Roberto Orosei - Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum
- Maturità Scientifica at Liceo Scientifico "Lazzaro Spallanzani",
Reggio nell'Emilia, Italy. 1982-1987.
- Laurea in Astronomy at the Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy.
Graduated cum laude. Dissertation title: "Evoluzione termica e
differenziazione chimica di un nucleo di cometa: formazione di una
crosta" ("Thermal evolution and chemical differentiation of a comet
nucleus: formation of a crust", in Italian). 1987-1992.
- PhD in Remote Sensing at the Università degli Studi di Roma "La
Sapienza", Roma, Italy. Dissertation titled "Theoretical and
numerical tools for microwave experiments in planetary missions".
- Graduate course in "Space Systems Engineering", held at the
Aerospace Engineering Faculty of the Delft Technical University
(the Netherlands) from February to June 1994, with final marks of
- Summer course "Physics of Planets and Planetary Environments" of
the International School of Space Science, held in L'Aquila (Italy)
from August the 28th to September the 9th, 1995.
- 4th Course of the International School of Space Chemistry
"Formation and Evolution of Solids in Space", held in Erice (Italy)
from 10 to 20 March 1997.
- "Short Course in Planetary Geology", held in Pescara (Italy) from
11 to 18 May 1997.
- "Short Course on Geochemical Evolution of the Solar System", held
in Pescara (Italy) from 4 to 8 May 1998.
- 3rd Course of the IV Cycle of the National School of
Astrophysics, Solar System Physics - Relativistic Astrophysics,
held in Monteporzio Catone (Italy) from 15 to 20 June 1998.
- NASA Summer School for Planetary Science "Mars Exploration and
the Search for Life", held at the California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, 10-14 August 1998.
- Course "Fundamentals of the Unix operating system and computer
networks", held at the Area di Ricerca di Tor Vergata from June to
December 1999 (7 months).
- Course "Principles of data transmission, TCP / IP and the UNIX
operating system", held at the Area di Ricerca di Tor Vergata from
March to June 2000 (four months).
- Grant received from Officine Galileo of Florence for the
calibration of the CCD for the VIMS (Visual Infrared Mapping
Spectrometer) instrument for the Cassini-Huygens space mission,
from July 1 to December 31, 1993 (six months).
- Mother Tongue: Italian.
Language Writing
Reading Speaking
English Good
Fluent Fluent
French Poor
Fair Poor
German Poor
Poor Poor
Dutch Poor
Poor Poor
Russian Poor
Poor Poor
Employment history
- Research Fellowship at the European Space Research and Technology
Center (ESTEC) in Noordwijk (the Netherlands) for one year starting
from 1 February 1994 (12 months).
- Extension of the Fellowship for a second year, until January 31,
1996 (12 months).
- Fixed-term researcher at the Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale,
Rome, from April 1999 to December 2001 (2 years 9 months).
- Research scientist at the Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e
Fisica Cosmica (formerly Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale), Rome,
from January 2002 to December 2008 (7 years).
- Research scientist at the Istitituto di Fisica dello Spazio
Interplanetario, Rome, from January 2009 to present.
Scientific activity
- Science Team Member for the VIRTIS (Visual InfraRed Thermal
Imaging Spectrometer) experiment for ESA's Rosetta mission (1995 -
present), providing theoretical models of the structure of comet
nuclei and support for observation planning software
- Co-Investigator of the MARSIS (Mars Subsurface and Ionosphere
Radar Sounder)experiment for ESA's Mars Express mission (1997 -
present), developing data archiving requirement documentation,
supporting observation planning software development, supervising
data archiving activities, and participating in data analysis and
scientific publications.
- Instrument Scientist in the IRMA (Infra-Red Microscope Analysis)
experiment proposed for NASA's Mars Surveyor 2003 Lander mission
- Co-Investigator in the MARE (Mars Radioactivity Experiment)
experiment proposed for NASA's Mars Surveyor 2003 Lander mission
- Co-Investigator in the MAST-Pro (Mars Soil Thermophysical
Properties) experiment proposed for NASA's Mars Surveyor 2003
Lander mission (1998-1999).
- Member of "Cometary Nuclei Working Group" at the International
Space Science Institute, Bern, Switzerland (1998 - 2006).
- Team Member of the SHARAD (SHAllow Radar) experiment for NASA's
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission (2000 - present), developing
data archiving requirement documentation, supporting observation
planning software development, supervising data archiving
activities, and participating in data analysis and scientific
- Member of the Topical Team on "Electromagnetic geophysical and
other techniques for in-situ and orbital planetary exploration" for
ESA (2001 - 2004).
- Member of the ISHTAR (Internal Structure High-resolution
Tomography by Asteroid Rendezvous) mission study team for ESA (2002
- 2003).
- Co-investigator of the Smart-SI (Smart Spectral Imager)
experiment for the ESA SMART-1 mission (2003-2006), providing
support for data analysis.
- Science Team Member for the VIR (Visual and InfraRed
spectrometer) experiment for NASA's Dawn Mission (2003 - present),
supporting observation planning software development.
- Co-Investigator of the Deep Interior mission proposal for NASA
- Science Team Member of the Titan Radar Mapper experiment for
NASA' Cassini mission (2004 - present), participating in data
analysis and scientific publications.
- Science Team Member of the Ma_Miss (Mars Multispectral Imager for
Subsurface Studies) experiment for ESA's ExoMars mission (2005 -
present), supporting ground segment software development.
- Science Team Member of the JIRAM (Jovian InfraRed Auroral Mapper)
experiment for NASA's Juno mission (2006 - present), supporting
ground segment software development.
- Deputy Principal Investigator of the MAGIA (Missione Altimetrica
Gravimetrica geochImica lunAre - Altimetric, gravimetric and
geochemical mission to the Moon) mission study for ASI (2007 -
- Deputy Principal Investigator of the MARSIS (Mars Subsurface and
Ionosphere Radar Sounder)experiment for ESA's Mars Express mission,
with overall responsibility for the experiment observation
planning, its science operations, and its data processing and
archiving. (2008 - present).
- Scientific Manager of ASI contract no. I/060/08/0 - Mars Express
Phase E2 supporting the scientific activities related to the
Italian participation in the Mars Express mission (2008 –
- Team Member of the joint subsurface radar study team for NASA /
ESA Europa Jupiter System Mission study (2009 - present).
- Co-Investigator of the CoRE (COmet Radar Explorer) mission
proposal for NASA (2010 - present).
- Co-Investigator of the Eagle mission proposal for NASA (2010 -
- Co-Investigator of the GLACIES (GLACiers and Icy Environments
Sounding) mission proposal for ESA (2010 - present).
- Referee for the international scientific journals Planetary and
Space Science, Advances in Space Research, IEEE Transactions on
Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Radio Science.
- Reviewer for the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Symposium in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011.
Education and public outreach
- Participation in the astronomical public event "Il Pincio sotto
le stelle" in the editions of 2003 and 2004.
- Speaker at the media event organized by ESA on the occasion of
the Huygens probe release to Titan, held in Amorbach (Germany) in
November 2004.
- Lecturer at the School of Astronomy organized by the Associazione
Tuscolana di Astronomia and hosted at ESRIN, Frascati, in 2004 and
- Speaker at public lectures organized by the Amateur Astronomers
Group "Hipparcos" of Rome in 2004, 2005 and 2007.
- Speaker at the popular science event for high school students
"Scienza Orienta", held at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" in
April 2005.
- Guest at the radio broadcast "RAI 3 Scienza" on the 3rd national
radio network in August 2005.
- Lecturer in the exhibition "Cassini, the messenger of the solar
system", held from September 12 to October 7, 2005 at the
University of Rome "La Sapienza".
- Lecturer at the National School of Astrophysics, Cycle VIII, II
Course, held in Volterra, Italy, from 10 to 15 October 2005.
- Seminar lecturer at the Department of Astronomy, University of
Bologna in November 2005.
- Telephone interview for an article published on the popular
magazine "Quark" in January 2006.
- Lecturer at the "Space School" course for high school students in
Arezzo, Italy, organized by SPACE - European Foundation for space
in April 2004.
- Seminar lecturer at the event "Open SVIRCO Observatory" held at
the Department of Physics, University Roma Tre on June 10,
- Popular conference "The formation of planets and solar systems"
held at the "G.B. Grassi" high school in Latina, Italy, as part of
the "Astronomical afternoons" on January 16, 2009.
- Public lecture "The Solar System" presented at the "Stage di
Astrofisica IASF-IFSI" for high school students in March
- Public lecture "The Solar System" presented at the "Notte della
Ricerca" public event at the Scuderie Aldobrandini, Frascati, in
September 2009.
- Public lecture "Italy in space: missions, technology and science"
held in Cento, Italy, on November 20, 2009
- Public lecture "Italy in space: missions, technology and science"
held in Reggio nell'Emilia, Italy, on November 27, 2009
- Public lecture "The Solar System" presented at the "Stage di
Astrofisica IASF-IFSI" for high school students in February
- Public lecture "Italy in space: missions, technology and science"
held at the "Gulio Cesare" high school in Rome for the University
of the Third Age on March 24, 2010.
- Public lecture "Mars Today" held at the Area di Ricerca di Tor
Vergata during the event "ARTOV Open Day" on April 21, 2010.
- Public lecture "Exploring the Solar System" held at the "Aula del
Chiostro" of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University "La
Sapienza" of Rome, during the "European Planetary Science
Conference" on September 21, 2010
- Public lecture "The study of the red planet in the past and in
the future" held at Palazzo Brera, Milan, as part of the symposium
"Schiaparelli and His Legacy" on October 19, 2010.
- Lecturer for the Master Course in Space Science and Technology at
the University of Tor Vergata
( from November 2010 to March
Honors and awards
- 2008 - NASA Group Achievement Award to the Dawn payload
- 2007 - NASA Group Achievement Award to the SHARAD instrument
development team
- 2007 - Main-belt asteroid 1993 RJ3 named 19224 Orosei
- 2004 - ESA Certificate for outstanding contribution to the
Rosetta mission
- 2003 - ESA Certificate for outstanding contribution to the Mars
Express mission
Papers on refereed journals
1. Espinasse, S.; Coradini, A.; Capria, M. T.;
Capaccioni, F.; Orosei, R.; Salomone, M.; Federico, C. Thermal
evolution and differentiation of a short-period comet. Planetary
and Space Science (ISSN 0032-0633), vol. 41, no. 6, p. 409-427
2. Orosei, R.; Capaccioni, F.; Capria, M. T.;
Coradini, A.; Espinasse, S.; Federico, C.; Salomone, M.; Schwehm,
G. H. Gas and dust emission from a dusty porous comet. Astronomy
and Astrophysics, v.301, p.613 (1995)
3. Capria, M. T.; Capaccioni, F.; Coradini, A.;
de Sanctis, M. C.; Espinasse, S.; Federico, C.; Orosei, R.;
Salomone, M. A P/Wirtanen evolution model. Planet. Space Sci., vol.
44, p. 987-1000 (1996)
4. Coradini, A.; Capaccioni, F.; Capria, M. T.;
de Sanctis, M. C.; Espianasse, S.; Orosei, R.; Salomone, M.;
Federico, C. Transition Elements between Comets and Asteroids. Part
I. Thermal evolution models. Icarus, Volume 129, Issue 2, pp.
317-336 (1997)
5. Coradini, A.; Capaccioni, F.; Capria, M. T.;
de Sanctis, M. C.; Espinasse, S.; Orosei, R.; Salomone, M.;
Federico, C. Transition Elements between Comets and Asteroids. Part
II. From the Kuiper Belt to NEO orbits. Icarus, Volume 129, Issue
2, pp. 337-347 (1997)
6. Coradini, A.; Capaccioni, F.; Drossart, P.;
Semery, A.; Arnold, G.; Schade, U.; Angrilli, F.; Barucci, M. A.;
Bellucci, G.; Bianchini, G.; Bibring, J. P.; Blanco, A.; Blecka,
M.; Bockelee-Morvan, D.; Bonsignori, R.; Bouye, M.; Bussoletti, E.;
Capria, M. T.; Carlson, R.; Carsenty, U.; Cerroni, P.; Colangeli,
L.; Combes, M.; Combi, M.; Crovisier, J.; Dami, M.; De Sanctis, M.
C.; DiLellis, A. M.; Dotto, E.; Encrenaz, T.; Epifani, E.; Erard,
S.; Espinasse, S.; Fave, A.; Federico, C.; Fink, U.; Fonti, S.;
Formisano, V.; Hello, Y.; Hirsch, H.; Huntzinger, G.; Knoll, R.;
Kouach, D.; Ip, W. H.; Irwin, P.; Kachlicki, J.; Langevin, Y.;
Magni, G.; McCord, T.; Mennella, V.; Michaelis, H.; Mondello, G.;
Mottola, S.; Neukum, G.; Orofino, V.; Orosei, R.; Palumbo, P.;
Peter, G.; Pforte, B.; Piccioni, G.; Reess, J. M.; Ress, E.;
Saggin, B.; Schmitt, B.; Stefanovitch, ; Stern, A.; Taylor, F.;
Tiphene, D.; Tozzi, G. Virtis : an imaging spectrometer for the
rosetta mission. Planetary and Space Science, Volume 46, Issue
9-10, p. 1291-1304 (1998)
7. Melacci, P. T.; Orosei, R.; Picardi, G.; Seu,
R.Cassini radar : system concept and simulation results. Planetary
and Space Science, Volume 46, Issue 9-10, p. 1363-1374 (1998)
8. De Sanctis, M. C.; Capaccioni, F.; Capria, M.
T.; Coradini, A.; Federico, C.; Orosei, R.; Salomone, M. Models of
P/Wirtanen nucleus: active regions versus non-active regions.
Planetary and Space Science, Volume 47, Issue 6-7, p. 855-872
9. Huebner, Walter F.; Benkhoff, J.; Capria, M.
T.; Coradini, A.; de Sanctis, M. C.; Enzian, A.; Orosei, R.;
Prialnik, D. Results from the Comet Nucleus Model Team at the
International Space Science Institute, Bern, Switzerland. Advances
in Space Research, Volume 23, Issue 7, p. 1283-1298 (1999)
10. Orosei, R.; Capaccioni, F.; Capria, M. T.;
Coradini, A.; De Sanctis, M. C.; Federico, C.; Salomone, M.; Huot,
J.-P. Numerically improved thermochemical evolution models of comet
nuclei. Planetary and Space Science, Volume 47, Issue 6-7, p.
839-853 (1999)
11. Capria, M. T.; Coradini, A.; De Sanctis, M.
C.; Orosei, R. CO emission mechanisms in C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp).
Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.357, p.359-366 (2000)
12. Capria, M. T.; Coradini, A.; De Sanctis, M.
C.; Orosei, R. Chiron Activity and Thermal Evolution. The
Astronomical Journal, Volume 119, Issue 6, pp. 3112-3118
13. De Sanctis, M. C.; Capria, M. T.; Coradini,
A.; Orosei, R. Thermal Evolution of the Centaur Object 5145 Pholus.
The Astronomical Journal, Volume 120, Issue 3, pp. 1571-1578
14. Capaccioni, F.; Bellucci, G.; Orosei, R.;
Amici, S.; Bianchi, R.; Blecka, M.; Capria, M. T.; Coradini, A.;
Erard, S.; Fonti, S.; Formisano, V.; Forni, O.; Mustard, J.;
Piccioni, G.; Pieters, C.; Poscolieri, M.; Battistelli, E.; Romoli,
A.; Digiampietro, M.; Espinasse, S.; Magnani, M.; Pasqui, C.
MARS-IRMA: in-situ infrared microscope analysis of Martian soil and
rock samples. Advances in Space Research, Volume 28, Issue 8, p.
1219-1224 (2001)
15. Coradini, A.; Campbell, J.; de Sanctis, M.
C.; di Pippo, S.; Espinasse, S.; Flamini, E.; Mugnuolo, R.; Orosei,
R.; Piccioni, G. Italian participation in the Mars exploration
program. Advances in Space Research, Volume 28, Issue 8, p.
1197-1202 (2001)
16. Orosei, R.; Coradini, A.; de Sanctis, M. C.;
Federico, C. Collision-induced thermal evolution of a comet nucleus
in the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt. Advances in Space Research, Volume
28, Issue 10, p. 1563-1569 (2001)
17. Orosei, R.; Bianchi, R.; Coradini, A.;
Espinasse, S.; Federico, C.; Ferriccioni, A.; Gavrishin, A. I.
Self-affine behavior of Martian topography at kilometer scale from
Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter data. Journal of Geophysical Research
(Planets), Volume 108, Issue E4, pp. GDS 4-1, CiteID 8023, DOI
10.1029/2002JE001883 (2003)
18. Shchuko, Oleg B.; Kartashov, Daniil V.;
Picardi, Giovanni; Orosei, Roberto Martian underground water
detection: Thermal model and simulations of radar signal
propagation. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), Volume 108,
Issue E4, pp. GDS 3-1, CiteID 8022, DOI 10.1029/2002JE001879
19. Kartashov, D. V.; Shchuko, O. B.; Orosei, R.
Radar detection of subsurface features on Mars. Advances in Space
Research, Volume 33, Issue 12, p. 2263-2269 (2004)
20. Picardi, G.; Biccari, D.; Seu, R.;
Marinangeli, L.; Johnson, W. T. K.; Jordan, R. L.; Plaut, J.;
Safaenili, A.; Gurnett, D. A.; Ori, G. G.; Orosei, R.; Calabrese,
D.; Zampolini, E. Performance and surface scattering models for the
Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding
(MARSIS). Planetary and Space Science, v. 52, iss. 1-3 [SPECIAL
ISSUE], p. 149-156 (2004)
21. Seu, R.; Biccari, D.; Orosei, R.; Lorenzoni,
L. V.; Phillips, R. J.; Marinangeli, L.; Picardi, G.; Masdea, A.;
Zampolini, E. SHARAD: The MRO 2005 shallow radar. Planetary and
Space Science, v. 52, iss. 1-3 [SPECIAL ISSUE], p. 157-166
22. Vannaroni, G.; Pettinelli, E.; Ottonello, C.;
Cereti, A.; Della Monica, G.; Del Vento, D.; Di Lellis, A. M.; Di
Maio, R.; Filippini, R.; Galli, A.; Menghini, A.; Orosei, R.;
Orsini, S.; Pagnan, S.; Paolucci, F.; Pisani, A. R.; Schettini, G.;
Storini, M.; Tacconi, G. MUSES: multi-sensor soil electromagnetic
sounding. Planetary and Space Science, v. 52, iss. 1-3 [SPECIAL
ISSUE], p. 67-78 (2004)
23. Adriani, A.; Moriconi, M. L.; Liberti, G. L.;
Gardini, A.; Orosei, R.; D'Aversa, E.; Filacchione, G.; Coradini,
A. Titan's Ground Reflectance Retrieval from Cassini-Vims Data
Taken during the July 2ND, 2004 Fly-By at 2 AM UT. Earth, Moon, and
Planets, Volume 96, Issue 3-4, pp. 109-117 (2005)
24. Picardi, Giovanni; Plaut, Jeffrey J.;
Biccari, Daniela; Bombaci, Ornella; Calabrese, Diego; Cartacci,
Marco; Cicchetti, Andrea; Clifford, Stephen M.; Edenhofer, Peter;
Farrell, William M.; Federico, Costanzo; Frigeri, Alessandro;
Gurnett, Donald A.; Hagfors, Tor; Heggy, Essam; Herique, Alain;
Huff, Richard L.; Ivanov, Anton B.; Johnson, William T. K.; Jordan,
Rolando L.; Kirchner, Donald L.; Kofman, Wlodek; Leuschen, Carlton
J.; Nielsen, Erling; Orosei, Roberto; Pettinelli, Elena; Phillips,
Roger J.; Plettemeier, Dirk; Safaeinili, Ali; Seu, Roberto; Stofan,
Ellen R.; Vannaroni, Giuliano; Watters, Thomas R.; Zampolini,
Enrico Radar Soundings of the Subsurface of Mars. Science, Volume
310, Issue 5756, pp. 1925-1928 (2005)
25. Nielsen, E.; Zou, H.; Gurnett, D. A.;
Kirchner, D. L.; Morgan, D. D.; Huff, R.; Orosei, R.; Safaeinili,
A.; Plaut, J. J.; Picardi, G. Observations of Vertical Reflections
from the Topside Martian Ionosphere. Space Science Reviews, Volume
126, Issue 1-4, pp. 373-388 (2006)
26. Shchuko, O. B.; Coradini, A.; Orosei, R.;
Shchuko, S. D. Varuna: Thermal evolution. Advances in Space
Research, Volume 38, Issue 9, p. 1946-1951 (2006)
27. Lopes, R. M. C.; Mitchell, K. L.; Stofan, E.
R.; Lunine, J. I.; Lorenz, R.; Paganelli, F.; Kirk, R. L.; Wood, C.
A.; Wall, S. D.; Robshaw, L. E.; Fortes, A. D.; Neish, C. D.;
Radebaugh, J.; Reffet, E.; Ostro, S. J.; Elachi, C.; Allison, M.
