Foto del docente

Roberto Manfredi

Associate Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Academic discipline: MED/17 Infectious Diseases

Curriculum vitae

Prof. Roberto Manfredi, MD


Place and date of birth

Bologna, Italy, June 22, 1964


Via di Corticella, 45

I-40128 Bologna, Italy

Telephone: +39 051 2143618

Driving license:

 type B


Foreign languages known

English (advanced), French and Spanish (basic).

Informatic abilities

Current use of the application package “Office Professional” for Windows, including Word, Excel, Power Point and Access. Daily use of email applications, and all research activities on the web. Current use of digital documents and images.

Pofessional activities

Associate Professor and full time, permanent senior physician in charge of Infectious Diseases, University of Bologna “Alma Mater Studiorum, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, Division of Infectious Diseases, S. Orsola-Malpighi Teaching Hospital, Via Massarenti, 11, I-40138 Bologna, Italy

Telephone: +39 (051) 214.3618

Telefax: +39 (051) 34.35.00


Study qualifications

- High Schol Diploma achieved in July1982 at the Liceo-Ginnasio “Evangelista Torricelli” of Faenza (RA, Italy), the oldest Classical High Schoool of Italy (year 1803).

- Degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Bologna, achieved on July 14,1988 with 110/110 points and magna cum laude, discussing the thesis (in part object of publication)): “Attualità in tema di Febbre Bottonosa. Osservazioni cliniche in età pediatrica” (Rapporteur Prof. Francesco Chiodo).

During the Course of Medicine and Surgery he carried out 32 examinations, with a mean score of 29,88 points out of 30.

  • Postgraduate Diploma of Specialty in Infectious Disease acquired on July 10, 1992, with a 70/70 score and Magna cum Laude, discussing the thesis (in part object of publication): “L'Azitromicina nel trattamento delle infezioni delle vie respiratorie in età pediatrica. Studio clinico comparativo con Eritromicina” (Rapporteur Prof. Francesco Chiodo).

During the postgraduate school, he carried out four examinations, reporting a mean score of 30/30.

Professional Curriculum

- State Examination enabling to the profession of Physician obtained at the University of Bologna in the first session of the year 1988, with the maximum score (110/110).

Member of the Doctor’s order of the Ravenna province from January 1989 up to October 16, 2003, and later Member of the Doctor’s order of the Bologna province, until now (position number 14821).

Full time medical assistant in charge of Infectious Disease, at the Insitute of Infectious Diseases of the University of Bologna, from September 19, 1991, up to November 3, 1993;

Full time Senior Physcian in charge and Senior Consultant of Infectious Diseases, at the Institute of Infectious Diseases, University of Bologna, S. Orsola Hospital, from November 4,1993 until now, after a public competition of titles and exams.

- Associate Professor of Infectious Diseases (Italian Scientific sector MED/17), at the University of Bologna, since October 1, 2005, confirmed on October 1, 2008.

Maintenance of all previous assistance duties as a senior consultant of Infectious Diseaes, at the S. Orsola-Malpighi University Hospital, and all the conventioned public departments and services:

Infectious Diseases consultant at the S. Orsola-Malpighi University Hospital, from September 20, 1993, until now:

Infectious Disease consultant at the Rizzoli Orthopedic University Hospital, from September 1993, until now;

Infectious Diseases consultant at the Drug Dependance Service of the Bologna Health care territorial institutions, from September 19, 1991, up to June 30, 1998.

Infectious Diseases consultant at the Home and Hospice services of the Bologna health care territorial insitutions, from July 1996, until now, for the assistance of patients with HIV infection and AIDS. During the period April 1, 2000, up to March 31, 2001, he also co-ordinated the home assistance service for HIV/AIDS patients, on behalf of the Division of Infectious Diseses of the S. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital.

Infectious Diseases consultant at the “C.A. Pizzardi” Maggiore General Hospital and Bellaria General Hospital of Bologna, from June 3, 2002, until now.

- Educational, professional, and scientific curriculum

- Internal student at the Institute of Human Physiology of the University of Bologna (Head Prof. Pier Luigi Parmeggiani), in the academic year 1984-‘85.

- Internal student at the Institute of Medical Pathology and Clinical Methodology of the University of Bologna (Head Prof. Giuseppe D'Antuono), in the academic year 1985-‘86.

- Internal student at the Institute of Infectious Diseases of the University of Bologna (Head Prof. Francesco Chiodo), from November 1986, up to July 1988.

- Resident and Fellow of the postgraduate School of Infectious Diseases of the University of Bologna (Head Prof. Francesco Chiodo), from December 1988, up to July 1992.

- “Visiting scientist” at the Department of Pediatrics, Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Rochester, Rochester NY (USA.) (Head Prof. Raphael Dolin; Supervisor: Prof. Francis Gigliotti). Theorical and practical stage aimed to the study of novel diagnostic techniques for AIDS-related opportunistic infetions. Carried out during the period May-August 1990.

- Professional assignment of the University of Bologna, to support healthcare oupatient units for drug dependances, aimed to identify subjects at high risk for HIV infection and other infectious diseases, carried out during August 1990-January 1991.

- Winner of the regional selection to take part to the “Theoretical-practical training course for Primary care physicians, carried out at the Ospedale per gli Infermi of Faenza (RA, Italy), from January 7, until September 16, 1991.

- Internal Doctor of the Division of Pediatrics of the Ospedale degli Infermi di Faenza (Head Prof. Giorgio Manfredi), from January 1, until December 31, 1993.

- Active participation to all yearly courses regarding the management of HIV infection and AIDS for health care personnel of Infectious Disease Departments, from the year 1991 up to the year 2015.

- Active participation to the International Theoretical-Practical Stage “Medical Management of AIDS”, carried out at the University of California in san Francisco (UCSF), supervised by Prof. Paul A. Volberding, during November 1999.

- Participation to a Seminar of the S. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital regarding “Privacy and Health Care” in the year 2000.

- Active participation to a Course of Medical Statistics” of the S. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, in the year 2001 (20 hours).

- Active participation to a course named “Introduction to a Quality System”, at the S. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, in the year 2001.

- Active participation to a course entitled: “The communication of bad news”m carried out by the S. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital in the year 2002 (20 hours) (16 Italian national CME credits assigned).

- Active participation to a Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and early Defibrillation Course for Health Care Providers (BLSD-B), (8 hours) (10 Italian National CME credits assigned).

Acknowledgement, Awards, and, Scholarship Grants

- First classified in the compatition for th eadmission, and winner of a four-year Scholarship of the University of Bologna, for fellows attending the Postgraduate School of Infectious Diseases,University of Bologna, received for three years (1988 to 1991).

- Winner of the Luigi Concato” Award for the year 1988, attributed by the School of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Bologna “...a quel giovane che, avendo seguito gli ultimi tre anni di corso nell'Università di Bologna e conseguito la relativa Laurea, abbia ottenuto il maggior numero di voti in tutti gli Esami clinici obbligatori (cliniche generali e speciali complessivamente)”.

- Winner of the national award of the Italian professional Journal "Stampa Medica" for young graduates in Medicine and Surgery, for the participation the residential course at the auditorium of Castrocaro Terme (FC), September 15-18, 1988.

- Winner of the “Francesco Schiassi” Award per l'anno 1989, attriburtd by the Medical-Surgical Society of Bologna “ laureato in Medicina nell'Università di Bologna da non oltre 5 anni, che, sulla base di una valutazione globale delle attività universitarie e post-universitarie...dimostri particolari attitudini allo studio dei problemi della Medicina Interna”.

- Winner of the “Borsa di Studio Gaetano Salvioli” for the years 1991, attributed by the G. Salvioli Foundation of the 'University of Bologna, and assigned a un “...laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia che presenti un programma di studio e di ricerca nel campo delle azioni immunitarie specifiche e paraspecifiche, da svolgersi presso istituzioni universitarie...italiane o straniere”.

- First classified at the competition for attending the Postgraduate School of Pediatrics of the University of Bologna in the year 1993 (waived because of the emerged incompatibility with the concurrent assistential activity at the Institute of Infectious Diseases).

- Winner of the award for the best Scientific presentation at the Pediatric update Congress of the Italian Society of Pediarics, held in Forlì, November 29, 1997.

- Winner of the “Young Investigator Award” attributed by the “Federation of the European Societies for Chemotherapy and for Infection” (FESCI), affiliated to the “International Society of Chemotherapy” (ISC), with regard to the “Third European Congress of Chemotherapy” (ECC-3), hold in Madrid (Spain), May 7-10 maggio, 2000.

- Quotation as the Author of the best “Report of the Week”), by the American scientific association “Medical Advocates for Social Justice”, por the paper published on the Journal Drugs & Aging 2002;19:647-69 (quotation retrievable at the address:, since October 22, 2002).

- Award for the best Oral Communication presented at the National Conference of a the Italian National Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (SIMIT), Bologna, September 24-27, 2003.

- Quotation by the national Italian Newpaper “La Repubblica” of Novembre 27, 2003 (pages 20-21), in the article entitled “I cacciatori di Malattie”, as the Italian Resarcher who authored the greatest number of clinical studies regarding the etiology and pathogenesis of diseases.

- Winner of the “Clinical Infectious Diseases Award for Outstanding Review”, conferred on March 3,2006, by Sherwood L. Gorbach and Michael Barza, Editors of the Journal “Clinical Infectious Diseases (CID)”, official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), published by Chicago University Press, because of the high level of scientific revisions carried out as a permanent Referee.

- Quotation in the informatic board “Protease Research” among researchers engaged in the study of proteases, hold tenuto by Ion Channel Media Group, and retrievable online at the address: [] (from the years 2006 until now).

