Foto del docente

Rossella Breveglieri

Professoressa associata

Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Neuromotorie

Settore scientifico disciplinare: BIOS-06/A Fisiologia

Curriculum vitae

Rossella Breveglieri Resume

1- General information

Born in Bologna (Italy), 01-01-1975, italian citizenship, email:

Tel: 00390512091745

Current position: Associate Professor SSD BIO/09 Physiology (sector 05/D1)

Spoken languages, Italian (mother tongue), English (CEFR level C1 assessed on Jan 2022).

2- Education

2004-2008: Post-doctoral student, University of Bologna, (MIUR scholarships) Tutor: Prof. C. Galletti Prof P. Fattori.

2004: PhD, Neurophysiology, University of Bologna Tutor: Dr Dieter F Kutz.

1999: Degree in Chimica e tecnologia farmaceutiche, 110/110 cum laude, University of Bologna. Tutor: Prof. C. Galletti

3- International fellowships

2008: Postdoctoral Associate, Tutor: Dr A. P. Batista, University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA, U. S. A.); (Marco Polo scholarship, University of Bologna and startup grant of Dr Batista).

4- Work experiences

2014-present: Associate Professor SSD BIO/09 Physiology (sector 05/D1)

2008-2014: Permanent Researcher, School of Pharmacy, University of Bologna, SSD BIO/09-Physiology. Confirmed from 2011.

2007, 2010: 2 Maternity leaves (5-months compulsory periods)

5- Track record

years from the first paper: 20

H-index=23 Source Scopus 13/02/22;

Total publications=41 papers, 82 abstracts, 2 meeting papers, 1 book chapter; 1596 citations, 591 citing articles Source: ISI Web of Knowledge

First or Corresponding Author in 39% of papers.

Total IF=190,194

Average IF=4,64

Source: ISI Web of Knowledge (02/2022, IF of year 2020)

6- Awards

2006, 2018, 2021: Winner, Slot FENS for the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting.

2019: Best Poster award, SIF-FEPS meeting.

2014: Italian National qualification, Associate Professor sector 05/D1

2006-2008: winner of postdoctoral scholarship, University of Bologna and MIUR

2006: Selected to participate to the Summer School in Visual Neuroscience, Rauischholzhausen (Germany) (Prof F. Bremmer, Prof. K. Gegenfurtner, Prof. J. Braun).

2008: Winner, Marco Polo Scholarship, University of Bologna

2000-: Winner of PhD scholarship, University of Bologna

7- Editorial activity:

from 2019: Associate Editor in Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience

from 2016: Review Editor in Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience

Referee for Cerebral Cortex, PLOS One, Journal of Neurophysiology, Frontiers in Zoology, JoVe, Scientific Reports, Psychiatry Research, Neuropsychologia, Brain Structure and Functions

8- Reviewer for research grants agencies

Referee for Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca (MIUR), German Research Foundation, for VQR (Valutazione della qualità della Ricerca), Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca (ANVUR), Università di Verona, Regione Sardegna.

9- Membership in Scientific Societies

2004-: Società Italiana di Neuroscienze, Società italiana di Fisiologia.

2006-: ANS (Australian Neuroscience Society)

2012, 2021: Society for Neuroscience.

10- Invited Seminars/organization of symposiums:

2022: Chair, symposium at the FENS meeting (Paris): Multisensory integration and space representation in humans and monkeys: from neural circuits to models

2021: Chair, senior symposium, Società italiana di Fisiologia (Milano-online): Cognitive and visuomotor functions in human and non-human primates.

2021: Partner Meetings H2020-EIC-FETPROACT-2019 n.951910-MAIA, University of Bologna.

2019: Member of the local organizing committee, meeting SIF-FEPS, Bologna (Italy).

2018: Neuromatemathics seminars, Department of Mathematics, University of Bologna

2015: Chair, junior symposium, Società italiana di Fisiologia (Genova): Grasp encoding in the brain fronto-parietal network: evidences from human and nonhuman primates.

2008: Tutorial per PhD students, EYESHOTS FP7 ˆ ICT 217077 Kick-off meeting, University of Bologna.

2006: MATHESIS IST-027574 project meeting, University of Bologna.

2006: Mc Gowan Institute for regenerative medicine, Pittsburgh (U.S.A.).

2006: Meeting dei Progetti Strategici UNIBO, Dipartimento di Matematica, University of Bologna.

2004: Dipartimento di Fisiologia Umana e Generale, University of Bologna

11- Participation to International research projects:

2020-2024: H2020-EIC-FETPROACT-2019 n.951910-MAIA (PI Prof Patrizia Fattori), Role: PI of the TMS lab, writing of deliverables of UNIBO Unit; speaker in the project meetings.

2020-2023: ICT-48-2020 Humane AI Net (PI: Prof. Paul Lokowicz) Role: participant

2008-2011: EU FP7-2007-ICT- EYESHOTS PI: Dr. Silvio Sabatini. Role: participant, speaker in the project meetings.

2007-2009: Australian Research Council PI:M. Rosa, Role: participant

2007: Progetto bilaterale Italia-Francia “Galileo” finanziato dall’Università Italo-Francese PI Prof. Patrizia Fattori; Dr. Laure Pisella. Role: participant

2005-08: EU FP6-2004-IST-4 MATHESIS PI: Helen Savaki. Role: participant, speaker in the project meetings.

12- Participation to National research projects:

2017: ‘Finanziamento delle attività base di ricerca’, MIUR, Role: PI.

2009-2022: Progetti RFO, Università di Bologna; Role: participant

2004-2006: Progetto ex quota 60% dal titolo: PI Prof. C. Galletti. Role: participant

2001-2004: Progetto FIRB PI Prof. C. Galletti, Role: participant

2001-2003: Progetto ex quota 60% PI Prof. C. Galletti. Role: participant

1998-2000: Progetto ex quota 60% PI Prof. C. Galletti. Role: participant

1999: "Progetto giovani ricercatori e.f. 1999" PI Dr D F Kutz, University of Bologna. Role: participant

13- Research activities

2018-: PI of the transcranial magnetic stimulation lab, Dept. Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna.

1999-2018, Member of the neurophysiology lab on non-human primates, of C. Galletti (former PI) and P. Fattori (current PI).

14- Collaborations

A Avenanti, S Borgomaneri, A Tessari, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna

E. P. Gardner, Department of Physiology & Neuroscience, NYU School of Medicine, New York, U.S.A.,

V Raos, Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Crete, (Hiraklion, Grecia),

V Gaveau, IFR19, Institut Federatif des Neurosciences de Lyon, Espace et Action INSERM UNITE 534 (Bron, Francia),

J. Fagard, Laboratoire Psychologie de la Perception FRE 2929, CNRS - Université Paris Descartes, Centre Biomédical des Saints Pères (France),

A Batista, Dept. Of Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, U.S.A.),

M Lappe, Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster, Munster (Germany),

M Davare, King’s College London.

15- Teaching

120 hours/year in these courses of Physiology of the University of Bologna:

- Medicine and Surgery (in English),

- Medicinal chemistry and Technology

- Pharmaceutical biotechnology (in English)

- Collegio Superiore

Supervisor and co-supervisor of undergraduate and graduate students (School of Pharmacy, School of Psychology, University of Bologna).

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