D.; Anderson, Y.; Boehmer, R.; Boubin, G.; Callahan, P.; Encrenaz,
P.; Flamini, E.; Francescetti, G.; Gim, Y.; Hamilton, G.; Hensley,
S.; Janssen, M. A.; Johnson, W. T. K.; Kelleher, K.; Muhleman, D.
O.; Ori, G.; Orosei, R.; Picardi, G.; Posa, F.; Roth, L. E.; Seu,
R.; Shaffer, S.; Soderblom, L. A.; Stiles, B.; Vetrella, S.; West,
R. D.; Wye, L.; Zebker, H. A. Cryovolcanic features on Titan's
surface as revealed by the Cassini Titan Radar Mapper. Icarus,
Volume 186, Issue 2, p. 395-412 (2007)
28. Nielsen, E.; Wang, X.-D.; Gurnett, D. A.;
Kirchner, D. L.; Huff, R.; Orosei, R.; Safaeinili, A.; Plaut, J.
J.; Picardi, G. Vertical sheets of dense plasma in the topside
Martian ionosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 112,
Issue E2, CiteID E02003 (2007)
29. Plaut, Jeffrey J.; Picardi, Giovanni;
Safaeinili, Ali; Ivanov, Anton B.; Milkovich, Sarah M.; Cicchetti,
Andrea; Kofman, Wlodek; Mouginot, Jérémie; Farrell, William M.;
Phillips, Roger J.; Clifford, Stephen M.; Frigeri, Alessandro;
Orosei, Roberto; Federico, Costanzo; Williams, Iwan P.; Gurnett,
Donald A.; Nielsen, Erling; Hagfors, Tor; Heggy, Essam; Stofan,
Ellen R.; Plettemeier, Dirk; Watters, Thomas R.; Leuschen, Carlton
J.; Edenhofer, Peter Subsurface Radar Sounding of the South Polar
Layered Deposits of Mars. Science, Volume 316, Issue 5821, pp. 92-
30. Seu, Roberto; Phillips, Roger J.; Alberti,
Giovanni; Biccari, Daniela; Bonaventura, Francesco; Bortone, Marco;
Calabrese, Diego; Campbell, Bruce A.; Cartacci, Marco; Carter, Lynn
M.; Catallo, Claudio; Croce, Anna; Croci, Renato; Cutigni, Marco;
Di Placido, Antonio; Dinardo, Salvatore; Federico, Costanzo;
Flamini, Enrico; Fois, Franco; Frigeri, Alessandro; Fuga, Oreste;
Giacomoni, Emanuele; Gim, Yonggyu; Guelfi, Mauro; Holt, John W.;
Kofman, Wlodek; Leuschen, Carlton J.; Marinangeli, Lucia; Marras,
Paolo; Masdea, Arturo; Mattei, Stefania; Mecozzi, Riccardo;
Milkovich, Sarah M.; Morlupi, Antonio; Mouginot, Jérémie; Orosei,
Roberto; Papa, Claudio; Paternò, Tobia; Persi del Marmo, Paolo;
Pettinelli, Elena; Pica, Giulia; Picardi, Giovanni; Plaut, Jeffrey
J.; Provenziani, Marco; Putzig, Nathaniel E.; Russo, Federica;
Safaeinili, Ali; Salzillo, Giuseppe; Santovito, Maria Rosaria;
Smrekar, Suzanne E.; Tattarletti, Barbara; Vicari, Danilo
Accumulation and Erosion of Mars' South Polar Layered Deposits.
Science, Volume 317, Issue 5845, pp. 1715- (2007)
31. Seu, Roberto; Phillips, Roger J.; Biccari,
Daniela; Orosei, Roberto; Masdea, Arturo; Picardi, Giovanni;
Safaeinili, Ali; Campbell, Bruce A.; Plaut, Jeffrey J.;
Marinangeli, Lucia; Smrekar, Suzanne E.; Nunes, Daniel C. SHARAD
sounding radar on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Journal of
Geophysical Research, Volume 112, Issue E5, CiteID E05S05
32. Watters, Thomas R.; Campbell, Bruce; Carter,
Lynn; Leuschen, Carl J.; Plaut, Jeffrey J.; Picardi, Giovanni;
Orosei, Roberto; Safaeinili, Ali; Clifford, Stephen M.; Farrell,
William M.; Ivanov, Anton B.; Phillips, Roger J.; Stofan, Ellen R.
Radar Sounding of the Medusae Fossae Formation Mars: Equatorial Ice
or Dry, Low-Density Deposits? Science, Volume 318, Issue 5853, pp.
1125- (2007)
33. Adriani, Alberto; Coradini, Angioletta;
Filacchione, Gianrico; Lunine, Jonathan I.; Bini, Alessandro;
Pasqui, Claudio; Calamai, Luciano; Colosimo, Fedele; Dinelli,
Bianca M.; Grassi, Davide; Magni, Gianfranco; Moriconi, Maria L.;
Orosei, Roberto JIRAM, the Image Spectrometer in the Near Infrared
on Board the Juno Mission to Jupiter. Astrobiology, Volume 8, Issue
3, pp. 613-622 (2008)
34. Campbell, Bruce; Carter, Lynn; Phillips,
Roger; Plaut, Jeffrey; Putzig, Nathaniel; Safaeinili, Ali; Seu,
Roberto; Biccari, Daniela; Egan, Anthony; Orosei, Roberto SHARAD
radar sounding of the Vastitas Borealis Formation in Amazonis
Planitia. Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 113, Issue E12,
CiteID E12010 (2008)
35. Lunine, J. I.; Elachi, C.; Wall, S. D.;
Janssen, M. A.; Allison, M. D.; Anderson, Y.; Boehmer, R.;
Callahan, P.; Encrenaz, P.; Flamini, E.; Franceschetti, G.; Gim,
Y.; Hamilton, G.; Hensley, S.; Johnson, W. T. K.; Kelleher, K.;
Kirk, R. L.; Lopes, R. M.; Lorenz, R.; Muhleman, D. O.; Orosei, R.;
Ostro, S. J.; Paganelli, F.; Paillou, P.; Picardi, G.; Posa, F.;
Radebaugh, J.; Roth, L. E.; Seu, R.; Shaffer, S.; Soderblom, L. A.;
Stiles, B.; Stofan, E. R.; Vetrella, S.; West, R.; Wood, C. A.;
Wye, L.; Zebker, H.; Alberti, G.; Karkoschka, E.; Rizk, B.;
McFarlane, E.; See, C.; Kazeminejad, B. Titan's diverse landscapes
as evidenced by Cassini RADAR's third and fourth looks at Titan.
Icarus, Volume 195, Issue 1, p. 415-433 (2008)
36. Phillips, Roger J.; Zuber, Maria T.; Smrekar,
Suzanne E.; Mellon, Michael T.; Head, James W.; Tanaka, Kenneth L.;
Putzig, Nathaniel E.; Milkovich, Sarah M.; Campbell, Bruce A.;
Plaut, Jeffrey J.; Safaeinili, Ali; Seu, Roberto; Biccari, Daniela;
Carter, Lynn M.; Picardi, Giovanni; Orosei, Roberto; Mohit, P.
Surdas; Heggy, Essam; Zurek, Richard W.; Egan, Anthony F.;
Giacomoni, Emanuele; Russo, Federica; Cutigni, Marco; Pettinelli,
Elena; Holt, John W.; Leuschen, Carl J.; Marinangeli, Lucia Mars
North Polar Deposits: Stratigraphy, Age, and Geodynamical Response.
Science, Volume 320, Issue 5880, pp. 1182- (2008)
37. Boisson, Josèphine; Heggy, Essam; Clifford,
Stephen M.; Frigeri, Alessandro; Plaut, Jeffrey J.; Farrell,
William M.; Putzig, Nathaniel E.; Picardi, Giovanni; Orosei,
Roberto; Lognonnè, Philippe; Gurnett, Donald A. Sounding the
subsurface of Athabasca Valles using MARSIS radar data: Exploring
the volcanic and fluvial hypotheses for the origin of the rafted
plate terrain. Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 114, Issue
E8, CiteID E08003 (2009)
38. Carter, Lynn M.; Campbell, Bruce A.; Watters,
Thomas R.; Phillips, Roger J.; Putzig, Nathaniel E.; Safaeinili,
Ali; Plaut, Jeffrey J.; Okubo, Chris H.; Egan, Anthony F.; Seu,
Roberto; Biccari, Daniela; Orosei, Roberto Shallow radar (SHARAD)
sounding observations of the Medusae Fossae Formation, Mars.
Icarus, Volume 199, Issue 2, p. 295-302 (2009)
39. Coradini, A.; Capaccioni, F.; Cerroni, P.;
Filacchione, G.; Magni, G.; Orosei, R.; Tosi, F.; Turrini, D.
Saturn Satellites as Seen by Cassini Mission. Earth, Moon, and
Planets, Volume 105, Issue 2-4, pp. 289-310 (2009)
40. Jordan, R.; Picardi, G.; Plaut, J.; Wheeler,
K.; Kirchner, D.; Safaeinili, A.; Johnson, W.; Seu, R.; Calabrese,
D.; Zampolini, E.; Cicchetti, A.; Huff, R.; Gurnett, D.; Ivanov,
A.; Kofman, W.; Orosei, R.; Thompson, T.; Edenhofer, P.; Bombaci,
O. The Mars express MARSIS sounder instrument. Planetary and Space
Science, Volume 57, Issue 14-15, p. 1975-1986 (2009)
41. Zhang, Zhenfei; Nielsen, Erling; Plaut,
Jeffrey J.; Orosei, Roberto; Picardi, Giovanni Ionospheric
corrections of MARSIS subsurface sounding signals with filters
including collision frequency. Planetary and Space Science, Volume
57, Issue 3, p. 393-403 (2009)
42. Kofman, Wlodek; Orosei, Roberto; Pettinelli,
Elena Radar Signal Propagation and Detection Through Ice Space
Science Reviews, Volume 153, Issue 1-4, pp. 249-271 (2010)
43. Lauro, Sebastian Emanuel; Mattei, Elisabetta;
Pettinelli, Elena; Soldovieri, Francesco; Orosei, Roberto;
Cartacci, Marco; Cicchetti, Andrea; Noschese, Raffaella; Giuppi,
Stefano Permittivity estimation of layers beneath the northern
polar layered deposits, Mars. Geophysical Research Letters, Volume
37, Issue 14, CiteID L14201 (2010)
44. Pauselli, Cristina; Federico, Costanzo;
Frigeri, Alessandro; Orosei, Roberto; Barchi, Massimiliano R.;
Basile, Gabriele Ground penetrating radar investigations to study
active faults in the Norcia Basin (central Italy). Journal of
Applied Geophysics, v. 72, iss. 1, p. 39-45. (2010)
45. Tosi, F.; Orosei, R.; Seu, R.; Coradini, A.;
Lunine, J. I.; Filacchione, G.; Gavrishin, A. I.; Capaccioni, F.;
Cerroni, P.; Adriani, A.; Moriconi, M. L.; Negrão, A.; Flamini, E.;
Brown, R. H.; Wye, L. C.; Janssen, M.; West, R. D.; Barnes, J. W.;
Wall, S. D.; Clark, R. N.; Cruikshank, D. P.; McCord, T. B.;
Nicholson, P. D.; Soderblom, J. M.; The Cassini VIMS, RADAR Teams
Correlations between VIMS and RADAR data over the surface of Titan:
Implications for Titan's surface properties. Icarus, Volume 208,
Issue 1, p. 366-384 (2010)
46. Bruzzone, L.; Alberti, G.; Catallo, C.;
Ferro, A.; Kofman, W.; Orosei, R. Subsurface Radar Sounding of the
Jovian Moon Ganymede. Proceedings of the IEEE Vol. 99, Issue 5, p.
837-857. DOI: 10.1109/JPROC.2011.2108990 (2011)
47. Coradini, A.; Orosei, R. The exploration of
Mars: past and future. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana,
v.82, p.321 (2011)
48. Frigeri, Alessandro; Hare, Trent; Neteler,
Markus; Coradini, Angioletta; Federico, Costanzo; Orosei, Roberto.
A working environment for digital planetary data processing and
mapping using ISIS and GRASS GIS. Planetary and Space Science,
Volume 59, Issue 11-12, p. 1265-1272. DOI:
10.1016/j.pss.2010.12.008 (2011)
49. Guilbert-Lepoutre, A.; Lasue, J.; Federico;
C.; Coradini, A.; Orosei, R.; Rosenberg, E. D. New 3D thermal
evolution model for icy bodies application to trans-Neptunian
objects. Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 529, id.A71, 11 pp.
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201014194 (2011)
50. Van Gasselt, S.; Hauber, E.; Rossi, A.-P.;
Dumke, A.; Orosei, R.; Neukum, G. Periglacial geomorphology and
landscape evolution of the Tempe Terra region, Mars. Geological
Society, London, Special Publications, vol. 356, issue 1, pp.
43-67. DOI: 10.1144/SP356.4 (2011)
51. Alberti, Giovanni; Castaldo, Luigi; Orosei,
Roberto; Frigeri, Alessandro; Cirillo, Giuseppe. Permittivity
estimation over Mars by using SHARAD data: the Cerberus Palus area.
Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 117, Issue E9, CiteID
E09008. DOI: 10.1029/2012JE004047 (2012)
52. Catallo, C.; Mattei, S.; Alberti, G.; Seu,
R.; Orosei, R.; Olivieri, A.; Abbattista, C.; Carbone, M. Planetary
SubSurface Radar processing centre. Memorie della Societa
Astronomica Italiana Supplement, v.20, p.135 (2012)
53. Conway, Susan J.; Hovius, Niels; Barnie,
Talfan; Besserer, Jonathan; Le Mouélic, Stéphane; Orosei, Roberto;
Read, Natalie Anne. Climate-driven deposition of water ice and the
formation of mounds in craters in Mars' north polar region. Icarus,
Volume 220, Issue 1, p. 174-193. DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2012.04.021
54. Grima, Cyril, Kofman, Wlodek; Herique, Alain;
Orosei, Roberto; Seu, Roberto. Quantitative analysis of Mars
surface radar reflectivity at 20 MHz. Icarus, Volume 220, Issue 1,
p. 84-99. DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2012.04.017 (2012)
55. Lauro, Sebastian E.; Mattei, Elisabetta;
Soldovieri, Francesco; Pettinelli, Elena; Orosei, Roberto;
Vannaroni, Giuliano. Dielectric constant estimation of the
uppermost Basal Unit layer in the martian Boreales Scopuli region.
Icarus, Volume 219, Issue 1, p. 458-467. DOI:
10.1016/j.icarus.2012.03.011 (2012)
56. Cartacci, M.; Amata, E.; Cicchetti, A.;
Noschese, R.; Giuppi, S.; Langlais, B.; Frigeri, A.; Orosei, R.;
Picardi, G. Mars ionosphere total electron content analysis from
MARSIS subsurface data. Icarus, Volume 223, Issue 1, p. 423-437.
DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2012.12.011 (2013)
57. Adriani, Alberto; Filacchione, Gianrico; Di
Iorio, Tatiana; Turrini, Diego; Noschese, Raffaella; Cicchetti,
Andrea; Grassi, Davide; Mura, Alessandro; Sindoni, Giuseppe;
Zambelli, Massimo; Piccioni, Giuseppe; Capria, Maria T.; Tosi,
Federico; Orosei, Roberto; Dinelli, Bianca M.; Moriconi, Maria L.;
Roncon, Elio; Lunine, Jonathan I.; Becker, Heidi N.; Bini,
Alessadro; Barbis, Alessandra; Calamai, Luciano; Pasqui, Claudio;
Nencioni, Stefano; Rossi, Maurizio; Lastri, Marco; Formaro,
Roberto; Olivieri, Angelo. JIRAM, The Jovian Infrared Auroral
Mapper. Space Science Reviews, Volume 63, doi:
10.1007/s11214-014-0094-y (2014).
58. Mitri, G.; Coustenis, A.; Fanchini, G.;
Hayes, A. G.; Iess, L.; Khurana, K.; Lebreton, J.-P.; Lopes, R. M.;
Lorenz, R. D.; Meriggiola, R.; Moriconi, M. L.; Orosei, R.; Sotin,
C.; Stofan, E.; Tobie, G.; Tokano, T.; Tosi, F. The exploration of
Titan with an orbiter and a lake probe. Planetary and Space Science
104, 78-92 (2014)
59. Shchuko, O. B.; Shchuko, S. D.; Kartashov, D.
V.; Orosei, R. Conditions for liquid or icy core existence in KBO
objects: Numerical simulations for Orcus and Quaoar. Planetary and
Space Science 104, 147-155 (2014)
60. Witasse, O.; Duxbury, T.; Chicarro, A.;
Altobelli, N.; Andert, T.; Aronica, A.; Barabash, S.; Bertaux,
J.-L.; Bibring, J.-P.; Cardesin-Moinelo, A.; Cichetti, A.;
Companys, V.; Dehant, V.; Denis, M.; Formisano, V.; Futaana, Y.;
Giuranna, M.; Gondet, B.; Heather, D.; Hoffmann, H.; Holmström, M.;
Manaud, N.; Martin, P.; Matz, K.-D.; Montmessin, F.; Morley, T.;
Mueller, M.; Neukum, G.; Oberst, J.; Orosei, R.; Pätzold, M.;
Picardi, G.; Pischel, R.; Plaut, J. J.; Reberac, A.; Pardo Voss,
P.; Roatsch, T.; Rosenblatt, P.; Remus, S.; Schmedemann, N.;
Willner, K.; Zegers, T. Mars Express investigations of Phobos and
Deimos. Planetary and Space Science, Volume 102, Pages 18-34, (2014)
61. Capaccioni, F.; Coradini, A.; Filacchione,
G.; Erard, S.; Arnold, G.; Drossart, P.; De Sanctis, M. C.;
Bockelee-Morvan, D.; Capria, M. T.; Tosi, F.; Leyrat, C.; Schmitt,
B.; Quirico, E.; Cerroni, P.; Mennella, V.; Raponi, A.; Ciarniello,
M.; McCord, T.; Moroz, L.; Palomba, E.; Ammannito, E.; Barucci, M.
A.; Bellucci, G.; Benkhoff, J.; Bibring, J. P.; Blanco, A.; Blecka,
M.; Carlson, R.; Carsenty, U.; Colangeli, L.; Combes, M.; Combi,
M.; Crovisier, J.; Encrenaz, T.; Federico, C.; Fink, U.; Fonti, S.;
Ip, W. H.; Irwin, P.; Jaumann, R.; Kuehrt, E.; Langevin, Y.; Magni,
G.; Mottola, S.; Orofino, V.; Palumbo, P.; Piccioni, G.; Schade,
U.; Taylor, F.; Tiphene, D.; Tozzi, G. P.; Beck, P.; Biver, N.;
Bonal, L.; Combe, J.-Ph.; Despan, D.; Flamini, E.; Fornasier, S.;
Frigeri, A.; Grassi, D.; Gudipati, M.; Longobardo, A.; Markus, K.;
Merlin, F.; Orosei, R.; Rinaldi, G.; Stephan, K.; Cartacci, M.;
Cicchetti, A.; Giuppi, S.; Hello, Y.; Henry, F.; Jacquinod, S.;
Noschese, R.; Peter, G.; Politi, R.; Reess, J. M.; Semery, A. The
organic-rich surface of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as seen by
VIRTIS/Rosetta. Science 347, aaa0628 (2015)
62. Caprarelli, G.; Orosei, R. Probing the Hidden
Geology of Isidis Planitia (Mars) with Impact Craters. Geosciences
5(1), 30-44; doi:10.3390/geosciences5010030 (2015)
63. Geminale, A.; Grassi, D.; Altieri, F.;
Serventi, G.; Carli, C.; Carrozzo, F. G.; Sgavetti, M.; Orosei, R.;
D'Aversa, E.; Bellucci, G.; Frigeri, A. Removal of atmospheric
features in near infrared spectra by means of principal component
analysis and target transformation on Mars: I. Method. Icarus 253,
51-65 (2015)
64. Orosei, R.; Jordan, R. L.; Morgan, D. D.;
Cartacci, M.; Cicchetti, A.; Duru, F.; Gurnett, D. A.; Heggy, E.;
Kirchner, D. L.; Noschese, R.; Kofman, W.; Masdea, A.; Plaut, J.
J.; Seu, R.; Watters, T. R.; Picardi, G. Mars Advanced Radar for
Subsurface and Ionospheric Sounding (MARSIS) after nine years of
operation: A summary. Planetary and Space Science, Vol. 112, Pages
98-114. doi:10.1016/j.pss.2014.07.010 (2015)
65. Sánchez-Cano, B.; Morgan, D. D.; Witasse, O.;
Radicella, S. M.; Herraiz, M.; Orosei, R.; Cartacci, M.; Cicchetti,
A.; Noschese, R.; Kofman, W.; Grima, C.; Mouginot, J.; Gurnett, D.