- Three quotations on the biomedical website “BIAIDS” (year 2004 onwards), retrievable at the address:, and regarding:

- “Nevirapine vs efavirenz in clinical practice: same efficacy, different adverse events collaterali”;

- “Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids effective in hypertriglyceridmia”;

- “NNRTI in comparison: nevirapine improves the lipid profile”.

- Winner of the “Premio Heracles”, attributed by the Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (SIMIT), at the 5° Congresso Nazionale SIMIT, hold in Catania-Taormina, October 11-14, 2006

- Winner of the “Premio Heracles”, attributed by the Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (SIMIT), at the 6° Congresso Nazionale SIMIT, hold in Napoli, November 20-23, 2007

- Winner of the “Premio Heracles”, attributed by the Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (SIMIT), at the 7° Congresso Nazionale SIMIT, hold in Bargamo, November 19-22, 2006

Winner of the GIMBE “GIMBE award”, attributed by the Gruppo Italiano di Medicina Basata sulle Evidenze (GIMBE), at the Eighth GIMBE National Conference, hold in Bologna (March 15, 2013)

- “Top of the Class” Attendee, Master Degree in Pulmonary Vascular Diseases, University of Bologna, Bologna, June 27-28, 2014

Member of the Board of full Professors (Professori Ordinari) of Infectious Diseases, qualified after the First Italian National selection procedure carried out by the Ministry of Univerity (academic year 2012-2013 onwards).

Scientific activity

Since the year 1986, Prof. Roberto Manfredi has been committed full-time to epidemiological diagnostic, clinical, therapeutical, and laboratory research in all field of Infectious Diseases, demonstrating particular interest for HIV infection and AIDS, the immunological background of infections in the compomised host, pediatric infectious diseases, emerging infectious diseases, and the antimicrobial treatment of bacterial, fungal, viral and parasitic diseases.

On November 26, 2003, he achieved his suitability to cover the position of Associate Professor of Infectious Diseases after the comparative evaluation procedure carried out at the School of Medicine and Surgery of the University“G. D'Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara, ratificata dal Decreto Rettorale 144 del 27/11/2003, e resa pubblica sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale del Dicembre 2003.

In tale occasione, la Commissione del Concorso ha espresso tale giudizio complessivo: “Candidato Manfredi Dr. Roberto. L'attività di ricerca è documentata da una produzione scientifica eccellente, continuativa e certificata da elevato fattore d'impatto. Essa abbraccia numerosi campi delle Malattie Infettive. Le venti pubblicazioni presentate sono caratterizzate da notevole rigore metodologico e sicuri spunti di originalità ed innovatività. L'attività clinica è svolta in maniera continuativa, in ambiente Infettivologico qualificato. L'attività didattica è stata congrua con il settore scientifico-disciplinare messo a concorso. La discussione dei titoli e delle pubblicazioni scientifiche ha evidenziato un'eccellente conoscenza critica dei temi di ricerca sviluppati, ed ha fatto ulteriormente emergere la sua leadership nell'ambito del gruppo di ricerca. La lezione, ottimamente svolta, ha messo in rilievo le sue notevoli capacità didattiche. Il giudizio unanime della Commissione è ottimo”.

Over years, Prof. Roberto Manfredi took part to an elevated numbr of research projects and programs, of international and national interest, including:

- Proposal, draft, elaboration and scientific and technical co-ordination, presentation and publication of data of the following 16 studies (mostly multicentre in origin), who were co-ordinated by the Institute of Infectious Diseases of the University of Bologna:

1. sulbactam-ampicillina versus mezlocillina nelle infezioni delle basse vie respiratorie nel bambino;

2. sulbactam-ampicillina versus mezlocillina nelle infezioni delle basse vie respiratorie nell'adulto;

3. sultamicillina nelle infezioni respiratorie in età pediatrica;

4. azitromicina versus eritromicina nel trattamento delle infezioni delle alte e basse vie respiratorie in età pediatrica;

5. claritromicina versus eritromicina nel trattamento delle infezioni respiratorie del bambino;

6. molgramostim (rHuGM-CSF) nel trattamento della leucopenia e neutropenia in pazienti con AIDS ed AIDS-related complex (ARC);

7. aciclovir nella terapia della varicella nel bambino immunocompetente;

8. epidemiologia e clinica delle complicanze della varicella nel bambino immunocompetente ospedalizzato;

9. epidemiologia e diagnostica precoce dei disturbi neurocognitivi e delle psicosi in soggetti con infezione da HIV;

10. clindamicina-cefonicid nella chemioprofilassi della chirurgia oncologica della testa e del collo (studio comparativo uno versus tre giorni);

11. molgramostim (rHuGM-CSF) nel trattamento adiuvante della criptococcosi AIDS-correlata;

12. impiego diagnostico e terapeutico degli anticorpi anti-NTM in corso di infezione da HIV (in qualità di membro dell'International Advisory Group e di Sperimentatore del progetto di ricerca internazionale).

13 . Protocollo APV-30002 (impiego dell'amprenavir in pazienti HIV-positive “experienced” alla terapia antiretrovirale.

14. progetto pluriennale di Ricerca di Significato Nazionale ed Internazionale intitolato “Patogenesi dell'AIDS ed Infezioni Correlate”, proposto dal Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica Specialistica e Sperimentale dell'Università di Bologna, e finanziato per il triennio 1999-2001;

15. studio morfofunzionale delle modificazioni del timo in corso di terapia antiretrovirale ad elevata attività (HAART).

16. Prevenzione della diffusione dell'infezione da HIV-AIDS e controllo della sua trasmissione da madre a figlio nel distretto di Tharaka, Kenya (progetto proposto dalla “IBO-Italia - Associazione Italiana Soci Costruttori” di Ferrara, unitamente all'Istituto Malattie Infettive, Università di Bologna), approvato e finanziato per il triennio 2003-2005 con delibera specifica dell'Unione Europea (UE).

- partecipazione, in qualità di Sperimentatore (Principal Investigator o Co-Investigator), a numerosi Progetti di Ricerca per l'infezione da HIV e l'AIDS proposti dall'Istituto Malattie Infettive dell'Università di Bologna e da altre Istituzioni italiane ed internazionali, approvati e finanziati dall'Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) e da altri Enti Pubblici, dall'anno 1988 fino a tutt'oggi, tra cui:

· studio multicentrico su “Nuove modalità di somministrazione della zidovudina nel trattamento dell'infezione da HIV”;

· trial clinico “fluconazolo versus amfotericina B nel trattamento della criptococcosi AIDS-correlata”;

· trial “indicazioni cliniche all'impiego del fluconazolo nelle infezioni opportunistiche micotiche in corso di malattia da HIV ed AIDS”;

· Gruppo Italiano di Studio Tubercolosi ed AIDS (GISTA);

· studi clinici relativi alla didanosina nella terapia dell'infezione da HIV (trial DDI-901 e trial DDI-906);

· studi clinici relativi all'impiego di inibitori delle proteasi nel trattamento dell'infezione da HIV (trial ISS IP-1 e trial ISS IP-2);

· studio multicentrico nazionale relativo alla discontinuazione delle terapie di mantenimento per la criptococcosi AIDS-correlata in corso di terapia con HAART (studio “CIOP”).

· Campagna di informazione, educazione e prevenzione della trasmissione materno-fetale dell'infezione da HIV in Kenya, e trattamento della malattia da HIV in regioni rurali del Kenya (progetto approvato, deliberato e finanziato dall'Unione Europea per gli anni 2003-2005).

· Studio multicentrico internazionale TMC114-C211, riguardante il confronto randomizzato controllato tra TMC114-ritonavir associati ad emtricitabina-tenofovir, versus lopinavir-ritonavir associato ad emtricitabina-tenofovir (studio internazionale Tibotec C211).

· Studio multicentrico randomizzato “ARTEN”, in pazienti naïve stratificati in base al sesso e alla conta dei linfociti CD4+: lamivudina-emtricitbina-nevirapina versus lamivudina-emtricitabina-atazanavir/ritonavir.

· Studio pilota randomizzato per valutare le concentrazioni intracellulari di tenofovir in pazienti HIV-positivi naïve alla terapia antiretrovirale trattati con tenofovir-emtricitabina in associazione ad atazanavir/ritonavir versus efavirenz

· Studio NIA-ISS, studio osservazionale dell'Istituto Superiore di Sabità su nuove classi di farmaci antiretrovirali (inibitori dell'intergrasi, della fusione, del co-recettore CCR5.

· Studio multicentrico di semplificazione da una terapia HAART di prima/seconda linea contenente lopinavir/ritonavir più due analoghi nucleos(t)idici in pazienti clinicamente e virologicamente stabili.

· Studio comparativo multicentrico randomizzato di switch da lopinavir/ritonavir ad atazanavir/ritonavir o nevirapina, in associazione ad abacavir-lamivudina, in soggetti con infezione da HIV in controllo virologico

· Multi-center, open label, expanded access trial of Maraviroc in soggetti con limitate possibilità terapeutiche disponibili.

