Foto del docente

Sara Capacci

Associate Professor

Department of Statistical Sciences "Paolo Fortunati"

Academic discipline: SECS-S/03 Economic Statistics


Pérez-Cueto F.J.A.; Aschemann-Witzel J.; Shankar B.; Brambila-Macias J. ; Bech-Larsen T.; Mazzocchi M.; Capacci S.; Saba A.; Turrini A.; Niedzwiedzka B.; Kozioł-Kozakowska A.; Wills J.; Traill W. B.; Verbeke W., Assessment of evaluations made to healthy eating policies in Europe: a review within the EATWELL Project, «PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION», 2012, 15, pp. 1489 - 1496 [Scientific article]

Maddalena Ragona; Sara Capacci, Catastrofi naturali e impatto finanziario, «EQUILIBRI», 2012, 3, pp. 420 - 426 [Scientific article]

Capacci S.; Mazzocchi M.; Brambila Macias J.; Shankar B.; Verbeke W.; Pérez-Cueto F.; Kozioł-Kozakowska A; Piorecka B.; Niedzwiedzka B.; D'Addesa D.; Saba A.; Turrini A.; Aschemann-Witzel J.; Bech-Larsen T.; Strand M.; Smillie L.; Wills J.; Traill W.B., Policies to promote healthy eating in Europe: A structured review of instruments and their effectiveness, «NUTRITION REVIEWS», 2012, 70, pp. 188 - 200 [Scientific article]

Capacci S.; Mazzocchi M., Five-a-day, a price to pay: an evaluation of the UK program impact accounting for market forces, «JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS», 2011, 30, pp. 87 - 98 [Scientific article]

Brambila-Macias J.; Shankar B.; Capacci S.; Mazzocchi M.; Perez-Cueto F.; Verbeke W.; Traill W. B., Policy interventions to promote healthy eating: A review of what works, what does not, and what is promising, «FOOD AND NUTRITION BULLETIN», 2011, 32, pp. 365 - 375 [Scientific article]

Traill W. B.; Shankar B.; Brambila-Macias J.; Bech-Larsen T.; Aschemann-Witzel J.; Strand M.; Mazzocchi M.; Capacci S.; Verbeke W.; Perez-Cueto F. J. A.; D'Addesa D.; Saba A.; Turrini A.; Niedźwiedzka B.; Kozioł-Kozakowska A.; Kijowska V.; Piórecka B.; Infantes M.; Wills J.; Smillie L.; Chalot F.; Lyle D, Interventions to promote healthy eating habits: evaluation and recommendations., «OBESITY REVIEWS», 2010, 11, pp. 895 - 898 [Scientific article]

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