A.; Lester, M.; Blelly, P.-L.; Opgenoorth, H.; Quinsac, G. Total
electron content in the Martian atmosphere: A critical assessment
of the Mars Express MARSIS data sets. Journal of Geophysical
Research (Space Physics) 120, 2166-2182 (2015)
66. Zhang, Z.; Orosei, R.; Huang, Q.; Zhang, J.
Topside of the martian ionosphere near the terminator: Variations
with season and solar zenith angle and implications for the origin
of the transient layers. Icarus, Volume 251, Pages 12-25.
doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2014.09.036 (2015).
67. Pettinelli, Elena; Lauro, Sebastian E.;
Mattei, Elisabetta; Cosciotti, Barbara; Di Paolo, Federico; Orosei,
Roberto; Vannaroni, Giuliano. Dielectric properties of Jovian
satellite ices for subsurface radar exploration: A review. Reviews
of Geophysics, in press.
Conference proceedings
1. Capria, M.T.; Coradini, A.; Capaccioni, F.; De
Sanctis, M.C.; Orosei, R.; Salomone, M.; Federico, C. Reference
comet model for the ROSETTA mission. Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Symposium, 1995. IGARSS '95. 'Quantitative Remote Sensing for
Science and Applications', International Volume 1, 10-14 July 1995
Page(s):35 - 37 vol.1 Digital Object Identifier
10.1109/IGARSS.1995.519640 (1995)
2. Foing, B. H.; Wiik, J. E.; David, F.;
Beauford, T.; Altieri, B.; Orosei, R.; Laureijs, R.; Metcalfe, L.;
Maurice, E.; Reuter, P.; Bois, D. Results from the November 3, 1994
Total Solar Eclipse. Proceedings of the International Symposium on
the Total Solar Eclipse of November 3, 1994. Lake Titicaca,
Bolivia, May 14-17, 1995. Revista de la Academia Nacional de
Ciencias de Bolivia. Edited by Mirko S. Raljevic, Francesco
Zaratti, and Jay M. Pasachoff. La Paz: National Academy of Sciences
of Bolivia, 1995., p.121 (1995)
3. Foing, B. H.; Wiik, J. E.; Henrich, N.; David,
F.; Beaufort, T.; Altieri, B.; Orosei, R.; Laureijs, R.; Metcalfe,
L.; Maurice, E.; Reuter, P.; Bois, D. Results from 3 November 1994
Solar Eclipse. Magnetodynamic phenomena in the solar atmosphere.
Prototypes of stellar magnetic activity Proceedings of the 153rd
colloquium of the International Astronomical Union held in
Makuhari; near Tokyo; Japan; May 22-27; 1995; Dordrecht: Kluwer
Academic Publishers; |c1996; edited by Yutaka Uchida, Takeo Kosugi,
and Hugh S. Hudson, p.415 (1996)
4. Picardi, G.; Sorge, S.; Seu, R.; Plaut, J.J.;
Johnson, W.T.K.; Jordan, R.L.; Gurnett, D.A.; Orosei, R.;
Borgarelli, L.; Braconi, G.; Zelli, C.; Zampolini, E. The Mars
Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS):
concept and performance. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,
1999. IGARSS '99 Proceedings. IEEE 1999 International Volume 5, 28
June-2 July 1999 Page(s):2674 - 2677 vol.5 Digital Object
Identifier 10.1109/IGARSS.1999.771614 (1999)
5. Picardi, G.; Sorge, S.; Orosei, R. Detection
of the Europa subsurface ocean by radar techniques. In Proceedings
of the 10th Microcoll, Budapest, Hungary, March 21-24, 1999,
258-262. (1999)
6. Biccari, D.; Picardi, G.; Seu, R.; Johnson, W.
T. K.; Jordan, R. L.; Plaut, J. J.; Gurnett, D. A.; Orosei, R.;
Bombaci, O.; Provvedi, F.; Zampolini, E.; Zelli, C. Mars Advanced
Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS). In
Proceedings of the 51st International Astronautical Congress, Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2-6, 2000, 1592-1597. (2000)
7. Picardi, G.; Sorge, S.; Seu, R.; Orosei, R.;
Zelli, C.; Zampolini, E. The subsurface investigation by Mars
Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS).
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2000. Proceedings. IGARSS
2000. IEEE 2000 International Volume 4, 24-28 July 2000
Page(s):1730 - 1732 vol.4 Digital Object Identifier
10.1109/IGARSS.2000.857327 (2000)
8. Biccari, Daniela; Picardi, Giovanni; Seu,
Roberto; Orosei, Roberto; Melacci, Pietro T. Mars orbital laser
altimeter and mars advanced radar for subsurface and ionosphere
sounding (MARSIS). Proc. SPIE Vol. 4925, p. 10-17, Electronic
Imaging and Multimedia Technology III, LiWei Zhou; Chung-Sheng Li;
Yoshiji Suzuki; Eds (2002)
9. Vannaroni, G.; Filippini, R.; Pettinelli, E.;
Storini, M.; della Monica, G.; di Maio, R.; Orosei, R.; Ottonello,
C.; Tacconi, G.; Orsini, S.; Pagnan, S.; Galli, A.; Schettini, G.;
Menghini, A.; di Lellis, A. M.; del Vento, D.; Paolucci, F.;
Cereti, A.; Pisani, A. Multi-sensor Soil Electromagnetic Sounding
(MuSES) for Mars exploration. In: Proceedings of the First European
Workshop on Exo-Astrobiology, 16 - 19 September 2002, Graz,
Austria. Ed.: Huguette Lacoste. ESA SP-518, Noordwijk, Netherlands:
ESA Publications Division, ISBN 92-9092-828-X, 2002, p. 327 - 330
10. Orosei, R.; Bernardini, F.; Biccari, D.;
Bombaci, O.; Cartacci, M.; Calabrese, D.; Huff, R. L.; Ivanov, A.
B.; Melacci, P. T.; Picardi, G.; Plaut, J. J.; Ricci, M.;
Safaenili, A.; Seu, R.; Zampolini, E. The Mars Advanced Radar for
Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS) on Mars Express: What
will the data look like? In: A Blanco, E. Dotto & V. Orofino
(Eds.): Proceedings of the Fifth Italian meeting of Planetary
Science, Gallipoli (Lecce), Italy, September 15-19, 2003: 67-70.
11. Picardi, G.; Biccari, D.; Bazzoni, A.; Fois,
F.; Iorio, M.; Seu, R.; Melacci, P.; Federico, C.; Frigeri, A.;
Minelli, G.; Marinangeli, L.; Orosei, R.; Calabrese, D.; Zampolini,
E.; Johnson, W.T.K.; Jordan, R.L.; Plaut, J.; Safaenili, A. Mars
Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS):
subsurface performances evaluation. Radar Conference, 2003.
Proceedings of the International 3-5 Sept. 2003 Page(s):515 - 521
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/RADAR.2003.1278795 (2003)
12. Picardi, G.; Biccari, D.; Masdea, A.; Seu,
R.; Johnson, W. T. K.; Jordan, R. L.; Plaut, J.; Safaenili, A.;
Melacci, P. T.; Orosei, R.; Calabrese, D.; Zampolini, E.;
Marinangeli, L.; Ori, G. Radar sounder in planetary missions. In: A
Blanco, E. Dotto & V. Orofino (Eds.): Proceedings of the Fifth
Italian meeting of Planetary Science, Gallipoli (Lecce), Italy,
September 15-19, 2003: 17-26. (2003)
13. Barucci, M. Antonietta; D'Arrigo, Paolo;
Ball, P.; Doressoundiram, Alain; Dotto, Elisabetta; Kofman, W.;
Orosei, Roberto; Patzold, Martin; Perozzi, Ettore The ISHTAR
Mission: Probing the Internal Structure of NEOs. Highlights of
Astronomy, Vol. 13, as presented at the XXVth General Assembly of
the IAU - 2003 [Sydney, Australia, 13 - 26 July 2003]. Edited by O.
Engvold. San Francisco, CA: Astronomical Society of the Pacific,
ISBN 1-58381-189-3. XXIX + 1085 pp., 2005, p.738 (2005)
14. Saba, L.; Di Martino, M.; Delbò, M.; Cellino,
A.; Zappalà, V.; Montebugnoli, S.; Righini, S.; Zoni, L.; Orosei,
R.; Tosi, F.; Valsecchi, G.; Gardini, A.; Grassi, D.; Rossi, A.;
Milani, A.; Lazzarin, M. The Sardinian Radio Telescope as Radar for
the study of near-Earth Objects and Space Debris. Memorie della
Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplement, v.6, p.104 (2005)
15. Di Martino, M.; Delbò, M.; Saba, L.; Cellino,
A.; Zappalà, V.; Montebugnoli, S.; Righini, S.; Zoni, L.; Orosei,
R.; Tosi, F. The SRT as radar for asteroid and space debris
studies. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplement,
v.10, p.180 (2006)
16. Picardi, G.; Biccari, D.; Cartacci, M.;
Cicchetti, A.; Iorio, M.; Seu, R.; Masdea, A.; Plaut, J.; Jordan,
R.L.; Huff, R.; Safaenili, A.; Orosei, R.; Bombaci, O.; Calabrese,
D.; Zampolini, E.; Melacci, P.T. Subsurface Investigations by
MARSIS in Mars Express Mission. Radar Symposium, 2006. IRS 2006.
International 24-26 May 2006 Page(s):1 - 15 Digital Object
Identifier 10.1109/IRS.2006.4338150 (2006)
17. Alberti, G.; Biccari, D.; Bortone, B.;
Caramiello, C.; Catallo, C.; Croce, A.; Dinardo, S.; Flamini, E.;
Guelfi, M.; Masdea, A.; Mattei, S.; Orosei, R.; Papa, C.; Pica, G.;
Picardi, G.; Salzillo, G.; Santovito, M. R.; Seu, R. The Ground
System of the SHAllow RADar (SHARAD) Experiment. Memorie della
Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplement, v.11, p.57 (2007)
18. Alberti, G.; Catallo, C.; Festa, L.; Flamini,
E.; Orosei, R.; Papa, C.; Picardi, G.; Seu, R.; Spataro, F.;
Vingione, G. The Processing of Altimetric Data (PAD) System for
Cassini RADAR. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana
Supplement, v.11, p.68 (2007)
19. Fois, F.; Mecozzi, R.; Iorio, M.; Calabrese,
D.; Bombaci, O.; Catallo, C.; Croce, A.; Croci, R.; Guelfi, M.;
Zampolini, E.; Ravasi, D.; Molteni, M.; Ruggeri, P.; Ranieri, A.;
Ottavianelli, M.; Flamini, E.; Picardi, G.; Seu, R.; Biccari, D.;
Orosei, R.; Cartacci, M.; Cicchetti, A.; Masdea, A.; Giacomoni, E.;
Cutigni, M.; Provenziani, M.; Fuga, O.; Alberti, G.; Mattei, S.;
Papa, C.; Marras, P.; Tattarletti, B.; Vicari, D.; Bonaventura, F.;
Paterno, T.; Di Placido, A.; Morlupi, A. Comparison between MARSIS
& SHARAD results Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2007.
IGARSS 2007. IEEE International 23-28 July 2007 Page(s):2134 - 2139
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/IGARSS.2007.4423256 (2007)
20. Picardi, G.; Biccari, D.; Cartacci, M.;
Cicchetti, A.; Fuga, O.; Giuppi, S.; Masdea, A.; Noschese, R.; Seu,
R.; Federico, C.; Frigeri, A.; Melacci, P. T.; Orosei, R.; Bombaci,
O.; Calabrese, D.; Zampolini, E.; Marinangeli, L.; Pettinelli, E.;
Flamini, E.; Vannaroni, G. MARSIS, a radar for the study of the
Martian subsurface in the Mars Express mission. Memorie della
Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplement, v.11, p.15 (2007)
21. Picardi, G.; Biccari, D.; Cartacci, M.;
Cicchetti, A.; Giuppi, S.; Marini, A.; Masdea, A.; Noschese, R.;
Piccari, F.; Seu, R.; Bombaci, O.; Calabrese, D.; Zampolini, E.;
Pettinelli, E.; Federico, C.; Frigeri, A.; Melacci, P.T.; Orosei,
R.; Marinangeli, L.; Flamini, E. MARSIS Data Inversion Approach.
Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar, 2007 4th International Workshop
on 27-29 June 2007 Page(s):256 - 260 Digital Object Identifier
10.1109/AGPR.2007.386563 (2007)
22. Seu, R.; Biccari, D.; Cartacci, M.;
Cicchetti, A.; Fuga, O.; Giuppi, S.; Masdea, A.; Noschese, R.;
Picardi, G.; Federico, C.; Frigeri, A.; Melacci, P. T.; Orosei, R.;
Croci, R.; Guelfi, M.; Calabrese, D.; Zampolini, E.; Marinangeli,
L.; Pettinelli, E.; Flamini, E.; Vannaroni, G. The SHAllow RADar
(SHARAD) Experiment, a subsurface sounding radar for MRO. Memorie
della Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplement, v.11, p.26
23. Picardi, G.; Biccari, D.; Cartacci, M.;
Cicchetti, A.; Giuppi, S.; Marini, A.; Masdea, A.; Noschese, R.;
Piccari, F.; Seu, R.; Plaut, J.J.; Johnson, W.T.K.; Jordan, R.L.;
Safaeinili, A.; Federico, C.; Frigeri, A.; Melacci, P.T.; Orosei,
R.; Bombaci, O.; Calabrese, D.; Zampolini, E.; Edenhofer, P.;
Plettemeier, D.; Marinangeli, L.; Pettinelli, E.; Hagfors, T.;
Flamini, E.; Vannaroni, G.; Nielsen, E.; Williams, I.; Gurnett,
D.A.; Kirchner, D.L.; Huff, R.L. MARSIS data inversion approach:
Preliminary results. Radar Conference, 2008. RADAR '08. IEEE 26-30
May 2008 Page(s):1 - 4 Digital Object Identifier
10.1109/RADAR.2008.4721073 (2008)
24. Picardi, G.; Biccari, D.; Cartacci, M.;
Cicchetti, A.; Iorio, M.; Masdea, A.; Seu, R.; Plaut, J.J.;
Johnson, W.T.K.; Jordan, R.L.; Safaeinili, A.; Frigeri, A.;
Melacci, P.T.; Orosei, R.; Bombaci, O.; Calabrese, D.; Zampolini,
E. Subsurface sounding in Northern hemisphere for Mars by MARSIS:
Mars express mission. Radar Conference, 2008. RADAR '08. IEEE 26-30
May 2008 Page(s):1 - 6 Digital Object Identifier
10.1109/RADAR.2008.4720759 (2008)
25. Russo, F.; Cutigni, M.; Orosei, R.; Taddei,
C.; Seu, R.; Biccari, D.; Giacomoni, E.; Fuga, O.; Flamini, E. An
incoherent simulator for the SHARAD experiment Radar Conference,
2008. RADAR '08. IEEE 26-30 May 2008 Page(s):1 - 4 Digital Object
Identifier 10.1109/RADAR.2008.4720761 (2008)
26. Seu, R.; Giacomoni, E.; Biccari, D.; Cutigni,
M.; Russo, F.; Taddei, C.; Fuga, O.; Orosei, R.; Mecozzi, R.; Fois,
F.; Croci, R.; Catallo, C.; Alberti, G.; Mattei, S.; Papa, C.;
Flamini, E. SHARAD, a shallow radar sounder to investigate the red
planet Radar Conference, 2008. RADAR '08. IEEE 26-30 May 2008
Page(s):1 - 4 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/RADAR.2008.4721074
27. Boisson, J.; Heggy, E.; Frigeri, A.; Farrell,
W.M.; Picardi, G.; Clifford, S.M.; Plaut, J.J.; Putzig, N.; Orosei,
R.; Gurnett, D.A. Exploring the Martian subsurface of Athabasca
using MARSIS radar data: Testing the volcanic and fluvial
hypotheses for the origin of the morphology. Radar Conference, 2009
IEEE 4-8 May 2009 Page(s):1 - 5 Digital Object Identifier
10.1109/RADAR.2009.4976987 (2009)
28. Plettemeier, D.; Hahnel, R.; Hegler, S.;
Safaeinili, A.; Plaut, J.; Gaskell, B.; Orosei, R.; Cicchetti, A.;
Picardi, G. Numerical computation of radar echoes measured by
MARSIS during phobos flybys. Radar Conference, 2009 IEEE 4-8 May
2009 Page(s):1 - 6 Digital Object Identifier
10.1109/RADAR.2009.4977091 (2009)
29. Alberti, G.; Mattei, S.; Seu, R.; Bruzzone,
L.; Ferro, A.; Orosei, R.; Olivieri, A.; Catallo, C. Preliminary
performance of Sub-Surface Radar for the EJSM/Laplace mission.
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), 2010 13th International Conference
on. Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ICGPR.2010.5550149. Page(s):
1 - 4 (2010)
30. Lauro, S.E.; Mattei, E.; Pettinelli, E.;
Orosei, R.; Soldovieri, F. A simple inversion model for the
estimation of subsurface features of Mars poles. Ground Penetrating
Radar (GPR), 2010 13th International Conference on. Digital Object
Identifier: 10.1109/ICGPR.2010.5550229. Page(s): 1 - 4 (2010)
31. Orosei, R.; Cartacci, M.; Cicchetti, A.;
Noschese, R.; Federico, C.; Frigeri, A.; Flamini, E.; Holt, J.W.;
Marinangeli, L.; Pettinelli, E.; Phillips, R.J.; Picardi, G.; Seu,
R.; Plaut, J.J. Radar subsurface sounding over the putative frozen
sea in Cerberus Palus, Mars. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), 2010
13th International Conference on. Digital Object Identifier:
10.1109/ICGPR.2010.5550143. Page(s): 1 - 4 (2010)
32. Bruzzone, L.; Plaut, J. J.; Alberti, G.;
Blankenship, D. D.; Bovolo, F.; Campbell, B. A.; Kofman, W.;
Komatsu, G.; McKinnon, W.; Mitri, G.; Orosei, R.; Patterson, G. W.;
Plettemeier, D.; Seu R. RIME: Radar for Icy Moon Exploration. IEEE
International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, held July
21-26, 2013 in Melbourne, Australia (2013) DOI:
10.1109/IGARSS.2013.6723686. Page(s): 3907 – 3910 (2013)
33. Castaldo, Luigi; Alberti, Giovanni; Cirillo,
Giuseppe; Orosei, Roberto. Scientific Calibration of SHARAD Data
over Martian Surface. Signal Processing Symposium SPS-2013, held
June 5-7, 2013 in Jachranka, Poland. DOI: 10.1109/SPS.2013.6623572.
Page(s): 1 – 5 (2013)
Scholarly Books
1. Huebner, Walter F.; Benkhoff, Johannes;
Capria, Maria-Theresa; Coradini, Angioletta; de Sanctis, Cristina;
Orosei, Roberto; Prialnik, Dina Heat and Gas Diffusion in Comet
Nuclei. SR-004, June, 2006. ISBN 1608-280X. Published for The
International Space Science Institute, Bern, Switzerland, by ESA
Publications Division, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 2006
Scholarly Book Chapters
1. Picardi, G.; Biccari, D.; Seu, R.; Plaut, J.;
Johnson, W. T. K.; Jordan, R. L.; Safaeinili, A.; Gurnett, D. A.;
Huff, R.; Orosei, R.; Bombaci, O.; Calabrese, D.; Zampolini, E.
MARSIS: Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding.
In: Mars Express: the scientific payload. Ed. by Andrew Wilson,
scientific coordination: Agustin Chicarro. ESA SP-1240, Noordwijk,
Netherlands: ESA Publications Division, ISBN 92-9092-556-6, 2004,
p. 51 - 69 (2004)
2. Coradini, A.; Capaccioni, F.; Drossart, P.;
Erard, S.; Filacchione, G.; De Sanctis, M. C.; Capria, M. T.;
Crovisier, J.; Ammannito, E.; Orosei, R.; Tosi, F.; Arnold, G.;
Barucci, A.; Bellucci, G.; Benkhoff, J.; Bibring, J. P.; Blecka,
M.; Bocklelèe-Morvan, D.; Carsenty, U.; Cerroni, P.; Combes, M.;
Combi, M.; Encrenaz, T.; Federico, C.; Fonti, S.; Formisano, V.;
Jaumann, R.; Kuehrt, E.; Langevin, Y.; Magni, G.; McCord, T.;
Mottola, S.; Neukum, G.; Piccioni, G.; Rauer, H.; Schmitt, B.;
Tozzi, G.; Tiphene, D. The VIRTIS: an imaging spectrometer for the
Rosetta Mission. In ROSETTA ESA's Mission to the Origin of the
Solar System. Schulz, R.; Alexander, C.; Boehnhardt, H.; Glaßmeier,
K.-H. (Eds.), Springer DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-77518-0; ISBN:
978-0-387-77517-3 (2009)
3. Zender, J.; Delhaise, F.; Arviset, C.;
Heather, D.; Diaz del Rio, J.; Manaud, N.; Vazquez Garcia, J.;
Hernandez, J.; Ortiz, I.; Dowson, J.; Jeffers, S.; Roatsch, T.;
Matz, K.-D.; Poulleau, G.; Langevin, Y.; Gondet, B.; Reberac, A.;
Daloze, J.F.; Dimarellis, E.; Carone, L.; Stanzel, C.; D'Amore, M.;
Orosei, R.; Noschese, R.; Cartacci, M.; Giuppi, S.; Huff, R.;
Johnson, R.; Acton, C.; Semenov, B.; Guinness, E.; Slavney, S.