· Studio “NEVRAST”, randomizzato controllato su pazienti in terapia con NEVirapina-RAltegravir-Statina, in pazienti virologicamente stabili in terapia con nucleos(t)idici e inibitori delle proteasi, ed iperlipidemici

- partecipazione, in qualità di Sperimentatore (Principal Investigator o Co-Investigator), a numerosi trial clinici multicentrici riguardanti la terapia antimicrobica in età adulta ed in età pediatrica, la terapia antiretrovirale e l'immunoterapia dei pazienti con infezione da HIV, e l'epidemiologia, il trattamento e la chemioprofilassi delle infezioni opportunistiche AIDS-correlate e delle complicanze infettive in genere, nell'adulto e nel bambino, proposti e finanziati da numerose Istituzioni Italiane ed Internazionali, e da Aziende Farmaceutiche Italiane ed Internazionali, nonché studi osservazionali e studi spontanei, tra cui si distinguono:

· Stavudine (d4T) protocol AI455-020;

· Amphocil (amphotericin B colloidal dispersion - ABCD) nella terapia delle micosi profonde nell'ospite immunocompromesso;

· Amphotericin B lipid complex nel trattamento della meningite criptococcica in corso di AIDS;

· Studio osservazionale multicentrico “Changes in Opportunistic Infections (CIOP)”, relativo all'epidemiologia delle infezioni opportunistiche HIV correlate e alla loro chemioprofilassi;

· “Named Patient Programme of DMP266-066 (Efavirenz)” nel trattamento di salvataggio di pazienti con infezione da HIV avanzata;

· Trial terapeutico “Voriconazole in the treatment of Candida esophagitis in immunocompromised patients”;

· Studio “PART”, relativo alle interruzioni strutturate della terapia antiretrovirale;

· “DMP 266 (Efavirenz) in combination with either indinavir or zidovudine-lamivudine versus the association zidovudine-lamivudine-indinavir”, nel trattamento di pazienti naïve per infezione da HIV (studio internazionale DMP 266-006).

· N. due Studi di semplificazione della terapia antiretrovirale con l'inibitore delle proteasi atazanavir.

· N. due Studi di fase II-III comprendenti l'impiego dell'anti-recettore CCR-5 maraviroc in combinazione con terapia antiretrovirale nel trattamento dell'infezione da HIV.

· Studio MV 16721 (Early Access Program of Enfuvirtide - T20), nel trattamento di salvataggio dell'infezione da HIV

· Studio di semplificazione terapeutica antiretrovirale denominato “One”, che prevede l'impiego di terapie a somministrazione monogiornaliera in pazienti HIV-positivi pre-trattati con altri regimi.

· Studio farmacologico randomizzato controllato denominato “Kalead”, basato sull'introduzione in terapia antiretrovirale di lopinavir/ritonavir e di tenofovir

· Studio multicentrico internazionale TMC114-C211, riguardante il confronto randomizzato controllato tra TMC114-ritonavir associati ad emtricitabina-tenofovir, versus lopinavir-ritonavir associato ad emtricitabina-tenofovir (studio internazionale Tibotec C211).

· Tipranavir “expanded access” per l'uso di questo inibitore delle proteasi in regimi di salvataggio antiretrovirale

· Studio di inserimento di enfuvirtide (Fuzeon) in corso di terapia antiretrovirale in fase di fallimento, che necessiti di sostituzione di un inibitore delle proteasi o di un inibitore non-nucleosidico della trascriptasi inversa

· Studio “Predict”, riguardante lo studio del substrato genetico dell'ipersensibilità nei confronti del farmaco antiretrovirale inibitore nucleosidico della trascriptasi inversa abacavir

· Studi RESIST, riguardante l'impiego dell'inibitore delle proteasi tipranavir in stadi avanzati della terapia antiretrovirale

· Studio di fase III con l'inibitore dell'integrasi MSD-518 (Raltegravir)

· “Expanded Acess” program Tibotec (uso di dell'inibitore delle proteasi Darunavir in pazienti altamente experienced)

· “Studio RiCHIV - Rischio Cardiovascolare in HIV” (studio osservazionale sui fattori di rischio per malattie cardiovascolari nei pazienti con infezione da HIV e valutazione dei marcatori surrogati di rischio cardiovascolare - lesioni ateromasiche delle arterie carotidi e molecole di adesione delle cellule endoteliali)

· Studio collaborativo interdisciplinare finanziato dall'Università degli Studi di Bologna: “Metabolic syndrome in HIV-infected patients” (anni 2007-2008)

· Multicentre, early access study of etravirine (TMC-125) in combination with other antiretrovirals in treatment-experienced HIV-1 infected subjects with limited treatment options

· Studio multicentrico di accesso allargato ad Raltegravir (MK-0518) in pazienti pluritrattati

· Studio comparativo multicentrico randomizzato di switch da lopinavir-ritonavir ad atazanavir/ritonavir o nevirapina in associazione ad abacavir-emtricitabina in soggetti con infezione da HIV in controllo virologico (studio SKAN)

· Studio pilota randomizzato per valutare le concentrazioni intracellulari di tenofovir difosfato in pazienti HIV-positivi naive alla terapia antiretrovirale trattati con tenofovir-emtricitabina in associazione con atazanavir versus efavirenz (studio INCA)

· Valutazione dei livelli plasmatici di proteina C-reattiva, interleuchina-6 e tumor-necrosis factor-alfa nei pazienti con infezione da HIV-1 che iniziano una terapia antiretrovirale comprendente abacavir/lamivudina o tenofovir/entricitabina più efavirenz, versus pazienti naïve alla terapia antiretrovirale (studio prospettico ATAF: “Abacavir, Tenofovir, and Flogosis)”).

· Overall risk of infectious complications in surgical environment: a combined clinical-epidemiological approach.

· Intra-abdominal complicated infections: sharing microbiological and clinical data to improve the management efficiency

· Post authorization non-interventional study in HIV-1-infected patients starting or already in treatment with Darunavir (studio TMC114HIV4042).

· Studio clinico osservazionale volto a valutare la prevalenza e la tipologia della sindrome lipodistrofica e della ridotta densità minerale ossea nei pazienti con infezione da HIV sottoposti ad HAART, oltre all'efficacia e alla sicurezza del trattamento non farmacologico e farmacologico della stessa sindrome (LIPOS- LIPodystrophy Observational Study).

· Monitoraggio terapeutico della concentrazione plasmatica (TDM) di saquinavir/ritonavir, lopinavir/ritonavir, fosamprenavir/ritonavir ed atazanavir/ritonavir nei pazienti con infezione da HIV ed epatopatia cronica HCV-correlata e confronto con i pazienti con sola infezione da HIV (Sudio FACIP- FArmacologia Clinica degli Inibitori della Proteasi).

· Monitoraggio terapeutico della concentrazione plasmatica (TDM) di saquinavir/ritonavir, lopinavir/ritonavir, fosamprenavir/ritonavir ed atazanavir/ritonavir nei pazienti con infezione da HIV in terapia con statine (pravastatina, atorvastatina o rosuvastatina).

· Strategic, long-term, immunologically-driven treatment interruptions in previously naïve patients starting HAART: a controlled, randomized, multicenter study (Studio THESIS).

· Valutazione della prevalenza e del significato clinico dell'epatite B occulta nei pazienti HIV-positivi, attraverso la ricerca di sequenze genomiche di HBV nel tessuto epatico dei pazienti con concomitante epatopatia cronica HCV-relata e sottoposti ad agobiopsia epatica.

· Studio sulle complicanze infettive nel paziente sottoposto a trapianto d'organo solido.

· Studio epidemiologico sulla prevalenza e incidenza dell’ipertensione arteriosa in una popolazione di pazienti HIV-positivi afferenti ad una rete di centri ospedalieri.

From the Academic year 2006-2007 until now, Prof. Roberto Manfredi gained the approval of numerous research projects supported yearly by the Italian Ministry of University (MIUR (Progetti PRIN 2009-2010, e Ricerca Fondamentale Orientata - RFO, ex-quota 60%).

Furthermore, Prof. Roberto Manfredi followed these distinguished scientific engagements:

- Editor-in-Chief of the follwing Journals:

1. “The Open Drug Safety Journal”, published by Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., from 2009 until 2012

2. “Anti-Infective Agents”, formerly “Anti-Infective Agents in Medicinal Chemistry”, published by Bentham Science Publishers, from 2010 until 2017

- Member of the”Editorial Board”, or “Advisory Board”, or “Editorial Advisory Board”), of the following 63 scientific Journals:

1. “Journal of Environmental Protection”, published by Scientific Research Publishing (USA), (Editorial Advisory Board” and “Editorial Board”), from 2010 until now;

2. “Current Medicinal Chemistry”, published by Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., from 2007 until now;

3. “Farmaci” (Journal of the Italian Society of Pharmacology (from year 1994 until 2010;

4. “Annata Terapeutica” (Journal published by the Società Italiana di Farmacologia), from year 1994 until now;

5. “New Pages of Therapy” (Periodico sulle nuove conoscenze terapeutiche del terzo millennio), piblished by Editrice NewPages s.r.l., Roma, from year 2002 until now;

6. “Mycology News”, published in Vienna (Austria), from year 2003 until now;

7. “Applicazioni Cliniche dei Principi Attivi di Recente Introduzione - Nuove linee di comunicazione terapeutica”, published by Editrice NewPages s.r.l., Roma, from year 2005 until now;

8. “New Entries in Pharmacology”, published by NewPages s.r.l., Roma, from year 2006 until now;

9. “Therapeutica”, published by Pharma Project Group (PPG), Saronno (VA), from year 2007 until now;

10. “The Open Aging Journal”, published by Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., from year 2007 until now;

11. “The Open Aging Letters”, published by Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., from year 2007 until now;

12. “The Open Aging Reviews”, published by Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., from year 2007 until now;

13. “ The Open Infectious Diseases Journal”, published by Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. (years 2008-2010);

14. “The Open Drug Safety Journal”, published by Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., from year 2009 until 2012;

15. “The Open Anthropology Journal”, published by Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., from year 2010 until now;

16. “The Open AIDS Journal”, published by Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., from year 2007 until now;

17. “Anti-Infective Agents”, formerly “Anti-Infective Agents in Medicinal Chemistry”, published by Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., from year 2007 until 2012;

18. “The Open Clinical Trials Journal”, published by Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., from year 2008 2008 until now;

19. “International Journal of Medical and Biological Frontiers”, published by Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA, from year 2009 until now;

20. “Archivos Venezolanos de Farmacología y Terapéutica, published by Scielo Publishers, Caracas, Venezuela, from year 2008 until now;

