held by professor Sergio Branciari in the academic years 1995/1996,1996/1997, member of the examination commission and collaboration in the relative exams.

Interventions in exercises relating to the teaching of General and Applied Accounting held by professor Stefano Marasca in the academic years 1994/1995, member of the examination commission and collaboration in the relative exams.


Lecturer at the Course: Research in Management Accounting (RMA) Academic Year 2017/18, with a speech entitled: “Reforming and re-thinking the IASB conceptual framework”, held on 31 May 2018 at the University of Bologna.

As coordinator of the Doctorate in General Management of the Department of Business Sciences, Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, Professor Rosa Grimaldi has appointed Stefania Vignini, researcher SSD SECS-P/07 of the same department, to carry out 3 hours of lecture within the Research in Management Accounting module in the academic years 2015/2016, cycle 31.


Teacher of the “Master in business start-up: tourism and services”, directed by Professor Maria-Gabriella Baldarelli, held in Tirana (Albania), on 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 April 2016, as as holder of the module: “Budget and accounting of small and medium-sized enterprises”.

Teacher of the master in “Digital Marketing for Tourism & Events Management” in 2015.

Teacher of the “Master in Business tourism and destination management” in 2014.

Teacher in the Coordination Master for the health professions from 2010 to today.


Teacher of the course of chartered accountants at the registered office of the chartered accountant of Rimini from 2009 to today, addressing the issue related to financial statements (financial statements and consolidated).


  • She has followed countless degree theses since the beginning of her teaching activity.
  • She has been a member of countless graduate commissions since the beginning of her teaching activity.
  • Expert member of the examining commission for the State Exams for the qualification to practice as a chartered accountant and accounting expert at the University of Bologna of the Rimini office in the years 2010, 2015, 2016.
  • Appointed thesis lecturer from the 2018 academic year by Professor Paola Brighi (Coordinator of the DEGREE COURSE IN BUSINESS ECONOMICS) for the Corporate Area with Matteo Santi.
  • Member of the award commission contracts and Teaching Tutors for the Business Area (Council of the School of Economics, Management and Statistics of 27 April 2017 with Paola Giuri (President), Mariachiara Colucci.
  • Member of the Commission AQ for the DEGREE COURSE IN BUSINESS ECONOMICS from 2013 to today.
  • Member of the commission for thesis scholarships abroad since 2011 (Faculty Council of 16 March 2011) with Gianluigi Pelloni and Rossella Agliardi.
  • Member of the commission for the assignment of contracts and teaching tutors for the business area (Council of the School of Economics, Management and Statistics of 27 February 2013 and 26 November 2014) with Paola Giuri (President), Mariachiara Colucci.
  • Member of the commission for the assignment of credit lines and contracts for the Business Area (Faculty Council of 10 June 2009, of 16 June 2010 and of 13 June 2011) with Paola Giuri (President), Ivanoe Tozzi, Claudio Travaglini.
  • Reference teacher to provide specific information on the study courses, in particular, appointed as reference teacher by the Council DEGREE COURSE IN BUSINESS ECONOMICS since 2007.


Research on international accounting principles of the Balkan world. The results have been presented at international conferences and have been submitted to international journals.

Research on the effects of the pandemic on tourism companies in the Romagna area. The results have been presented at international conferences and are being published in international journals.

Research on the balance sheet analysis of companies belonging to the Romagna area. The results have been presented at international and national conferences and have been published in international and national journals.

Accounting History Research. The results have been published in international and national journals and have been presented at national and international conferences.

Research on gender accounting. The results have been presented at international conferences and have been published in international journals.

Research on Pink Accounting. The results have been published in international journals, in book chapters and have been presented at international and national conferences.

Research on accounting systems in Italy and abroad. The results have been published in journals and book chapters and have been presented at international conferences.

Participation as a component in the PRIN project (2009): see attachment. Verification of reliability in budget assessments, National Manager professor Luciano Marchi, head of the Bologna unit professor Gianfranco Capodaglio.

Research on the asset accounting system. The results were published.

Participation as a member of the PRIN project (2007): IFRS and financial statement information: an empirical analysis in the service sector and small and medium enterprises, National manager professor Luciano Marchi, head of the Bologna unit professor Gianfranco Capodaglio.

