Foto del docente

Roberto Patuelli

Associate Professor

Department of Economics

Academic discipline: ECON-02/A Economic Policy

Curriculum vitae


- Bachelor – 2001, University of Bologna, Italy: Statistics and Economics.

- M.A. – 2005, George Mason University, USA: Transportation Policy, Operations and Logistics.

- Ph.D. – 2007, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Economics.

Dissertation title: “Regional Labour Markets in Germany: Statistical Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Disparities and Network Structures”. Supervisors: Prof. Peter Nijkamp and Prof. Aura Reggiani.

Current Position

Associate professor (Professore associato) of Economic Policy (SECS-P/02), Department of Economics, University of Bologna, Italy. Since September 2014.

Past Employment

- Visiting student/researcher, Department of Spatial Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands (supervisor: Prof. Peter Nijkamp). March to June 2001.

- Research assistant, Group Transport and Mobility (GTM), F.U.Ca.M, Mons, Belgium (supervisor: Prof. Michel Beuthe). Research project on “Analysis of the Evolution of Freight Transport Demand for the Different Modes”. January to May 2002.

- Research assistant, School of Public Policy, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA (supervisors: Prof. Roger Stough and Prof. Laurie A. Schintler). Research project on the relationship between Metropolitan Study Areas (MSAs) and internet infrastructures. October to December 2002.

- Visiting researcher, Computer Science Department, ETH, Institute for Scientific Computing, Zurich, Switzerland (supervisor: Prof. Kai Nagel). December 2002.

- Graduate research assistant, School of Public Policy, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA (supervisor: Prof. Laurie A. Schintler). September 2003 to July 2005.

- Junior researcher and PhD candidate, Department of Spatial Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands (supervisors: Prof. Peter Nijkamp and Prof. Aura Reggiani). September 2005 to October 2007.

- Guest researcher, Department of Industrial Economics and International Management, ZEW Centre for European Economic Research, Mannheim, Germany. October to November 2007.

- Teaching assistant (tutor), Faculty of Economics-Rimini, University of Bologna, Rimini, Italy. November 2007 to February 2011.

- Post-doc researcher, Institute for Economic Research (IRE), University of Lugano, Switzerland. March 2008 to May 2011.

- Assistant professor (Ricercatore) of Economic Policy (SECS-P/02), Department of Economics, University of Bologna, Italy. March 2011 to September 2014 (tenured since March 2014).

Teaching Experience

2007–10 – Macroeconomics (teaching assistant, undergraduate), Faculty of Economics-Rimini, University of Bologna, Rimini, Italy.

2009–11 – Regional economics (undergraduate), Faculty of Economics, University of Lugano, Switzerland.

2010–11 – Economic policy (teaching assistant, undergraduate), Faculty of Economics-Rimini, University of Bologna, Rimini, Italy.

2012–present – Economics of Tourism (undergraduate), School of Economics and Management, University of Bologna, Rimini, Italy.

2015 – Political economy (module 2) (undergraduate), School of Economics, Management and Statistics, University of Bologna, Rimini, Italy.

2014–19 – Spatial Statistics and Econometrics (R Programming) (Ph.D.), Department of Economics, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy.

2015–present – Regional and Transport Economics (graduate), School of Economics and Management, University of Bologna, Rimini, Italy.

2020–present – Tourism and Transport (undergraduate), School of Economics and Management, University of Bologna, Rimini, Italy.

Occasional/Guest Teaching

2010 – Spatial econometrics, ERSA Summer School 2010, Stockholm/Jönköping, Sweden.

2014 – Spatial filtering lab, 27th ERSA Summer School, Poznań, Poland.

2017 – Spatial Interaction Modelling: An Overview and a Spatial Econometric Perspective (guest lecture), Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Oviedo, Spain.

2019–present – Spatial Econometrics (guest lecture), Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Oviedo, Spain.

2020 – Spatial Econometrics, EAERE-ETH European Winter School, Ascona, Switzerland.

2021 – Macroeconomics (guest lecture), University of Zaragoza, Spain (online).

2022 – Eigenvector spatial filtering: applications to areal data (forecasting, dynamics panel models) and to destination data, 4th ERSA Winter School, Warsaw, Poland.

Scholarships, Prizes and Honours

2001 – Scholarship for studies abroad from the Faculty of Statistics, University of Bologna, Italy, €2500.

2001 – Second prize for B.A. thesis, provided by the Province of Vicenza, Italy and the Public Transport Company of Vicenza, Italy, €500.

2002 – Scholarship from Group Transport and Mobility (GTM), F.U.Ca.M, Mons, Belgium. Four months.

2002 – Scholarship from the School of Public Policy, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA. Two months.

2003–05 – Master's scholarship from the School of Public Policy, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA.

2005–07 – Ph.D. scholarship from the Department of Spatial Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

2006 – Selected for the 1st PREPARE Summer Institute, held in Groningen, The Netherlands, July 2006 (30 participants out of 78 applications).

2007 – Selected for the 2nd PREPARE Summer Institute, held in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, July 2007 (30 participants out of 115 applications).

2013 – Italian National Scientific Qualification for the function of associate professor in economic policy (SECS-P/02).

2013 – Italian National Scientific Qualification for the function of associate professor in applied economics (SECS-P/06).

2014 – Italian National Scientific Qualification for the function of associate professor in political economy (SECS-P/01).

2015 – Second runner-up, best paper award, The 5th Conference of the International Association for Tourism Economics (IATE 2015), Hong Kong, July 2015.

2017 – Italian National Scientific Qualification for the function of full professor in applied economics (SECS-P/06) (from 28/11/2017 to 28/11/2026).

2021 – Italian National Scientific Qualification for the function of full professor in economic policy (SECS-P/02) (from 4/6/2021 to 4/6/2030).