21. “The Open Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgery Journal”, published by Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. from 2008 until now;

22. “Medicina Narrativa”, Official Journal of the Società Italiana di Medicina Narrativa, Università di Catania, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, from year 2009 until now;

23. ”Revista Latinoamericana de Hipertension”, published by Scielo Publishers, Caracas, Venezuela, from year 2009 until now;

24. ”Diabetes Internacional”, published by Scielo Publishers, Caracas, Venezuela, from year 2009 until now;

25. “World Journal of Virology”, published by Baishideng Publishing Co. Group, Ltd., Beijing, China, from 2010 until 2019;

26. “Clinical Management Issues”, published by Seed Edizioni Scientifiche, Torino, from year 2010 until now:

27. ”World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology”, publishewd by Beijing Baishideng BioMed Scientific Co. Ltd., Bejijng (China), from year 2009 until now;

28. “Reviews in Health Care”, published by Seed Edizioni Scientifiche, Torino, years 2010-2013;

29. “Journal of Surgical Science”, published by “Scientific Research Publishing” Ltd, USA, from year 2010 2010 until now;

30. “World Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases”, published by Baishideng Publishing Group, Bejing, Cina (from ear 2011 until 2019);

31. “Advances in Infectious Diseases”, published by “Scientific Research Publishing” (years 2011-2016);

32. “The Scientific World Journal”, published by Hindawi Publishing Corporation (from year 2011 until now);

33. “ScienceMED - An International Journal of Medical Sciences”, published by Medimond, Bologna (from the year 2012 until now);

34. International Journal of Case Reports in Medicine”, published by IBIMA Publishing, USA (from 2012 until now);

35. "Journal of Tuberculosis Research", published by “Scientific Research Publishing” (from 2013 until now);

36. "International Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health ("as a selected Editorial board member"), publisdhed by Savvy Science Publisher, East Petersburg, PA, USA (from 2013 until now);

37 “International Journal of Clinical Practice”, published by da John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Oxford, UK (years 2008-2013);

38. "Open Journal of Emergency Medicine", published by “Scientific Research Publishing” Ltd, USA, from 2013 until now;

39. "Journal of Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment", published by Omics Publishing Group, China (year 2013);

40. "Clinical Diagnosis and Research", published by Omics Publishing Group, China (year 2013);

41. "Austin Journal of Infectious Diseases", published by Austin Publishing Group, Monroe Township, Mew Jersey, USA (year 2013, until now);

42. "Austin Journal of HIV/AIDS Research", published by Austin Publishing Group, Altona Meadows, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (from 2013 until now);

43. "Annals of Gerontology and Geriatric Research", published by da SciMedCenter, San Diego, USA (year 2014);

44. "International Journal of Orthopaedics", published by Ghrnet, Hong Kong, China (from year 2014 until now);

45. "AIDS Clinical Research and STDs" (ARCS), published by HeraldOpenAccess, Binghamton (NY), USA (year 2014);

46. "Community Acquired Infections", published by SpringPublishing, Beijing, China, (from year 2014 until now);

47. "International Journal of Gastroenterology Disorders and Therapy", published by Graphy Publications (since year 2014);

48. "International Journal of Clinical Cases Studies", published by Graphy Publications (since 2014);

49. "International Journal of Clinical & Medical Microbiology", published by Graphy Publications (since 2014);

50. "British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research", published by ScienceDomain International Ltd., London, UK (as an Academic Editor, since year 2014);

51. "Edorium Journal of Infectious Diseases", published by Edorium Journals, USA (since 2014);

52. "Scholarena Journal of Infectious Diseases", published by Scholarena Journals, Warrensburg, MO, USA (since year 2014);

53. "Journal of AIDS and Immune Research", published by Elyms Publishing Group (since 2014);

54. "Journal of International Research in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences", published by International Knowledge Press (IKP), Manchester, UK (since 2014):

55. "Austin Journal of HIV/AIDS", published by Austin Publishing Group, Altona Meadows, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (sine year 2015);

56. "Archives of Clinical Gastroenterology", published by Peertechz, Hyderabad, India (since 2015);

57. "Journal of International Research in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences", published by International Knowledge Press, Tarakeswar, India (from year 2015 until now):

58. "Austin Virology and Retrovirology", published by Austin Publishing Group, Township, New Jersey, USA (from year 2015 until now);

59. "Archives of Clinical Pulmonology and Respiratory Care", published by Peertechz, Hyderabad, India (since year 2015);

60. "SM Journal of Hepatitis Research and Treatment", published by SM Online Publishers, Irving, TX, USA (since year 2015);

61. “Infectious & Non Infectious Diseases”, published by Herald Scholarly, Herndon, VA, USA (since year 2015);

62. “Trends in HIV/AIDS”, published by Excelytics Publisher, Birmingham, UK (since year 2015).

63. Journal of Biosciences and Medicines, published by Scientific Resrarch Publishing, Wuhan (China) (since year 2020).




Referee per for the following 199 International and National Scientific Journals;

1. “The New England Journal of Medicine” (Boston, USA) (year 2012);

2. “The Lancet”, published by Elsevier Sciences (London, U.K.) (year 2007);

3. “AIDS”, published by “Lippincott Williams & Wilkins” (London-U.K., Philadelphia-PA, USA) (yeara 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2015);

4. “Gastroenterology”, official Journal of the “American Gastroenterological Association”, published by W.B. Saunders-Mosby (USA) (years 2003, 2007, 2009, 2010);

5. “Lancet Infectious Diseases”, Elsevier, LOndon, UK (year 2006);

6. “Emerging Infectious Diseases”, official Journal of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC); Atlanta, USA (year 2005);

7. “Clinical Infectious Diseases”, official Journal of the “Infectious Diseases Society of America - IDSA” (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (years 1998-2009). Permanent Referee since year 2001 upon request of the Editorial Committee of the Journal itself. In the year 2006, winner of the Clinical Infectious Diseases Award for Outstanding Review”, conferred by the Editors-in-Chief because of the high quality of revisions carried out;

8. “Journal of the American Medical Association” (JAMA), published by the “JAMA and Archives Journal Societies” dell'American Medical Association (AMA), Chicago, USA (years 2004, 2005, 2010);

9. “Archives of Internal Medicine” published by the “JAMA and Archives Journal Societies” (year 2006); particular mention of merit as the best Referee;

10. "JAMA Internal Medicine", published by "JAMA and Archives Journal Societies", of the American Medical Association (AMA), Chicago, USA (year 2016);

11. "The Lancet Global Health", published by Elsevier Sciences (London, UK) (year 2013);

12. "The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology", published by Elsevier Sciences (London, UK) (year 2013);

13. “AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses”, published by Mary Ann Liebert, New York, USA (years 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010);

14. “BioMedCentral Infectious Diseases”, published by BioMedCentral (year 2006);

15. “Drugs”, published by Adis Press Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand (years 2006, 2010);

16. “Journal of Medical Virology” (London-U.K.) (years 2002, 2008, 2014);

17. “Thorax” (published by BMJ Journals, London, UK) (year 2010);

18. “Chest” (official Journal of the Critical Care and Cardiopulmonary Society”), London, UK (year 2005);

19. “Archives of Dermatology”, Journalof the group “JAMA-Archives”, published by the American Medical Society (AMA), (year 2005);

20. “AIDS Patient Care and STDs”, published by Mary Ann Liebert, New York, USA (years 2006, 2007);

21. “Digestive Diseases and Sciences”, published by Elsevier (years 2006, 2008);

22. “Current Medicinal Chemistry”, published by Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. (years 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2016, 2018);

23. “International Journal of STD and AIDS”, published by the Royal University Press, London, UK (years 2008, 2009);

24. “International Journal of Clinical Practice”, published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Oxford, UK (year 2008);

25. “Drug Safety”, published by Adis Group International, Auckland, New Zealand (year 2007);

26. “Infection”, published byUrban & Vogel, Germany (years 2006-2020);

27. “AIDS Reviews”, published by Permanyer Publications, Barcelona, Spain (year 2008);

28. “Clinical Drug Investigation” Journal of of the group of “Drugs”, published by Adis Press (Auckland, New Zealand) (years 1998, 1999, 2000, 2011);

29. “Health Policy” (London, UK) (year 2005);

30. “Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes - J AIDS”, published by “Lippincott Williams & Wilkins” (London-U.K., Philadelphia-PA, USA) (years 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2018, 2019);

31. “Journal of Infection”, published by Elsevier Science, London, UK (yers 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017);

32. “AIDS Care” (Psychological & Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV), published by Carfax Publishing Ltd. (London, UK) (years 1998, 1999);

33. “Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacy”, Belfast, UK (year 2007);

34. “Journal of Chemotherapy”, published by E.I.F.T. (Firenze) (years 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2011);

35. “BioMed Central (BMC) Infectious Diseases”, epublished by BioMed Central Group belonging to Current Science Ltd.” (London, UK) (years 2001, 2002);

36. “AIDS Research and Treatment”, published by Hindawi Medical Publishers (years 2009, 2011, 2012);

37. “Chemotherapy”, published by S. Karger (Switzerland) (years 2010, 2011);

38. Rheumatology International”, published by Spronger(years 2008, 2010, 2011);

39. “Giornale Italiano di Malattie Infettive – Italian Journal of Infectious Diseases”, official Journal of the della Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Malattie Infettive e Parassitarie, published by EDIMES, Pavia (years 1998-2000);

40. “Acta Paediatrica”, published by Scandinavian University Press (Stockholm, Sveden) (year 1999);

41. “HIV Clinical Trials - HCT”, published by Thomas Land Publishers Inc. (St. Louis, MO, USA) (years 2001, 2003, 2007, 2018);