Spacecraft and Payload Data Handling. Mars Express: The Scientific
Investigations, O. Witasse (ed.), ESA SP-1291, ESA Communication
Production Office, June 2009, pp. 257-276. (2009)
Invited Talks
1. Picardi, G.; Biccari, D.; Seu, R.; Melacci,
P.T.; Federico, C.; Frigeri, A.; Marinangeli, L.; Minelli, G.;
Orosei, R.; Zampolini, E. Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and
Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS): Performances Evaluation. RADAR 2003,
Adelaide, Australia, 3-5 September 2003. (2003)
2. Plaut, J. J.; Picardi, G.; Calabrese, D.;
Cicchetti, A.; Clifford, S.; Farrell, W.; Federico, C.; Frigeri,
A.; Gurnett, D.; Huff, R.; Ivanov, A.; Johnson, W.; Jordan, R.;
Kirchner, D.; Leuschen, C.; Masdea, A.; Orosei, R.; Phillips, R.;
Safaeinili, A.; Seu, R.; Stofan, E.; Watters, T. First Science
Results from MARSIS Subsurface Sounding. American Geophysical
Union, Fall Meeting 2005, abstract #P13C-02 (2005)
3. Phillips, R. J.; Seu, R.; Biccari, D.;
Campbell, B. A.; Safaeinili, A.; Plaut, J. J.; Carter, L. M.; Holt,
J. W.; Leuschen, C. J.; Smrekar, S. E.; Putzig, N. E.; Orosei, R.;
Egan, A. F.; Milkovich, S. M. Results From the SHARAD Sounding
Radar Experiment at Mars. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting
2007, abstract #P14B-02 (2007)
4. Orosei, R.; Picardi, G.; Plaut, J.J.; Seu, R.;
Team, MARSIS; Team, SHARAD Radar Sounding of the Martian Polar
Layered Deposits. MOCA09: IAMAS IAPSO IACS 2009 Joint Assembly,
July 19-29, 2009 - Montréal, Canada. (2009)
5. Orosei, R.; Picardi, G.; Plaut, J. J.; Seu,
R.; Phillips, R. J.; Team, MARSIS; Team, SHARAD Mapping ice
deposits on Mars through subsurface radar sounding. Workshop on
Methane on Mars: Current Observations, Interpretation and Future
Plans. 25 - 27 November 2009, Frascati, Italy. (2009)
6. Phillips, R. J.; Seu, R.; Campbell, B. A.;
Plaut, J. J.; Holt, J. W.; Carter, L. M.; Putzig, N. E.; Smrekar,
S. E.; Nunes, D. C.; Orosei, R. The SHARAD Sounding Radar Explores
Mars. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, abstract
#P11D-03 (2009)
7. Coradini, A.; Orosei, R. Planetary science in
Italy: an overview. 11th Australian Space Science Conference, held
September 26-29, 2011 in Canberra, Australia (2011)
8. Frigeri, A.; Orosei, R.; Cartacci, M.;
Cicchetti, A.; Mitri, G.; Giuppi, S.; Noschese, R.; Picardi, G.;
Plaut, J. Radar soundings of the North Polar Cap of Mars. Third
Moscow Solar System Symposium, held October 8-12, 2012 in Moscow,
Russian Federation (2012)
9. Orosei, R. MARSIS and SHARAD: adding the third
dimension in the exploration of Mars. 34th International Geological
Congress, held 5-10 August 2012 in Brisbane, Australia (2012)
10. Orosei, R. Mars subsurface sounding. Workshop
on Mars - Connecting Planetary Scientists in Europe, held 05-07
June 2012, Budapest, Hungary (2012)
11. Orosei, R. Esplorazione spaziale e scienze
planetarie in Italia: presente e futuro. LVII Congresso della
Societa Astronomica Italiana, held May 7-10, 2013 in Bologna, Italy
Conference Papers
1. Coradini, A.; Capaccioni, F.; Capria, M. T.;
Espinasse, S.; Orosei, R.; Salomone, M.; Federico, C. Transition
elements between comets and asteroids: evolutionary models. XVIII
General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Wiesbaden,
Germany, 1993. Annales Geophysicae 11, Part III, Supplement III,
c473. (1993)
2. Espinasse, S.; Coradini, A.; Capria, M. T.;
Capaccioni, F.; Orosei, R.; Salomone, M.; Federico, C. Thermal
evolution and differentiation of a short-period comet. Asteroids,
Comets, Meteors 1993, Belgirate, Italy, June 14-18, 1993. Abstracts
Book. (1993)
3. Orosei, R.; Capaccioni, F.; Capria, M. T.;
Coradini, A.; Espinasse, S.; Salomone, M.; Federico, C. Gas and
dust emission from a dusty porous comet. Asteroids, Comets, Meteors
1993, Belgirate, Italy, June 14-18, 1993. Abstracts Book.
4. Orosei, R.; Capaccioni, F.; Capria, M. T.;
Coradini, A.; Espinasse, S.; Salomone, M.; Federico, C. Gas and
dust emission from a dusty porous comet. XVIII General Assembly of
the European Geophysical Society, Wiesbaden, Germany, 1993. Annales
Geophysicae 11, Part III, Supplement III, c470. (1993)
5. Capaccioni, F.; Coradini, A.; Capria, M. T.;
Espinasse, S.; Orosei, R.; Salomone, M.; Federico, C. Comparison
between unidimensional and bidimensional cometary models. XIX
General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Grenoble,
France, 1994. Annales Geophysicae 12, Part III, c667. (1994)
6. Capria, M. T.; Coradini, A.; Capaccioni, F.;
Espinasse, S.; Orosei, R.; Salomone, M.; Federico, C.
Differentiation Processes of a Comet Coming from the "Kuiper Belt".
American Astronomical Society, DPS Meeting #26, #17.03; Bulletin of
the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 26, p.1126 (1994)
7. Capria, M. T.; Coradini, A.; Capaccioni, F.;
Espinasse, S.; Orosei, R.; Salomone, M.; Federico, C.
Differentiation processes of a "new" comet. XIX General Assembly of
the European Geophysical Society, Grenoble, France, 1994. Annales
Geophysicae 12, Part III, c666. (1994)
8. Coradini, A.; Capaccioni, F.; Capria, M. T.;
Orosei, R.; Salomone, M.; Federico, C. Thermal Evolution of a Short
Period Comet: Bidimensional Models. American Astronomical Society,
DPS Meeting #26, #17.04; Bulletin of the American Astronomical
Society, Vol. 26, p.1126 (1994)
9. Capria, M. T.; Coradini, A.; De Sanctis, M.
C.; Orosei, R. A comet becomes a "sungrazer". Ices in the Solar
System 1995, Toulouse, France, March 27-30, 1995. Abstracts Book,
93. (1995)
10. Coradini, A.; Capaccioni, F.; Capria, M. T.;
de Sanctis, M. C.; Espinasse, S.; Orosei, R.; Salomone, M.;
Federico, C. Thermal Evolution of Sun-grazer Comets. American
Astronomical Society, DPS Meeting #27, #25.13; Bulletin of the
American Astronomical Society, Vol. 27, p.1124 (1995)
11. Foing, B. H.; Wiik, J. E.; Henrich, N.;
David, F.; Beaufort, T.; Altieri, B.; Orosei, R.; Laureijs, R.;
Metcalfe, L.; Maurice, E.; Reuter, P.; Bois, D. Results from the 3
November total solar eclipse. XX General Assembly of the European
Geophysical Society, Hamburg, Germany, 1995. Annales Geophysicae
13, Part III, Supplement III, c664. (1995)
12. Orosei, R.; Capria, M. T.; Coradini, A.; De
Sanctis, M. C. Modelling activity patterns and nucleus stratigraphy
of comet P/Wirtanen. Ices in the Solar System 1995, Toulouse,
France, March 27-30, 1995. Abstracts Book, 99. (1995)
13. Melacci, P. T.; Orosei, R.; Picardi, G.; Seu,
R. Cassini RADAR: system concept and simulation results. The
Cassini-Huygens mission: the exploration of the Saturn System,
Bologna, Italy, November 19-22, 1996. Abstracts Book. (1996)
14. De Sanctis, M. C.; Capaccioni, F.; Capria, M.
T.; Coradini, A.; Federico, C.; Orosei, R.; Salomone, M. Active
regions versus non-active regions: a model of P/Wirtanen nucleus.
Workshop on the Rosetta Targets - 46P/Wirtanen: Observation,
Modelling and Future Work, Naples, Italy, December 10-11, 1997.
Abstracts Book. (1997)
15. Orosei, R.; Capaccioni, F.; Capria, M. T.;
Coradini, A.; De Sanctis, M. C.; Federico, C.; Salomone, M. A new
generation of numerical models of the thermochemical evolution of
comet nuclei. Workshop on the Rosetta Targets - 46P/Wirtanen:
Observation, Modelling and Future Work, Naples, Italy, December
10-11, 1997. Abstracts Book. (1997)
16. Coradini, A.; Orosei, R.; Amici, S. Return to
Mars: Scientific objectives of the next Martian exploration. ASI
Workshop - Prospettive di partecipazione italiana all'esplorazione
di Marte, Pantelleria, Italy, September 28-30, 1998. Abstracts
Book. (1998)
17. Huebner, W. F.; Benkhoff, J.; Capria, M. T.;
Coradini, A.; De Sanctis, M. C.; Enzian, A.; Orosei, R.; Prialnik,
D. Results from the Comet Nucleus Model Team at the International
Space Science Institute, Bern, Switzerland. 32nd Committee on Space
Research Scientific Assembly, 40th Anniversary, Nagoya, Japan, July
12-19, 1998. Abstracts Book. (1998)
18. Huebner, W. F.; Benkhoff, J.; Capria, M. T.;
Coradini, A.; De Sanctis, M. C.; Orosei, R.; Enzian, A.; Prialnik,
D. Relationship between coma and nucleus abundances. Workshop on
the Origin and Composition of Cometary Material, International
Space Science Institute, Bern, Switzerland, September 14-19, 1998.
Abstracts Book. (1998)
19. Picardi, G.; Seu, R.; Sorge, S.; Federico,
C.; Orosei, R. Radar subsurface sounding in the Mars Express 2003
mission. XXIII General Assembly of the European Geophysical
Society, Nice, France, April 20-24, 1998. Annales Geophysicae 16,
Part III, Supplement III, c1024. (1998)
20. Blecka, M. I.; Coradini, A.; Capria, M. T.;
Orosei, R.; De Sanctis, M. C. Effects of dust in coma and on
surface of nucleus on cometary spectra - Examples of modelling the
comet P/Wirtanen. Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 1999, Cornell
University, Ithaca, New York, July 26-30, 1999. Abstracts Book, 65.
21. Capaccioni, F.; Bellucci, G.; Amici, S.;
Bianchi, R.; Capria, M. T.; Coradini, A.; Orosei, R.; Piccioni, G.;
Poscolieri, M.; Formisano, V.; Fonti, S.; Mustard, J.; Pieters, C.
M.; Erard, S.; Forni, O.; Blecka, M. I. MARS-IRMA: a multispectral
imager for the characterization of Martian soil samples. Bull. Am.
Astron. Soc., Vol. 31, No. 4, p. 1084, DPS meeting #31, #08.11
22. Capria, M. T.; Coradini, A.; De Sanctis, M.
C.; Orosei, R. CO emission mechanisms in Hale-Bopp comet.
Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 1999, Cornell University, Ithaca, New
York, July 26-30, 1999. Abstracts Book, 32-33. (1999)
23. De Sanctis, M. C.; Capria, M. T.; Coradini,
A.; Orosei, R. Model of formation and stability of crust on
Centaurs surfaces. Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 1999, Cornell
University, Ithaca, New York, July 26-30, 1999. Abstracts Book,
137. (1999)
24. Di Lellis, A. M.; Capria, M. T.; Espinasse,
S.; Magni, G.; Orosei, R.; Piccioni, G.; Federico, C.; Minelli, G.;
Pauselli, C.; Scarpa, G. MARE: Mars Radioactivity Experiment.
American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #31, Bull. Am. Astron.
Soc., Vol. 31, No. 4, p. 1085, #08.15 (1999)
25. Orosei, R.; Lunine, J. I.; Melacci, P. T.;
Picardi, G.; Seu, R. A simulator of Cassini RADAR imaging mode.
American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting. Bull. Am. Astron. Soc.,
Vol. 31, No. 4, p. 1137, #41.05 (1999)
26. Orosei, R.; Lunine, J. I.; Melacci, P. T.;
Picardi, G.; Seu, R. Simulation of the radar imaging of the surface
of Titan. XXIV General Assembly of the European Geophysical
Society, The Hague, The Netherlands, April 19-23, 1999. Geophysical
Research Abstracts 1, 703. (1999)
27. Orosei, R.; Capria, M. T.; Coradini, A.; De
Sanctis, M. C. An 1-D model of the evolution of a comet nucleus for
EM propagation studies. Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 1999, Cornell
University, Ithaca, New York, July 26-30, 1999. Abstracts Book, 65.
28. Picardi, G.; Sorge, S.; Seu, R.; Plaut, J.
J.; Johnson, W. T. K.; Jordan, R. L.; Gurnett, D. A.; Borgarelli,
L.; Coradini, A.; Orosei, R. The Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface
and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS) in the Mars Express mission.
International Symposium on Mars Exploration Program and Sample
Return Missions, Paris, France, February 1-5, 1999. Abstracts Book.
29. Coradini, A.; De Sanctis, M. C.; Orosei, R.;
Federico, C. Collision-induced thermal evolution of a comet nucleus
in the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt. XXV General Assembly of the European
Geophysical Society, Nice, France, April 25-29, 2000. Geophysical
Research Abstracts 2, CD-ROM edition. (2000)
30. Coradini, A.; De Sanctis, M. C.; Orosei, R.;
Federico, C. Collision-induced thermal evolution of a comet nucleus
in the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt. 33rd Committee on Space Research
Scientific Assembly, Warsaw, Poland, July 16-23, 2000. Abstracts
CD-ROM. (2000)
31. Di Lellis, A. M.; Magni, G.; Capria, M. T.;
Espinasse, S.; Orosei, R.; Piccioni, G.; Federico, C.; Minelli, G.;
Pauselli, C.; Scarpa, G. MARE-DOSE: Mars Radioactivity Experiment.
XXV General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Nice,
France, April 25-29, 2000. Geophysical Research Abstracts 2, CD-ROM
edition. (2000)
32. Huebner, W. F.; Benkhoff, J.; Capria, M. T.;
Coradini, A.; De Sanctis, M. C.; Enzian, A.; Orosei, R.; Prialnik,
D. Results from the Comet Nucleus Model Team at the International
Space Science Institute, Bern, Switzerland – II. 33rd Committee on
Space Research Scientific Assembly, Warsaw, Poland, July 16-23,
2000. Abstracts CD-ROM. (2000)
33. Orosei, R.; Lunine, J. I.; Melacci, P. T.;
Picardi, G.; Seu, R. Simulation of the radar imaging of the surface
of Titan. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2000,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 5-14, 2000. Abstracts Book.
34. Picardi, G.; Seu, R.; Sorge, S.; Orosei, R.
Subsurface detection performance in MARSIS. XXV General Assembly of
the European Geophysical Society, Nice, France, April 25-29, 2000.
Geophysical Research Abstracts 2, CD-ROM edition. (2000)
35. Poscolieri, M.; Orosei, R.; Federico, C.;
Picardi, G.; Sorge, S. Modelling the Martian surface scattering for
subsurface sounding simulations. XXV General Assembly of the
European Geophysical Society, Nice, France, April 25-29, 2000.
Geophysical Research Abstracts 2, CD-ROM edition. (2000)
36. Biccari, D.; Picardi, G.; Seu, R.; Corradini,
A.; Orosei, R. The Mars High Resolution Advanced Radar for 2005
Space Mission. Conference on the Geophysical Detection of
Subsurface Water on Mars, August 6-10, 2001, Houston, Texas,
abstract no.7029 (2001)
37. Coradini, A.; Angrilli, F.; de Sanctis, M.
C.; Flamini, E.; Espinasse, S.; Orosei, R.; Re, E. An Integrated
Technological Proposal for Drilling and In-Situ Science for the
2007 Mars Lander Mission. Conference on the Geophysical Detection
of Subsurface Water on Mars, August 6-10, 2001, Houston, Texas,
abstract no.7033 (2001)
38. Orosei, R.; Bianchi, R.; Coradini, A.;
Espinasse, S.; Federico, C.; Ferriccioni, A. Characterization of
the Martian Surface Scattering at Decametric Wavelengths.
Conference on the Geophysical Detection of Subsurface Water on
Mars, August 6-10, 2001, Houston, Texas, abstract no.7026
39. Orosei, R.; Bianchi, R.; Coradini, A.;
Espinasse, S.; Federico, C.; Ferriccioni, A. Characterization of
the Martian surface scattering at decametric wavelengths. XXVI
General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Nice, France,
March 25-30, 2001. Geophysical Research Abstracts 3, CD-ROM
edition. (2001)
40. Orosei, R.; Coradini, A. Distribuzione
tridimensionale dell'acqua su Marte. L'astrobiologia nel nuovo
millennio. Napoli, April 10-12, 2001. (2001)
41. Picardi, G.; Biccari, D.; Seu, R.; Orosei, R.
Mars fractal topography applied to Radar for Subsurface and
Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS). XXVI General Assembly of the European
Geophysical Society, Nice, France, March 25-30, 2001. Geophysical
Research Abstracts 3, CD-ROM edition. (2001)
42. Picardi, G.; Biccari, D.; Seu, R.; Plaut, J.
J.; Johnson, W. T. K.; Jordan, R. L.; Gurnett, D. A.; Orosei, R.;
Bombaci, O.; Provvedi, F.; Zelli, C.; Zampolini, E. Mars Advanced
Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS). XXVI General
Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Nice, France, March
25-30, 2001. Geophysical Research Abstracts 3, CD-ROM edition.
43. Plaut, J. J.; Jordan, R.; Safaeinili, A.;
Picardi, G.; Seu, R.; Orosei, R. Subsurface Sounding of Mars: The
Effects of Surface Roughness. Conference on the Geophysical
Detection of Subsurface Water on Mars, August 6-10, 2001, Houston,
Texas, abstract no.7051 (2001)
44. Safaeinili, A.; Biccari, D.; Bombaci, O.;
Gurnett, D.; Johnson, W. T. K.; Jordan, R. L.; Orosei, R.; Picardi,
G.; Plaut, J.; Seu, R.; Zampolini, E.; Zelli, C. Radar Sounding of
Mars: A Focus on MARSIS. Conference on the Geophysical Detection of
Subsurface Water on Mars, August 6-10, 2001, Houston, Texas,
abstract no.7032 (2001)
45. Shchuko, O. B.; Kartashov, D. V.; Orosei, R.;
Picardi, G. Martian Underground Water Detection: Thermal Model and
Simulations of Radar Pulse Propagation. Conference on the
Geophysical Detection of Subsurface Water on Mars, August 6-10,
2001, Houston, Texas, abstract no.7022 (2001)
46. Biccari, D.; Masdea, A.; Picardi, G.; Seu,
R.; Orosei, R. Sharad: High Resolution Subsurface Sounding Radar.
EGS XXVII General Assembly, Nice, 21-26 April 2002, abstract #4478
47. Biccari, D.; Picardi, G.; Seu, R.; Orosei, R.
Subsurface Sounding Performance In Marsis. EGS XXVII General
Assembly, Nice, 21-26 April 2002, abstract #4600 (2002)
48. Fani, Michelangelo; Galuppi, Alessio; Orosei,
Roberto; Seu, Roberto SHARAD Experiment: simulation and processing
of surface and subsurface radar signal. International Workshop
"Exploring Mars Surface and its Earth Analogues", Cannizzaro,
September 23-25, 2002. (2002)
49. Kartashov, D.; Shchuko, O.; Orosei, R.;
Picardi, G. Martian underground ice/water detection: simulations
for Mars Express mission. 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, The
Second World Space Congress, held 10-19 October, 2002 in Houston,
TX, USA., meeting abstract (2002)
50. Orosei, R.; Bianchi, R.; Coradini, A.;
Espinasse, S.; Federico, C.; Ferriccioni, A.; Gavrishin, A. I.