Articles in Refereed Journals

1) Patuelli, R., S. Longhi, A. Reggiani and P. Nijkamp (2003). Multicriteria Analysis of Neural Network Forecasting Models: An Application to German Regional Labour Markets. Studies in Regional Science 33 (3): 205–29.

2) Schintler, L.A., S.P. Gorman, A. Reggiani, R. Patuelli, P. Nijkamp, A. Gillespie and J. Rutherford (2005). Complex Network Phenomena in Telecommunication Networks. Networks and Spatial Economics 5 (4): 351–70.

3) Patuelli, R., P. Nijkamp and E. Pels (2005). Environmental Tax Reform and the Double Dividend: A Meta-Analytical Performance Assessment. Ecological Economics 55 (4): 564–83.

4) Patuelli, R., A. Reggiani, P. Nijkamp and U. Blien (2006). New Neural Network Methods for Forecasting Regional Employment: An Analysis of German Labour Markets. Spatial Economic Analysis 1 (1): 7–30.

5) Patuelli, R., A. Reggiani and P. Nijkamp (2006). The Development of Regional Employment in Germany: Results from Neural Network Experiments. Scienze Regionali (Italian Journal of Regional Science) 5 (3): 63–95.

6) Patuelli, R., A. Reggiani, S.P. Gorman, P. Nijkamp and F.-J. Bade (2007). Network Analysis of Commuting Flows: A Comparative Static Approach to German Data. Networks and Spatial Economics 7 (4): 315–31.

7) Patuelli, R., S. Longhi, A. Reggiani, P. Nijkamp and U. Blien (2007). A Rank-order Test on the Statistical Performance of Neural Network Models for Regional Labor Market Forecasts. The Review of Regional Studies 37 (1): 64–81.

8) Patuelli, R., S. Longhi, A. Reggiani and P. Nijkamp (2008). Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms as Forecasting Tools: A Case Study on German Regions. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 35 (4): 701–22.

9) Vaona, A. and R. Patuelli (2008). New Empirical Evidence on Local Financial Development and Growth. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences 1 (2–3): 147–57.

10) Patuelli, R., A. Reggiani, P. Nijkamp and F.-J. Bade (2010). The Evolution of the Commuting Network in Germany: Spatial and Connectivity Patterns. Journal of Transport and Land Use 2 (3): 5–37.

11) Patuelli, R., A. Vaona and C. Grimpe (2010). The German East-West Divide in Knowledge Production: An Application to Nanomaterial Patenting. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (Journal of Economic and Social Geography) 101 (5): 568–82.

12) Patuelli, R., A. Reggiani, P. Nijkamp and N. Schanne (2011). Neural Networks for Regional Employment Forecasts: Are the Parameters Relevant? Journal of Geographical Systems 13 (1): 67–85.

13) Patuelli, R., D.A. Griffith, M. Tiefelsdorf and P. Nijkamp (2011). Spatial Filtering and Eigenvector Stability: Space-Time Models for German Unemployment Data. International Regional Science Review 34 (2): 253–80.

14) Grimpe, C. and R. Patuelli (2011). Regional Knowledge Production in Nanomaterials: A Spatial Filtering Approach. The Annals of Regional Science 46 (3): 519–41.

15) Oud, J.H.L., H. Folmer, R. Patuelli and P. Nijkamp (2012). Continuous-Time Modelling with Spatial Dependence. Geographical Analysis 44 (1): 29–46.

16) Patuelli, R., N. Schanne, D.A. Griffith and P. Nijkamp (2012). Persistence of Regional Unemployment: Application of a Spatial Filtering Approach to Local Labor Markets in Germany. Journal of Regional Science 52 (2): 300–23.

17) Marelli, E., R. Patuelli and M. Signorelli (2012). Regional Unemployment in the EU before and after the Global Crisis. Post-Communist Economies 24 (2): 155–75.

18) Patuelli, R., M. Mussoni and G. Candela (2013). The Effects of World Heritage Sites on Domestic Tourism: A Spatial Interaction Model for Italy. Journal of Geographical Systems 15 (3): 369–402. Ripubblicato in: Patuelli, R. and G. Arbia (eds) (2016). Spatial Econometric Interaction Modelling. Springer, Cham, pp. 281–315.

19) Engel, D., T. Mitze, R. Patuelli and J. Reinkowski (2013). Does Cluster Policy Trigger R&D Activity? Evidence from German Biotech Contests. European Planning Studies 21 (11): 1735–59.

20) Guerra, G. and R. Patuelli (2014). The Influence of Role Models on Immigrant Self-Employment: A Spatial Analysis for Switzerland. International Journal of Manpower 35 (1/2): 187–215.

21) Patuelli, R., M. Mussoni and G. Candela (2014). Cultural Offer and Distance in a Spatial Interaction Model for Tourism. Economics and Business Letters 3 (2): 96–108.

22) Mayor, M. and R. Patuelli (2015). Spatial Panel Data Forecasting over Different Horizons, Cross-Sectional and Temporal Dimensions. Revue d’Économie Régionale & Urbaine (Journal of Regional and Urban Economics) 2015 (1–2): 149–77.

23) Gregory, T. and R. Patuelli (2015). Demographic Ageing and the Polarization of Regions – An Exploratory Space-Time Analysis. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 47 (5): 1192–210.

24) Castellani, M., P. Pattitoni and R. Patuelli (2015). Abnormal Returns of Soccer Teams: Reassessing the Informational Value of Betting Odds. Journal of Sports Economics 16 (7): 735–59.

25) Guerra, G. and R. Patuelli (2016). The Role of Job Satisfaction in Transitions into Self-Employment. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 40 (3): 543–71.