42. “Digestive and Liver Diseases”, published by Elsevier Science (years 2005, 2006, 2017);

43. “Drugs & Aging”, published by Adis International Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand (year 2006);

44. “International Journal of Infectious Diseases”, published by the International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID), Boston, USA, Elsevier Science (years 2007, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017);

45. “Journal of Clinical Anesthesia” (International Journal of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine), published by Elsevier Science (USA) (year 2007);

46. “The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition”, Houston, Texas, USA (year 2008);

47. “Journal of the Pancreas, JOP”, Bologna, Italia (year 2008);

48. “Collegium Anthropologicum”, official Jornal of the Croatian Anthropological Society, Croatian Association of Medical Anthropology, and the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (Zagreb, Croazia) (year 2002);

49. “Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy”, publisedh by Ashley Publications Ltd., and later by Informa Healthcare (London, UK) (years 2001, 2007, 2008, 2010);

50. “Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene”, of the Dipartimento di Igiene, Università di Genova) (year 2009);

51. “Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology”, published by Ashley Publications Ltd. (London, UK) (years 2007, 2008, 2011, 2015);

52. “Clinical Nutrition”, Official Journal of the European Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, publishe by Elsevier Science Ltd. (Oxford, UK) (years 2003, 2010);

53. “World Journal of Pediatrics”, published by Zhejjang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou (China) (year 2008);

54. “Medical Science Monitor”, publishedv by Medical Science International Ltd. (New York, USA) (years 2003, 2007);

55. “Clinical Therapeutics”, published by Elsevier and Excerpta Medica Inc., Bridgewater, NJ, USA (ears 2007, 2008, “Editorial Consultant” for the tear 2008;

56. “Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology”, publidhed by Blackwell Publishing (London, UK) (years 2003, 2007);

57. “European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology”, published by Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins (London-U.K., Philadelphia-PA, USA) (yeaars 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015);

58. “Journal of Clinical Pathology” (Official Journal of the Association of Clinical Pathologists, published by BMJ Journals Department, London, UK) (year 2004);

59. “Journal of General Internal Medicine”, official Journal of the “Society of General Internal Medicine” (USA), published by Blackwell Publishing (London, UK) (years 2003, 2004);

60. “The New Microbiologica”, published by Nadirex (Pavia, Italy) (years 2010, 2017);

61. “Journal of Endocrinological Investigation”, published by Elsevier Science (year 2010);

62. “Journal of Women's Health” (year 2008);

63. “Gynecologic Oncology”, published byElsevier, USA) (years 2006, 2007);

64. “Medical Mycology” published by Taylor and Francis, London, UK (years 2007, 2010, 2011, 2012);

65. “Current HIV Research”, published by Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., USA (years 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010);

66. “European Journal of Neurology” (years 2006, 2007, 2009);

67. “Drugs in R&D”, published by Adis International Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand (year 2006);

68. “Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapy”, published by “Future Drugs Ltd.”, London, UK (years 2004, 2007, 2010, 2011);

69. “HIV Medicine”, published by Mediscript Ltd, London, UK (years 2004, 2005, 2006);

70. “Psychiatry Research” (year 2007);

71. “Drug Design, Development and Therapy”, published by Dove Medical Press, Auckland, New Zealand (year 2008);

72. “The Open Drug Safety Journal”, published by Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. (years 2008-2013);

73. “Oral Diseases”, published by J. Wiley (UK) (year 2007):

74. “Future Virology”, published by Future Medicine Ltd., London, UK (year 2006, year 2012);

75. “Clinical Management Issues”, published by Edizioni Seed, Torino (years2 009, 2010, 2011, 2018);

76. “Future Microbiology”, published by Future Science Group, London, UK (year 2008);

77. “European Journal of Radiology” (year 2007);

78. “The Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology” (year 2009, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2015);

79. “Patient Preference and Adherence”, published by Dove Medical Press, Auckland, New Zealand (year 2007);

80. “BioDrugs”, published by Adis Press Ltd. and Wolters Kluwer Health, Auckland, New Zealand (year 2007);

81. “Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology”, published by BioMedCenter (year 2006);

82. “Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology”, official Journal of the “American Gastroenterological Association”, publiahws by W.B. Saunders-Mosby (USA) (years 2007, 2009, 2010);

83. “New Oncology: Thrombosis”, published by Remedica Medical Education and Publishing, London (UK) (year 2006);

84. “Canadian Journal of Microbiology” (year 2008)

85. “The Open Clinical Trials Journal”, published by Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. (years 2009, 2010);

86. “Future Lipidology”, published by Future Medicine Ltd., London, UK (year 2008);

87. “Biologics: Targets & Therapy”, published by Dove Medical Press, Auckland, New Zealand (year 2008);

88. “The American Journal of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy”, published by Elsevier (USA) ((year 2010);

89. “Infection and Drug Resistance”, published by Dove Medical Press, Auckland, New Zealand (year 2008);

90. “Case Report and Clinical Practice Review”, published by Medical Science Monitor, Medical Science International Ltd., New York, USA (year 2008);

91. “Journal of the International AIDS Society”, published by the International AIDS Society (IAS) (years 2008, 2011);

92. “Yonsei Medical Journal”, published by Yonsei Medical College, Seoul, Korea (year 2008);

93. “Acta Pharmacologica Sinica”, published by the Chinese Pharmaceutical Society (year 2007);

94. “American Journal of Case Reports”, published by Medical Science International Ltd. (New York, USA) (year 2008);

95. “Biological Research”, published by Sociedad de Biología de Chile, Chile (year 2008);

96. “Trends in Medicine” published by Pharma Project Group (PPG), Saronno (VA) (year 2008);

97. “Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology”, official Journal of the “Indian Society of Medical Microbiology”, edito published by Medknow (years 2005, 2007).

98. “Case Reports in Medicine”, published by Hindawi Medical Publisher (years 2008, and 2009-2017)

99. “Immunology, Endocrine & Metabolic Agents in Medicinal Chemistry”, published by Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., USA (year 2009);

100. “Journal of Medical Case Reports”, published by BioMedCentral (year 2010);

101. “Current Clinical Pharmacology”, published by Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., USA (year 2009);

102. “Reviews in Infection”, published by Southern Cross Publisher, Australia (year 2009)

103. “Journal of Postgraduate Medicine”, published by Seth GS Medical College, India (year 2010);

104. “The Journal of Infection in the Developing Countries”, publishedv by Dicle University, Diyarbakir (years 2010, 2011, 2014);

105. “Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology”, publidhed in UK (year 2010);

106. “Infectio”, published by “Scielo”, Colombia (year 2010);

107. “Recent Patents on Cardiovascular Drug Discovery”, published by Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., USA (year 2010);

108. “Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals”, published by Mary Ann Liebert, New York, USA (years 2012, 2014);

109. “African Journal of Microbiology Research”, publishd by Academic Journals, xxx (year 2010);

110. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology”, published by Academic Journals, xxx, (year 2010;

111. “Anti-Infective Agents in Medicinal Chemistry”, published by Bentham Science Publishers, (years 2007 to 2010);

112. “Anti-Infective Agents”, published byy Bentham Science Publishers, from year 2011 until now;

113. “The Open Antimicrobial Agents Journal”, published by Bentham Science Publishers, from year 2011 until now;

114 “Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry”, published by Bentham Science Publishers, from year 2011 until now;

115. “Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety”, edito da Adis Press, Auckland, New Zealand, (year 2011);

116. “African Journal of Biotechnology”, published by Academic Journals (years 2011, 2012);

117. “Case Reports in Infectious Diseases”, publishws by Hindawi Medical Publisher (years 2011, 2017),

118. “European Infectious Diseases”, publishwed by Touch Briefings, UK (year 2011);

119. “Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery”, published by Elsevier Science (year 2011);

120. “Journal of AIDS Clinical Research”, publiahws by OMNICS Publishing Group/ACR” (year 2011);

121. “Advances in Infectious Diseases”, published by “Scientific Research Publishing” (years 2011, 2012);

122. “Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology”, published by Hindawi Medical Publisher (year 2011);

123. “Cardiology Research and Practice”, published by Hindawi Medical Publisher (year 2011);

124. “Case Reports in Pediatrics, published by Hindawi Medical Publisher (year 2011);

125. ”World Journal of Virology”, published by Beijing Baishideng BioMed Scientific Co. Ltd., Bejijng (China) (years 2011, 2012),

126. “The Open Numerical Methods Journal”, published by Bentham Science Publishers (year 2011);

127. “The Open Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgery Journal”, publishwed by Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. (year 2011);

128. “The Scientific World Journal”, publishws by Hindawi Publishing Corporation (from year 2991 until now);

129. “Journal of Surgical Science”, published by “Scientific Research Publishing - SCIRP” Ltd., USA (year 2012);

130. “British Microbiology Research Journal”, published by ScienceDomain International Ltd., London, UK (years 2012, 2014);

131. “Acta Neurologica Scandinavica”, published by Tylor & Francis (years 2012, 2014);

132. “Journal of Environmental and Public Health”, published by Hindawi Publishing Corporation (year 2012);

133. “Interdisciplinary Perpectives on Infectious Diseases”, publishws by Hindawi Publishing Corporation (year 2012);

134. "Journal of Tropical Medicine”, published by Hindawi Publishing Corporation (year 2012);

135 “Scientific Research Essays”, published by Academic Journals (year 2012)

136. “The Open Mycology Journal”, published by Bentham Science Publishers Ltd (year 2012);

137. “Tuberculosis Research and Treatment”, published by Hindawi Publishing Corporation (years 2012, 2013);

138.“Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity”, publishws by Hindawi Publishing Corporation (year 2012):

139. “Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine”, publishws by Hindawi Publishing Corporation (year 2012);

140. “Journal of Psychopharmacology”, Boston, MA, USA (year 2012);

