Foto del docente

Silvia Mirri

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Academic discipline: INFO-01/A Informatics

Director of First Cycle Degree in Computer Systems Technologies

Director of Organisational Unit (UOS) Cesena of Department of Computer Science and Engineering


Delnevo G.; Mirri S.; Sole M.; Giusto D.; Girau R., A deep learning approach to anthropogenic load assessment for sustainable coastal tourism, in: 2021 IEEE Globecom Workshops, GC Wkshps 2021 - Proceedings, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: 2021 IEEE Globecom Workshops, GC Wkshps 2021, Trade Fair Institution of Madrid (IFEMA), esp, 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Roccetti, Marco; Delnevo, Giovanni; Casini, Luca; Mirri, Silvia, An alternative approach to dimension reduction for pareto distributed data: a case study, «JOURNAL OF BIG DATA», 2021, 8, Article number: 39 , pp. 1 - 23 [Scientific article]Open Access

Delnevo G.; Aguzzi G.; Letizi S.; Luffarelli M.; Petreti A.; Mirri S., Encouraging users in waste sorting using deep neural networks and gamification, in: GoodIT 2021 - Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Information Technology for Social Good, Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, 2021, pp. 230 - 235 (atti di: 1st Conference on Information Technology for Social Good, GoodIT 2021, ita, 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Delnevo G.; Prandi C.; Mirri S.; Manzoni P., Evaluating the practical limitations of TinyML: An experimental approach, in: 2021 IEEE Globecom Workshops, GC Wkshps 2021 - Proceedings, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: 2021 IEEE Globecom Workshops, GC Wkshps 2021, Trade Fair Institution of Madrid (IFEMA), esp, 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Tse R.; Mirri S.; Tang S.-K.; Pau G.; Salomoni P., Modelling and visualizing people flow in smart buildings: A case study in a university campus, in: GoodIT 2021 - Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Information Technology for Social Good, Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, 2021, pp. 309 - 312 (atti di: 1st Conference on Information Technology for Social Good, GoodIT 2021, ita, 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Ceccarini C.; Mirri S.; Salomoni P.; Prandi C., On exploiting Data Visualization and IoT for Increasing Sustainability and Safety in a Smart Campus, «MOBILE NETWORKS AND APPLICATIONS», 2021, 26, pp. 2066 - 2075 [Scientific article]Open Access

Prandi C.; Delnevo G.; Salomoni P.; Mirri S., On supporting university communities in indoor wayfinding: An inclusive design approach, «SENSORS», 2021, 21, Article number: 3134 , pp. 3134 - 3156 [Scientific article]Open Access

Furini M.; Mirri S.; Montangero M.; Pecorelli M.; Prandi C., On using conversational interfaces to improve the accessibility of a university campus, in: 2021 IEEE 18th Annual Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, CCNC 2021, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: 18th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, CCNC 2021, usa, 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Mirri S.; Roccetti M.; Delnevo G., The new york city covid‐19 spread in the 2020 spring: A study on the potential role of particulate using time series analysis and machine learning, «APPLIED SCIENCES», 2021, 11, Article number: 1177 , pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article]Open Access

Ceccarini C.; Mirri S.; Prandi C.; Salomoni P., A data visualization exploration to facilitate a sustainable usage of premises in a Smart Campus context, in: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, ;2 Penn Plaza, Suite 701, Association for Computing Machinery, 2020, pp. 24 - 29 (atti di: 6th EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good, GOODTECHS 2020, mex, 2020) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Delnevo G.; Mambelli G.; Rubano V.; Prandi C.; Mirri S., Almawhere 2.0: A pervasive system to facilitate indoor wayfinding, in: 2020 IEEE 17th Annual Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, CCNC 2020, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2020, pp. 1 - 4 (atti di: 17th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, CCNC 2020, usa, 2020) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Tse R.; Mirri S.; Tang S.-K.; Pau G.; Salomoni P., Building an Italian-Chinese Parallel Corpus for Machine Translation from the Web, in: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, ;2 Penn Plaza, Suite 701, Association for Computing Machinery, 2020, pp. 265 - 268 (atti di: 6th EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good, GOODTECHS 2020, mex, 2020) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Furini, Marco; Mirri, Silvia; Montangero, Manuela; Prandi, Catia, Can IoT Wearable Devices Feed Frugal Innovation?, in: FRUGALTHINGS'20: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Experiences with the Design and Implementation of Frugal Smart, 2020, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: FRUGALTHINGS'20, London, UK, 25 September 2020) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Bortoli M.; Furini M.; Mirri S.; Montangero M.; Prandi C., Conversational Interfaces for a Smart Campus: A Case Study, in: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, ;2 Penn Plaza, Suite 701, Association for Computing Machinery, 2020, pp. 1 - 5 (atti di: 2020 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, AVI 2020, Island of Ischia, ita, 2020) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Tse R.; Monti L.; Im M.; Mirri S.; Pau G.; Salomoni P., Deepclass: Edge based class occupancy detection aided by deep learning and image cropping, in: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, SPIE, 2020, 11519, pp. 13 - 20 (atti di: 12th International Conference on Digital Image Processing, ICDIP 2020, jpn, 2020) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

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