26) Patuelli, R. and P. Nijkamp (2016). Travel Motivations of Seniors: A Review and Meta-Analytical Assessment. Tourism Economics 22 (4): 847–62.

27) Metulini, R., R. Patuelli and D.A. Griffith (2016). A Spatial-Filtering Zero-Inflated Approach to the Estimation of the Gravity Model of Trade. Econometrics 6 (9): 1–15.

28) Maxim, M.R., K.K. Zander, R. Patuelli (2019). Green Tax Reform and Employment Double Dividend in European and Non-European Countries: A Meta-Regression Assessment. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 9 (4): 342–55.

29) Patuelli, R., E. Santarelli and A. Tubadji (2020). Entrepreneurial Intention among High-School Students: The Importance of Parents, Peers and Neighbors. Eurasian Business Review 10 (2): 225–51.

30) Ferretti, R., P. Pattitoni and R. Patuelli (2021). Insider Trading and the Market Abuse Directive: Are Voluntary and Mandatory Takeover Bids Different? Italian Economic Journal 7 (3): 461–85.

31) Figini, P. and R. Patuelli (2022). Estimating the Economic Impact of Tourism in the European Union: Review and Computation. Journal of Travel Research 61 (6): 1409–23.


1) Patuelli, R. (2007). Regional Labour Markets in Germany: Statistical Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Disparities and Network Structures. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis. Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

2) Patuelli, R. and M. Mayor (2021). Forecasting Regional Labour Markets. Springer, Cham (forthcoming).

Edited Books

1) Geurs, K.T., R. Patuelli and T.P. Dentinho (eds) (2016). Accessibility, Equity and Efficiency: Challenges for Transport and Public Services. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham Northampton.

2) Patuelli, R. and G. Arbia (eds) (2016). Spatial Econometric Interaction Modelling. Springer, Cham.

3) Suzuki, S. and R. Patuelli (eds) (2021). A Broad View of Regional Science – Essays in Honor of Peter Nijkamp. Springer, Singapore.

4) Reggiani, A., L.A. Schintler, D. Czamanski and R. Patuelli (eds) (2021). Handbook on Entropy, Complexity and Spatial Dynamics: A Rebirth of Theory? Edward Elgar, Cheltenham Northampton.

Chapters in Edited Books

1) Schintler, L.A., S.P. Gorman, A. Reggiani, R. Patuelli and P. Nijkamp (2005). Small-World Phenomena in Communications Networks: a Cross-Atlantic Comparison. In: A. Reggiani and L.A. Schintler (eds) Methods and Models in Transport and Communications. Cross Atlantic Perspectives. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 201–20.

2) Gorman, S.P., R. Patuelli, A. Reggiani, P. Nijkamp, R. Kulkarni and G. Haag (2007). An Application of Complex Network Theory to German Commuting Patterns. In: T. Friesz (ed.) Network Science, Nonlinear Science and Infrastructure Systems. Springer, New York, pp. 165–83.

3) Patuelli, R., A. Reggiani, P. Nijkamp and F.-J. Bade (2009). Spatial and Commuting Networks: A Unifying Perspective. In: A. Reggiani and P. Nijkamp (eds) Complexity and Spatial Networks: In Search of Simplicity. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 257–71.

4) Patuelli, R., D.A. Griffith, M. Tiefelsdorf and P. Nijkamp (2012). Spatial Filtering Methods for Tracing Space-Time Developments in an Open Regional System: Experiments with German Unemployment Data. In: A. Frenkel, P. Nijkamp and P. McCann (eds) Societies in Motion: Innovation, Migration and Regional Transformation. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham Northampton, pp. 247–68.

5) Guerra, G., R. Patuelli and R. Maggi (2012). Ethnic Concentration, Cultural Identity and Immigrant Self-Employment in Switzerland. In: P. Nijkamp, J. Poot and M. Sahin (eds) Migration Impact Assessment: New Horizons. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham Northampton, pp. 147–71.

6) Mayor, M. and R. Patuelli (2012). Short-Run Regional Forecasts: Spatial Models through Varying Cross-Sectional and Temporal Dimensions. In: E. Fernández Vazquez and F. Rubiera Morollón (eds) Defining the Spatial Scale in Modern Regional Analysis: New Challenges from Data at Local Level. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 173–92.

7) Geurs, K.T., T.P. Dentinho and R. Patuelli (2016). Accessibility, Equity and Efficiency. In: K.T. Geurs, R. Patuelli and T.P. Dentinho (eds) Accessibility, Equity and Efficiency: Challenges for Transport and Public Services. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham Northampton, pp. 3–8.

8) Patuelli, R. (2016). Spatial Autocorrelation and Spatial Interaction. In: S. Shekhar, H. Xiong and X. Zhou (eds), Encyclopedia of GIS. Springer, Cham, pp. 1–7.

9) Patuelli, R. and G. Arbia (2016). Spatial Econometric Interaction Modelling: Where Spatial Econometrics and Spatial Interaction Modelling Meet. In: R. Patuelli and G. Arbia (eds) Spatial Econometric Interaction Modelling. Springer, Cham, pp. 1–12.

10) Patuelli, R., G.-J.M. Linders, R. Metulini and D.A. Griffith (2016). The Space of Gravity: Spatial Filtering Estimation of a Gravity Model for Bilateral Trade. In: R. Patuelli and G. Arbia (eds) Spatial Econometric Interaction Modelling. Springer, Cham, pp. 145–69.

11) Arbia, G. and R. Patuelli (2016). Conclusions: The Future of Spatial Interaction Modelling. In: R. Patuelli and G. Arbia (eds) Spatial Econometric Interaction Modelling. Springer, Cham, pp. 465–8.