141. “BioBio Journal”, published by Omics Publishing Group, China (year 2012):

142. “Pulmonary Medicine”, published by Hindawi Publishing Corporation (year 2012):

143. “World Journal of Hepatology”, published by Beijing Baishideng BioMed Scientific Co. Ltd., Bejijng (China) (year 2012);

144. “Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacological Research”, published by Global Research Journals (year 2012);

145. "Global Research Journal of Microbiology", published by Global Research Journals (year 2013);

146. "World Journal of Gastroenterology", published by Beijing Baishideng BioMed Scientific Co. Ltd., Bejijng (China) (year 2013);

147. "British Medical Journal Open (BMJ Open)", edito da BNJ Group, London, UK (year 2013);

148. "Journal of Interdisciplinary Medicine and Dental Science", published by Omics Publishing Group, China (year 2013);

149. "World Journal of Diabetes", published by Beijing Baishideng BioMed Scientific Co. Ltd., Bejijng (China) (year 2013);

150. "Journal of Scientific Research and Reports", published by ScienceDomain International, London, UK (2013);

151. "US Endocrinology", published by TouchMedicalMedia, USA (year 2013);

152. "International Journal of Microbiology", published by Hindawi Publishing Corporation (year 2013);

153. "Journal of Clinical Diagnosis and Research", published by Omics Publishing Group, China (years 2013, 2014);

154. "British Microbiology Research", published by Science Domain, London, UK (year 2014);

155. "International Journal of Tropical Disease & Health, published by ScienceDomain International Ltd., London, UK (year 2014);

156. "British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research", published by ScienceDomain International Ltd., London, UK (year 2014);

157. "International Journal of Tropical Disease & Health, published by ScienceDomain International Ltd., London, UK (year 2014);

158. "BMJ Case Reports", edito da BMJ Group (anno 2014)

159. "Clinical Journal of HIV/AIDS", published by Jacobs Publishers, Austin, TX, USA (since year 2014, until now);

160. "Annual Research and Reviews in Biology", published by ScienceDomain International Ltd., London, UK (year 2014);

161. "Letters in Drug Design and Discovery, published by Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., USA (years 2014, 2015);

162. "Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology", published by Scientific Research Publishing (year 2014);

163. "Open Journal of Emergency Medicine", edited by “Scientific Research Publishing” Ltd, USA (years 2014, 2015);

164."Journal of Immunology and Infectious Diseases", published by Annex Publishers (year 2014);

165 "Cellular and Molecular Biology", published by Clin Med Journals (anni 2014, 2015);

166. "Infectious Diseases and Therapy", published by Springer Healthcare Ltd., Chester, UK (year 2014);

167. "BMC Medicine", edita dalla BioMed Central appartenente al gruppo “Current Science Ltd.” (London, UK) (anni 2014, 2016);

168. "International Journal of Clinical Cases Studies", edito da Graphy Publications (anno 2014)

169 "BMC Infectious Diseases, edited by BioMed Central Editorial, belonging to the “Current Science Ltd.” Group (London, UK) (year 2014);

170. "Austin Journal of Infectious Diseases", published by Austin Publishing Group, Altona Meadows, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (year 2014);

171. "BMJ Case Reports", published by the BMJ Group, London, UK (year 2014);

172. "Folia Microbiologica, published by…Praha, Czech Republic (year 2014);

173. "Journal of Tuberculosis Research", published by “Scientific Research Publishing” (years 2014, 2015);

174. "Clinical Research in HIV/AIDS, published by SciMedCentral, San Diego, CA, USA (year 2014);

175. "Jacobs Journal of AIDS/HIV, published by Jacobs Publishers, Austin, TX, USA (year2014);

176. "El Mednifico Journal", published by El Mednifico, Karachi, Pakistan (year 2015);

177. "Journal of Infection in Developing Countries", published in Tuzla (Bosnia-Herzegovina) (year 2015);

178. "Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious Diseases", published in Rome, Italy (year 2015);

179. " Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health", published by Springer … (year 2015);

180. "Journal of Infection and Public Health, published by by Elsevier, London, UK (year 2015);

181. "Disability and Rehabilitation", published by DaveMuller, (year 2015);

182. "International Journal of Tropical Disease & Health, published by ScienceDomain Ltd. London, UK (year 2015);

183. "Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience", publisheed by … Seoul, South Korea (year 2015);

184. "Archives of Clinical Gastroenterology", published by Peertechz, Hyderabad, India (year 2015);

185. "Le Infezioni in Medicina", published by Edimes, Pavia, Italy (year 2015);

186. "International Journal of Oral and Dental Health, edited by …, Newark, DE, USA (year 2015);

187. "BioMed Research International", published by Hindawi Publishing Corporation (year 2016);

188. "Austin Journal of HIV/AIDS Research, published by Austin Publishing Group, Monroe Township, New Jersey, USA (year 2016);

189. "International Journal of Orthopaedics", published by Ghrnet, Hong Kong (China) (year 2016);

190. "Austin Journal of Infectious Diseases", published by Austin Publishing Group, Monroe Township, New Jersey, USA (year 2016);

191. "Case Reports in Neurological Medicine", published by Hindawi Publishing Corporation (year 2016);

192. "Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology, published byInforma Health Care, London,UK (year 2016);

193. "Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs", published by Future Group (year 2016);

194. "Current Medical Research & Opinion", published by (year 2016);

195. "Journal of Critical Care and Emergency Medicine, published by ClinMedLibrary, Newark, DE, USA (year 2017);

196) "Cancer Reseacrh Frontiers", published by… (year 2017);

197) "Postgraduate Medicine", published by Ingenta Connect (USA/UK) (year 2017);

198) "Case Reports in Hepatology", published by Hindawi Publishing Corportation (year 2018);

199) "Current Trends in Studies on Ancient Diseases", published by Hindawi Publishing Corportation (year 2018).

- Scientific and Editorial activity carried oit for the Publisher “Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings Division” of Bologna (Italy), in the selection and printing of the official Proceedings of the eight following International Conferences:

1. “12th World AIDS Conference” (Geneve, Switzerland, 1998);

2. “10th International Congress of Immunology” (New Dehli, India, 1998);

3. “13th International AIDS Conference” (Durban, South Africa, 2000);

4. “14th International AIDS Conference” (Barcelona, Spain, 2002);

5. “15th International AIDS Conference” (Bangkok, Thailand, 2004);

6. “Immunology 2004 - 12th International Congress of Immunology, and 4th Annual Conference of FOCIS” (Montréal, Canada, 2004);

7. “2nd European Congress of Virology” (Madrid, Spain, 2004);

8. “5th European Congress of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Head and Neck Surgery - EU.F.O.S.” (Rhodes, Greece, 2004).

-Pemanent member of the“Comitato addetto al Controllo delle Infezioni Ospedaliere”, the “Gruppo Tecnico di raccordo con la Microbiologia”, the “Gruppo Operativo Antibiotici-Commissione Antibioticoterapia”, and the “Commissione Profilassi Antibiotica Perioperatoria” of S. Orsola University Hospital , from year 1996 until 2005.

- Permanent member of the Comitato per il Controllo delle Infezioni Ospedaliere” costituito presso gli Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli (Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico - IRCCS), di Bologna, from year 2000 until year 2005.

These committes have discussed, written, and updated the guidelines for both prophylaxis and control of hospital infections, the permanent monitoring of microbiological isolations and their antimicrobial susceptibility rate over time, the recommendation for antimicrobial prophylaxis in surgery and for the antimicrobial management of the immunocompromised host. They also wrote and updated the guidelines for a rational use of antimicrobial agents, and for the containment of adverse and allergic reactions to antimicrobial agents in the Hospital environment.

He also represented the S. Orsola-Malpighi University Hospital in the regional program of education and information for the prevention of HIV infection, during the years 1998-20: Definizione della rete organizzativa per la lotta all'AIDS” (Delibera Consiglio Regionale 940 dell'8/7/1998).

-Permanent member of the Committee: “Linee-Guida, Indicatori, Farmacovigilanza (CLIFF) (Sottogruppo Linee-Guida di Antibioticoterapia)”, dell'Azienda Sanitaria Locale Città di Bologna, (years 2000-2004. Tale Commissione cura la preperazione, la divulgazione, l'aggiornamento permanente dell'antibioticoterapia nell'ambito delle strutture territoriali dell'ASL Città di Bologna, tramite riunioni periodiche, elaborazione di linee-guida, preparazione di giornate di divulgazione scientifica e seminari rivolti ai Medici di Medicina Generale, ed implementazione di programmi di monitoraggio permanente dell'applicazione delle raccomandazioni stilate.

- Member (“Elettore”) of the Commitee of the “Maria Vilma e Bianca Querci” Foundation of the Giannina Gaslini Institute of Genoa (acknowledged by the Italian Ministry of Health since the year 1994), including international experts in the field of Pediatrics, for the assignment of the third International Award “Maria Vilma e Bianca Querci”, for the year 2001.

- International Referee for international research projects presentated to the “Medical Research Council (MRC)”of London (UK), (regarding trials for the management of HIV disease complications in developing countries, for the year 2001.

- Member of the External Advisory Committee” of the Brand Institute, inc. (USA (from 2004 until now.)

- Permanent member of the “Gerson Lehrman Group's (GLG) Councils of Healthcare Advisors” (from year 2004 until now).

- Permanent member of the “Gerson Lehrman Group's (GLG) EducatorSM Program, a tier of Council Member Programs available to qualifying GLG Council MembersSM (from year 2010 until now).

- Member of the Commission for the contest of awards and scholarships funded by the Associazione Italiana per la lotta contro l’AIDS (ANLAIDS) (years 2004-2005.

Member of the International Advisory Board for the study of the antibiotic Garenofloxacin (years 2006-2007.

