Foto del docente

Sara Mizar Formentin

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Academic discipline: ICAR/01 Hydraulics


Analysis of the phenomena of wave-structure interaction by means of physical and numerical modelling and machine-learning techniques. Integrated assessment of the hydraulic and structural performance of sea defence structures in a changing climate, based on a multidisciplinary approach accounting for environmental impact and tecnhical-economic feasibility, for an optimal design.

Analysis of the effects of climate change in terms of sea-level rise, wave loads, sea storm frequency and intensity and related impact on coastal morphodynamics, coastal erosion and coastal flooding risk. 

Analysis and modelling of innovative technologies and devices to combine coastalprotection with wave energy production. 

Development of low-cost and non-intrusive methodologies based on image analysis, to model complex, unsteady processes such as wave breaking, turbulence and bi-phase air/water flow. 

Analysis and numerical modeling of fluid compressibility on bi-phase flows and unsteady processes.

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