12) Rios, V. and R. Patuelli (2018). What is the Effect of Population Ageing in Regional Labour Market Fluctuations of Germany? A SVAR with Zero-Sign Restrictions Approach. In: U. Blien, K. Kourtit, P. Nijkamp and R. Stough (eds) Modeling Aging and Migration Effects on Spatial Labor Markets. Springer, Cham, pp. 233–59.

13) Patuelli, R., E. van Leeuwen, L. Zirulia and A. Reggiani (2021). Horizontal Transmission of Civic Capital and the Emergence of Cooperation: An Agent-Based Modelling Approach. In: S. Suzuki and R. Patuelli (eds) A Broad View of Regional Science: Essays in Honor of Peter Nijkamp. Springer, Singapore, pp. 199–216.

14) Reggiani, A., L.A. Schintler, D. Czamanski and R. Patuelli (2021). Reflections on Entropy, Complexity and Spatial Dynamics: The Rebirth of Theory?. In A. Reggiani, L.A. Schintler, D. Czamanski and R. Patuelli (eds) Handbook on Entropy, Complexity and Spatial Dynamics: A Rebirth of Theory?. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham Northampton, pp. 1–18.

Special Issues in Peer-Reviewed Journals

1) Patuelli, R. and G. Pelloni (eds) (2010). Special Issue: Tourism Economics. Review of Economic Analysis 2 (3): 229–303.

2) Patuelli, R. and G. Arbia (eds) (2013). Special Issue: Advances in the Statistical Modelling of Spatial Interaction Data. Journal of Geographical Systems 15 (3): 229–402.

3) Patuelli, R. and M. Mayor (eds) (2014). Special Issue: Advances in Regional Forecasting. Economics and Business Letters 3 (4): 191–308.

4) Eugenio Martin, J.L. and R. Patuelli (eds) (2022). Special Issue: Panel Data Models in Tourism Research. Tourism Economics (forthcoming).

Editorials and Guest Editorials

1) Patuelli, R. and G. Pelloni (2010). Guest Editorial. Review of Economic Analysis 2 (3): 229–31.

2) Patuelli, R. and G. Arbia (2013). Editorial: Advances in the Statistical Modelling of Spatial Interaction Data. Journal of Geographical Systems 15 (3): 229–31.

3) Koschinsky, J., S. Koster, R. Patuelli, V. Royuela and V. Tselios (2014). Editorial: REGION - The Online Open-Access Journal of ERSA. REGION 1 (1): 1–3.

4) Patuelli, R., M. Mayor (2014). Introduction to the Special Issue: Advances in Regional Forecasting. Economics and Business Letters 3 (4): 191–3.

Unpublished Bulletins, Reports and Working Papers

- Lionetti, S. and R. Patuelli (2009). Trading Cultural Goods in the Era of Digital Piracy. Working Paper No. 40-09, The Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis.

- Brighi, P., R. Patuelli and G. Torluccio (2012). Self-Financing of Traditional and R&D Investments: Evidence from Italian SMEs. Working Paper No. 61-12, The Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis.

- Savioli, M. and R. Patuelli (2016). Social Capital, Institutions and Policymaking. Working Paper No. 16-10, The Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis.

- Manasse, P., G.A. Minerva, R. Patuelli and L. Zirulia (2020). How to Lockdown an Economy: An Input Output Analysis of the Italian Case. Quaderni - Working Paper DSE No. 1152, Department of Economics, University of Bologna.

Current Research

- Candela, G., M. Mussoni and R. Patuelli, Centralized vs Decentralized Tourism Policies: A Spatial Interaction Model Framework.

-- Second runner-up, best paper award, The 5th Conference of the International Association for Tourism Economics (IATE 2015), Hong Kong, July 2015.

- Patuelli, R. and M. Mayor, Forecasting Regional Unemployment across National Boundaries.

- Savioli, M., M. Mussoni and R. Patuelli, What Goes Around Comes Around: A Structural Equations Modelling Approach on Social Capital, Income and Immigration Aversion.

- Fetahu, E., R. Patuelli and L. Vici, Tourism and Growth: A Review and Meta-Analysis.

- Mahmoodi, N., R. Patuelli, J. Mur, Spatial Weights Matrix Specification: A Fuzzy Logic Exploration.

- Patuelli, R., G. Galiazzo and A. Reggiani, The Role of Accessibility and Spatial Interaction in a Doubly Constrained Model: Evidence for Domestic Tourism Flows in Italy.

- Halleck-Vega, S. and R. Patuelli, Dynamics of Spatial Autocorrelation: A New Space-Time State of Mind.

Contracts and Grants with Leading Role

- Main applicant, “Advances in the Statistical Modelling of Spatial Interaction Data” (progetto n. IZ32Z0_135905 / 1), International Exploratory Workshops, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF, Switzerland), CHF9,900 (2011).

- Local Unit Coordinator, “Interazioni sociali e spaziali nell'accumulazione di capitale civico ed umano (Social and Spatial Interactions in the Accumulation of Civic and Human Capital)” (project no. RBFR1269HZ_003), Futuro in Ricerca 2012, Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca (Ministry of Education, University and Research, Italy). National Coordinator: Giorgio Fazio, EUR770,276 (Local Unit: 133,334) (2013–17).

- Main applicant, “Social Networks and the Disposition towards Entrepreneurship: Investigating the Roles of Friendship Intensity and Spatial Effects in Peer Adolescent Risk Preferences Formation”, University of Bologna (Italy), EUR23,462 (2016–17).

- Local Unit Coordinator (substituting Aura Reggiani), “Smart Mobility Hubs as Game Changers in Transport (SmartHubs)” (Reference Number: 99950070), ERA-NET Urban Accessibility and Connectivity, JPI-Urban Europe (for Italy: Italian Ministry of University and Research). Project coordinator: Karst T. Geurs (University of Twente), EUR2,142,632 (Local Unit: EUR203,472) (2021–24).