Research on the issue linked to the crisis. The results were published in a volume within a PRIN project (2007).

Research on quality in non-profit companies, aimed at presenting a work in an International Conference.

Search for the construction of a multilingual dictionary of legal-economic terms. Specifically, the part relating to economic terms was handled. The dictionary is being published.

Research on problems relating to some balance sheet items of non-profit companies. The research results have been the subject of subsequent publication.

Research on non-profit companies from a historical perspective. The research results have been the subject of subsequent publication.

Research on possible models applicable to voluntary associations. The research results have been the subject of subsequent publication.

Research on management control in former IPABs. The research results have been the subject of subsequent publication.

Research on cost accounting from a historical perspective. The research results have been the subject of subsequent publication.

Research on cooperatives in the Bologna area in a multidisciplinary key. The research results have been the subject of subsequent publication.

Research on equivalent productions. This led to a subsequent publication.

Search on: XBRL. The research results led to publication.

Research on the economic equilibrium of the NPAs from a historical point of view. This has been published.

Research on issues related to national and international accounting standards. The results have been the subject of numerous publications.

Research on accounting harmonization on the subject of accounting principles in Europe, aimed at the presentation of a work in an international conference.

Research on management control and performance analysis in non-profit companies, with particular reference to voluntary associations, aimed at the doctoral dissertation, coordinated by professor Antonio Matacena.

Research on the various management control tools applied to non-profit companies. The results of the research were the subject of a subsequent publication, coordinated by professor Antonio Matacena.

Research on cost information for the production of wealth, coordinated by Professor Paola Miolo Vitali, coordinator of the “Cost Analysis and Accounting” module, as part of the Doctorate in Business Economics. The results of the research were the subject of a subsequent publication, coordinated by professor Antonio Matacena.

Research on the subject of privatizations in Germany, as part of the CNR research year 1995 organized by the University of Pisa, Department of Business Administration “Egidio Giannessi”, coordinator professor Luciano Marchi. The results of the research were the subject of subsequent publication, whose tutors were professor Antonio Matacena and professor Luciano Marchi.


Presentation, upon acceptance paper: Business Ethics and Sustainability: a strategic opportunity in Annual European SPES Conference 2022, 19-21 May 2022.

Presentation, upon acceptance, at Critical Perspectives on Accounting in Italian, Online workshop 16-17 May, 2022, paper: Business ethics: moral or amoral? That is the question.

Acceptance at 39th EBES Conference – Rome - paper entitled: Sustainable Development Goals: the behavior followed by Italian co-operatives.

Speech, upon acceptance, at: 38th EBES Conference - Warsaw on January 12-14, 2022, with a paper entitled: “COVID-19: How do companies in the tourism sector react? The case of Riccione (after one year from the beginning of the pandemic)”.

Intervention, upon acceptance, at the CENTER FOR RESEARCH IN POLITICS AND HUMAN RIGHTS workshop, Sophia University Institute (IUS), Department of Business Sciences-University of Bologna, “Populism, active citizenship, accountability: interdisciplinary research paths”, 20 November 2020, with a work entitled: “Responsibility and Accountability in Post-Communist Balkan States”.

Speech, upon acceptance, at the SIDREA conference, Bari 20 and 27 November 2020, with a work entitled: “COVID 19: How do companies in the tourism sector react? The case of Riccione”.

Intervention, upon acceptance, at the workshop entitled: “Populism, active citizenship, accountability: interdisciplinary research paths”, 20 November 2020, with a work entitled: “Responsibility and Accountability in Post-Communist Balkan States”.

Job acceptance entitled: “Accounting system and practices in Croatia” at 33rd EBES Conference, Spain, Madrid on October 7th, 8th and 9th 2020.

Presentation and acceptance at BAFA (British Accounting Finance Association) 2020 of a work entitled: “Financial reporting in Albania: IFRS meets the realities of a Post-Communist Balkan state”, co-authors: David Alexander and Jonida Carungu.

Presentation, upon acceptance of the work, at the 8TH EIASM Workshop on Accounting and Regulation, in Siena on 27-29 June 2019, with a paper entitled: “Accounting System Evolution in Post-Communist Balkan Countries (1989-2019)” with the following co-authors: David Alexander and Jonida Carungu.

