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Ruba Salih

Full Professor

Department of the Arts

Academic discipline: M-DEA/01 Demology, Ethnology and Anthropology


Salih, Ruba; Zambelli, Elena; Welchmann, Lynn, “From Standing Rock to Palestine we are United”: diaspora politics, decolonization and the intersectionality of struggles., «ETHNIC AND RACIAL STUDIES», 2020, 44, pp. 1135 - 1153 [Scientific article]Open Access

Welchman, Lynn; Zambelli, Elena; Salih, Ruba, Rethinking justice beyond human rights. Anti-colonialism and intersectionality in the politics of the Palestinian Youth Movement, «MEDITERRANEAN POLITICS», 2020, 26, pp. 349 - 369 [Scientific article]Open Access

Ruba, Salih; Richter-Devroe, Sophie, Palestine and Self-determination beyond National Frames: Emerging Politics, Cultures, and Claims, Durham, USA, South Atlantic Quarterly, 2018, pp. 219 . [Editorship]

Salih,Ruba;Richter-Devroe, Sophie, Palestine beyond National Frames: Emerging Politics, Cultures, and Claims, «THE SOUTH ATLANTIC QUARTERLY», 2018, 117, pp. 1 - 20 [Scientific article]

Salih, Ruba, Bodies that walk, bodies that talk, bodies that love. Palestinian women refugees, affectivity and the politics of the ordinary, «Antipode Foundation», 2017, 49, pp. 742 - 760 [Scientific article]

Marchetti, Sabina; Salih, Ruba, Gender and Mobility across Southern and Eastern European Borders: “Double Standards” and the Ambiguities of European Neighbourhood Policy, «INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY», 2015, 15, pp. 1 - 25 [Scientific article]

Ruba, Salih, Transnational public spheres ‘from above’ and from ‘below’. Feminist transnational networks across the Middle East and Europe”, «ANTHROPOLOGY OF THE MIDDLE EAST», 2010, 5, pp. 53 - 70 [Scientific article]

Ruba, Salih, Muslim women, fragmented secularism and the construction of interconnected ‘publics’ in Italy, «SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY», 2009, 17, pp. 409 - 423 [Scientific article]

Annelies, Moors; Ruba, Salih, Muslim women’ in Europe: Secular normativities, bodily performances and multiple publics, Oxford, Wiley, 2009, pp. 137 . [Editorship]

Ruba, Salih, The Backward and the New: National, Transnational and Post-National Islam in Europe, «JOURNAL OF ETHNIC AND MIGRATION STUDIES», 2004, 30, pp. 995 - 1011 [Scientific article]

Ruba,Salih, Gender in Transnationalism. Home, Longing and Belonging among Moroccan Migrant Women, Abingdon, England; New York, NY, Routledge, 2003, pp. 208 . [Research monograph]

Ruba, Salih, Moroccan migrant women: transnationalism, nation-states and gender, «JOURNAL OF ETHNIC AND MIGRATION STUDIES», 2001, 27, pp. 655 - 671 [Scientific article]

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