Contracts and Grants as Participant

- “Forecasts of Employment and Unemployment on Regional Labour Markets in Germany: New Approaches and Experiments”, IAB (Germany), Principal Investigator: Peter Nijkamp (2002–06).

- “STELLA” (Sustainable Transport in Europe and Links and Liaisons with America), European Commission. Coordinator: Peter Nijkamp; Associate Coordinator: Aura Reggiani (2003–05).

- “George Mason Intelligent Transportation Systems, Integration Research, the National Capital Region” (on Route 1 in the metropolitan area of Washington, D.C.), VDOT/FHA/ITS Research (USA), Principal Investigator: Laurie A. Schintler (2003–05).

- “ETC and Telematics in Europe”, School of Public Policy, George Mason University, Principal Investigator: Jonathan L. Gifford (2003).

- “The US 29 Corridor: Transportation and Economic Development Study” (as part of the requirements of the Practicum Course in the Master's in Transportation Policy, Operations and Logistics, at George Mason University), Virginia Department of Transportation, Principal Investigator: Jonathan L. Gifford (2005).

- “Regional Unemployment and Spatial Filtering Techniques”, IAB (Germany), Principal Investigator: Peter Nijkamp (2007–09).

- “Evolution in German Regional Labour Markets: Spatial Networks of Commuting”, IAB (Germany), Principal Investigator: Peter Nijkamp (2007–09).

- “Does Demographic Change Weaken Knowledge-Based Economies? Analysing the Link between Population Age Structure and Innovation”, Fritz Thyssen Stiftung (Germany). Project Coordinator: Melanie Arntz, EUR112,318 (2011–13).

- “Polarization and Diffusion of Socio-Economic Development in Poland. An Attempt of Delimitation” (project no. POPT.03.01.00-00-136/09), European Funds on the Level of National Cohesion Strategy, IV edition, Technical Assistance Operational Programme 2007–2013 [Program Operacyjny Pomoc Techniczna - POPT], Ministry of Regional Development (Poland), Principal Investigator: Piotr Wójcik, PLN65,800 (2011).

- “Trasmissione di Capitale Sociale nel Contesto Urbano: Approcci Teorici e Modelli di Simulazione” (Social Capital Transmission in the Urban Context: Theoretical Approaches and Simulation Models)” (project no. FFBO127034), Studi di Fattibilità FARB, University of Bologna (Italy). Coordinator: Aura Reggiani, EUR25,000 (2013–15).

- “Airport Security and Air Taxi Network in the Adriatic (ADRIAIR)”, IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013, European Commission. Lead Partner: Province of Forlì-Cesena (Local Unit Coordinator: Fabio Guido Ulderico Ancarani), EUR1,595,051 (2013–14).

- “Population Ageing and Regional Labour Market Development”, IAB (Germany), Principal Investigator: Peter Nijkamp (2014–16).

- “Social Networks and the Disposition towards Entrepreneurship: Investigating the Roles of Horizontal and Vertical Personal Relations”, University of Bologna (Italy). Coordinator: Enrico Santarelli, EUR23,075 (2015–16).

- “Realizzazione di servizi concernenti la georeferenziazione dell’indagine ISFOL PLUS (Provision of services regarding the geocoding of the ISFOL PLUS survey)”, Istituto per lo Sviluppo della Formazione Professionale dei Lavoratori (ISFOL). Coordinator: Eulab Consulting srl (2015–16).

- “DownScaling CLImate imPACTs and decarbonisation pathways in EU islands, and enhancing socioeconomic and non-market evaluation of Climate Change for Europe, for 2050 and beyond (SOCLIMPACT)” (project no. 776661), H2020-EU.3.5.1. - Fighting and adapting to climate change, European Commission. Coordinator: Carmelo Javier León González (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) (Local Unit Coordinator: Paolo Figini), EUR4,481,340 (Local Unit: EUR155,056) (2017–21).

- “L'impatto della disclosure volontaria sulla percezione del rischio” (The impact of voluntary disclosure on risk perception), Alma Idea 2017, University of Bologna. Coordinator: Pierpaolo Pattitoni, EUR20,000 (2018–20).

- “Analysis on the economic impact of the European Union tourism sector”, Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME), European Commission. Coordinator: Paolo Figini, EUR14,500 (2018–19).

- “Realizzazione congiunta di attività nell’ambito del percorso di analisi, informazione e coinvolgimento della prima linea tranviaria di Bologna (Provision of research activity regarding the process of analysis, information and involvement of the first tramway of Bologna)”, Fondazione Innovazione Urbana (2019).

- “I Big Data per un’analisi integrata a livello di destinazione turistica (Big Data for an integrated analysis at the tourism destination level)”, Big data per il turismo, CAST, University of Bologna. Coordinator: Paolo Figini, EUR24,000 (2021–23).

International Scientific Activities

- Editor, REGION (2014–20; 2014–15 as Managing Editor).

- Section Editor – Economics, Miscellanea Geographica (2019–present).

- Associate editor/Editorial board member: Economics and Business Letters (2012–present); Practical Ideas in Economics and Finance (2012–14); Review of Economic Analysis (2013–21); Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences (2013–present); Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science (2016–present); Tourism Economics (2017–present); Hungarian Statistical Review (2018–present).

- Advisory board member, Almatourism – Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development (2009–12).

- Editorial staff member, Almatourism – Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development (2012–19).

- Organizer, SNSF International Exploratory Workshop on “Advances in the Statistical Modelling of Spatial Interaction Data” (Lugano, September 2011).