- Member of the Advisory Board of the European Medìcines Agency (EMEA), Committee for Medicinal products (CHMP), for the revision of clinical indication of the antiretroviral drug nevirapine (August-October 2009).

- Member of the Advisory Board of the “European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)”, - Internazional Workshop on: “Infectious Diseases and Social Determinants”, Stockholm (Sweden), April 2007.

- Referee of paper and online publications of the “BMJ Learning association” part of the “British Medical Journal” group, for subjects regarding HIV infection, AIDS, and antiretroviral therapy (year 2007).

- Official technical Consultant (CTU) of the court of Rome (year 2007).

- Responsible of writing and updating the website Medicine –Infectious Diseases for the “Associazione Nazionale Anziani e Pensionati” (ANAP) (from year 2009 until now).

  • Referee for the intrenational research projects funded by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo (CARIPARO): “Role of neurotropic viruses in gastrointestinal motor disorders” (year 2009).

  • Official member of the commission for the assignment of Postdoctoral diplomas in “Metodologia della Sperimentazione Clinica”, at the University of Brescia (year 2012).

Scientific publications

Il Prof. Roberto in an author or a co-author of 2,652 scientific publications interesting Infectious Diseases, Microbiogy, Virology, Antimicrobial Chemotherapy and Pediatrics (please cfr. the enclosed list), published from the year 1986 until the year 2024 (39 consecutive years), as follows:

· n. 13 Monographs

· n. 68 Chapters of Textbooks or Manuals

· n. 508 Publicarions on Journals of international interest

· n. 366 Publications on Journals of National interest;

· n. 889 Talks, Communications and Posters presented at International Conferences

· n. 751 Talks, Communications, and Posterw presentated at National Conferences

· n. 51 electronic Pubblications retrievable on the web

· n. 6 publications without bio-medical purposes

Original contributions appeared on 226 different scientific Journals, with the 156 following Journals of International interest:

“Acta Dermato-Venereologica (Stockholm)”, “Acta Neurologica”, “Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica / Acta Paediatrica”, “Acta Physiologica”, “Ageing Research Reviews”, "Aging Clinical and Experimental Research“, AIDS”, “AIDS Care”, “AIDS Patient Care and STDs”, “AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses”, “AIDS Reviews”, “Alergia, Asma, y Inmunologia Pediatricas”, “Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics”, “Alpe Adria Microbiology Journal”, "Americal Journal of Emergency Medicine", “American Journal of Gastroenterology”, “Annals of Pharmacotherapy”, “Anti-Infective Agents in Medicinal Chemistry”, “Antiinfective Drugs and Chemotherapy”, “Antimicrobial Chemotherapy in Clinical Practice”, “Antiviral Therapy”, “Archives of Gastroenterohepatology”, “Archives of Internal Medicine / JAMA Internal Medicine”, “Archives of Neurology / JAMA Neurology”, “Archivos de Neurosciencias”, “Archivos Venezolanos de Farmacología y Terapéutica”, “Asian Journal of Ophthalmology”, “Basic and Applied Histochemistry”, “BMC Infectious Diseases”, “Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases”, “British Journal of Dermatology”, “"British Journal of Nutrition", British Journal of Rheumatology / Rheumatology”, “Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases”, “Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals”, “Cancer Detection and Prevention”, “Case Reports & Clinical Practice Reviews”, “Chemotherapy”, “Clinical Drug Investigation”, “Clinical and Experimental Nephrology”, “Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology”, “Clinical Infectious Diseases”, “Clinical Microbiology and Infection”, “Clinical Nutrition”, “Collegium Antropologicum”, “Current Allergy and Clinical Immunology”, “Current Anti-Infective Therapy”, “Current Drug Safety”, “Current Drug Therapy”, “Current HIV Research”, “Current Medicinal Chemistry”, “Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews”, “Dermatoloy Reviews", "Diabetes Internacional”, “Digestive Diseases and Sciences”, "Drug Safety", “Drugs & Aging”, "Encephaltis",  “Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clínica”, “EOS - Journal of Immunology and Immunopharmacology”, “Epidemiology and Infection”, “European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases”, “European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology”, "European Journal of Clinical Pharmacy - Science and Practice", “European Journal of Clinical Research”, “European Journal of Dermatology”, “European Journal of Epidemiology”, “European Journal of Inflammation”, “European Journal of Medical Research”, “European Journal of Pediatrics”, “Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy”, “Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents”, “Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapy”, “Forum - Trends in Experimental and Clinical Medicine”, “Gaceta Medica de Mexico”, “Genitourinary Medicine (Sexually Transmitted Infections)”, “HAART and Correlated Pathologies”, “Headache”, “Head & Neck”, “Hepato-Gastroenterology”, “Hepatology”, “HIV Clinical Trials”, “HIV Medical Insight”, “HIV Medicine”, “Infectio”, “Infection”, "Infectious Diseases", "Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology", “"Infectious Diseases and Immunity", Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine", Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice”, “International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents”, “International Journal of Infectious Diseases”, “International Journal of Medical and Biological Frontiers”, “International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine”, “International Journal of STD and AIDS”, "International Maritime Health Journal", “Israel Medical Association Journal”, “Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (and Human Retrovirology)”, “Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology”, “Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)”, “Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy”, “Journal of Applied Research (In Clinical and Experimental Research)”, “Journal of Bacteriology and Parasitology”, “Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents”, “Journal of Chemotherapy”, “Journal of Clinical Virology”, “Journal of Cutaneous Pathology”, “Journal of Endocrinological Investigation”, “Journal of Hepatology”, “Journal of Infection”, "Journal of Infectious Diseases", "JOurnal of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology", “Journal of the International AIDS Society”, “Journal of the International Association of Physicians (Providers) in AIDS Care”, “Journal of Medical Microbiology”, "Journal of Otolaryngology and Rhinology", “Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology (and Metabolism)”, “Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics”, “Lancet Infectious Diseases”, “Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses”, "Medical Journal of Viral Hepatitis", “Mediterranean Journal of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases”, “Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders”, “Minerva Biotecnologica”, “Mini Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry”, “Mycology Observer”, “Mycoses”, “Mycopathologia”, “New Microbiologica”, “Open Drug Safety Journal”, “Open Tropical Medicine Journal”, “Panminerva Medica”, “Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal”, “Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety”, “Pharmacotherapy”, “Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery”, “Presse Médicale”, “Reactions Weekly”, “Retrovirology”, “Review Series - Infectious Diseases”, “Revista Española de Quimioterapia”, “Revista Latinoamericana de Hipertensión”, “Revista Panamericana de Infectología”, “Revista de la Sociedad Venezolana de Microbiologia”, “Rheumatology”, “Rheumatology International”, “Salud i Ciencia”, “Saúde e Sociedade”, “Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology”, “Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases (Infectious Diseases - London)”, “Sexually Transmitted Infections”, “Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management”, “Therapeutic Drug Monitoring”, “Transplant Infectious Disease”, “Tuberculosis”, "West Indian Medical Journal", "Zoonosis"

and the 69 following Journals of National interest:

“Acta BioMedica de l'Ateneo Parmense”, “Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Italica”, “Acta Paediatrica Latina”, “AIDS News”, “ANLAIDS Notizie”, “Annali Italiani di Medicina Interna”, “Annali degli Ospedali S. Camillo e Forlanini”, “Asma, Allergia, Immunopatologia”, “Bullettino delle Scienze Mediche”, “Care”, “Clic Medicina”, “Clinical Management Issues”, “Colloquia”, “Current Perspectives in Medicina”, “Doctor Pediatria”, “Educazione Sanitaria e Promozione della Salute”, “Elisir di Salute”, “Farmaci”, “Farmaci & Terapia”, “Farmeconomia e Percorsi Terapeutici”, “Gay News”, “Giornale di Malattie Infettive e Parassitarie”, “Giornale Italiano dell'AIDS”, “Giornale Italiano di Cardiologia Pratica”, “Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia”, “Giornale Italiano di Infettivologia Pediatrica”, “Giornale Italiano di Malattie Infettive”, “Giornale Italiano di Medicina Interna”, “Giornale Italiano di Medicina del Lavoro ed Ergonomia”, “Gli Ospedali della Vita”, “HepatoNews”, “International Journal of Migration and Transcultural Medicine”, “Italian Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology”, “Journal of Medicine and the Person”, “La Clinica Pediatrica”, “La Clinica Terapeutica”, “Le Infezioni in Medicina”, “L'Internista”, “Medicina Narrativa”, “Medifax”, “Microbiologia Medica”, “Minerva Gastroenterologica e Dietologica”, “Minerva Medica”, “Minerva Pediatrica”, “MSD Watch”, “New Pages of Therapy”, “Nuove Prospettive in Terapia - NPT”, “Pathologica”, “Il Pediatra”, “La Pediatria Medica e Chirurgica”, “Pediatria Oggi Medica e Chirurgica”, “Positifs”, “Prospettive in Pediatria”, “La Radiologia Medica”, “ReAd Files”, “Read & See”, “Realtà Medica 2000”, “Recenti Progressi in Medicina”, “Reviews in Health Care”, “Ricerca Roche”, “Rivista di Immunologia e Allergologia Pediatrica”, “Rivista di Infettivologia Pediatrica”, “Rivista di Storia della Medicina”, “Rivista Italiana di Nutrizione Parenterale ed Enterale”, “Rivista Italiana di Pediatria”, “Therapeutica”, “Trends in Medicine”, “Va' Pensiero”, e “Vector”.