Self-affine Behaviour of Martian Topography and Its Correlation
With Geologic Units. EGS XXVII General Assembly, Nice, 21-26 April
2002, abstract #2117 (2002)
51. Picardi, G.; Biccari, D.; Seu, R.; Plaut, J.
J.; Johnson, W. T. K.; Jordan, R. L.; Safaenili, A.; Wheeler, K.;
Gurnett, A.; Kirchner, D.; Orosei, R.; Provvedi, F.; Bombaci, O.;
Zampolini, E. The System And Implementation Aspect Of The Mars
Advanced Radar For Subsurface And Ionosphere Sounding. EGS XXVII
General Assembly, Nice, 21-26 April 2002, abstract #4737
52. Picardi, G.; Biccari, D.; Seu, R.; Plaut,
J.J.; Johnson, W.T.K.; Jordan, R.L.; Gurnett, D.A.; Orosei, R.;
Bombaci, O.; Provvedi, F.; Zampolini, E. Mars Advanced Radar for
Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS). International Workshop
"Exploring Mars Surface and its Earth Analogues", Cannizzaro,
September 23-25, 2002. (2002)
53. Vannaroni, G.; Filippini, R.; Pettinelli, E.;
Cereti, A.; Della Monica, G.; Del Vento, D.; Di Lellis, A.M.; Di
Maio, R.; Galli, A.; Menghini, A.; Orosei, R.; Orsini, S.;
Ottonello, C.; Pagnan, S.; Paolucci, F.; Schettini, G.; Storini,
M.; Tacconi, G. MuSES (Multisensor Soil Electromagnetic Sounding).
International Workshop "Exploring Mars Surface and its Earth
Analogues", Cannizzaro, September 23-25, 2002. (2002)
54. Picardi, G.; Biccari, D.; Cicchetti, A.; Seu,
R.; Plaut, J.; Johnson, W. T. K.; Jordan, R. L.; Gurnett, D. A.;
Orosei, R.; Zampolini, E. The MARSIS and SHARAD view of the martian
subsurface: radar simulations and surface geology constraints. EGS
- AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Abstracts from the meeting held in
Nice, France, 6 - 11 April 2003, abstract #10608 (2003)
55. Marinangeli, L.; Ori, G. G.; Baliva, A.; di
Lorenzo, S.; Biccari, D.; Orosei, R.; Picardi, G.; Seu, R. The
MARSIS and SHARAD view of the martian subsurface: radar simulations
and surface geology constraints. EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly,
Abstracts from the meeting held in Nice, France, 6 - 11 April 2003,
abstract #10608 (2003)
56. Biccari, D.; Masdea, A.; Picardi, G.; Orosei,
R.; Seu, R.; Lorenzoni, L. V. SHARAD: high resolution subsurface
sounding radar. EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Abstracts from the
meeting held in Nice, France, 6 - 11 April 2003, abstract #13385
57. Biccari, D.; Masdea, A.; Picardi, G.; Seu,
R.; Zampolini, E.; Lorenzoni, L. V.; Orosei, R. The system and
implementation aspect of the high resolution subsurface sounding
radar SHARAD. EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Abstracts from the
meeting held in Nice, France, 6 - 11 April 2003, abstract #13449
58. Biccari, D.; Cartacci, M.; Cicchetti, A.;
Iorio, M.; Picardi, G.; Seu, R.; Bicocchi, R.; Melacci, P. T.;
Orosei, R.; Zampolini, E. Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and
Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS): Data Processing. Progress in
Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, October
13-16, 2003. (2003)
59. Coradini, A.; Capria, M. T.; de Sanctis, M.
C.; Federico, C.; Orosei, R. Kuiper Belt Objects thermal evolution
and internal structure. EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Abstracts
from the meeting held in Nice, France, 6 - 11 April 2003, abstract
#5723 (2003)
60. D'Arrigo, P.; Barucci, M. A.; Ball, A.;
Doressoundiram, A.; Dotto, E.; Fornasier, S.; Hall, D.; Kemble, S.;
Kofman, W.; Lazzarin, M.; Orosei, R.; Parkinson, R.; Pätzold, M.;
Perozzi, E.; Smith, M. The ISHTAR Mission: Probing the Interior of
Asteroids. 54th International Astronautical Congress, Bremen,
Germany, 29 September - 3 October 2003. (2003)
61. D'Arrigo, Paolo; Barucci, Maria Antonietta;
Ball, Andrew; Doressoundiram, Alain; Dotto, Elisabetta; Kofman,
Wlodek; Orosei, Roberto; Pätzold, Martin; Perozzi, Ettore The
Ishtar Mission: Probing the Internal Structure of Neos. Physical
Properties and Morphology of Small Solar System Bodies, 25th
meeting of the IAU, Joint Discussion 19, 23 July 2003, Sydney,
Australia (2003)
62. Di Pippo, S.; Flamini, E.; Lorenzoni, L. V.;
Orosei, R.; Seu, R.; Somma, R. SHARAD: SHAllow RADar The Search for
sub-surface Water Reservoir on Mars. IGARSS 2003, Toulouse, France,
21-25 July 2003. (2003)
63. Hall, David; D'Arrigo, Paolo; Kofman, Wlodek;
Orosei, Roberto The Radar Tomographer Instrument for the ISHTAR
Mission. 54th International Astronautical Congress, Bremen,
Germany, 29 September - 3 October 2003. (2003)
64. Seu, R.; Orosei, R.; Biccari, D.; Masdea, A.
The MRO Subsurface Sounding Shallow Radar (SHARAD). Sixth
International Conference on Mars, July 20-25 2003, Pasadena,
California, abstract no.3079 (2003)
65. Adriani, A.; Moriconi, M. L.; Liberti, G. L.;
Gardini, A.; Orosei, R.; D'Aversa, E.; Filacchione, G.; Coradini,
A. Titan ground reflectance retrieval from Cassini-VIMS data taken
during the July 2nd, 2004 fly-by at 2 am UT. The Saturn Universe: A
Cassini Workshop, October 5-8, 2004, Capri, Italy. (2004)
66. Capria, M. T.; Coradini, A.; De Sanctis, M.
C.; Filacchione, G.; Orosei, R. Phoebe thermal evolution. The
Saturn Universe: A Cassini Workshop, October 5-8, 2004, Capri,
Italy. (2004)
67. Kartashov, D. V.; Orosei, R.; Picardi, G.;
Seu, R.; Shchuko, O. B. Scattering of radio waves from natural
surfaces: application to the Marsis long-wavelength subsurface
radar sounder on-board MARS EXPRESS. 35th COSPAR Scientific
Assembly. Held 18 - 25 July 2004, in Paris, France., p.335
68. Orosei, R.; Melacci, P. T.; Picardi, G.; Seu,
R. Simulation of Cassini RADAR SAR imaging. The Saturn Universe: A
Cassini Workshop, October 5-8, 2004, Capri, Italy. (2004)
69. Picardi, G.; Biccari, D.; Masdea, A.; Seu,
R.; Plaut, J.; Johnson, W. T. K.; Jordan, R. L.; Safaeinili, A.;
Huff, R.; Gurnett, D. A.; Orosei, R.; Bombaci, O.; Calabrese, D.;
Zampolini, E. Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere
Sounding (MARSIS). European Geosciences Union General Assembly
2004, Nice, France, 25-30 April 2004. (2004)
70. Picardi, G.; Biccari, D.; Cartacci, M.;
Cicchetti, A.; Iorio, M.; Seu, R.; Masdea, A.; Plaut, J.; Jordan,
R. L.; Huff, R.; Safaeinili, A.; Orosei, R.; Bombaci, O.;
Calabrese, D.; Zampolini, E. Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface
Ionosphere Sounding: MARSIS. International Mars Conference, 19-23
September 2004, Ischia, Italy. (2004)
71. Shchuko, O. B.; Orosei, R.; Coradini, A.;
Shchuko, S. D. Varuna: thermal evolution. 35th COSPAR Scientific
Assembly. Held 18 - 25 July 2004, in Paris, France., p.476
72. Barucci, M. Antonietta; D'Arrigo, Paolo;
Ball, P.; Doressoundiram, Alain; Dotto, Elisabetta; Kofman, W.;
Orosei, Roberto; Patzold, Martin; Perozzi, Ettore The ISHTAR
Mission: Probing the Internal Structure of NEOs. Highlights of
Astronomy, Vol. 13, as presented at the XXVth General Assembly of
the IAU - 2003 [Sydney, Australia, 13 - 26 July 2003]. Edited by O.
Engvold. San Francisco, CA: Astronomical Society of the Pacific,
ISBN 1-58381-189-3. XXIX + 1085 pp., 2005, p.738 (2005)
73. Coradini, A.; de Sanctis, M.C.; Capria, M.T.;
Capaccioni, F.; Piccioni, G.; Filacchione, G.; Orosei, R.;
Ammannito, E.; Tosi, F. VIR - the Dawn Mapping Spectrometer. IAU
Symposium 229: Asteroids, Comets, Meteors. Held 7-12 August in
Búzios, Brasil., abstract P4.3.
74. Di Martino, M.; Montebugnoli, S.; Orosei, R.;
Delbò, M.; Righini, S.; Saba, L. SRT come radar per astronomia
planetaria. Workshop Scienza con il Sardinia Radio Telescope,
Bologna, Italy, May 10-11, 2005. (2005)
75. Picardi, G.; Seu, R.; Plaut, J.; Johnson, W.
T. K.; Orosei, R.; Bombaci, O.; Calabrese, D.; Zampolini, E. Mars
Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS).
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2005),
Hangzhou, China, August 22-26, 2005. (2005)
76. Picardi, G.; Biccari, D.; Cartacci, M.;
Cicchetti, A.; Iorio, M.; Noschese, R.; Seu, R.; Masdea, A. Plaut,
J.; Jordan, R.L.; Safaenili, A.; Orosei, R.; Melacci, P.T. Mars
Advanced Radar for Subsurface Ionosphere Sounding: MARSIS. European
Geosciences Union General Assembly 2005, Vienna, Austria, 24-29
April 2005. Abstract EGU05-A-09056 (2005)
77. Picardi, G.; Biccari, D.; Cartacci, M.;
Cicchetti, A.; Iorio, M.; Seu, R.; Masdea, A.; Plaut, J.; Jordan,
R.L.; Safaenili, A.; Huff, R.; Orosei, R.; Bombaci, O.; Calabrese,
D.; Zampolini, E.; Melacci, P.T. Subsurface Investigations in "Mars
Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding" (MARSIS)
(Mars Express Mission). International Radar Symposium IRS 2005,
Berlin, 6-8 Sept. 2005. (2005)
78. Adriani, A.; Moriconi, M.; Colosimo, F.;
Coradini, A.; Filacchione, G.; Orosei, R.; D'Aversa, E.;
Capaccioni, F.; Cerroni, P.; Bellucci, G.; Brown, R. H.; Baines, K.
H.; Bibring, J.-P.; Buratti, B. J.; Clark, R. N.; Combes, M.;
Cruikshank, D. P.; Drossart, P.; Formisano, V.; Jaumann, R.;
Langevin, Y.; Matson, D. L.; McCord, T. B.; Mennella, V.; Nelson,
R. M.; Nicholson, P. D.; Sicardy, B.; Sotin, C. Determination of
the Haze Layer Parameters in the Saturn Atmosphere from
Cassini-VIMS Images. 37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science
Conference, March 13-17, 2006, League City, Texas, abstract no.1584
79. Adriani, A.; Coradini, A.; Filacchione, G.;
Lunine, J. I.; Cosi, M.; Tommasi, L.; Magni, G.; Orosei, R. The
Image Spectrometer in the Near Infrared, JIRAM, Proposed to NASA
for Joining to the Juno Mission to Jupiter. American Geophysical
Union, Fall Meeting 2006, abstract #P51D-1235 (2006)
80. Alberti, G.; Bortone, M.; Caramiello, C.;
Dinardo, S.; Mattei, S.; Papa, C.; Pica, G.; Salzillo, G.;
Santovito, M. R.; Biccari, D.; Masdea, A.; Picardi, G.; Seu, R.;
Catallo, C.; Croce, A.; Guelfi, M.; Flamini, E.; Orosei, R. The
Ground System of the SHAllow RADar (SHARAD) Experiment. VII
Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie, S. Felice Circeo (LT),
5-9 Settembre 2006. (2006)
81. Callahan, P. S.; Hensley, S.; Gim, Y.;
Johnson, W. T.; Lorenz, R. D.; Alberti, G.; Orosei, R.; Seu, R.;
Franceschetti, G.; Paillou, P.; Paganelli, F.; Wall, S.; West, R.
D. Information on Titan's Surface From Cassini Radar Altimeter
Waveforms. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2006, abstract
#P13A-0165 (2006)
82. Coradini, A.; Adriani, A.; Ammannito, E.;
Bini, A.; Capaccioni, F.; Capria, M. T.; Cosi, M.; de Sanctis, M.
C.; Federico, C.; Filacchione, G.; Magni, G.; Orosei, R.; Tosi, F.
Importance of the in situ Study of the Martian Subsurface, and
Technical Challenges: DIBS-MA_MISS. American Geophysical Union,
Fall Meeting 2006, abstract #P54A-04 (2006)
83. Coradini, Angioletta; Adriani, A.;
Filacchione, G.; Lunine, J. I.; Cosi, M.; Tommasi, L.; Magni, G.;
Orosei, R. Jiram: An Image Spectrometer in the Near Infrared
Proposed as Contribution to The Nasa Juno Mission to Jupiter.
American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #38, #45.04; Bulletin of
the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 38, p.567 (2006)
84. Elachi, C.; Wall, S. D.; Allison, M. D.;
Anderson, Y.; Boehmer, R.; Callahan, P.; Encrenaz, P.; Flamini, E.;
Franceschetti, G.; Gim, Y.; Hamilton, G.; Hensley, S.; Janssen, M.
A.; Johnson, W. T. K.; Kelleher, K.; Kirk, R. L.; Lopes, R. M.;
Lorenz, R.; Lunine, J. I.; Muhleman, D. O.; Orosei, R.; Ostro, S.
J.; Paganelli, F.; Picardi, G.; Posa, F.; Roth, L. E.; Seu, R.;
Shaffer, S.; Soderblom, L. A.; Stiles, B.; Stofan, E.; Vetrella,
S.; West, R.; Wood, C. A.; Wye, L.; Zebker, H.; Rizk, B.;
McFarlane, L. Cassini RADAR's Third and Fourth Looks at Titan. 37th
Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 13-17, 2006,
League City, Texas, abstract no.1252 (2006)
85. Kartashov, D.; Shchuko, O.; Turchin, V.;
Orosei, R. Direct reconstruction of dielectric constant
distribution in upper planetary crust: application to MARSIS radar
data. 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 16 - 23 July 2006, in
Beijing, China. Meeting abstract from the CDROM, #3684 (2006)
86. Lorenz, R. D.; Wall, S. D.; Reffet, E.;
Boubin, G.; Radebaugh, J.; Elachi, C.; Allison, M. D.; Anderson,
Y.; Boehmer, R.; Callahan, P.; Encrenaz, P.; Flamini, E.;
Francescetti, G.; Gim, Y.; Hamilton, G.; Hensley, S.; Janssen, M.
A.; Johnson, W. T. K.; Kelleher, K.; Kirk, R. L.; Lopes, R. M.;
Lunine, J. I.; Mitchell, K.; Muhleman, D. O.; Ori, G.; Orosei, R.;
Ostro, S. J.; Paganelli, F.; Picardi, G.; Posa, F.; Roth, L. E.;
Seu, R.; Schaffer, S.; Soderblom, L. A.; Stiles, B.; Stofan, E. R.;
Vetrella, S.; West, R.; Wood, C. A.; Wye, L.; Zebker, H. RADAR
Imaging of Giant Longitudinal Dunes: Namib Desert (Earth) and the
Belet Sand Sea (Titan). 37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science
Conference, March 13-17, 2006, League City, Texas, abstract no.1249
87. Lunine, J.; Stofan, E.; Elachi, C.; Lorenz,
R.; Stiles, B.; Mitchell, K. L.; Ostro, S.; Soderblom, L.; Wood,
C.; Zebker, H.; Wall, S.; Janssen, M.; Kirk, R.; Lopes, R.;
Paganelli, F.; Radebaugh, J.; Wye, L.; Callahan, P.; Anderson, Y.;
Allison, M.; Boehmer, R.; Encrenaz, P.; Flamini, E.; Franceschetti,
G.; Gim, Y.; Hamilton, G.; Hensely, S.; Johnson, W. T.; Kelleher,
K.; Muhleman, D.; Paillou, P.; Picardi, G.; Posa, F.; Roth, L.;
Seu, R.; Shaffer, S.; Vetrella, S.; West, R.; Orosei, R. The Lakes
of Titan. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2006, abstract
#P11A-05 (2006)
88. Moriconi, M.; Adriani, A.; Gardini, A.;
Coradini, A.; Filacchione, G.; Orosei, R.; D'Aversa, E.;
Capaccioni, F.; Cerroni, P.; Bellucci, G.; Brown, R. H.; Baines, K.
H.; Bibring, J.-P.; Buratti, B. J.; Clark, R. N.; Combes, M.;
Cruikshank, D. P.; Drossart, P.; Formisano, V.; Jaumann, R.;
Langevin, Y.; Matson, D. L.; McCord, T. B.; Mennella, V.; Nelson,
R. M.; Nicholson, P. D.; Sicardy, B.; Sotin, C. Considerations on
the Titan Topography Based on the Cassini-VIMS Measurements in the
NIR Range. 37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference,
March 13-17, 2006, League City, Texas, abstract no.1579
89. Orosei, R. Titano: la superficie. VII
Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie, S. Felice Circeo (LT),
5-9 Settembre 2006. (2006)
90. Orosei, R. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. VII
Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie, S. Felice Circeo (LT),
5-9 Settembre 2006. (2006)
91. Pauselli, Cristina; Federico, Costanzo;
Frigeri, Alessandro; Orosei, Roberto; Basile, Gabriele; Barchi,
Massimiliano R. Ground Penetrating Radar investigations: a
procedure to study active faults. Convegno Nazionale MGMEESV Metodi
Gravimetrico, Magnetico, Elettrico ed Elettromagnetico in
Sismologia e Vulcanologia, Catania, 27-29 settembre 2006.
92. Picardi, G.; Biccari, D.; Cartacci, M.;
Cicchetti, A.; Iorio, M.; Seu, R.; Plaut, J.; Masdea, A.; Jordan,
R.L.; Huff, R.; Safaenili, A.; Orosei, R.; Bombaci, O.; Calabrese,
D.; Zampolini, E.; Melacci, P.T. Subsurface Investigations by
MARSIS in Mars Express Mission. International Radar Symposium IRS
2005, Krakòw, May 24-26, 2006. (2006)
93. Plaut, J. J.; Picardi, G.; Cicchetti, A.;
Clifford, S. M.; Edenhofer, P.; Farrell, W.; Federico, C.; Frigeri,
A.; Heggy, E.; Herique, A.; Ivanov, A.; Jordan, R.; Kofman, W.;
Leuschen, C.; Marinangeli, L.; Nielsen, E.; Ori, G.; Orosei, R.;
Pettinelli, E.; Phillips, R.; Plettemeier, D.; Safaeinili, A.; Seu,
R.; Stofan, E.; Vannaroni, G.; Watters, T.; Williams, I. MARSIS
Subsurface Sounding Observations of the South Polar Layered
Deposits of Mars. 37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science
Conference, March 13-17, 2006, League City, Texas, abstract no.1212
94. Plaut, J. J.; Picardi, G.; Cicchetti, A.;
Clifford, S.; Edenhofer, P.; Farrell, W.; Federico, C.; Frigeri,
A.; Heggy, E.; Herique, A.; Ivanov, A.; Jordan, R.; Kofman, W.;
Leuschen, C.; Milkovich, S.; Mouginot, J.; Nielsen, E.; Orosei, R.;
Pettinelli, E. MARSIS Subsurface Sounding Observations of the South
Polar Region of Mars. Fourth International Conference on Mars Polar
Science and Exploration, October 2-6, 2006, Davos, Switzerland. LPI
Contribution No. 1323, p.8100 (2006)
95. Plaut, J. J.; Picardi, G.; Clifford, S.;
Farrell, W.; Frigeri, A.; Kofman, W.; Milkovich, S.; Heggy, E.;
Ivanov, A.; Mouginot, J.; Orosei, R.; Phillips, R.; Plettemeier,
D.; Safaeinili, A. MARSIS Subsurface Sounding Observations of the
Polar Deposits of Mars. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting
2006, abstract #P13D-06 (2006)
96. Adriani, A.; Coradini, A.; Filacchione, G.;
Lunine, J. I.; Cosi, M.; Bini, A.; Calamai, L.; Colosimo, F.;
Magni, G.; Moriconi, M. L.; Orosei, R. JIRAM, the Jupiter Infrared
Auroral Mapper on Juno. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting
2007, abstract #P51A-0208 (2007)
97. Adriani, A.; Coradini, A.; Filacchione, G.;
Lunine, J.I.; Cosi, M.; Tommasi, L.; Magni, G.; Orosei, R. JIRAM,
the image spectrometer in the near infrared proposed to NASA for
joining to the Juno Mission to Jupiter. European Geosciences Union
General Assembly 2007, Vienna, Austria, 15-20 April 2007. Abstract
EGU2007-A-08490 (2007)
98. Alberti, G.; Biccari, D.; Catallo, C.; Croce,
A.; Cutigni, M.; De Sanctis, M. C.; Federico, C.; Flamini, E.;
Fois, F.; Frigeri, A.; Fuga, O.; Giacomoni, E.; Heggy, E.; Ivanov,
A. B.; Kofman, W.; Marinangeli, L.; Masdea, A.; Mattei, S.;
Mecozzi, R.; Nielsen, E.; Ori, G. G.; Orosei, R.; Papa, C.;
Pettinelli, E.; Phillips, R. J.; Picardi, G.; Plaut, J. J.;
Plettemeier, D.; Provenziani, M.; Safaeinili, A.; Seu, R.;
Vannaroni, G.; Williams, I. P.; Zhenfei, Z. Mars Reconnaissance
Orbiter SHARAD observations over the polar deposits of Mars. IUGG
XXIV General Assembly, July 2-13, 2007, Perugia, Italy (2007)
99. Alberti, G.; Catallo, C.; Persi Del Marmo,
P.; Flamini, E.; Orosei, R.; Papa, C.; Picardi, G.; Seu, R.;
Spataro, F. CASSINI altimetric data processing. 4th Annual Meeting
of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Bangkok, Thailand, 30 July
- 4 August 2007. (2007)
100. Alberti, G.; Papa, C.; Flamini, E.; Orosei,
R.; Picardi, G.; Seu, R.; Del Marmo, P.P.; Callahan, P.S.; Walls,
S. Processing of altimetric data of CASSINI mission. European
Geosciences Union General Assembly 2007, Vienna, Austria, 15-20
April 2007. Abstract EGU2007-A-08752 (2007)
101. Alberti, G.; Biccari, D.; Dinardo, S.;
Mattei, S.; Orosei, R.; Papa, C.; Phillips, R.; Picardi, G.;
Safaenili, A.; Seu, R. Mars Ionosphere preliminary impact analysis
on SHARAD radar signal. European Geosciences Union General Assembly
2007, Vienna, Austria, 15-20 April 2007. Abstract EGU2007-A-08754
102. Alberti, G.; Papa, C.; Flamini, E.; Orosei,
R.; Picardi, G.; Seu, R.; Del Marmo, P.P.; Callahan, P.S.; Walls,
S. Processing of altimetric data of CASSINI mission. European
Geosciences Union General Assembly 2007, Vienna, Austria, 15-20
April 2007. Abstract EGU2007-A-08752 (2007)
103. Biccari, D.; Cartacci, M.; Edenhofer, P.;
Federico, C.; Flamini, E.; Frigeri, A.; Giuppi, S.; Heggy, E.;
Ivanov, A. B.; Kofman, W.; Marinangeli, L.; Nielsen, E.; Noschese,
R.; Ori, G. G.; Orosei, R.; Pettinelli, E.; Picardi, G.; Plaut, J.