- Scientific Committee member: 3rd International Workshop on Geographical Localisation, Intersectoral Reallocation of Labour and Unemployment Differentials (GLUNLAB3) (Rimini, June 2010); Fourth Seminar of Spatial Econometrics in honour of Doctor J.H.P. Paelinck (Oviedo, October 2010); NECTAR Cluster 1 Meeting (Leeds, September 2012); Joint Meeting: 5th Seminar of Spatial Econometrics in honor of Doctor J.H.P. Paelinck and NECTAR Cluster 6 on Accessibility (Coimbra, October 2012); 2nd International Workshop on Spatial Dimensions of the Labour Market: The Relocation of Jobs (Nuremberg, March 2014); The Rimini Conference in Economics and Finance (RCEF)-2014 (Rimini, June 2014); 1st AMRS Congress and 23rd APDR Congress (Marrakesh, May 2016); XXXVII Conferenza scientifica annuale dell'Associazione Italiana di Scienze Regionali (Ancona, September 2016); 3rd Workshop on Spatial Dimensions of the Labour Market (Mannheim, March 2017); ERSA 2017 (Groningen, August/September 2017); 4th Workshop on Spatial Dimensions of the Labour Market (Marseille, July 2019).

- Special session organizer, Spatial econometrics of labour markets (3rd International Workshop on Geographical Localisation, Intersectoral Reallocation of Labour and Unemployment Differentials (GLUNLAB3), Rimini, June 2010); Forecasting regional labour markets (with M. Mayor; 53rd ERSA Congress, Palermo, August 2013); Social and spatial interaction in the accumulation of civic and human capital (with G. Fazio, E. Patacchini e M. Percoco; 53rd ERSA Congress, Palermo, August 2013); Spatial Econometric Interaction Modelling (with G. Arbia; 11th RSAI World Congress, Istanbul, April 2016– CANCELLED); Spatial interaction modelling (X World Conference SEA2016, Rome, June 2016).

- Organizing Committee: Tourism Economics Lecture: Tourism Economics in an Age of Turbulence (Rimini, April 2009); 3rd International Workshop on Geographical Localisation, Intersectoral Reallocation of Labour and Unemployment Differentials (GLUNLAB3) (Rimini, June 2010); The Rimini Conference in Economics and Finance RCEF (Rimini, June 2010); NECTAR 2011 Conference (Antwerp, May 2011); NECTAR 2013 International Conference (Ponta Delgada, June 2013); Beyond the Great Beauty, Rescaling Heritage and Tourism, RSA workshop (Rimini, February 2016); The Sixth Conference of the International Association for Tourism Economics (Rimini, June 2017).

- Treasurer, NECTAR (2007–13).

- Fellow, The Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis (2008–present).

- Scientific secretary, The Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis (2009–14).

- Rapporteur: STELLA (2003–05); Institute Para Limes (IPL) (September 2007).

Graduate Student Supervision

- Giuliano Guerra, University of Lugano, Switzerland (2012, Ph.D., summa cum laude). Thesis title: Determinants of Immigrant Self-Employment Rates and Self-Employment Transitions: Evidence from Switzerland (main supervisor: Prof. Rico Maggi). Current position: Responsabile di settore PMI, Ufficio per lo sviluppo economico, Repubblica e Cantone Ticino, Switzerland.

Ph.D. Committee Member

- Giuliano Guerra, University of Lugano, Switzerland (2012).

- Marta Roig-Casanova, Universitat Jaume I, Spain (2012).

- Laura Carabotta, University of Barcelona, Spain (2015).

- Alessio Muscillo, University of Siena, Italy (2017).

- Zofia Bednarowska, Jagiellonian University, Polonia (2018).

- Paolo Malfitano, University of Lugano, Switzerland (2020).

- M. Cristina Rodríguez Rangel, University of Extremadura, Badajoz, Spagna (2020).

Ph.D. Thesis External Reader

- Tamara de la Mata López, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain (2012).

- Nuria Gallego López, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain (2015).

- Esmat Kamel Mostafá, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain (2017).

Boto García David, University of Oviedo, Spain (2020).

Reviewing Activities

- Peer-reviewed journals: Access Publishers Journal of Arts, Humanities and Legal StudiesAfrican Journal of Agricultural Research; AIP Advances; Almatourism - Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development (2); The Annals of Regional Science (6); Applied Spatial Analysis and PolicyAsia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science (2); Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society; CitiesCogent Economics and FinanceCogent Social SciencesComparative Economic Studies (2); Computational Economics; Computers, Environment and Urban SystemsEcological Economics (3); Economia Politica (2); Economic ModellingEconomic Notes; Economic Research; Economics and Business Letters (2); Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal; EconomiesEmpiricaEmpirical Economics (4); Energy PolicyEnergy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy; Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (2); EntropyEnvironment and Planning B: Planning and Design; Environment and Planning C: Government and PolicyEurasian Economic Review; European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research; Geographical Analysis (6); Growth and Change (2); Habitat InternationalHacettepe Journal of Mathematics and StatisticsIndustry and InnovationInternational Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics; International Journal of Manpower (2); International Regional Science Review (4); International Statistical Review; Investigaciones RegionalesJournal of Regional ResearchISPRS International Journal of Geo-InformationJournal of Agricultural Science and TechnologyJournal of Business Cycle Measurement and Analysis; Journal of EconometricsJournal of Economic Geography; Journal of Economic Interaction and CoordinationJournal of Geographical Systems (6); Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management; Journal of Regional Science (2); Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy; Journal of Transport and Land Use; Journal of Transport Geography (2); LabourLand Use Policy (2); Landscape and Urban Planning; Leisure SciencesLetters in Spatial and Resource Sciences (8); Networks and Spatial Economics; New Mathematics and Natural Computation; Papers in Regional Science (12); PLOS OneRégion et DéveloppementRegional Science and Urban EconomicsRegional Science Policy & PracticeRegional Studies; Research in Transportation Economics (2); Review of Economic Analysis (3); Review of Regional ResearchScandinavian Journal of Management; Scienze Regionali – Italian Journal of Regional Science (2); Small Business Economics (3); Socio-Economic Planning Sciences; Spatial Economic Analysis (6); Spatial Statistics (2); Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment; SustainabilityTijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (Journal of Economic and Social Geography) (4); Tourism Economics (12); Tourism Management (5); Transactions on Neural Networks; Transport Reviews (2); Urban GeographyUrban Studies.

