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Simone Rampelli

Ricercatore a tempo determinato tipo a) (junior)

Dipartimento di Farmacia e Biotecnologie



vai alle Pubblicazioni

Pubblicazioni antecedenti il 2004

Biagi E, Zama D, Nastasi C, Consolandi C, Fiori J, Rampelli S, Turroni S, Centanni M, Severgnini M, Peano C, de Bellis G, Basaglia G, Gotti R, Masetti R, Pession A, Brigidi P, Candela M. Gut microbiota trajectory in pediatric patients undergoing hematopoietic SCT.  Bone Marrow Transplant. 2015 Apr 20. doi: 10.1038/bmt.2015.16.

Consolandi C, Turroni S, Emmi G, Severgnini M, Fiori J, Peano C, Biagi E, Grassi A, Rampelli S, Silvestri E, Centanni M, Cianchi F, Gotti R, Emmi L, Brigidi P, Bizzaro N, De Bellis G, Prisco D, Candela M, D'Elios MM.   Behçet's syndrome patients exhibit specific microbiome signature. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2015 Apr 20. doi: 10.1038/bmt.2015.16.

Biagi E, Candela M, Centanni M, Consolandi C, Rampelli S, Turroni S, Severgnini M, Peano C, Ghezzo A, Scurti M, Salvioli S, Franceschi C, Brigidi P. Gut Microbiome in Down Syndrome. PLoS One. 2014 Nov 11;9(11):e112023. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0112023. eCollection 2014.

Quercia S, Candela M, Giuliani C , Turroni S, Luiselli D, Rampelli S, Brigidi P, Franceschi C, Bacalini MG, Garagnani P and Pirazzini C. From lifetime to evolution: timescales of human gut microbiota adaptation. Frontiers in Microbiology, published: 04 November 2014 doi:10.3389/fmicb.2014.00587

Centanni M, Turroni S, Rampelli S, Biagi E, Quercia S, Consolandi C, Severgnini M, Brigidi P, Candela M.   Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis BI07 modulates the tumor necrosis factor alpha-dependent imbalances of the enterocyte-associated intestinal microbiota fraction.  FEMS Microbiol Lett . 2014 Aug;357(2):157-63. doi: 10.1111/1574-6968.12515. Epub 2014 Jul 14.

Schnorr S.L. and Candela M., Rampelli S., Centanni M., Consolandi C., Basaglia G., Turroni S., Biagi E., Peano C., Severgnini M., Fiori J., Gotti R., De Bellis G., Luiselli D., Brigidi P., Mabulla A., Marlowe F., Crittenden A.N., Henry A.G.. Gut microbiome of the Hadza hunter-gatherers . Nat. Commun. 2014.

Taneyo Saa D., Turroni S., Serrazanettic D.I., Rampelli S., Maccaferri S., Candela M., Severgnini M.,  Simonetti E.,  Brigidi P., Gianotti A.Impact of Kamut® Khorasan on gut microbiota and metabolome in healthy volunteers. Food Research International. 2014. Accepted for publication.  

Rampelli S. , Candela M., Turroni S., Biagi E., Collino S., Franceschi C., O'Toole P.W., Brigidi P. Functional metagenomic profiling of intestinal microbiome in extreme ageing. AGING. 20013. Vol 5 N 12.    

Candela M. , Turroni S., Biagi E., Carbonero F., Rampelli S., Fiorentini C., Brigidi P. Inflammation and colorectal cancer, when microbiota-host mutualism breaks. World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2013. Dec. Accepted for publication in the journal.

Centanni M., Turroni S., Consolandi C., Rampelli S., Peano C., Severgnini M., Biagi E., Caredda G., De Bellis G., Brigidi P., Candela M . The enterocyte-associated intestinal microbiota of breast-fed infants and adults responds differently to a TNF- α -mediated pro-inflammatory stimulus. PLoS ONE. 2013 November 26, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0081762.

Rampelli S. , Candela M., Severgnini M., Biagi E., Turroni S., Roselli M., Carnevali P., Donini L., Brigidi P. A probiotics-containing biscuit modulates the intestinal microbiota in the elderly. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging. 2013;17(2):166-72. doi: 10.1007/s12603-012-0372-x.

