I am an economist, currently assistant professor
in Economic Policy at the School of Economics, Management and
Statistics at the University of Bologna(*), where I am
teaching Health Economics and Environmental Economics.
(*) The University where my Professor of Political Economics at
the Faculty of Economics in Modena, Professor Fernando Vianello,
graduated in 1963 with Professor Paolo Sylos Labini.
[ a short profile] [ un breve profilo]
Date of birth: July 22, 1961
Place of birth: Bomporto, Modena, Italy
Nationality: Italian
Marital status: single,
1995 - present: Full time Permanent Assistant
Professor in Economic Policy at the Faculty of
Statistics (now School of Economics, Management and Statistics),
Universita' di Bologna
July 1992 : Full time Assistant Professor in
Economic Policy at the Faculty of Statistics, Universita' di
Feb. - June 1992 : Full time researcher at the Ersa,
Agro-Industrial Body (Emilia-Romagna Region).
Awards and Honors
2004 : At the 2004 Meetings of VDQS <<The Verone
d'Oenometrie-Domini Veneti Prize was awarded to
Silvia Gatti (University of Bologna) and Frederico Maroni
(Italy) for "A profile of wine tourists in some Italian region
vineyards: an application of the multiple correspondence
analysis>> www.liquidasset.com
1992: Doctor of Research, Doctorate research on
Agricultural Economics and Policy, Department of
Economics, University of Modena, associated with
the Departments of Economics at the Universities of Ancona,
Siena and Trento. Thesis: "Agro-food Exchanges between CEE
Countries: New Theories and Specialisation ".
1987: Laurea quadriennale (M.A.) with distinction in Economics at Modena University, earned 110/110.
Dissertation title: "Cooperative di conduzione terreni: Problems
and Perspectives. A case of Cooperativa Agricola Bracciantile in
1980: Maturita' Scientifica,
with 52/60 mark, Liceo Scientifico Wiligelmo, Modena
Other Qualifications
C1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Language skills for English (CLA, January 2022), fluent in
spoken and written French, basic knowledge of German and
Additional Information
2024, January 5-7, I attended the live-streamed sessions, compliments of the AEA, of the 2024 Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association.
2023, January 6-8, I attended the live-streamed sessions of the 2023 Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association that took place in New Orleans, LA, U.S.A., and I presented my poster in the AEA Poster Session.
2022, January 10-11, I attended on line the American Economic Association 2022 Continuing Education Program, DSGE Modeling in Macroeconomics (Larry Christiano, Northwestern University, and Martin Eichenbaum, Northwestern University) .
2022, January 7-9, I attended on line the sessions of the 2022 Virtual Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, and I presented my poster in the AEA Virtual Poster Session.
2021, March 17-19, Western Economic Association International (WEAI), Virtual International Conference, The Program Committee for WEAI’s Virtual International Conference has accepted the following paper for presentation in a volunteer session : “The Early Detection of Breast Cancer for Women in Bologna (IT) after the Offer Reorganization” by SILVIA GATTI
2021, January 6-8, I attended on line the American Economic Association 2021 Continuing Education Program, Markets for Innovation: Market Failures and Public Policies (Kevin Bryan, University of Toronto and Heidi Williams, Stanford University) .
2021, January 3-5, I attended on line the sessions of the 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association .
2020, January 5-7, I attended and participated in the American Economic Association 2020 Continuing Education Program, Monetary Policy (Gauti B. Eggertsson, Brown University; Jon Steinsson, University of California-Berkeley) in San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
2020, January 3-5, I attended the sessions of the 2020 Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association that took place in San Diego, CA, U.S.A. and I presented my poster in the AEA Poster Session.
2019, January, I am a part of the CIRI of the Health Sciences & Technologies, UO4 Technologies for health promotion and Prevention.
2019, January 6-8, I attended and participated in the American Economic Association 2019 Continuing Education Program, Inequality and Innovation (Ufuk Akcigit, University of Chicago; Stefanie Stantcheva, Harvard University) in Atlanta, GA, U.S.A.
2019, January 4-6, I attended and participated in the sessions of the 2019 Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association that took place in Atlanta, GA, U.S.A.
September 28, 2018: I participated in the "La Notte Europea dei Ricercatori 2018" of the University of Bologna with the lecture "Il Servizio Sanitario Nazionale ti fa bella?".