- Chapters in edited books: Reggiani and Nijkamp (2009), Complexity and Spatial Networks: In Search of Simplicity, Springer; Karlsson, Johansson, Kobayashi and Stough (2014), Knowledge, Innovation and Space, Edward Elgar; Karlsson, Andersson and Norman (2016), Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Economic Geography, Edward Elgar; Patuelli and Arbia (2016), Spatial Econometric Interaction Modelling, Springer; Bernhard, Gråsjö and Karlsson (2021), Unlocking Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship: The Potential for Increasing Capacities, Edward Elgar.

- Books, Elsevier (2015, book revision).

- Research proposals: Israel Science Foundation (Individual Research Grant 2011); Research Grants Council (RGC), Hong Kong (GRF 2016/17, 2018/19 (2), 2020/21; FDS 2019/20); Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (FARE 2016); Austrian Science Fund (FWF) (Stand-alone project 2017); National Science Center (NCN), Poland (DAINA 2017; OPUS-21); University of Verona, Italy (Ricerca di Base 2017); University of Florence, Italy (2019); Latvian Council of Science (LCS) (2020, 2021); University of Parma (Bando di Ateneo 2020 per la ricerca – Action A2).

- Prizes: NARSC Graduate Student Paper Competition (2012, 2014); ERSA Epainos Award/Young Regional Scientist (EAYRS) Sessions (2014–19).

- Tenure evaluation: Geospatial Information Sciences Program, The University of Texas at Dallas (2014).

- Valutazione della Qualità della Ricerca (VQR, Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and Research): 2016 (7), 2021 (7).

Editorial Assistance

- Reggiani, A. and L.A. Schintler (eds) (2005) Methods and Models in Transport and Communications. Cross Atlantic Perspectives. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.

- Reggiani, A. and P. Nijkamp (eds) (2006) Spatial Dynamics, Networks and Modelling. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham Northampton.

- van Geenhuizen, M., A. Reggiani and P. Rietveld (eds) (2007) Policy Analysis of Transport Networks. Ashgate, Aldershot.

- Giaoutzi, M. and P. Nijkamp (eds) (2008) Network Strategies in Europe: The Role of Transport and ICT. Ashgate, Aldershot Burlington.

- Reggiani, A. and P. Nijkamp (eds) (2009) Complexity and Spatial Networks: In Search of Simplicity. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.

Service to the University

School of Economics and Management (former Faculty of Economics-Rimini, former School of Economics, Management and Statistics), Rimini campus, University of Bologna:

- Member, committee for entry tests: 2012–13.

- Reference person for information on transfers (CLET): 2012–19.

- Member, committee for Italian language tests: 2012–16.

- Coordinator, Erasmus agreement with the University of Oviedo, Spain: 2013–present.

- Member, committee for Erasmus internships: 2014–20.

- Member, committee for thesis-abroad scholarships: 2015–17.

- Vice-director, bachelor degree in “Economia del turismo”: 2016.

- Director, bachelor degree in “Economia del turismo”: 2016–19.

- Member, quality assurance committee, bachelor degree in “Economia del turismo”: 2016–present.

- Member, quality assurance committee, graduate degree in “Resource Economics and Sustainable Development”: 2016–present.

- Member, degree course tutor committee: 2016–18.

- Coordinator, Erasmus agreement with the University of Oviedo, Gijón campus, Spain: 2017–present.

- Coordinator, Erasmus agreement with the University of Zaragoza, Huesca campus, Spain: 2017–present.

- Member, Rimini Campus Council: 2017–19.

- Member, Board of the School of Economics and Management: 2018–21.

- Coordinator, Erasmus agreement with the University of Huelva, Spain: 2019–present.

- Coordinator, Erasmus agreement with Klaipeda University, Lithuania: 2019–present.

- Coordinator, Erasmus agreement with Pamukkale University, Turkey: 2019–present.

- Coordinator, Erasmus agreement with American College, Cyprus: 2020–present.

- Member, RESD blog scholarships committee: 2020–present.

- Member, RESD merit scholarships committee: 2020–present.

- Member, RESD conference scholarships committee: 2020.

- Member, RESD thesis abroad scholarships committee: 2020.

- Member, course/module attribution committee: 2020–22.

- Member, teaching assistantships attribution committee: 2020–22.

- Coordinator, Erasmus agreement with Cantabria University, Spain: 2021–present.

- Member, degree course tutor committee (RESD): 2021.

- Coordinator, Erasmus agreement with Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands: 2022–present.

Department of Economics, University of Bologna:

- Member, Scientific Committee, PhD in Economics: 2013–18.

- Member, selection committee for post-doc grants: 2015.

- Editor, department newsletter: 2017–present.

- Member/secretary, selection committee for a senior assistant professor (RTDB), sector 13/A2 economic policy: 2019.

- Member, teaching prize committee: 2020–present.

- Council member, Centre for Advanced Studies in Tourism (CAST): 2021–present.

- Member, selection committee (PON scholarships), PhD in Future Earth, Climate Change and Societal Challenges: 2021.

- Member, Scientific Committee, PhD in Public Governance, Management e Policy: 2022–present.

University of Bologna:

- President, rectoral voting committee, Rimini campus: 2015.

