Foto del docente

Sonia Lucarelli

Full Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Academic discipline: SPS/04 Political Science

Director of Second Cycle Degree in East European and Eurasian Studies


S. Lucarelli, NATO and the European System of Liberal-democratic Security Communities, in: Socializing Democratic Norms: The Role of International Organizations for the Construction of Europe, BASINGSTOKE, Palgrave, 2005, pp. 85 - 105 [Chapter or essay]

S. Lucarelli; C. Radaelli, The European Convention: A Process of Mobilization?, in: Mobilising Politics and Society? The EU Convention’s Impact on Southern Europe, LONDON, NEW YORK, Routledge, 2005, pp. 1 - 23 [Chapter or essay]

Coordination of a Research Project: THE EXTERNAL IMAGE OF THE EUROPEAN UNION. A preliminary survey on the existing sources.

S. Lucarelli; R. Menotti, Das erweiterte Bündnis und seine ungewisse Zukunft: Eine italienische Sichtweise, in: Die zweite Runde der NATO-Osterweiterung, FRANKFURT AM MAIN, Peter Lang, 2004, pp. 133 - 152 [Chapter or essay]

S. Lucarelli, Il ruolo internazionale dell’Unione europea: valori e principi, in: L’Unione europea tra processo di integrazione e allargamento, MILANO, Nagard, 2004, pp. 98 - 118 [Chapter or essay]

S. Lucarelli; C. Radaelli, Italy: Think Tanks and the Political System, in: Think Tank Traditions: Policy Research and the Politics of Ideas, MANCHESTER, NEW YORK, Manchester University Press, 2004, pp. 89 - 104 [Chapter or essay]

Coordination of a Research Project: L’Unione europea tra globalizzazione, neo-regionalismo e federalismo.

S. Lucarelli, Natura, politica estera e identità politica dell’Unione europea: alla ricerca della quadratura del cerchio, in: Verso un concetto di Politica Estera Europea. Le sfide esterne e di sicurezza per la UE, ROMA, Rubbettino Editore, 2004, pp. 13 - 31 (Cemiss - CENTRO MILITARE DI STUDI STRATEGICI) [Chapter or essay]

Coordination of a Research Project: Public debate and the European Convention.