Candela M. , Rampelli S., Turroni S., Severgnini M., Consolandi C., De Bellis G., Masetti R., Ricci G., Pession A., Brigidi P. Unbalance of Intestinal Microbiota in Atopic Children. BMC Microbiol. 2012 Jun 6;12(1):95.


Oral comunications

Simone Rampelli. Gut microbiota and ageing. Symbiomes: Systems Metagenomics of Host Microbe interactions, International 3-days Workshop and Winter School of FIRS>T PhD Programme, San Michele all'Adige, Trento, Italia. 11-13 Marzo 2013.


Congress abstracts

Rampelli S, Soverini M,  Schnorr SL, Turroni S, Biagi E, Quercia S, Consolandi C, Crittenden AL, Henry AG, Brigidi P, Candela M.  Identification of new potential CAZymes in the gut microbiome from Hadza hunter gatherers. International Human Microbiome Congress (IHMC), March 28th – April 2nd 2015.


Turroni S, Rampelli S, Consolandi C, Severgnini M, Peano C, Biagi E, Quercia S, Soverini M, Carbonero F, Bianconi G, Rettberg P, Canganella F, Brigidi P, Candela M. Temporal dynamics of gut microbiome in people sharing a confined environment, the ground space-simulation MARS500. International Human Microbiome Congress (IHMC), March 28th – April 2nd 2015.


Biagi E, Candela M, Soverini M, Quercia S, Consolandi C, Severgnini M, Fallucca F, Pianesi M, Pozzilli P, Rampelli S, Turroni S, Brigidi P. Modulation of gut microbiota dysbioses in type 2 diabetic patients by macrobiotic Ma-Pi 2 diet. International Human Microbiome Congress (IHMC), March 28th – April 2nd 2015.


Schnorr SL, Rampelli S, Turroni S, Biagi E, Consolandi C, Brigidi P, Crittenden AL, Candela M, Henry AG. Insights on the lipid metabolic potential of the gut microbiome in different human and animal groups. International Human Microbiome Congress (IHMC), March 28th – April 2nd 2015.

M Candela, E. Biagi, S. Turroni, S. Rampelli, F. Carbonero, C. Fiorentini, P. Brigidi. Diet, inflammation and colorectal cancer: when mutualism breaks. ISS-ARTOI 6-7 novembre 2013, Roma, Italy. (Abstract book)

Consolandi C., Centanni M., Turroni S., Rampelli S.,Peano C., Severgnini M., Biagi E., De Bellis G., Brigidi P., Candela M., The probiotic strain B. animalis subsp. lactis BI07 differently modulates the inflammation dependent unbalances of the mucosa-associated intestinal microbiota of breast-fed infants and adults. 7th Probiotics, Prebiotics & New Foods - Rome 8-10 September 2013.(Poster)

G Basaglia, M Centanni, J Fiori, S Rampelli, S Turroni, E Biagi, M Candela, P Brigidi, R Gotti. Headspace solid-phase microextraction analysis of short chain fatty acids in faecal samples: application to comparative metabolomics studies of the human gut microbiota. XXIV Congress of Italian Analitical Chemestry Division of SCI, Sestri Levante (Ge), Italy, 5-19 September 2013. (Poster)

C Consolandi & M Candela, C Peano, M Severgnini,E Biagi, S Rampelli, C Nastasi, D Zama, R Masetti, P Brigidi and A Pession. Gut microbiota trajectories and immune system recovery in children underwent to allogenic hematopoietics stem cell transplantation (HSCT). FEMS 2013. 5th congress of European Microbiologists, July 21-25 2013, Leipzing, Germany (Poster)

M Centanni, S Turroni, S Rampelli, E Biagi, S Maccaferri, P Brigidi, M Candela. Development of a pilot-non-invasive ex vivo approach to study the impact of inflammation on the intestinal mucosa-associated microbial communities. INRA-Rowett Symposium on Gut Microbiology, “Gut microbiota: friend or foe?”, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 17-20 June 2012 (Poster)

R. Tonelli, B. Luppi, L. Lombardini, S. Rampelli, P. Hrelia, A. Pession, Chitosan nanoparticles for siRNA delivery: influence of nanoparticle composition on gene silencing efficiency, THIRD BIOTECH WORKSHOP, "Drug delivery systems for biotech products“, Pavia, Italy, March 24-25th 2010.

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