- Scientific coordinator, European Researchers’ Night, Rimini campus: 2016.

Invited Talks

- “An Application of Complex Network Theory to German Commuting Patterns” (with Sean P. Gorman). NSF Workshop on Network Science, Nonlinear Network Science and Infrastructure Systems, State College, PA, May 2005.

- “Network Analysis of Commuting Flows: A Comparative Static Approach to German Data”. NSF New Scholars Conference on Sustainable Transportation, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, May 2006.

- “Forecasting Regional Employment in Germany: A Review of Neural Network Approaches”. Faculty of Statistics, University of Bologna, October 2006.

- “Space and Networks: A Dual Perspective on Commuting” (with Aura Reggiani). IPL Workshop on Complexity, Evolution and Learning, Barchem, September 2007.

- “Network Analysis: A Concise Tutorial/Exercises with Pajek”. ZEW Centre for European Economic Research, Mannheim, November 2007.

- “Regional Labour Markets in Germany: Spatial vs Network Heterogeneity”. Department of Production Systems and Business Economics, Politecnico di Torino, November 2007.

- “Knowledge Production in Nanomaterials: An Application of Spatial Filtering to Regional Systems of Innovation”. International Workshop on Human Capital, Social Capital and Creative Capital as Sources of Regional Growth, Amsterdam, June 2008.

- “A Spatial-Dependence Continuous-Time Model for Regional Unemployment in Germany”. 2nd workshop of the Regional Studies Research Network on Geographical Localisation, Intersectoral Reallocation of Labour and Unemployment Differentials (GLUNLAB), Rimini, May 2009.

- “Persistent Disparities in Regional Unemployment: Application of a Spatial Filtering Approach to Local Labour Markets in Germany”. Department of Spatial Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, January 2010.

- “Le Reti Neurali: Un Esempio sulle Previsioni dell'Occupazione Regionale”. Faculty of Statistics, University of Bologna, April 2010.

- “Trading Cultural Goods in the Era of Digital Piracy”. Department of Applied Economics, University of Oviedo, October 2010.

- “Spatial Filter Regression of Heterogeneous Spatio-Temporal Autoregressive Processes: Some Monte-Carlo Evidence”. Fourth Seminar of Spatial Econometrics in honor of Doctor J.H.P. Paelinck, Oviedo, October 2010.

- “Trading Cultural Goods in the Era of Digital Piracy”. Faculty of Economics, University of Warsaw, February 2011.

- “Introduction to Spatial Statistics and Econometrics”. Faculty of Economics, University of Warsaw, February 2011.

- “Le Reti Neurali: Un Esempio sulle Previsioni dell'Occupazione Regionale”. Faculty of Statistics, University of Bologna, March 2011.

- “The Effects of World Heritage Sites on Domestic Tourism: A Spatial Interaction Model for Italy”. Toulouse School of Economics, Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, October 2011.

- “Le Reti Neurali: Un Esempio sulle Previsioni dell'Occupazione Regionale”. Faculty of Statistics, University of Bologna, March 2012.

- “The Role of Job Satisfaction in Transitions into Self-Employment”. Tinbergen Institute Workshop, Amsterdam, May 2012.

- “The Role of Job Satisfaction in Transitions into Self-Employment”. Department of Applied Economics, University of Oviedo, June 2012.

- “Regional Age Structure and Innovation: Are German Labour Markets Becoming More Polarized?”. Department of Economics, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón de la Plana, October 2012.

- “The Role of Job Satisfaction in Transitions into Self-Employment”. Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Nuremberg, October 2012.

- “Network Analysis: A Concise Introduction and Application”. Department of Civil Engineering, University of Coimbra, June 2013.

- “Regional Age Structure, Human Capital and Innovation – Is Demographic Ageing Increasing Regional Disparities?” Department of Economics and Mathematical Methods, University of Bari, April 2014.

- “Cultural Offer and Public Policies: Modelling Italian Tourism Flows”. Faculty of Economics, University of Lugano, September 2014.

- “Cultural Offer and Public Policies: Modelling Italian Tourism Flows”. Department of Economics, University of Perugia, October 2014.

- “Centralized vs Decentralized Tourism Policies: A Spatial Interaction Model Framework”. 2014 Barcelona Workshop On Regional And Urban Economics: Cultural Tourism And Sustainable Urban Development, Barcelona, November 2014.

- “Centralized vs Decentralized Tourism Policies: A Spatial Interaction Model Framework”. University of Sassari, June 2015.

- “Social Capital: Horizontal, Vertical and Spatial Transmission”. 6th Slovak Winter Seminar of Regional Science, Low Tatras, March 2016 (keynote speaker).

- “Overview of Spatial Econometrics”. RSAI Symposium and Workshop in Armenia, Yerevan, October 2016.

- “Centralized vs Decentralized Tourism Policies: A Spatial Interaction Model Framework”. International Scientific Conference on Innovative Marketing – ISCOIM, Durrës, February 2018.

- “Cultural Offer and Public Policies: Modelling Italian Tourism Flows”. Department of Economics, University of Oviedo, May 2019.

- “Entrepreneurial Intention among High-School Students: The Importance of Parents, Peers and Neighbours”. Department of Economics, University of São Paulo, October 2019.

- “Cultural Offer and Public Policies: Modelling Italian Tourism Flows”. Regional and Urban Economics Lab (NEREUS), University of São Paulo, October 2019.

- “The Role of Accessibility and Spatial Interaction in a Doubly Constrained Model
Evidence for Domestic Tourism Flows in Italy”. Regional and Urban Economics Lab (NEREUS), University of São Paulo, October 2019.

- “The Role of Accessibility and Spatial Interaction in a Doubly Constrained Model: Evidence for Domestic Tourism Flows in Italy”. CAST Days, Rimini, December 2019.