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Roberto Vecchi is full Professor of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies at the Department of the Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the University of Bologna where he has been teaching since 1993. He was Coordinator of the PhD Program in Iberian Studies (2010-2013), Director of the Department LILEC (2015-2018) and Vice Rector for Teaching and Education (2021-2024). He is coordinator of the Eduardo Lourenço Chair (Camões-Unibo). In Portugal, he is an associate researcher at the CES (Centro de Estudos Sociais) of the University of Coimbra; in Brazil he is CNPq researcher. In the period, 2014-2021 he was the president of AIL, the Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas. Since 2024, he is Director of Centro de Altos Estudios de la Universidad de Bologna in Buenos Aires.
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