J.; Plettemeier, D.; Safaeinili, A.; Seu, R.; Vannaroni, G.;
Watters, T. R.; Zhenfei, Z. Mars Express MARSIS observations over
the polar deposits of Mars. IUGG XXIV General Assembly, July 2-13,
2007, Perugia, Italy (2007)
104. Campbell, B. A.; Carter, L. M.; Plaut, J.
J.; Phillips, R. J.; Safaeinili, A.; Seu, R.; Biccari, D.; Orosei,
R.; Marinangeli, L.; Masdea, A.; Picardi, G.; Putzig, N. E.; Egan,
A.; Bernardini, F.; Sharad Team, SHARAD Mapping of Subsurface
Geologic Horizons in Amazonis Planitia. Seventh International
Conference on Mars, held July 9-13, 2007 in Pasadena, California,
LPI Contribution No. 1353, p.3225 (2007)
105. Cartacci, M.; Frigeri, A.; Orosei, R.;
Pettinelli, E. Surface and subsurface radar backscattering
coefficient over the Martian south polar layered deposits from
MARSIS data. European Mars Science & Exploration Conference:
Mars Express & ExoMars. 12-16 November 2007, ESTEC, Noordwijk,
the Netherlands. (2007)
106. Carter, L. M.; Campbell, B. A.; Watters, T.
R.; Seu, R.; Phillips, R. J.; Biccari, D.; Holt, J. W.; Leuschen,
C. J.; Plaut, J. J.; Safaeinili, A.; Orosei, R.; Smrekar, S. E.;
Picardi, G.; Putzig, N. E.; Egan, A. F.; Bernardini, F.; Sharad
Team, SHARAD Observations of the Medusae Fossae Formation. Seventh
International Conference on Mars, held July 9-13, 2007 in Pasadena,
California, LPI Contribution No. 1353, p.3207 (2007)
107. Cutigni, M.; Russo, F.; Taddei, C.; Orosei,
R.; Biccari, D.; Giacomoni, E.; Fuga, O.; Seu, R.; Phillips, R. J.;
Flamini, E. Incoherent Simulator for Mars Surface Applied to the
Analysis of Sharad Radar Data. American Geophysical Union, Fall
Meeting 2007, abstract #P11B-0546 (2007)
108. Frigeri, A; Biccari, D.; Cartacci, M.;
Edenhofer, P.; Federico, C.; Flamini, E.; Giuppi, S.; Heggy, E.;
Ivanov, A. B.; Kofman, W.; Marinangeli, L.; Nielsen, E.; Noschese,
R.; Ori, G. G.; Orosei, R.; Pettinelli, E.; Picardi, G.; Plaut, J.
J.; Plettemeier, D.; Safaeinili, A.; Seu, R.; Vannaroni, G.;
Watters, T. R.; Zhenfei, Z. Mars Express' MARSIS observations over
the polar deposits of Mars. IUGG 2007 Perugia - XXIV IUGG General
Assembly, Perugia, Italy, July 2-13 2007. (2007)
109. Frigeri, A; Alberti, G.; Biccari, D.;
Catallo, C.; Croce, A.; Cutigni, M.; De Sanctis, M. C.; Federico,
C.; Flamini, E.; Fois, F.; Fuga, O.; Giacomoni, E.; Heggy, E.;
Ivanov, A. B.; Kofman, W.; Marinangeli, L.; Masdea, A.; Mattei, S.;
Mecozzi, R.; Nielsen, E.; Ori, G. G.; Orosei, R.; Papa, C.;
Pettinelli, E.; Phillips, R. J.; Picardi, G.; Plaut, J. J.;
Plettemeier, D.; Provenziani, M.; Safaeinili, A.; Seu, R.;
Vannaroni, G.; Williams, I. P.; Zhenfei, Z. Mars Reconnaissance
Orbiter SHARAD observations over the polar deposits of Mars. IUGG
2007 Perugia - XXIV IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, July
2-13 2007. (2007)
110. Guilbert, Aurelie; Federico, C.; Coradini,
A.; Orosei, R.; Lasue, J.; Barucci, M. A. A 3-dimensional Thermal
Model For Icy Bodies In The Solar System. American Astronomical
Society, DPS meeting #39, #52.04; Bulletin of the American
Astronomical Society, Vol. 39, p.517 (2007)
111. Holt, J. W.; Phillips, R. J.; Seu, R.;
Plaut, J. J.; Safaeinili, A.; Biccari, D.; Campbell, B. A.; Carter,
L. M.; Leuschen, C. J.; Orosei, R.; Picardi, G.; Smrekar, S. E.;
Putzig, N. E.; Egan, A. F.; Bernardini, F.; Sharad Team, Initial
SHARAD Observations of Internal Layers in the Uppermost North Pole
Layered Deposits of Mars. Seventh International Conference on Mars,
held July 9-13, 2007 in Pasadena, California, LPI Contribution No.
1353, p.3372 (2007)
112. Johnson, W. T. K.; Callahan, P. S.; Gim, Y.;
Alberti, G.; Flamini, E.; Hensley, S.; Lorenz, R. D.; Orosei, R.;
Zebker, H. A. Cassini RADAR Altimeter Observations of Titan.
Workshop on Ices, Oceans, and Fire: Satellites of the Outer Solar
System, held August 13-15, 2007. Boulder, Colorado, LPI
Contribution No. 1357, p.70-71 (2007)
113. Kofman, W.; Grima, C.; Mouginot, J.;
Herique, A.; Seu, R.; Biccari, D.; Orosei, R. 3D Modeling of South
Polar Layered Deposits on Mars with SHARAD radar data. European
Planetary Science Congress 2007, Potsdam, Germany, 20-24 August
2007. Abstract EPSC2007-A-00544 (2007)
114. Lorenz, R. D.; Callahan, P. S.; Gim, Y.;
Alberti, G.; Flamini, E.; Seu, R.; Picardi, G.; Orosei, R.; Zebker,
H.; Lunine, J.; Hamilton, G.; Hensley, S.; Johnson, W. T. K.;
Schaffer, S.; Wall, S.; West, R.; Francescetti, G. Titan's Shape,
Radius and Landscape from Cassini Radar Altimetry. 38th Lunar and
Planetary Science Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science
XXXVIII), held March 12-16, 2007 in League City, Texas. LPI
Contribution No. 1338, p.1329 (2007)
115. Orosei, R.; Cartacci, M.; Cicchetti, A.;
Federico, C.; Flamini, E.; Frigeri, A.; Holt, J. W.; Marinangeli,
L.; Noschese, R.; Pettinelli, E.; Phillips, R. J.; Picardi, G.;
Plaut, J. J.; Safaeinili, A.; Seu, R. Radar Subsurface Sounding
Over the Putative Frozen Sea in Cerberus Palus, Mars. American
Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2007, abstract #P14B-05
116. Orosei, R.; Federico, C.; Flamini, E.;
Frigeri, A.; Holt, J. W.; Marinangeli, L.; Pettinelli, E.;
Phillips, R. J.; Plaut, J. J.; Safaeinili, A.; Seu, R. Subsurface
sounding radar data over the putative sub-surface ocean in Cerberus
Palus, Mars. 2nd International Workshop "Exploring Mars and its
Earth Analogues", 19-23 June 2007, Trento, Italy. (2007)
117. Pauselli, Cristina; Federico, Costanzo;
Frigeri, Alessandro; Orosei, Roberto; Basile, Gabriele; Barchi,
Massimiliano R. An active fault as imaged by ground penetrating
radar investigation. IUGG 2007 Perugia - XXIV IUGG General
Assembly, Perugia, Italy, July 2-13 2007. (2007)
118. Pettinelli, E.; Marinangeli, L.; Komatsu,
G.; Biccari, D.; Giacomoni, E.; Cutigni, M.; Provenziani, M.; Ori,
G.; Fuga, O.; Orosei, R.; Frigeri, A.; Seu, R.; Phillips, R.;
Plaut, J.; Campbell, B.; Smrekar, S.; Holt, J.; Safaeinili, A.;
Kofman, W.; Flamini, E. Understanding the three-dimensional
stratification of Mars Polar Layered Terrain seen by SHARAD using
terrestrial analogues. 2nd International Workshop "Exploring Mars
and its Earth Analogues", 19-23 June 2007, Trento, Italy.
119. Phillips, R. J.; Seu, R.; Biccari, D.;
Campbell, B. A.; Plaut, J. J.; Zuber, M. T.; Murchie, S.; Byrne,
S.; Safaeinili, A.; Orosei, R.; Marinangeli, L.; Masdea, A.;
Picardi, G.; Smrekar, S. E.; Carter, L. M.; Putzig, N. E.; Nunes,
D. C.; Sharad Team, North Polar Deposits on Mars: New Insights from
MARSIS, SHARAD and Other MRO Instruments. 38th Lunar and Planetary
Science Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII), held
March 12-16, 2007 in League City, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1338,
p.1925 (2007)
120. Phillips, R. J.; Seu, R.; Plaut, J. J.;
Biccari, D.; Safaeinili, A.; Campbell, B. A.; Carter, L. M.; Holt,
J. W.; Leuschen, C. J.; Byrne, S.; Orosei, R.; Picardi, G.;
Smrekar, S. E.; Putzig, N. E.; Egan, A. F.; Bernardini, F.; Nunes,
D. C.; Sharad Team, Stratigraphy of the North Polar Deposits as
Mapped by Sounding Radars. Seventh International Conference on
Mars, held July 9-13, 2007 in Pasadena, California, LPI
Contribution No. 1353, p.3042 (2007)
121. Phillips, Roger; Campbell, Bruce; Plaut,
Jeffrey J.; Seu, Roberto; Leuschen, Carl J.; Safaeinili, Ali;
Smrekar, Suzanne E.; Putzig, Nathaniel; Orosei, Roberto; Biccari,
Daniela SHARAD: Early results from the sounding radar on the Mars
Reconnaissance Orbiter. Geological Society of America Annual
Meeting 2007, 28-31 October 2007, Denver, Colorado. (2007)
122. Picardi, G.; Biccari, D.; Cartacci, M.;
Cicchetti, A.; Giuppi, S.; Marini, A.; Masdea, A.; Noschese, R.;
Piccari, F.; Seu, R.; Plaut, J.; Johnson, W.; Kirchner, D.; Jordan,
R.; Safaeinili, A.; Federico, C.; Frigeri, A.; Melacci, P.; Orosei,
R.; Bombaci, O.; Calabrese, D.; Zampolini, E.; Edenhofer, P.;
Plettemeier, D.; Marinangeli, L.; Pettinelli, E.; Hagfors, T.;
Flamini, E.; Vannaroni, G.; Nielsen, E.; Williams, I.; Gurnett, D.;
Huff, R. Marsis Data Inversion Approach: Preliminary Results on
Mars South Polar Region. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting
2007, abstract #P14B-04 (2007)
123. Picardi, G.; Biccari, D.; Cartacci, M.;
Cicchetti, A.; Giuppi, S.; Marini, A.; Masdea, A.; Noschese, R.;
Piccari, F.; Seu, R.; Plaut, J.J.; Johnson, W.T.K.; Jordan, R.L.;
Safaeinili, A.; Federico, C.; Frigeri, A.; Melacci, P.T.; Orosei,
R.; Bombaci, O.; Calabrese, D.; Zampolini, E.; Edenhofer, P.;
Plettemeier, D.; Marinangeli, L.; Pettinelli, E.; Flamini, E.;
Vannaroni, G.; Nielsen, E.; Williams, I. MARSIS Data Inversion
Approach. 2nd International Workshop "Exploring Mars and its Earth
Analogues", 19-23 June 2007, Trento, Italy. (2007)
124. Picardi, G.; Biccari, D.; Cartacci, M.;
Cicchetti, A.; Giuppi, S.; Marini, A.; Masdea, A.; Noschese, R.;
Piccari, F.; Seu, R.; Plaut, J.J.; Johnson, W.T.K.; Jordan, R.L.;
Safaeinili, A.; Federico, C.; Frigeri, A.; Melacci, P.T.; Orosei,
R.; Bombaci, O.; Calabrese, D.; Zampolini, E.; Edenhofer, P.;
Plettemeier, D.; Marinangeli, L.; Pettinelli, E.; Hagfors, T.;
Flamini, E.; Vannaroni, G.; Nielsen, E.; Williams, I.; Gurnett,
D.A.; Kirchner, D.L.; Huff, R. L. MARSIS data inversion approach:
Preliminary results. European Mars Science & Exploration
Conference: Mars Express & ExoMars. 12-16 November 2007, ESTEC,
Noordwijk, the Netherlands. (2007)
125. Plaut, J. J.; Picardi, G.; Seu, R.;
Phillips, R.; Biccari, D.; Holt, J.; Milkovich, S.; Orosei, R.;
Putzig, N.; Safaeinili, A. An Overview of MARSIS and SHARAD Radar
Sounding Observations of the Polar Deposits of Mars. American
Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2007, abstract #P14B-03
126. Putzig, N. E.; Phillips, R. J.; Seu, R.;
Safaeinili, A.; Plaut, J. J.; Biccari, D.; Campbell, B. A.; Carter,
L. M.; Holt, J. W.; Leuschen, C. J.; Byrne, S.; Orosei, R.;
Picardi, G.; Smrekar, S. E.; Fois, F.; Egan, A. F.; Bernardini, F.;
Nunes, D. C.; Sharad Team, Internal Structure of the North Polar
Layered Deposits from Radar Sounding. Seventh International
Conference on Mars, held July 9-13, 2007 in Pasadena, California,
LPI Contribution No. 1353, p.3295 (2007)
127. Safaeinili, A.; Plaut, J. J.; Phillips, R.
J.; Seu, R.; Gim, Y.; Biccari, D.; Campbell, B. A.; Carter, L. M.;
Holt, J. W.; Leuschen, C. J.; Orosei, R.; Picardi, G.; Smrekar, S.
E.; Putzig, N. E.; Egan, A. F.; Fois, F. Radio-Transparent Deposits
in the Elysium Region of Mars as Observed by MARSIS and SHARAD
Radar Sounders. Seventh International Conference on Mars, held July
9-13, 2007 in Pasadena, California, LPI Contribution No. 1353,
p.3206 (2007)
128. Safaeinili, A.; Phillips, R.; Plaut, J.;
Orosei, R.; Campbell, B.; Doubleday, K.; Milkovich, S.; Biccari,
D.; Seu, R. Mapping and Characterization of the Eastern Elysium
Planitia Deposits. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2007,
abstract #P31B-0431 (2007)
129. Safaeinili, A.; Orosei, R.; Phillips, R.;
Plaut, J.; Doubleday, K.; Gim, Y.; Campbell, B.; Seu, R.
Characterization of radar-transparent deposits in the Southern and
Eastern Elysium region of Mars. European Mars Science &
Exploration Conference: Mars Express & ExoMars. 12-16 November
2007, ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands. (2007)
130. Seu, R.; Phillips, R.; Picardi, G.; Biccari,
D.; Federico, C.; Marinangeli, L.; Orosei, R.; Pettinelli, E.;
Frigeri, A.; Masdea, A.; Giacomoni, E.; Cutigni, M.; Provenziani,
M.; Fois, F.; Mecozzi, R.; Flamini, E. Overview of the Martian
Subsurface Structures as Seen by SHARAD. 38th Lunar and Planetary
Science Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII), held
March 12-16, 2007 in League City, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1338,
p.1878 (2007)
131. Seu, R.; Picardi, G.; Masdea, A.; Biccari,
D.; Provenziani, M.; Cutigni, M.; Giacomoni, E.; Fuga, O.;
Marinangeli, L.; Pettinelli, E.; Orosei, R.; Frigeri, A.; Flamini,
E.; Phillips, R. J.; Carter, L. M.; Plaut, J. J.; Safaeinili, A.;
Holt, J. W.; Leuschen, C. J.; Smrekar, S. E.; Campbell, B.; Kofman,
W. SHARAD Performance and Science Results. Seventh International
Conference on Mars, held July 9-13, 2007 in Pasadena, California,
LPI Contribution No. 1353, p.3253 (2007)
132. Shchuko, O.B.; Shchuko, S.D.; Kartashov,
D.V.; Orosei, R.; Coradini, A. Kuiper-belt objects and 26Al.
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2007, Vienna, Austria,
15-20 April 2007. Abstract EGU2007-A-05550 (2007)
133. Shchuko, O.B.; Savinov, S.Yu.; Shchuko,
S.D.; Kartashov, D.V.; Orosei, R. The role of 26Al in the thermal
regime of KBO formation. European Planetary Science Congress 2007,
Potsdam, Germany, 20-24 August 2007. Abstract EPSC2007-A-00081
134. Tosi, F.; Orosei, R.; Seu, R.; Filacchione,
G.; Coradini, A.; Capaccioni, F.; Cerroni, P.; Adriani, A.;
Moriconi, M. L.; Cassini RADAR Team, Cassini Science Team Analysis
of selected Cassini VIMS and RADAR data over the surface of Titan
through multivariate classification methods. American Geophysical
Union, Fall Meeting 2007, abstract #P22B-02 (2007)
135. Adriani, A.; Coradini, A.; Filacchione, G.;
Lunine, J. I.; Colosimo, F.; Dinelli, B. M.; Grassi, D.; Magni, G.;
Moriconi, M. L.; Orosei, R. Future observations in the IR of
Jupiter Auroras during the Juno mission. American Geophysical
Union, Fall Meeting 2008, abstract #P11C-1290 (2008)
136. Caprarelli, G.; Cartacci, M.; Orosei, R.;
Picardi, G.; Plaut, J. J. Investigation of Pickering Crater (Mars)
by Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding
(MARSIS). American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008, abstract
#P43C-1409 (2008)
137. Cartacci, M.; Frigeri, A.; Orosei, R.;
Pettinelli, E. Surface and Subsurface Radar Backscattering
Coefficient Over the Martian South Polar Layered Deposits From
MARSIS Data. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008,
abstract #P33B-1466 (2008)
138. Cartacci, M.; Frigeri, A.; Orosei, R.;
Pettinelli, E. Surface and subsurface radar backscattering
coefficient over the Martian South Polar Layered Deposits from
MARSIS data. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2008.
