Foto del docente

Samuele Salti

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Academic discipline: IINF-05/A Information Processing Systems

Curriculum vitae

Samuele Salti is currently Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Bologna. His main research interests are computer vision, in particular 3D computer vision, and machine learning (in particular deep learning) applied to computer vision problems.


He received the M.Sc. degree in computer engineering in 2007 and the Ph.D. degree in computer engineering in 2011, both from the University of Bologna, Italy.


From 2011 to 2015, he has been post-Doc at the Computer Vision Lab, DISI (Department of Computer Science and Engineering), University of Bologna.

From 2015 to 2018, he was team lead of the Data Science team at Verizon Connect, and before its acquisition by Verizon Connect at Fleetmatics, the world leading companies in fleet management products and connected vehicles services for consumers and businesses.

From 2018 to 2021 , he was Assistant Professor (tenure track) at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Bologna.

Since 2021, he is Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Bologna.

Since 2022, he teaches Image Processing and Computer Vision for the master program in Artificial Intelligence of the University of Bologna. Since 2020, he teaches Machine Learning for Computer Vision for the master program in Artificial Intelligence of the University of Bologna. Since 2018, he teaches Logic Circuits Design for the 1st cycle degree in Computer Engineering of the University of Bologna.

He taught basic and advanced seminars in the field of computer vision for private companies and public authorities. He offered an introductory course to deep learning for the students of the PhD program in Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Bologna.

Scientific activities

In 2007 he visited the Heinrich-Hertz-Institute in Berlin, Germany working on human computer interfaces.

In 2010 he visited the Multimedia and Vision Research Group (MMV) at Queen Mary, University of London to work on adaptive appearance models for video tracking.

His research interests are adaptive video tracking, 3D shape matching, Bayesian filtering and object recognition.

He has co-authored 60 publications in the most important international conferences and journals of computer vision. He was awarded the best paper award runner-up at 3DIMPVT, the International Conference on 3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission in 2011 and at 3DV, the International Conference on 3D Computer Vision, in 2021. He has been recognized as outstanding reviewer at the International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) in 2020 and 2021.

He coauthored a patent on compression of 3D descriptors for mobile visual search, owned by STMicroelectronics, and seven patents on applications of machine learning to telematics, owned by Verizon Connect.

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