Foto del docente

Silvia Ghesini

Teaching tutor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences


Ghesini S.; Luchetti A.; Marini M., Molecular and morphometrical characterization of Sicilian Reticulitermes termites (Blattodea, Termitoidae, Rhinotermitidae) with the description of a new subspecies, «BULLETIN OF INSECTOLOGY», 2024, 77, pp. 31 - 38 [Scientific article]

Ghesini S.; De Faveri A.; Marini M., A successful habitat patch creation for Zerynthia cassandra, «BULLETIN OF INSECTOLOGY», 2019, 72, pp. 261 - 266 [Scientific article]

Ghesini, Silvia; Magagnoli, Serena; Marini, Mario*, Biology and conservation of Zerynthia cassandra (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) in semi-natural environments and agricultural landscapes, «JOURNAL OF INSECT CONSERVATION», 2018, 22, pp. 151 - 161 [Scientific article]

Silvia GHESINI; Mario MARINI, Review of: Book review: Butterflies of Europe and neighbouring regions, «BULLETIN OF INSECTOLOGY», 2018, 71, pp. 242 - 242 [Review]

Dutto, Moreno; Ghesini, Silvia; Marini, Mario*, First report of reticulitermes lucifugus corsicus in the piedmont region of Italy, «BULLETIN OF INSECTOLOGY», 2018, 71, pp. 247 - 250 [Scientific article]

Masetti, Antonio*; Arpaia, Salvatore; Ghesini, Silvia; Magagnoli, Serena; Baldacchino, Ferdinando; Magarelli, Rosaria Alessandra; Neri, Ulderico; Lener, Matteo; Rastelli, Valentina; Staiano, Giovanni; Lang, Andreas; Marini, Mario; Burgio, Giovanni, Macro-moths as possible assessment endpoints for non-target effects of Bt-maize pollen: A faunistic study in three Italian protected areas, «BULLETIN OF INSECTOLOGY», 2017, 70, pp. 307 - 314 [Scientific article]

Ghesini, Silvia; Marini, Mario, Termites of the monastery of saint catherine (Sinai, Egypt), «BULLETIN OF INSECTOLOGY», 2017, 70, pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article]

Marini, Mario; Ghesini, Silvia; Buchelos, Constantinos; John, Eddie, Dictyoptera: Blattodea, in: An introduction to the wildlife of Cyprus, Lemesos/Limassol, Terra Cypria, 2016, pp. 193 - 213 [Chapter or essay]

Ghesini, Silvia; Marini, Mario, Description of a new termite species from Cyprus and the Aegean area: Reticulitermes aegeus sp. nov., «BULLETIN OF INSECTOLOGY», 2015, 68, pp. 207 - 210 [Scientific article]

Ghesini, S.; Marini, M., Molecular characterization and phylogeny of Kalotermes populations from the Levant, and description of Kalotermes phoeniciae sp. nov, «BULLETIN OF ENTOMOLOGICAL RESEARCH», 2015, 105, pp. 285 - 293 [Scientific article]

S. Ghesini; D. Simon; M. Marini, Kalotermes sinaicus Kemner (Isoptera, Kalotermitidae): new morphological and genetic evidence, and assignment to the new genus Longicaputermes gen. nov, «INSECTES SOCIAUX», 2014, 61, pp. 123 - 131 [Scientific article]

A. Masetti; G. Burgio; M. Marini; S. Ghesini; S. Magagnoli; F. Baldacchino; R.A. Magarelli; U. Neri; M. Lener; V. Rastelli; G. Staiano; S. Arpaia, Macrolepidotteri notturni nelle aree protette: indicatori ecologici dei potenziali impatti del mais transgenico?, in: XXIV Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia - Riassunti delle comunicazioni orali, 2014, pp. 32 - 33 (atti di: XXIV Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia, Orosei (NU), 9-14 Giugno 2014) [Abstract]

Ghesini Silvia; Marini Mario, A dark-necked drywood termite (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) in Italy: description of Kalotermes italicus sp. nov., «FLORIDA ENTOMOLOGIST», 2013, 96, pp. 200 - 211 [Scientific article]

GHESINI S.; MARINI M., Morphology and Phylogeny of Reticulitermes sp. (Isoptera, Rhinotermitidae) from Cyprus., «BULLETIN OF ENTOMOLOGICAL RESEARCH», 2012, 102, pp. 672 - 681 [Scientific article]

Silvia Ghesini; Mario Marini, New data on Reticulitermes urbis and Reticulitermes lucifugus in Italy: are they both native species?, «BULLETIN OF INSECTOLOGY», 2012, 65, pp. 301 - 310 [Scientific article]