Foto del docente

Sara Bernardini

Research fellow

Department of Cultural Heritage

Curriculum vitae

Education and training

Postdoctoral researcher Department of Cultural Heritage,University of Bologna

PhD in prehistory at Aix-Marseille Université, France (LAMPEA CNRS UMR 7269), joint PhD program with Sapienza Università di Roma (Anthropology, Department of Environmental Biology).

Feb-Jul 2018
Scholarship for an advanced training abroad funded by Sapienza Università di Roma presso il LAMPEA (CNRS UMR 7269), Aix-Marseille Université. Tecnico di laboratorio di biochimica.

Feb-Jun 2017
Formative post graduate training funded by Erasmus + Traineeship program at LAMPEA (CNRS UMR 7269), Aix-Marseille Université.

MA in Archaeology, Sapienza Università di Roma

BA in Archaeological science, Sapienza Università di Roma

Conference communications (selection)

Session organiser at the 29th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting in Belfast – session #350: Bio-Arch Methodologies to Assess Mobility in the Past: The Need for Interdisciplinary and Multi-Proxy Investigations.

Bernardini S., Micarelli I., Zeppilli C., Strani F., Bedecarrats S., Paine R. R., Bliquez L., Gazzaniga V., Sayle K. L., Goude G., Manzi G., Tafuri M. A. (2023). A Longobard osteobiography. A multi-proxy life history of an elderly woman from Castel Trosino (Italy). 1848èmes journées de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris, January 2023, Paris, France. Oral communication.

Bernardini S., Goude G., Sayle K.L., Gauthier C., Douville E., Aranguren B., Del Bove A., Tafuri M.A. (2023). Growing up in an Italian Copper Age community: the role of children in everyday life. 1848èmes journées de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris, January 2023, Paris, France. Oral communication.

Bernardini S., Micarelli I., Zeppilli C., Strani F., Bedecarrats S., Paine R. R., Bliquez L., Gazzaniga V., Sayle K. L., Goude G., Manzi G., Tafuri M. A. (2022) Reconstructing care treatment in Longobard Italy: an attempt via a multi proxy investigation. 23rd Paleopathology Association European Meeting, August 2022, Vilnius, Lituania. Oral communication.

Bernardini S., Coppa A., Moggi-Cecchi J., Conati Barbaro C., Goude G., Tafuri M. A. (2019) Inferring social dynamics of Italian Copper Age communities by stable isotopes analyses: preliminary results from Central and Southern Italy. 25th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, September 2019, Bern, Switzerland. Oral communication.

Bernardini S., Coppa A., Moggi-Cecchi J., Conati Barbaro C., Goude G., Tafuri M.A. (2019) Eating a moment of sharing. The reconstruction of dietary habits through stable isotopes analyses to interpret the social issues of Italian Copper Age. Archaeorganics 1st Italian Workshop on the Analysis of Archaeological Organic Remains, June 2019, Rome, Italy. Oral communication.

Bernardini S., Conati Barbaro C., Moggi-Cecchi J., Tafuri MA. (2019) The contribution of paleodiet to the understanding of prehistoric socio-cultural relationships: a case study from Copper Age in Central Italy. 1844èmes Journées de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris, January 2019, Paris. Poster.

Bernardinis S., Goude G., Maggi R., Campana N., Nisbet R., Varalli A., Tafuri MA., (2018) Nuovi dati sull’età del Rame del Levante ligure tramite analisi isotopiche multi-proxy. LIII Riunione Scientifica dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria “Preistoria e Protostoria della Liguria”, October 2018, Genova, Italy. Poster.

Academic tutor/ supervision

2021 - Co- supervisor master thesis of Martina Farese “Slaves life history in the Roman Empire: strontium isotope analysis at the necropolis of Lucus Feroniae (I-III cent. CE)” (Superv. M.A. Tafuri; co-superv. C. Zeppilli), Master in Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Sapienza Università di Roma.

2020 - Co-supervisor master thesis of Seminew Asrat Mogesie “Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Evidence of Longobard Diet: The Case Study of Castel Trosino, Italy” (Superv. M.A. Tafuri; co-superv. I. Micarelli), Erasmus Mundus Master in Archaeological Material Science “ARCHMAT”, Sapienza Università di Roma.

Awards/ Scholarship

2021 - Research grant "Progetti per Avvio alla Ricerca - Tipo 2", funded by Sapienza Università di Roma, 2 000 €

2019 - Research grant "Progetti per Avvio alla Ricerca - Tipo 1", funded by Sapienza Università di Roma, 1 000 €

Scholarship for Mobility of joint PhD students “Programme Vinci 2019”, funded by “Université Franco-Italienne”, 5 570 € (2019-2021)

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