Foto del docente

Rossella Pistocchi

Associate Professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: BIO/01 General Botany


Recent dissertations supervised by the teacher.

First cycle degree programmes dissertations

  • Estratti di alghe e relativi usi come promotori di crescita in colture in vitro di piante terrestri e acquatiche

Second cycle degree programmes dissertations

  • Responses of a seagrass community dominated by Cymodocea nodosa to sunscreens exposure
  • Valutazione della crescita di Scendesmus obliquus esposta a differenti luci LED in colture batch e ad un regime semicontinuo in fotobioreattore

PhD programmes thesis

  • Toxic cyanobacteria in water intended for drinking purpose: improvement of cells and toxins’ analyses and of treatments for their removal

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