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Simone Tiberi

Ricercatore a tempo determinato tipo b) (senior)

Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche "Paolo Fortunati"


Peiying Cai; Mark D Robinson; Simone Tiberi, DESpace: spatially variable gene detection via differential expression testing of spatial clusters, «BIOINFORMATICS», 2024, 40, Article number: btae027, pp. 1 - 10 [articolo]Open Access

Simone Tiberi; Helena L Crowell; Pantelis Samartsidis; Lukas M Weber; Mark D Robinson, distinct: a novel approach to differential distribution analyses, «THE ANNALS OF APPLIED STATISTICS», 2023, 17, pp. 1681 - 1700 [articolo]Open Access

Philipp Weiler; Koen Van den Berge; Kelly Street; Simone Tiberi, A guide to trajectory inference and RNA velocity, in: Single Cell Transcriptomics: Methods and Protocols, New York, Springer Publishing, 2022, pp. 269 - 292 [capitolo di libro]

Rachel M. Miller, Ben T. Jordan, Madison M. Mehlferber, Erin D. Jeffery, Christina Chatzipantsiou, Simi Kaur, Robert J. Millikin, Yunxiang Dai, Simone Tiberi, Peter J. Castaldi, Michael R. Shortreed, Chance John Luckey, Ana Conesa, Lloyd M. Smith, Anne Deslattes Mays, Gloria M. Sheynkman, Enhanced protein isoform characterization through long-read proteogenomics, «GENOME BIOLOGY», 2022, 23, Article number: 69, pp. 1 - 28 [articolo]Open Access

Pantano F.; Zalfa F.; Iuliani M.; Simonetti S.; Manca P.; Napolitano A.; Tiberi S.; Russano M.; Citarella F.; Foderaro S.; Vulpis E.; Zingoni A.; Masuelli L.; Bei R.; Ribelli G.; Del Re M.; Danesi R.; Vincenzi B.; Perrone G.; Tonini G.; Santini D., Large−Scale Profiling of Extracellular Vesicles Identified miR−625−5p as a Novel Biomarker of Immunotherapy Response in Advanced Non−Small−Cell Lung Cancer Patients, «CANCERS», 2022, 14, Article number: 2435, pp. 1 - 15 [articolo]Open Access

Christian Sailer; Simone Tiberi; Bernhard Schmid; JÃrg StÃcklin; Ueli Grossniklaus, Apomixis and genetic background affect distinct traits in Hieracium pilosella L. grown under competition, «BMC BIOLOGY», 2021, 19, pp. 1 - 10 [articolo]Open Access

Cavallaro, Massimo; Walsh, Mark D.; Jones, Matt; Teahan, James; Tiberi, Simone; Finkenstädt, Bärbel; Hebenstreit, Daniel, 3’-5’ crosstalk contributes to transcriptional bursting, «GENOME BIOLOGY», 2021, 22, Article number: 56, pp. 1 - 20 [articolo]Open Access

Tiberi S.; Robinson M.D., BANDITS: Bayesian differential splicing accounting for sample-to-sample variability and mapping uncertainty, «GENOME BIOLOGY», 2020, 21, Article number: 69, pp. 1 - 13 [articolo]Open Access

Van den Berge, Koen; Hembach, Katharina M.; Soneson, Charlotte; Tiberi, Simone; Clement, Lieven; Love, Michael I.; Patro, Rob; Robinson, Mark D., RNA Sequencing Data: Hitchhiker's Guide to Expression Analysis, «ANNUAL REVIEW OF BIOMEDICAL DATA SCIENCE», 2019, 2, pp. 139 - 173 [articolo]

Lee A.; Tiberi S.; Zanella G., Unbiased approximations of products of expectations, «BIOMETRIKA», 2019, 106, pp. 708 - 715 [articolo]

Tiberi S.; Scarpa B.; Sartori N., A composite likelihood approach to predict the sex of the baby, «STATISTICAL METHODS IN MEDICAL RESEARCH», 2018, 27, pp. 3386 - 3396 [articolo]

Tiberi S.; Walsh M.; Cavallaro M.; Hebenstreit D.; Finkenstadt B., Bayesian inference on stochastic gene transcription from flow cytometry data, «BIOINFORMATICS», 2018, 34, pp. i647 - i655 [articolo]

Lombardi, Augusto; Maggi, Stefano; Lo Russo, Marzia; Scopinaro, Francesco; Di Stefano, Domenica; Pittau, Maria Grazia; Tiberi, Simone; Amanti, Claudio, Non-Sentinel Lymph Node Metastases in Breast Cancer Patients with a Positive Sentinel Lymph Node: Validation of Five Nomograms and Development of a New Predictive Model, «TUMORI», 2011, 97, pp. 749 - 755 [articolo]

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