Foto del docente

Silvia Bordoni

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Chemistry "Toso Montanari"

Curriculum vitae

Silvia Bordoni was born in Bologna 1962, 23 April. Education: (1980) Bachelor as private student (Educational Lyceum) (1981) Bachelor (Classic studies Lyceum) (1981-86) High degree (Laurea) in Industrial Chemistry (110/110) with studies about metal-coordinated CS-CS2 coupling. Doctorate (1986-89) (PhD in Chemical Science) with a thesis on dimeric Iron species bearing thiocarbene and -carbyne moieties under the supervision of Prof. L. Busetto. Research Assistant at Liverpool University (86-87), she studied multinuclear NMR on metal clusters, granted by Inorganic Physical Industrial dept, under the supervision of Prof. B.T. Heaton. Back to Industrial Department of the University of Bologna, she studied heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis (1989) granted by Federchimica, (1990) Enimont (1991) under the supervision of Prof. F. Trifiro' and by CNR at Inorganic and Physical Chemistry Department, supervised by Prof. G. Longoni. She became Researcher (1991) at Inorganic Chemistry Department. Experienced in the Synthesis and Characterization of inorganic and organometallic transition metal dimers containing carbene and carbyne fragments. Research interests have been also focused on New hybrid Ligands for amphiphilic Rhodium systems to stereocontrolled reactions, and Diastereoselective synthesis by Sustainable organometallics. She was in the organization of the First International Advanced School of Organometallic Chemistry of the Italian Chemical Society 1998, Bellaria RN). She became Associate Professor in 2001. She toughed for twenty years Inorganic and Organometallic chemistry, concerning environmental subjects in several courses for Graduate and Master classes. Author of many international publications and supervisor of more than 50 theses and Ph.D. dissertations. She had been a member of the Italian Platform for Sustainable Chemistry. From 2009-2012 she worked on green chemistry applications with a project on Design and Synthesis of New Composites from renewable material for Foamed Insulating panels for sustainable buildings, financed by ICIE Laboratory of Architecture for technology transfer, as part of RiCos Regional Consortium. Two of the proposed projects have been selected by the Italian Ministerial Innovation Committee for the International Events of Expo (Shanghai 2010) and the National Festival of Science (Genova 2011) and other science-divulgate events, organized by the University and the City Hall Governance of Bologna. From 2013, she focused research interests on the synthesis and characterization of Ruthenium-based complexes coordinating nucleobases derivatives, with potential anticancer activity. She participated at the Italian and European Platform for Sustainable Chemistry. She was a member of the Interdivisional Committee of the Italian Chemical Society for ten years, taking part in Scientific Board of the International Organometallic Doctorate School, organized by the University of Camerino. She taught Chemistry and Organometallic Chemistry in the Environment for the Course of Environmental Chemistry and Recycle of wastes, held in Rimini for ten years and in Traditional and Innovative Materials Courses hold in Faenza in the academic year 2013-15. She was teaching for twenty years inorganic and organometallic chemistry in graduate and master classes, focusing on environmental subjects and spectroscopic characterization of inorganic and organometallic chemistry.

Organometallic Scientific Board member for the SCI Interdivisional Division (for 12 years untill 2019)

Guest editor 2019-2021 for Applied Chemistry. MDPI Edition. Reviewer of Applied Science Molecules Biomolecules MDPI Ed.

In 2020 Member of Evaluation Commettee PhD in Chemistry Science for 36th;  in 2021 37th cycles and in 2022 was President for 38th PhD Commettee in Nanoscience for the Medicine and for the Environment and for Nanoscience (PNRR plan) in the same year three distinct selections (July august dicember)

Currently, she is teaching Organometallic Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis 6 CF; and  free coice classes: Inorganic Chemistry (concerning bioorganometallic Chemistry)  4 CF, at the of Industrial Chemistry Master classes; Organometallics and Homogeneous Catalysis for Sustainable Chemistry 4CF,  at the Master classes  at the International Course of Low Carbon Technology .

My professional biography and my life have always been biased by discovering something to accomplish my innate curiosity. I am passionate of any challenge offered by life and I believe that solutions may be found together with family, schoolmates, friends, colleagues, or scholars. Organometallic is a specific branch of inorganic chemistry, seeking essentially to anchor elusive organic molecules on different metal sites to eventually investigate plausible mechanisms to novel structures, which eventually evidence unpredictable features. Base research in organometallics perfectly fits my inner motivation and I adopted it as a key-concept for interpreting life and filling its uncertainty. It has been an opportunity for playing with the most coloured elements of the periodic table, being governed by flexible rules, that need suitable interpretations. I strongly believe that the best way to seek the best products or processes solutions is to combine science exploitations with visual art inspirations. Constantly looking at the nature serendipity is the best suggestion to trigger unexpected ideas for synthesizing new molecules to cancer solutions. Transferring my passion to students is currently my developing skilled bridge.