Presentation, upon acceptance of the paper, a work entitled: “Social accounting in Italy: Lessons from the past”, on 6-8 September 2017, in Verona at: The Ninth Accounting History, International Governance, Accounting and Governance in different settings.

Presentation, upon acceptance of the paper, a work entitled: “A comparative study of accounting systems and standards: Bulgaria and Croatia”, on 6-8 September 2017, in Verona at The Ninth Accounting History, International Governance, Accounting and Governance in various settings.

Presentation, upon acceptance of the paper, of a work entitled: “History of accounting systems and standards in Bulgaria and Croatia: a comparative analysis at the 14TH World Congress of Accounting Historians”, held in Pescara on 25-27 June 2016 (Chair Professor Gary Spraakman).

Presentation, upon acceptance of the paper, of a work entitled: “Impact of the economic crisis on the profitability and financial risk of Romagna companies. A stratification operated via cluster analysis, at the 5TH Management Control Journal Worhshop, Control systems and environmental complexity. Innovation and experiences in service companies”, on 23-24 June 2016, at the University of Bologna, Rimini campus.

Presentation, upon acceptance of the paper at the international conference: MIC 2016, Management International Conference, presenting a work entitled: “Profitability and Financial Risk of the Romagna companies. a firm partition / stratification via cluster analysis” on 1-4 June 2016.

Presentation at the XXXVII AIDEA Conference, held in Piacenza on 10-12 September 2015, of the work entitled: “The Italian scholars of accounting and business economics: white flies or black swans?” (Authors: Baldarelli M.G., Del Baldo M., Vignini S.).

Presentation, upon acceptance of the paper, to SIDREA International Workshop (SIW) - Meditari Accountancy Research. European Conference and Doctoral Collowuium 2015, on 2-3 July 2015 with a paper entitled: “Pink accounting in Italy: cultural perspectives over discrimination and/or lack of interest” (Authors: Maria-Gabriella Baldarelli, Mara Del Baldo and Stefania Vignini) .

Presentation, upon acceptance of the paper, of a work entitled: “Does managerial accounting system support intangible assets measurement process? An empirical research on italian listed companies”, on 21-23 May 2015, at FET CONF (European Union Future Perspectives: Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Economic Policy), at Pula in the Faculty of Economics.

Presentation, in June 2011, together with professor Gianfranco Capodaglio (head of the research unit of the University of Bologna of the PRIN 2007 project), of a work entitled: “The transition to IAS/IFRS: greater transparency or budget policy? At the University of Pisa in: The impact of the adoption of the IAS/IFRS on the financial statement information of listed Italian companies”.

Presentation at the 1st Financial Reporting workshopo, upon acceptance of the paper, in February 2010 at the University of Pisa, with a work entitled: “From ‘capital accounting system’ to IAS / IFRS through a National and International literature analysis”.

International Conference: 1st Italian CSEAR Conference, Social and Environmental Accounting Research, Bergamo, 14-16 September 2006.

National Convention on the History of Accounting. Historical references and evolutionary processes of financial reporting between doctrine and practice. Atri-Silvi, 22-23 September 2005.

International Conference: “The Observatory on Social Economy in the province of Rimini: balance of the activity carried out and future prospects” within the EQUAL project, Rimini, 14 July 2003.

International Conference: “The harmonization of Accounting Principles in Europe”, Rimini, 12 April 2002.

International conference “Non-profit companies: the governance of development and the financing of innovation”, Trento, June 8-9, 2001, with a speech entitled: “The communication of performances in voluntary associations: first propositions”.

“Communication in the business economy. Processes, tools, technologies”, VI Annual Conference AIDEA GIOVANI, Ancona, December 18, 1999, with a speech entitled: “The costs for the analysis of efficiency in non-profit companies: first propositions”.


Member of the Scientific Committee of the international conference: FINIZ, held in Belgrade (Serbia) on 2 December 2016.

Member of the scientific committee of the 5TH Management Control Journal Workshop, control systems and environmental complexity. Innovation and experiences in service companies, held on 23-24 June 2016 at the University of Bologna, Rimini campus.


Reviewer for a lot of Journal. In particular Reviewer for Meditari Accountancy Research, Accounting History, Emerald.