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Selena Aureli

Associate Professor

Department of Management


Selena Aureli; Hermann Graziano, When Ethical Values Drive the Creation and Development of Sporting Events, in: Principles and Practices of Small-Scale Sport Event Management, Hershey, Pennsylvania,, IGI Global, 2020, pp. 217 - 232 (ADVANCES IN BUSINESS STRATEGY AND COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE BOOK SERIES) [Chapter or essay]

aureli, selena; del baldo, mara, Anticipating and Assessing CSR within ISO 26000 implementation. The experience of the Camst Cooperative (Italy), in: ISO 26000 – A standardized View on Corporate Social Responsibility. Practices, Cases and Controversies, Vienna, Springer, 2019, pp. 115 - 136 [Chapter or essay]

Aureli, Selena; Giampaoli, Daniele; Ciambotti, Massimo; Bontis, Nick, Key factors that improve knowledge-intensive business processes which lead to competitive advantage, «BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT JOURNAL», 2019, 25, pp. 126 - 143 [Scientific article]

Giampaoli D.; Aureli S.; Ciambotti M., Knowledge management, strategic decision-making, intuition and planning effectiveness, in: Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM, Academic Conferences Limited, 2019, 1, pp. 371 - 380 (atti di: 20th European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM 2019, prt, 2019) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Aureli, Selena*; Del Baldo, Mara, Performance measurement in the networked context of convention and visitors bureaus (CVBs), «ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH», 2019, 75, pp. 92 - 105 [Scientific article]

Aureli S., DelBaldo M., The changing role of convention bureaus. An analysis of business models currently adopted by privately owned CBs, «TOURISMOS», 2019, 14, pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article]

Aureli S.; Magnaghi E.; Salvatori F., The Role of Existing Regulation and Discretion in Harmonising Non-Financial Disclosure, «ACCOUNTING IN EUROPE», 2019, 16, pp. 290 - 312 [Scientific article]

Aureli, Selena; Cardoni, Andrea; Del Baldo, Mara; Lombardi, Rosa, Traditional management accounting tools in SMEs' network. Do they foster partner dialogue and business innovation?, «MANAGEMENT CONTROL», 2019, 1, pp. 35 - 50 [Scientific article]

Aureli Selena; Supino E; Medei R, E-service e performance aziendali, Bologna, Dupress di P. Rocchi, 2018, pp. 120 . [Research monograph]

Aureli Selena, The balanced scorecard logic in the management control and reporting of small business company networks: A case study, «CONTABILITATE SI INFORMATICA DE GESTIUNE», 2018, 12, pp. 191 - 215 [Scientific article]Open Access

Selena Aureli; Federica Salvatori; Elisabetta Magnaghi, The Transposition of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive in UK, France and Italy, «SYMPHONYA», 2018, 1, pp. 48 - 67 [Scientific article]

Consoli, Domenico; Aureli, Selena, Un framework integrato per la misura dell'innovazione del Piano Nazionale Scuola Digitale (PNSD), «MANAGEMENT CONTROL», 2018, 1, pp. 139 - 164 [Scientific article]

selena aureli; consoli domenico, Una Gestione Manageriale e Strategica della Nuova Scuola Digitale, in: Adorni G., Cicognani M., Koceva F. e Mastronardi G. (Editori), Atti del Convegno Nazionale Didamatica 2018, XXXII edizione: “Nuovi metodi e saperi per formare all’innovazione", milano, AICA - Associazione Italiana per l'Informatica ed il Calcolo automatico, 2018, pp. 23 - 32 (atti di: Atti del Convegno Nazionale Didamatica 2018, XXXII edizione, Cesena, 19-20 Aprile 2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Selena Aureli; Mara Del Baldo, When a tourism destination is promoted by private subjects. An investigation on fully private-owned Convention Bureaus, in: "In search for excellence in tourism, travel & hospitality", 2018, pp. 33 - 40 (atti di: TOURMAN 2018, Rodhos, Greece, 25-28 ottobre 2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Aureli, Selena, A comparison of content analysis usage and text mining in CSR corporate disclosure, «THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIGITAL ACCOUNTING RESEARCH», 2017, 17, pp. 1 - 32 [Scientific article]

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