Foto del docente

Silvia Pieraccini

Assistant professor

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"

Academic discipline: CHIM/06 Organic Chemistry

Curriculum vitae

She graduated in 1996 in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Bologna (tutor Prof. G. Gottarelli); she has received her PhD in Pharmaceutical Science in 2001 discussing the thesys Self-assembly of lipophilic guanosine derivatives (tutor Prof. G. P. Spada). In 2005, after a post-Doc in Organic Chemistry, she joined the University of Bologna as a Research Associate. At the Degree Course in “Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences” she has been in charge of the course of Organic Chemistry (2005-2012) and of the course of 'Chemistry of Organic Pollutants' (2012 to date). Tutor for PhD and undergraduated students, she has given seminars on stereochemistry at the Doctoral School in Pharmaceutical Science. She has been involved as a participant in various national and international research projects, and she is co-author of two book chapters and 57 peer-reviewed jounal papers. She is a member of the National Institute of Material Science and Technology (INSTM).