Of 2,6469 publications produced:

· in 1,938 of them he appears as the first (or the sole) author;

· in 524 of them he appears as the second-third-last author;

· 1,185 papers are in English

· 1,144 papers are in Italian

· 6 papers are in Spanish

· 5 papers are in French

one paper is in Polish

The overall Impact factor score, obtained with 343 papers indexed yearly by the“SCI Journal of Citation Report” in the time period from the year 1993 and the year 2020, is equivalent to 1,201.123 points (mean impact factor score per paper equivalent to 3.512 points, greatly higher compared with the mean value of all Journal belonging to the group of Infectious Diseases. More papers and Journals have been introduced into the “SCI JCR” from years 2022-2023, but their score is not available presently. The H-index, calculated according to "Scopus", is 34.

As a whole, the publications authored by Prof. Roberto Manfredi include over 14,000 printed pages.

Activity of participation in Courses, Conferences, and Meetings, and and Organization activities

Prof. Roberto Manfredi took part to over 2.500 Courses, Conferences, and Meetings, of National and International interest (226 events), and including:

· Participation as a Speaker/Lecturer, in 125 cases (11 Internazional events, and 114 National events)

· Partecipation as a Chairman, in 7 cases (one International Conference, and 6 National events)

· Partecipation with original, personal scientific contributions (Communications and/or Posters), in 265 events (187 International Conferences, and 78 National Conferences);

· Activity of Scientific and/or Organizative Secretariat, or the International Advisory Board, in four cases (one International Conference, and three National Conferences).

Over 3,000 Italian National continued medical education (CME-ECM) credits, have been obtained

Over 850 Conferences and Congresses had a predominant Infectious Diseases interest

Over 200 Conferences and Congresses had a predominant Pediatric interest

Oltre 1,350 Conferences and Congresses had a predominant Internal Medicine Interest

Locations hosting the major International Conferences;

United States (USA): New York, Washington, New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle, New Orleans, Miami, Orlando, Boston, San Diego, Honolulu, Las Vegas

Canada: Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver

Mexico: Mexico City

Venezuela: Caracas, Maracaibo

Brazil: Rio de Janeiro

Argentina: Buenos Aires

Thailand: Bangkok

Hong Kong: Hong Kong

Malaysie: Kuala Lumpur

Australia: Sydney

France: Paris, Nice, Cannes, Toulon, Amboise

Monaco: Montecarlo

San Marino Republic: San Marino

Malta: La Valletta

Germany: Berlin, Munich, Hannover, Hamburg, Koln

Switzerland: Geneve, Lausanne, Luzern, Montreux

Belgium: Bruxelles

United KIngdom: London, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Birmingham

Ireland: Dublin

The Netharlands: Amsterdam, Den Haag

Austria: Wien

Cxech Republic: Prague

Serbia-Montenegro: Belgrade

Poland: Varsaw

Lithuania: Vilnius

Russian Federation: S. Petersburg

Spain, Madrid, Barcelona, Sevilla

Portugal: Lisbon

Greece: Athens, Rhodes

Denmark: Copenhagen

Sweden: Stockholm

Finland: Helskinki

Turkey: Istanbul

Egypt: Cairo

Teaching activity

- Adjunct Professor of the Postgraduate School of Infectious Diseases, University of Bologna, from the academic year 1996-’97 until September 30,2005, teaching the following courses:

1. “Terapia delle Malattie da Infezione”, integrativo di “Medicina Interna”

2. “Terapia delle Malattie da Infezione”, integrativo di “Terapia delle Malattie Infettive”

3. “Terapia delle Malattie da Infezione”, integrativo di “Malattie Infettive”

- Elected representative of Contract Professors of the Postgraduate School of Infectious Diseases of the University of Bologna, from the academic year 1996-'97, until September 30, 2005.

-Starting from October 1, 2005, until now, he is an Associate Professor of Infectious Diseases (SSD MED/17), called by the University of Bologna School of Medicine and Surgery, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, Division of Infectious Diseases). Confirmed in his role since October 1, 2008.

Responsible of teaching “Infectious Diseases” at the Master’s Degree in Dentistry of the University of Bologna, School of Medicine and Surgery, from the academic year 2005-2006, until now.

Responsible of teaching “Infectious Diseases” at the Degree course of Nursing of the University of Bologna, School of Medicine and Surgery (Rimini campus), from the academic year 2005-2006, until the year 2008.

Responsible of teaching “Prophylaxis and therapy” at the official Course “Tropical infections and travellers diseases”, from the academic year 2008-’09, until now.

- Teacher of numerous official courses, professional activities, seminaries, and tutorial activities, of the postgraduate School of Infeftious Diseases of the University of Bologna, from the academic 2005-'06, until now.

- Responsible of teaching at the official Course of the University of Bologna School of Medicine: Bioterrorism and possible pandemics”, from the academic year 2006-'07, until 2011.

-- Member of the teaching and examination commisions of the official Degree Course of Dental Hygienist of the University of Bologna, during the academic years 1996-'97, and 1997-'98 (teaching subject: Infectious Diseases”.

- Organization of practical classes, laboratories, seminars, and tutorial activity, for students of the Master Degree ofthe School of Medine and Surgery of the University of Bologna, from the accademic year 1992-'93, until now.

- Organization of practical classes, laboratories, seminars, and tutoral activity, for doctors attending the Postgraduate Schools of Infectious Diseases, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology and Digestive Endosciopy, Hygiene and Public Health of the University of Bologna, from the academic year 1992-’93, until now.

Organization of practical classes, laboratories, seminars, and tutoral activity, for students attending the official Degree School of Dental Hygienist of the University of Bologna, from the academic year 1996-'97, until 1997-'98.

Organization of practical classes, laboratories, seminars, and tutoral activity, for students attending the official Degree School of Podiatrists of the University of Bologna, from the academic year 1996-'97, until 1997-'98

Tutorial activity in the preparation of graduation theses in Medicine and Surgery, Postgraduate theses in Infectious Diseases, theses in Pharmacy, theses in Nursing Sciences, and theses in Educational sciences, at the Institute of Infectious Diseases of the University of Bologna, from year 1992 until now.

Online tutoral activity on antimicrobial chemotherapy, exploited thtough the website “Interne”, in a course of update organized by the postagraduate School of Chemotherapy of the University of Milan, entitled; “Antibioticoterapia: criteri di scelta e utilizzo”, years 2001-2002).

Online tutorial activity on “Infezione da HIV ed AIDS”, carried out by the University of Bologna through the website:, nell'ambito di Corsi di Aggiornamento Organizzati dall'Università di Bologna in collaborazione con altri Enti Pubblici (Aziende Ospedaliere, Aziende ASL; IRCCS), addrees to health care providers (year 2007).

- Official Teacher at a refresher course for the health care personnel of the Divisions of Infectious Diseases of the city of Bologna (subjects: “HIV infection and AIDS”; “Nosocomial Infections”) (year 1991).

Affililiation to Scientific Societies

· Regular member of the “Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Malattie Infettive e Parassitarie” (SISMIT) (later named denominata “Società Italiana di Malattie Infettive e Tropicali” - SIMIT) (from 1988 up to 2009).

· Regular member of the “International Society for Infectious Diseases - ISID”, Brookline, MA, USA (from 1994 until now) (membership no. 4336).

· Regular member of the “European AIDS Clinical Society - EACS” (from 2003 until now).

· Regular member of the “International Association for Physicians in AIDS Care”, later named “International Association for Providers in AIDS Care” (from 2012 until now).

· Regular member of the “Associazione Nazionale per la Lotta contro l'AIDS – ANLAIDS” (from 1998 until 2008).

· Regular member of the “Società Interdisciplinare per lo Studio delle Malattie Sessualmente Trasmissibili” (SIMAST) (from year 1996 to 2005).

· Regular member Membro of the“Richard Feynman's Club” (Club di Diagnosi Differenziale in Medicina) (from year 1996 a until now).

· Regular member of the Medical Association Augusto Murri” (from year 1997 until now).

· Regular member of the Associazione di Medicina Molecolare “Paul Ehrlich” (from year 1998 until now).

· Regular member of the ”Academy for Infection Management” (AIM) (from year 2003 until now).

· Member of the della “Associazione Italiana per lo studio della tosse (AIST) (from year 2004, until now).

· Regular member of the “Italian Stroke Forum” (from year 2008, until now).

· Regular member of the “Società Italiana di Medicina Narrativa” (Catania) (from year 2009, until now).

Other activities

Since the age of 9 years, Prof. Roberto Manfredi followed courses of musical education and performing, pasings the exammnations in: “Teoria, Solfeggio e Dettato Musicale”, of “Storia della Musica”, “Contrappunto”, “Arte della Fuga”, and achiving the Diplomas of V° ed VIII° year of “Organo e Composizione Organistica”, at the Music Conservatory “Gioacchino Rossini” of Pesaro.

Moreover, he perfomed concert activity as a organist, pianist, and organizer and director of vocal musical groups, from the year 1979, until 1999.

Furthermore, Prof. Manfredi co-operated with the international Publisher “Lonely Planet” (Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia), in writing and updating the following travel guides:

1. N. Williams (Ed.), Romania & Moldova, 2nd Edition, Lonely Planet, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia, 2001; pages 1-489;

2. N. Williams, K. Galbraigth, S. Kokker (Eds.), Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania, 3rd Edition, Lonely Planet, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia, 2003; pages 1-455;

3. N. Williams, K. Galbraigth, S. Kokker (Eds.), Estonia, Lettonia e Lituania, Terza Edizione, EDT, Torino, 2003; pagine 1-512.

4. N. Williams, K. Galbraigth, S. Kokker (Eds.), Scandinavian and Baltic Europe, 3rd Edition, Lonely Planet, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia, 2003; pages 1-492.

5. N. Williams, K. Galbraigth, S. Kokker (Eds.), Europe on a Shoestring, 1st Edition, Lonely Planet, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia, 2003; pages 1-1311.

Bologna, May 4, 2024


Prof. Roberto Manfredi