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Silvia Franzellitti

Professoressa associata

Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche e Ambientali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: BIOS-06/A Fisiologia


M. Giovannotti; S. Franzellitti; P. Nisi Cerioni; E. Fabbri; S. Guccione; C. Vallini; F. Tinti; V. Caputo, Genetic characterization of loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) individuals stranded and caught as bycatch from the North-Central Adriatic Sea, «AMPHIBIA-REPTILIA», 2010, 31, pp. 127 - 133 [articolo]

Franzellitti S; Valbonesi P; Ciancaglini N; Biondi C; Contin A; Bersani F; Fabbri E., Transient DNA damage induced by high-frequency electromagnetic fields (GSM 1.8GHz) in the human trophoblast HTR-8/SVneo cell line evaluated with the alkaline comet assay., «MUTATION RESEARCH», 2010, 683(1-2), pp. 35 - 42 [articolo]

Cervellati F.; Franceschetti G.; Lunghi L.; Franzellitti S.; Valbonesi P.; Fabbri E.; Biondi C.; Vesce F., Effect of high-frequency electromagnetic fields on trophoblastic connexins., «REPRODUCTIVE TOXICOLOGY», 2009, 28, pp. 59 - 65 [articolo]

Martin-Diaz L.; Franzellitti S.; Buratti S.; Valbonesi P.; Capuzzo A.; Fabbri E., Effects of environmental concentrations of the antiepilectic drug carbamazepine on biomarkers and cAMP-mediated cell signaling in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis., «AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY», 2009, 93, pp. 177 - 185 [articolo]

Valbonesi P.; Ricci L.; Franzellitti S.; Biondi C.; Fabbri E., Effects of cadmium on MAPK signalling pathways and HSP70 expression in a human trophoblast cell line., «PLACENTA», 2008, 29, pp. 725 - 733 [articolo]

P. Valbonesi; S. Franzellitti; A. Piano; A. Contin; C. Biondi; E. Fabbri., Evaluation of HSP70 expression and DNA damage in a human trophoblast cell line exposed to 1.8 GHz amplitude-modulated radiofrequency fields., «RADIATION RESEARCH», 2008, 169 (3), pp. 270 - 279 [articolo]

Fabbri E.; Valbonesi P.; Franzellitti S., HSP expression in bivalves., «INVERTEBRATE SURVIVAL JOURNAL», 2008, 5, pp. 135 - 161 [articolo]

S.Franzellitti; P. Valbonesi; A. Contin; C. Biondi; E. Fabbri., HSP70 Expression in Human Trophoblast Cells Exposed to Different 1.8 GHz Mobile Phone Signals., «RADIATION RESEARCH», 2008, 170, pp. 488 - 497 [articolo]

S. Franzellitti; E. Fabbri, Cytoprotective responses in the Mediterranean mussel exposed to Hg2+ and CH3Hg+., «BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS», 2006, 351, pp. 719 - 725 [articolo]

Franzellitti S.; Fabbri E., Differential HSP70 gene expression in the Mediterranean mussel exposed to various stressors, «BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS», 2005, 336, pp. 1157 - 1163 [articolo]

Piano A.; Franzellitti S.;Tinti F.; Fabbri E., Sequencing and expression pattern of inducible heat shock gene products in the European flat oyster, Ostrea edulis., «GENE», 2005, 361, pp. 119 - 126 [articolo]

Franzellitti S.; Locatelli C.; Gerosa G.; Vallini C.; Fabbri E., Heavy metals in tissues of loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) from the northwestern Adriatic Sea., «COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY. C. TOXICOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY», 2004, 138(2), pp. 187 - 194 [articolo]

Guarniero I.; Franzellitti S.; Ungaro N.; Tommasini S.; Piccinetti C.; Tinti F., Control region haplotype variation in the central Mediterranean common sole indicates geographical isolation and population structuring in Italian stocks, «JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY», 2002, 60, pp. 1459 - 1474 [articolo]