Vienna, Austria, 13-18 April 2008. Abstract EGU2008-A-07982
139. Cartacci, M.; Cicchetti, A.; Frigeri, A.;
Giuppi, S.; Noschese, R.; Orosei, R.; Pettinelli, E. Surface and
subsurface radar backscattering coefficient over the Martian south
polar layered deposits from MARSIS data. International Symposium on
Radioglaciology and its Applications. Madrid, Spain, 9-13 June
2008. (2008)
140. Carter, L. M.; Campbell, B. A.; Watters, T.
R.; Seu, R.; Phillips, R. J.; Biccari, D.; Holt, J. W.; Leuschen,
C.; Plaut, J. J.; Safaeinili, A.; Orosei, R.; Smrekar, S. E.;
Putzig, N. E.; Egan, A. F.; Bernardini, F.; Sharad Team, SHARAD
Sounding Radar Observations of the Medusae Fossae Formation, Mars.
39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, (Lunar and Planetary
Science XXXIX), held March 10-14, 2008 in League City, Texas. LPI
Contribution No. 1391., p.1721 (2008)
141. Cicchetti, A.; Calabrese, D.; Flamini, E.;
Giuppi, S.; Nenna, C.; Noschese, R.; Orosei, R.; Plaut, J. J.;
Safaeinili, A.; Seu, R. Radar Sounding of Phobos by MARSIS.
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008, abstract #P42A-06
142. Cicchetti, A.; Calabrese, D.; Flamini, E.;
Giuppi, S.; Nenna, C.; Noschese, R.; Orosei, R.; Plaut, J.J.;
Safaeinili, A.; Seu, R. Closest radar observation of Phobos by
MARSIS. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2008. Vienna,
Austria, 13-18 April 2008. Abstract EGU2008-A-08439 (2008)
143. Guilbert, A.; Federico, C.; Coradini, A.;
Orosei, R.; Lasue, J.; Barucci, M. A. Thermal Modeling of
Trans-Neptunian Objects. Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2008 held July
14-18, 2008 in Baltimore, Maryland. LPI Contribution No. 1405,
paper id. 8121 (2008)
144. Kartashov, D.V.; Turchin, V.I.; Orosei, R.;
Ivanov, A.; Schuko, O.B. Direct reconstruction of dielectric
constant profile from orbital based radar sounder data. European
Geosciences Union General Assembly 2008. Vienna, Austria, 13-18
April 2008. Abstract EGU2008-A-05047 (2008)
145. Marboeuf, U.; Petit, J.-M.; Mousis, O.;
Orosei, R. Efficient Implementation of Finite Volume Method in
Cometary Nuclei Modelling. 39th Lunar and Planetary Science
Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX), held March 10-14,
2008 in League City, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1391., p.1275
146. Nunes, D. C.; Smrekar, S. E.; Seu, R.;
Phillips, R. J.; Biccari, D.; Campbell, B. A.; Holt, J. W.;
Leuschen, C.; Plaut, J. J.; Safaeinili, A.; Orosei, R.; Putzig, N.
E.; Egan, A. Probing the Ismenius Region of the Martian Dichotomy
Boundary with SHARAD. 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference,
(Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX), held March 10-14, 2008 in
League City, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1391., p.2518 (2008)
147. Orosei, R.; Cartacci, M.; Cicchetti, A.;
Federico, C.; Flamini, E.; Frigeri, A.; Holt, J. W.; Marinangeli,
L.; Noschese, R.; Pettinelli, E.; Phillips, R. J.; Picardi, G.;
Plaut, J. J.; Safaeinili, A.; Seu, R. Radar Subsurface Sounding
Over the Putative Frozen Sea in Cerberus Palus, Mars. 39th Lunar
and Planetary Science Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science
XXXIX), held March 10-14, 2008 in League City, Texas. LPI
Contribution No. 1391., p.1866 (2008)
148. Orosei, R.; Federico, C.; Flamini, E.;
Frigeri, A.; Holt, J. W.; Pettinelli, E.; Phillips, R. J.; Picardi,
G.; Safaeinili, A.; Seu, R. Radar subsurface sounding over the
putative frozen sea in Cerberus Palus, Mars. European Geosciences
Union General Assembly 2008. Vienna, Austria, 13-18 April 2008.
Abstract EGU2008-A-08952 (2008)
149. Rossi, A.; Orosei, R.; Frigeri, A.;
Pondrelli, M.; van Gasselt, S.; Hauber, E.; Dumke, A.; Russo, F.;
Cutigni, M.; Seu, R.; Neukum, G. Multi-spacecraft synergy with MEX
HRSC and MRO SHARAD: Light-Toned Deposits in crater bulges.
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008, abstract #P41B-1371
150. Rossi, A. P.; Orosei, R.; Pondrelli, M.; van
Gasselt, S.; Hauber, E.; Dumke, A.; Russo, F.; Cutugni, M.; Seu,
R.; Neukum, G. MEX HRSC and MRO SHARAD synergic observations on
Light-Toned Deposits (LTDs). 3rd European Planetary Science
Congress, 21-26 September 2008, Münster, Germany. Abstract
EPSC2008-A-00143 (2008)
151. Safaeinili, A; Plaut, J; Holt, J; Phillips,
R; Gim, Y; Orosei, R; Biccari, D; Seu, R; Picardi, G Recent results
from MARSIS and SHARAD radar sounders. European Geosciences Union
General Assembly 2008. Vienna, Austria, 13-18 April 2008. Abstract
EGU2008-A-04516 (2008)
152. Shchuko, O.B.; Shchuko, S.D.; Savinov,
S.Yu.; Kartashov, D.V.; Orosei, R. Kuiper belt objects: formation,
thermal evolution and radioactive nuclides. European Geosciences
Union General Assembly 2008. Vienna, Austria, 13-18 April 2008.
Abstract EGU2008-A-03803 (2008)
153. Shchuko, Oleg; Shchuko, Oleg; Shchuko,
Svetlana D.; Savinov, Sergei; Kartashov, Daniil; Orosei, Roberto
Radionuclides impact on KBO thermal evolution. 37th COSPAR
Scientific Assembly. Held 13-20 July 2008, in Montréal, Canada.,
p.2836 (2008)
154. Tosi, F.; Orosei, R.; Seu, R.; Filacchione,
G.; Coradini, A.; Lunine, J. I.; Capaccioni, F.; Cerroni, P.;
Adriani, A.; Moriconi, M. L.; Cassini Vims Team, Cassini Radar Team
Analysis of Selected Cassini VIMS and RADAR Data over the Surface
of Titan Through Multivariate Statistical Methods. 39th Lunar and
Planetary Science Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX),
held March 10-14, 2008 in League City, Texas. LPI Contribution No.
1391., p.1357 (2008)
155. Tosi, F.; Orosei, R.; Seu, R.; Filacchione,
G.; Coradini, A.; Lunine, J. I.; Capaccioni, F.; Cerroni, P.;
Adriani, A.; Moriconi, M. L.; Team, C. Analysis Of Selected VIMS
And RADAR Data Over The Surface Of Titan Through Multivariate
Statistical Methods. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008,
abstract #P21A-1317 (2008)
156. Tosi, Federico; Orosei, R.; Seu, R.;
Filacchione, G.; Coradini, A.; Lunine, J. I.; Capaccioni, F.;
Cerroni, P.; Adriani, A.; Moriconi, M.; Negrao, A.; Brown, R. H.;
Cassini VIMS Team, Cassini RADAR Science Team Analysis Of Selected
VIMS And RADAR Data Over The Surface Of Titan Through Multivariate
Statistical Methods. American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting
#40, #31.15 (2008)
157. Boisson, J.; Heggy, E.; Clifford, S. M.;
Frigeri, A.; Plaut, J. J.; Farrell, W. M.; Putzig, N. E.; Picardi,
G.; Orosei, R.; Lognonnè, P.; Gurnett, D. A. The Geoelectrical
Properties of Athabasca Broken-Rafted Plate Terrain as Derived from
the MARSIS Radar Sounding Data. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science
Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science XL), held March 23-27,
2000 in The Woodlands, Texas, id.2001 (2009)
158. Catallo, C.; Alberti, G.; Flamini, E.;
Olivieri, A.; Orosei, R. PROC: a new Planetary Radars Operating
Centre. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, abstract
#P13B-1272 (2009)
159. Frigeri, A.; Hare, T.; Neteler, M.;
Coradini, A.; Federico, C.; Orosei, R. An integrated ISIS3 and
GRASS GIS working environment for planetary data analysis and
mapping. Geological mapping of Mars: a workshop on new concepts and
tools. Il Ciocco, Tuscany, Italy. 12-14 October 2009. (2009)
160. Orosei, R.; Cartacci, M.; Cicchetti, A.;
Federico, C.; Flamini, E.; Frigeri, A.; Holt, J. W.; Marinangeli,
L.; Noschese, R.; Pettinelli, E.; Phillips, R. J.; Picardi, G.;
Plaut, J. J.; Safaeinili, A.; Seu, R. Radar subsurface sounding
over the putative frozen sea in Cerberus Palus, Mars. European
Space Agency International Conference on Comparative Planetology:
Venus - Earth - Mars. ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 11-15 May,
2009. (2009)
161. Orosei, R.; Frigeri, A.; Cartacci, M. Use of
data from planetary radar sounders: An introduction. Geological
mapping of Mars: a workshop on new concepts and tools. Il Ciocco,
Tuscany, Italy. 12-14 October 2009. (2009)
162. Phillips, R. J.; Putzig, N. E.; Head, J. W.;
Egan, A. F.; Plaut, J. J.; Safaeinili, A.; Smrekar, S. E.;
Milkovich, S. M.; Nunes, D. C.; Campbell, B. A.; Carter, L. M.;
Holt, J. W.; Seu, R.; Orosei, R. Subsurface Structure of the South
Polar Layered Deposits, Mars. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science
Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science XL), held March 23-27,
2000 in The Woodlands, Texas, id.2007 (2009)
163. Plaut, J. J.; Picardi, G.; Orosei, R.;
Gurnett, D. A. Radar Sounding of Mars with MARSIS American
Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, abstract #P11D-01
164. Plettemeier, D.; Hahnel, R.; Hegler, S.;
Safaeinili, A.; Orosei, R.; Cicchetti, A.; Plaut, J.; Picardi, G.
Simulation of Radar-Backscattering from Phobos - A Contribution to
the Experiment MARSIS aboard MarsExpress. European Geosciences
Union General Assembly 2009. Vienna, Austria, 19-24 April 2009.
Abstract EGU2009-3763 (2009)
165. Safaeinili, A.; Cicchetti, A.; Nenna, C.;
Calabrese, D.; Plettemeier, D.; Orosei, R.; Duxbury, T.; Plaut, J.
J.; Picardi, G.; Flamini, E. Radar Sounder Observations of Phobos.
European Planetary Science Congress 2009, held 14-18 September in
Potsdam, Germany., p.717
166. Shchuko, O.; Shchuko, S. D.; Kartashov, D.
V.; Orosei, R. Kuiper belt objects: Influence of radionuclides on
the internal structure formation. European Planetary Science
Congress 2009, held 14-18 September in Potsdam, Germany., p.156 (2009)
167. Shchuko, O.; Shchuko, S.; Kartashov, D.;
Orosei, R. Evolution scenarios and modern structure of KBO objects
for different initial concentration of radiogenic heat sources.
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009. Vienna, Austria,
19-24 April 2009. Abstract EGU2009-3643 (2009)
168. Tosi, F; Orosei, R.; Seu, R.; Filacchione,
G.; Coradini, A.; Lunine, J.I.; Capaccioni, F.; Cerroni, P.;
Adriani, A.; Moriconi, M.L. Combination of VIMS and RADAR data over
the surface of Titan: a statistical approach. European Planetary
Science Congress 2009, held 14-18 September in Potsdam, Germany., p.380 (2009)
169. Bruzzone, L.; Alberti, G.; Beck, P.;
Catallo, C.; Ferro, A.; Frigeri, A.; Heggy, E.; Kofman, W.;
Komatsu, G.; Mattei, S.; Orosei, R.; Plaut, J.J.; Seu, R.
Sub-surface radar sounding of the Jovian Icy Moons. URSI-F
Microwave Signatures Meeting, October 4-8, 2010, Florence, Italy.
170. Bruzzone, L.; Alberti, G.; Catallo, C.;
Ferro, A.; Frigeri, A.; Heggy, E.; Kofman, W.; Komatsu, G.; Mattei,
S.; Orosei, R.; Plaut, J. J.; Seu, R. Status of the study on the
sub-surface radar for EJSM. Europa Jupiter System Mission Science
Meeting, 17-19 May 2010, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
171. Bruzzone, L.; Alberti, G.; Catallo, C.;
Ferro, A.; Frigeri, A.; Heggy, E.; Kofman, W.; Komatsu, G.; Mattei,
S.; Orosei, R.; Plaut, J. J.; Seu, R. Sub-Surface Radar for the
Jupiter Ganymede Orbiter. 3rd instrument workshop for the Europa
Jupiter System Mission, 18-20 January 2010, Noordwijk, the
Netherlands. (2010)
172. Caprarelli, Graziella; Cartacci, Marco;
Orosei, Roberto; Picardi, Giovanni; Plaut, Jeffrey J. New Surface
Clutter Simulations of Mars Express MARSIS Data Support Extensional
Tectonic History of Pickering Crater (Mars). Australian Earth
Sciences Convention 2010, 4-8 July 2010, Canberra, Australia.
173. Cartacci, M.; Cicchetti, A.; Giuppi, S.;
Noschese, R.; Orosei, R.; Picardi, G. Correction of the ionospheric
distortion of MARSIS signals: Ionospheric properties from the
contrast method. European Planetary Science Congress 2010.
Angelicum Centre - Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas.
19 - 24 September 2010, Rome, Italy. Abstract EPSC2010-720
174. Cicchetti, A.; Gim, Y.; Heggy, E.; Ivanov,
A. B.; Nenna, C.; Noschese, R.; Orosei, R.; Picardi, G.; Plaut,
J.J.; Plettemeier, D.; Marsis Radar Team, the MARSIS at Phobos:
Real Data Processing Compared with Simulations Results. European
Planetary Science Congress 2010. Angelicum Centre - Pontifical
University of Saint Thomas Aquinas. 19 - 24 September 2010, Rome,
Italy. Abstract EPSC2010-367 (2010)
175. Frigeri, A.; Federico, C.; Pauselli, C.;
Ercoli, M.; Coradini, A.; Orosei, R. Visualization of planetary
subsurface radar sounder data in three dimensions using
stereoscopy. 2010 AGU Fall Meeting, 13-17 December 2010, San
Francisco, California, USA. Abstract P33E-02 (2010)
176. Heggy, Essam; Bruzzone, Lorenzo; Beck,
Pierre; Doute, Sylvain; Gim, Youngyu; Herique, Alain; Kofman,
Wlodek; Orosei, Roberto; Plaut, Jeffery; Rosen, Paul; Seu, Roberto
Understanding Subsurface Geoelectrical and Structural Constrains
for Low Frequency Radar Sounding of Jovian Satellites. EGU General
Assembly 2010, held 2-7 May, 2010 in Vienna, Austria, p.7392
177. Lauro, S. E.; Mattei, E.; Pettinelli, E.;
Soldovieri, F.; Orosei, R. Permittivity Estimation of Layers
Beneath the Northern Polar Layered Deposits, Mars. European
Planetary Science Congress 2010. Angelicum Centre - Pontifical
University of Saint Thomas Aquinas. 19 - 24 September 2010, Rome,
Italy. Abstract EPSC2010-903 (2010)
178. Orosei, R.; Alberti, G.; Bruzzone, L.;
Flamini, E.; Frigeri, A.; Heggy, E.; Kofman, W.; Komatsu, G.;
Plaut, J. J.; Seu, R. Science Results from the MARSIS and SHARAD
Subsurface Sounding Radars on Mars and their Relevance to Radar
Sounding of icy Moons in the Jovian System. 2010 AGU Fall Meeting,
13-17 December 2010, San Francisco, California, USA. Abstract
P34A-08 (2010)
179. Orosei, R.; Alberti, G.; Bruzzone, L.;
Frigeri, A.; Heggy, E.; Kofman, W.; Komatsu, G.; Plaut, J. J.; Seu,
R. Science results from the MARSIS and SHARAD subsurface sounding
radars on Mars and their relevance to radar sounding of icy moons
in the Jovian system. European Planetary Science Congress 2010.
Angelicum Centre - Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas.
19 - 24 September 2010, Rome, Italy. Abstract EPSC2010-726
180. Orosei, R.; Alberti, G.; Castaldo, L.;
Cutigni, M.; Ferro, A.; Frigeri, A.; Travaglini, L.; Valle, A.
Radar Subsurface Sounding over the Putative Frozen Sea in Cerberus
Palus, Mars. European Planetary Science Congress 2010. Angelicum
Centre - Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas. 19 - 24
September 2010, Rome, Italy. Abstract EPSC2010-723 (2010)
181. Orosei, R.; Bruzzone, L.; Frigeri, A.;
Heggy, E.; Kofman, W.; Komatsu, G.; Mattei, S.; Plaut, J. J.; Seu,
R. Science results from the MARSIS and SHARAD subsurface sounding
radars on Mars and their relevance to radar sounding of icy moons
in the Jovian system. Europa Jupiter System Mission Science
Meeting, 17-19 May 2010, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
182. Shchuko, O. B.; Shchuko, S. D.; Kartashov,
D. V.; Orosei, R. Influence of radionuclide abundance on the
dynamics of the internal structure of Kuiper-belt objects. European
Planetary Science Congress 2010. Angelicum Centre - Pontifical
University of Saint Thomas Aquinas. 19 - 24 September 2010, Rome,
Italy. Abstract EPSC2010-527 (2010)
183. Shchuko, Oleg; Shchuko, Svetlana; Kartashov,
Daniil; Orosei, Roberto Kuiper belt objects: radionuclide impact on
internal structure dynamics. EGU General Assembly 2010, held 2-7
May, 2010 in Vienna, Austria, p.5713 (2010)
184. Tosi, F.; Orosei, R.; Seu, R.; Coradini, A.;
Lunine, J. I.; Filacchione, G.; Capaccioni, F.; Cerroni, P.; Brown,
R. H.; Cassini Vims, Radar Teams Correlations between VIMS and
RADAR data over the surface of Titan: Implications for Titan's
surface properties. Titan Through Time; A Workshop On Titan's Past,
Present and Future, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, April 6th -
8th, 2010. Edited by V. Cottini, C. Nixon, and R. Lorenz., p.38
185. Tosi, F.; Orosei, R.; Seu, R.; Coradini, A.;
Lunine, J. I.; Filacchione, G.; Capaccioni, F.; Cerroni, P.;
Flamini, E.; Brown, R. H.; Cruikshank, D. P.; Lopes, R. M.
Correlations between VIMS and RADAR data over the surface of Titan:
Implications for Titan's surface properties. 2010 AGU Fall Meeting,
13-17 December 2010, San Francisco, California, USA. Abstract
P23A-1610. (2010)
186. Tosi, F.; Orosei, R.; Seu, R.; Coradini, A.;
Lunine, J. I.; Filacchione, G.; Capaccioni, F.; Cerroni, P.; Brown,
R. H.; Cassini VIMS and RADAR Teams, the Correlations between VIMS
and RADAR data over the surface of Titan: Implications for Titan's
surface properties. European Planetary Science Congress 2010.
Angelicum Centre - Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas.
19 - 24 September 2010, Rome, Italy. Abstract EPSC2010-360
187. Tosi, Federico; Orosei, Roberto; Seu,
Roberto; Coradini, Angioletta; Lunine, Jonathan; Filacchione,
Gianrico; Capaccioni, Fabrizio; Cerroni, Priscilla; Brown, Robert
Correlations between VIMS and RADAR data over the surface of Titan:
Implications for Titan's surface properties. EGU General Assembly
2010, held 2-7 May, 2010 in Vienna, Austria, p.9029 (2010)
188. Withers, P.; Lillis, R.; Witasse, O.;
Opgenoorth, H.; Mars Upper Atmosphere Network. Mars Upper
Atmosphere Network. 5th Alfven Conference on Plasma Interaction
with Non-magnetized Planets/Moons and its Influence on Planetary
Evolution, helf October 4-8, 2010 in Sapporo, Japan (2010)
189. Cicchetti, A.; Cartacci, M.; Gim, Y.;
Giuppi, S.; Heggy, E.; Hegler, S.; Ivanov, A. B.; Nenna, C.;
Noschese, R.; Orosei, R.; Plaut, J. J.; Plettemeier, D.; Seu, R.
MARSIS: Latest Phobos Flyby. Data Processing Results and Advanced
Radar Configuration Design. EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, held 2-7
October 2011 in Nantes, France. p.497 (2011)
190. Giuppi, S.; Cartacci, M.; Cicchetti, A.;
Noschese, R.; Orosei, R. Mars Express/MARSIS - Analysis and
solution of an anomaly event: MARSIS Data Bad Time Stamp. EPSC-DPS
Joint Meeting 2011, held 2-7 October 2011 in Nantes, France. p.88
191. Giuppi, S.; Orosei, R.; Noschese, R.;
Cartacci, M.; Cicchetti, A. Mars Express/MARSIS Ground System
Architecture. A pioneer ESA Space Mission: lessons learned for the
future. European Ground System Architecture Workshop, held May
10-11, 2011 in Darmstadt, Germany (2011)
192. Hegler, S.; Statz, C.; Plettemeier, D.;
Cicchetti, A.; Ivanov, A. B.; Orosei, R. Surface er reconstruction
of Phobos. EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, held 2-7 October 2011 in
Nantes, France. p.1349 (2011)
193. Ivanov, A.; Plaut, J.; Gim, Y.; Orosei, R.;
Cicchetti, A.; Giuppi, S.; Cartacchi, M.; Noschese, R.; Picardi, G.