2018, January 7-9, I attended the American Economic Association 2018 Continuing Education Program, Matching Market Design (Atila Abdulkadiroglu, Duke University; Nikhil Agarwal, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Parag Pathak, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A. . [I asked the Department for a contribution. They didn't answer!] Completely financed by my personal income and with 500 euros of my University personal fund.
2018, January 5-7, I attended the sessions of the 2018 Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association that took place in Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A. and I presented my poster in the AEA Poster Session. [I asked the Department for a contribution. They didn't answer!] Completely financed by my personal income and with 500 euros of my University personal fund.
November 28, 2017: "La domanda di mobilità straordinaria verso il Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche presentata dalla Dottoressa Silvia Gatti non è accolta." I am very sorry! I take note of it. I continue to work and to give the best.
September 29, 2017: I participated in the "Notte dei Ricercatori" of the University of Bologna in the "speed date" meetings organized to get to know the researchers. My subject was "National Health Service".
June 24, 2017: I participated in the call. I submitted to the Rector of the University of Bologna, Professor Francesco Ubertini, my request of extraordinary mobility from the Department of Statistics to the Department of Economics of the University of Bologna.
2017, January 8-10, I attended the American Economic Association 2017 Continuing Education Program, Cross-Section Econometrics (Alberto Abadie, Massachussetts Institute of Technology; Joshua Angrist, Massachussetts Institute of Technology; Christopher Walters, University of California, Berkeley) in Chicago, IL, U.S.A.
2017, January 6-8, I attended the sessions of the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association that took place in Chicago, IL, U.S.A. and I presented my poster in the AEA Poster Session. [I didn’t ask for any contribution! It was an Honor and a pleasure that I didn’t want to share with anyone!]
2016, January 5-7, I attended and participated in the American Economic Association Continuing Education Program, Microeconomics of Life Course Inequality (Steven Durlauf, University of Wisconsin-Madison and James J. Heckman, University of Chicago) in San Francisco, CA, U.S.A. . [November 19 and 26, 2015: I asked for a contribution to my current department (Department of Statistical Sciences at the University of Bologna - Italy) to participate in ASSA 2016 and Continuing Education with Prof. Durlauf and Prof. Heckman. The Department Board answered that they do not wish to meet a demand that does not relate to basic research, but to participate in a conference as an auditor. "Auditor? Not relate to research? Participating in ASSA Meeting 2016 and Attending the Continuing Education Program with Prof. Durlauf and Prof. Heckman?"].
2016, January 3-5, I attended the sessions of the 2016 Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association that took place in San Francisco, CA, U.S.A. [November 19 and 26, 2015: I asked for a contribution to my current department (Department of Statistical Sciences at the University of Bologna - Italy) to participate in ASSA 2016 and Continuing Education with Prof. Durlauf and Prof. Heckman. The Department Board answered that they do not wish to meet a demand that does not relate to basic research, but to participate in a conference as an auditor. "Auditor? Not relate to research? Participating in ASSA Meeting 2016 and Attending the Continuing Education Program with Prof. Durlauf and Prof. Heckman?"].
November 18, 2015: in accordance with the provisions of the Law 240 of 2010, I asked the new Rector of the University of Bologna, Professor Francesco Ubertini, that the allocations of the faculty to the new departments, made by the academic bodies in 2011, are revised, and that I am assigned ex officio, as an economist, to the Economics Department of the University of Bologna.
June 11, 2015: in accordance with the provisions of the Law 240
of 2010, I asked the Rector of the University of Bologna that
the allocations of the faculty to the new departments, made by the
academic bodies in 2011, are revised, and that I am assigned ex
officio, as an economist, to the Economics
Department of the University of Bologna.
January 12, 2015: I renewed to the Rector of the
University of Bologna and to the Deans of the Statistics Department
and Economics Department my desire to be able to work in a
disciplinary context close to me and so, once again, I asked to be
transferred to the Department of Economics at the University
of Bologna.
October 27, 2012: I resubmitted to the Rector of the University
of Bologna my desire to be able to work in a disciplinary context
close to me and so I asked to be transferred to the Department of
Economics at the University of Bologna.
2007 - 2012: LLP/Erasmus and Leonardo Coordinator
for the Faculty of Statistics.
2007 - 2012: Member of Vineyard Data Quantification Society (VDQS) Council.
Last updated: August 11, 2024