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Sara Fiorentino

Ricercatrice a tempo determinato tipo a) (junior)

Dipartimento di Beni Culturali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: PHYS-06/A Fisica per le scienze della vita, l’ambiente e i beni culturali

Contenuti utili

REACH - Improving REsearch capacities of Albanian higher education institutions in conservation and restoration of Cultural Heritage

Funded by the European Union under ERASMUS + Program - Key Action 2 (Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education system), REACH is aimed at strengthening the research capacities of the Albanian Higher Education Institutions in the field of conservation and restoration of cultural heritage. Professors ...


Project SIRIUS is framed within the research line «Strategies for the safeguarding of cultural heritage at risk: analysis, hierarchization and geo-referencing in the Ravenna area ", promoted by the Department of Cultural Heritage - University of Bologna. Cultural Heritage, witness to past eras and ...

Understanding humankind through material culture

Nothing can be considered more narrative than material culture: carefully framed in its historical and social background, material culture can literally speak and tell the story of ancient societies, helping to understand the relationships between people and their things. In order for human products ...

SHELTER - Sustainable Historic Environments hoListic reconstruction through Technological Enhancement and community based Resilience

In recent decades, due to the effects of climate change, cultural heritage is under threat from an ever-increasing number of risks that impose new management challenges. SHELTER, funded under the European research program Horizon 2020, is a 4-year project launched in June 2019, which aims to increase ...

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