Updated Algorithm to Remove Ionospheric Distortion from MARSIS
Data. 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held March 7-11,
2011 at The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1608, p.1873
194. Kartashov, D.; Turchin, V.; Shchuko, O.;
Orosei, R. Direct reconstruction of the crust permittivity profile
from orbital based radar sounder data. EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011,
held 2-7 October 2011 in Nantes, France. p.382 (2011)
195. Mattei, S.; Alberti, G.; Papa, C.; Cutigni,
M.; Travaglini, L.; Flamini, E.; Seu, R.; Valle, A.; Orosei, R.;
Olivieri, A.; Adirosi, D.; Catallo, C. Four years of Mars
subsurface exploration with the Shallow Radar on MRO. EPSC-DPS
Joint Meeting 2011, held 2-7 October 2011 in Nantes, France. p.1796
196. Shchuko, O.; Shchuko, S.; Kartashov, D.;
Orosei, R. Kuiper Belt objects: interior matter differentiation for
different composition of accretion material. EGU General Assembly
2011, held 3-8 April, 2011 in Vienna, Austria, abstract
#EGU2011-3736 (2011)
197. Bruzzone, L.; Alberti, G.; Beck, P.; Croci,
R.; Ferro, A.; Frigeri, A.; Kofman, W.; Komatsu, G.; Mitri, G.;
Orosei, R.; Santovito, M. R. Science Goals and Technical Challenges
in the Design of the Ice Penetrating Radar for the Jupiter Icy
Moons. 63rd International Astronautical Congress, held 1-5 October
2012 in Naples, Italy (2012)
198. Cartacci, M.; Amata, E.; Cicchetti, A.;
Noschese, R.; Giuppi, S.; Frigeri, A.; Orosei, R.; Picardi, G. TEC
Analysis from MARSIS subsurface data. 39th COSPAR Scientific
Assembly, held July 14-22, 2012 in Mysore, India (2012)
199. Castaldo, L.; Alberti, G.; Cirillo, G.;
Frigeri, A.; Orosei, R. Calibration over North Polar Caps of SHARAD
data. EGU General Assembly 2012, held 22-27 April, 2012 in Vienna,
Austria.; p.10155 (2012)
200. Cicchetti, A.; Cartacci, M.; Frigeri, A.;
Giuppi, S.; Noschese, R.; Orosei, R.; Nenna, C.; Ivanov, A. B.
MARSIS: The North Polar Cap Campaign. EGU General Assembly 2012,
held 22-27 April, 2012 in Vienna, Austria.; p.5158 (2012)
201. Clifford, S. M.; Delamere, W. A.; Gogineni,
S.; Kofman, W.; Herique, A.; Spudis, P.; Sharpton, B.; Orosei, R.;
Stofan, E.; Ciarletti, V.; Heggy, E.; Plettemeier, D.; Smith, D.;
Zuber, M. The Mars Advanced Radar and LIDAR Orbiter (MARLO) for
High-Resolution Investigations of Global Topography, Surface
Roughness, Subsurface Volatiles, Stratigraphy and Structure Within
the Shallow- and Deep-Subsurface. Concepts and Approaches for Mars
Exploration, held June 12-14, 2012 in Houston, Texas. LPI
Contribution No. 1679, id.4312 (2012)
202. Frigeri, A.; Orosei, R.; Cartacci, M.;
Cicchetti, A.; Mitri, G.; Giuppi, S.; Noschese, R.; Picardi, G.;
Plaut, J. J. Three Dimensional Structure and Possible Lateral
Inhomogeneities of the Mars North Polar Basal Unit. 43rd Lunar and
Planetary Science Conference, held March 19-23, 2012 at The
Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1659, id.2922 (2012)
203. Frigeri, A.; Orosei, R.; Cartacci, M.;
Cicchetti, A.; Mitri, G.; Giuppi, S.; Noschese, R.; Picardi, G.;
Plaut, J. The geologic setting of the Mars North Polar Cap from
three dimensional analysis of MARSIS planetary radar sounder data.
34th International Geological Congress, held 5-10 August 2012 in
Brisbane, Australia (2012)
204. Frigeri, A.; Orosei, R.; Cartacci, M.;
Cicchetti, A.; Giuppi, S.; Noschese, R.; Plaut, J. The geologic
setting of the Mars North Polar Cap from three dimensional analysis
of MARSIS planetary radar sounder data. American Geophysical Union
Fall Meeting 2012, held December 3-7, 2012, in San Francisco,
California (2012)
205. Frigeri, A.; Orosei, R.; Cartacci, M.;
Cicchetti, A.; Mitri, G.; Giuppi, S.; Noschese, R.; Picardi, G.;
Plaut, J. Three Dimensional Structure of the Mars North Polar Basal
Unit from MARSIS data. EGU General Assembly 2012, held 22-27 April,
2012 in Vienna, Austria.; p.5134 (2012)
206. Giuppi, S.; Cartacci, M.; Cicchetti, A.;
Frigeri, A.; Noschese, R.; Orosei, R. MARSIS Data Bad Time Stamp:
Analysis and Solution of an Anomaly Event in a Space Mission. EGU
General Assembly 2012, held 22-27 April, 2012 in Vienna, Austria.;
p.5376 (2012)
207. Komatsu, G.; Okubo, C. H.; Wray, J. J.;
Gallagher, R.; Orosei, R.; Cardinale, M.; Chan, M. A.; Ormo, J.
Small Mounds in Chryse Planitia, Mars: Testing a Mud Volcano
Hypothesis. 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held March
19-23, 2012 at The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1659,
id.1103 (2012)
208. Orosei, R.; Cartacci, M.; Cicchetti, A.;
Frigeri, A.; Giuppi, S.; Noschese, R. Radar sounding of the Eastern
Medusae Fossae Formation: ash flow, icy deposit or both? 34th
International Geological Congress, held 5-10 August 2012 in
Brisbane, Australia (2012)
209. Plaut, J. J.; Frigeri, A.; Orosei, R.
Compositional Constraints on the Martian North Polar Basal Unit
from MARSIS Radar Sounding Data. 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science
Conference, held March 19-23, 2012 at The Woodlands, Texas. LPI
Contribution No. 1659, id.2458 (2012)
210. Witasse, O.; Opgenoorth, H. J.; Andrews, D.;
Lester, M.; Fraenz, M.; Morgan, D.; Withers, P.; Frahm, R. A.;
Leblanc, F.; Barabash, S.; Plaut, J. J.; Orosei, R.; Montmessin,
F.; Paetzold, M.; Cardesin Moinelo, A.; Elliott, H. A.; Howard, T.
A. Mars Express aeromomy and solar wind observation campaigns:
Overview and selection of results. European Planetary Science
Congress 2012, held 23-28 September, 2012 in Madrid, Spain. id.
EPSC2012-438 (2012)
211. Adriani, A.; Mura, A.; Filacchione, G.; Di
Iorio, T.; Turrini, D.; Noschese, R.; Cicchetti, A.; Grassi, D.;
Sindoni, G.; Zambelli, M.; Piccioni, G.; Capria, M. T.; Tosi, F.;
Orosei, R.; Dinelli, B. M.; Moriconi, M. L.; Lunine, J. I. Results
of the Jupiter Infrared Auroral Mapper from the Juno Earth fly-by.
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013, abstract #SM33B-2188
212. Bruzzone, L.; Plaut, J. J.; Alberti, G.;
Blankenship, D. D.; Bovolo, F.; Campbell, B. A.; Ferro, A.; Gim,
Y.; Kofman, W.; Komatsu, G.; McKinnon, W.; Mitri, G.; Orosei, R.;
Patterson, G. W.; Plettemeier, D.; Seu R. RIME: Radar for Icy Moon
Exploration. European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 08-13
September 2013 in London, United Kingdom, abstract #EPSC2013-744
213. Carter, L. M.; Campbell, B. A.; Plaut, J.
J.; Orosei, R.; Morgan, G. A.; Phillips, R. J. Re-Assessing the
Volume and Stratigraphy of the Eastern Medusae Fossae Formation.
44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held March 18-22, 2013
in The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1719, p.2386
214. Geminale, A.; Altieri, F.; Carrozzo, F. G.;
Spiga, A.; Bellucci, G.; Bibring, J. P.; Grassi, D.; Orosei, R.
Martian water ice clouds affected by gravity waves as seen by the
OMEGA/MEX imaging spectrometer. European Planetary Science Congress
2013, held 08-13 September 2013 in London, United Kingdom, abstract
#EPSC2013-653 (2013)
215. Giuppi, S.; Cartacci, M.; Cicchetti, A.;
Noschese, R.; Orosei, R.; Frigeri, A. Mars Express: Analysis and
Solution of MARSIS Data Bad Time Stamp. 44th Lunar and Planetary
Science Conference, held March 18-22, 2013 in The Woodlands, Texas.
LPI Contribution No. 1719, p.1478 (2013)
216. Orosei, Roberto; Cartacci, Marco; Cicchetti,
Andrea; Frigeri, Alessandro; Giuppi, Stefano; Noschese, Raffaella.
Radar sounding of the Eastern Medusae Fossae Formation: ash flow,
icy deposit or both? XI Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie,
held February 4-8, 2013 in Bormio, Italy (2013)
217. Asphaug, E.; Belton, M.; Bockelee-Morvan,
D.; Chesley, S.; Delbò, M.; Farnham, T.; Gim, Y.; Grimm, R.;
Herique, A.; Kofman, W.; Oberst, J.; Orosei, R.; Piqueux, S.;
Plaut, J.; Robinson, M.; Sava, P.; Heggy, E.; Kurth, W.; Scheeres,
D.; Denevi, B.; Turtle, E.; Weissman, P. The Comet Radar Explorer
Mission. 46th Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary
Sciences, held 9-14 November 2014 in Tucson, Arizona. AAS/Division
for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts 46, #209.07 (2014)
218. Cantini, Federico; Rossi, Angelo Pio;
Orosei, Roberto; Baumann, Peter; Misev, Dimitar; Oosthoek, Jelmer;
Beccati, Alan; Campalani, Piero; Unnithan, Vikram. MARSIS data and
simulation exploited using array databases:
PlanetServer/EarthServer for sounding radars. European Geosciences
Union General Assembly 2014, held April 27 - May 02, 2014 in
Vienna, Austria. Abstract EGU2014-3784 (2014)
219. Castaldo, L.; Mège, D.; Orosei, R.;
Séjourné, A. Buried CO2 Ice traces in South Polar Layered Deposits
of Mars detected by radar sounder. AGU Fall Meeting, held December
15-19, 2014 in San Francisco, California. AGU Fall Meeting
Abstracts, Volume 1, Pag. 0359 (2014)
220. Castaldo, Luigi; Mège, Daniel; Orosei,
Roberto; Alberti, Giovanni; Gurgurewicz, Joanna. Ice detection over
Martian surface using SHARAD data. Eighth International Conference
on Mars, held July 14-18, 2014 in Pasadena, California. LPI
Contribution No. 1063 (2014)
221. Castaldo, Luigi; Mège, Daniel; Orosei,
Roberto; Alberti, Giovanni; Gurgurewicz, Joanna. SHARAD data
mapping for surface ice detection. Second Workshop on Mars -
Connecting Planetary Scientists in Europe, held June 3-5, 2014 in
Warsaw, Poland (2014)
222. de Pablo, M. A.; Orosei, R.; Centeno, J. D.
Looking for Buried Ice Relict of Glacial Activity at the Lower NW
Flank of the Hecates Tholus Volcano on Mars by SHARAD Data. 45th
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held March 17-21, 2014 in
The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1151 (2014)
223. Ilyushin, Ya.A.; Orosei, R.; Witasse, O.;
Sánchez-Cano, B. Surface clutter in ground penetrating radar
sounding: real MARSIS echoes computer simulations. The Fifth Moscow
Solar System Symposium, held October 13-18, 2014, in Moscow, Russia
224. Rossi, Angelo Pio; Oosthoek, Jelmer;
Baumann, Peter; Beccati, Alan; Cantini, Federico; Misev, Dimitar;
Orosei, Roberto; Flahaut, Jessica; Campalani, Piero; Unnithan,
Vikram. PlanetServer/EarthServer: Big Data analytics in Planetary
Science. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, held
April 27 - May 02, 2014 in Vienna, Austria. Abstract EGU2014-5149
225. Sánchez - Cano, Beatriz; M. Radicella,
Sandro; Herraiz, Miguel; Witasse, Olivier; Cartacci, Marco; Orosei,
Roberto; Rodriguez - Caderot, Gracia. NeMars empirical model for
the dayside Martian ionosphere and its use to validate MARSIS
instrument techniques: Possible contribution to the Mars
international reference ionosphere (MIRI). 40th COSPAR Scientific
Assembly, held August 2-10, 2014 in Moscow, Russia (2014)
226. Sánchez - Cano, Beatriz; Witasse, Olivier;
Radicella, Sandro M.; Herraiz, Miguel; Orosei, Roberto; Cartacci,
Marco. Study of the Total Electron Content in the Mars' atmosphere.
6th Alfvén Conference, held July 7-11, 2014 in London, UK
227. Shchuko, Oleg B.; Kartashov, Daniil V.;
Shchuko, Svetlana D.; Orosei, Roberto. Phase transitions of water
and possibility of cryovolcanism in thermal history of KBO objects
Orcus and Quaoar. 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, held August
2-10, 2014 in Moscow, Russia (2014)
228. Smith, C. L.; Haltigin, T. W.; iMARS Phase
II Science/Earth Operations Subteam. International Mars
Architecture for the Return of Samples (iMARS) Phase II - Phase II
Science/Earth Operations Subteam Initial Report. Eighth
International Conference on Mars, held July 14-18, 2014 in
Pasadena, California. LPI Contribution No. 1249 (2014)
229. Svedhem, H.; Witasse, O. G.; Bertaux, J. L.;
Bibring, J. P.; Giuranna, M.; Gurnett, D. A.; Holmstrom, M.;
Jaumann, R.; Montmessin, F.; Morgan, D. D.; Orosei, R. Mars Express
Observations During Comet Siding Spring Mars Encounter. American
Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, held December 15-19, 2014 in San
Francisco, California. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A3 (2014)
230. Carter, L. M.; Orosei, R.; Watters, T. R.;
Campbell, B. A.; Plaut, J. J.; Morgan, G. A.; Nolan, M. C.;
Phillips, R. J. Stratigraphy and Physical Properties of
Southeastern Amazonis Planitia and the Eastern Medusae Fossae
Formation. 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held March
16-20, 2015 in The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 2035
231. Castaldo, L.; Séjourné, A.; Orosei, R.
SHARAD detection model of buried CO2 ice in Mars South Polar
Layered Deposit. 3rd Planetary Cryosphere Workshop held 26-28
January 2015 in Nantes, France (2015)
232. Cofano, A.; Komatsu, G.; Pizzi, A.; Di
Domenica, A.; Bruzzone, L.; Mitri, G.; Orosei, R. Ganymede's
Surface Investigation in Support of the Radar for Icy Moon
Exploration (RIME) Instrument. 46th Lunar and Planetary Science
Conference, held March 16-20, 2015 in The Woodlands, Texas. LPI
Contribution No. 1382 (2015)
233. Di Paolo, F.; Lauro, S.; Castelletti, D.;
Mitri, G.; Bovolo, F.; Cosciotti, B.; Mattei, E.; Orosei, R.;
Notarnicola, C.; Bruzzone, L.; Pettinelli E. Valutazione delle
performance di RIME per la prospezione radar dei satelliti gioviani
ghiacciati. XII Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie, held
February 2-6, 2015 in Bormio, Italy (2015)
234. Geminale A.; Grassi D.; Altieri F.;
Serventi, G.; Carli C.; Carrozzo F. G.; Sgavetti M.; Orosei R.;
D'Aversa E.; Bellucci G.; Frigeri A. Removal of atmospheric
features in near infrared spectra by means of principal component
analysis and target transformation for the study of hydrated
minerals on Mars. XII Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie,
held February 2-6, 2015 in Bormio, Italy (2015)
235. Noll, K. S.; McFadden, L. A.; Rhoden, A. R.;
Lim, L. F.; Boynton, W. V.; Carter, L. M.; Collins, G.; Englander,
J. A.; Goossens, S.; Grundy, W. M.; Li, J.-Y.; Mottola, S.; Oberst,
J.; Orosei, R.; Parsons, A. M.; Preusker, F.; Reuter, D. C.; Simon,
A. A.; Thomas, C. A.; Walsh, K.; Zolensky, M. E. DARe: Dark
Asteroid Rendezvous. 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference,
held March 16-20, 2015 in The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution
No. 2835 (2015)
236. Orosei, R. Radar sounding experiments on
Mars and beyond: opening the third dimension in planetary geology.
European Planetary GIS Workshop, held May 5-7, 2015 in Madrid,
Spain (2015)
Technical notes
1. Picardi, G.; Plaut, J. J.; Johnson, W. T. K.;
Borgarelli, L.; Bucciarelli, T.; Capaccioni, F.; Cerroni, P.;
Coradini, A.; De Sanctis, M. C.; Edenhofer, P.; Fedele, G.;
Foellmi, K.; Franceschetti, G.; Guest, J. E.; Gurnett, D. A.;
Lombardo, P.; Melacci, P. T.; Orosei, R.; Plettemeier, D.; Reeh,
N.; Serpico, S. B.; Seu, R.; Siegert, M. J.; Sorge, S.; Stofan, E.
R.; Williams, I.; Bicocchi, R.; Griffiths, H.; Knudsen, J. M.;
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Express INFOCOMDPT.DOC.N188-23/02/1998, Dipartimento di Ingegneria
e Tecnica dell'Informazione e delle Telecomunicazioni, Università
"La Sapienza", Roma. (1998)
2. Picardi, G.; Sorge, S.; Seu, R.; Fedele, G.;
Federico, C.; Orosei, R. Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and
Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS): models and system analysis. Rapporto
Tecnico No. MRS-001/005/99, Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Tecnica
dell'Informazione e delle Telecomunicazioni, Università "La
Sapienza", Roma. (1999)
3. Orosei, R. A discussion of the temperature
boundary condition for numerical models of comet nuclei. Rapporto
Tecnico No. IAS/IR000201, Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale,
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma. (2000)
4. Orosei, R. A first-order estimate of the Mars
Express spacecraft velocity. Rapporto Tecnico No. IAS/IR000202,
Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale, Consiglio Nazionale delle
Ricerche, Roma. (2000)
5. Orosei, R. An user's guide for the Cassini SAR
simulation package. Rapporto Tecnico No. IAS/IR000203, Istituto di
Astrofisica Spaziale, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma.
6. Orosei, R. Un radar per la ricerca dell'acqua
su Marte: modello della geometria superficiale marziana. Rapporto
Tecnico No. IAS/2001/1, Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale, Consiglio
Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma. (2001)
7. Orosei, R. Simulazione del funzionamento del
radar di Cassini nell'esplorazione di Titano. Rapporto Tecnico No.
IAS/2001/2, Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale, Consiglio Nazionale
delle Ricerche, Roma. (2001)
8. Coradini, A.; Ercoli-Finzi, A.; Camelier, I.;
Bonello, G.; Capaccioni, F.; Capria, M. T.; De Sanctis, M. C.; Di
Lellis, A. M.; Orosei, R.; Piccioni, G.; Fonti, S.; Federico, C.;
Bibring, J.-P.; Blecka, M.; Bini, A.; Magnani, P. G.; Re, E.
Drill-Integrated package for Borehole Science: DIBS. Rapporto
Tecnico No. IFSI-2003-21, Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio
Interplanetario, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma.
9. Picardi, G.; Biccari, D.; Cartacci, M.;
Cicchetti, A.; Federico, C.; Frigeri, A.; Iorio, M.; Jordan, R.;
Marinangeli, L.; Masdea, A.; Melacci, P.T.; Ori, G.G.; Orosei, R.;
Seu, R. MARSIS: Operational Planning and Commanding Requirements.
Dipartimento INFOCOM, Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza",
Technical Report N. MRS-007/005/03, Version 3.0, Date: 03/07/2003,
pagine: 43. (2003)
10. Slavney, S.; Orosei, R. Mars Reconnaissance
Orbiter - Shallow Radar Reduced Data Record Software Interface
Specification. Version 1.0, 30 July 2007.
11. Orosei, R.; Huff, R. L.; Ivanov, A. B.;
Noschese, R. Mars Express - MARSIS to Planetary Science Archive
Interface Control Document. INFOCOM Technical Report No.
024.005.2003, Issue 3.2, May 28, 2008.