Foto del docente

Roberto Gorrieri

Full Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Academic discipline: INFO-01/A Informatics


Keywords: Models for the description of concurrent systems Process algebras and Petri nets Information-flow security Service-oriented computing

Roberto Gorrieri 's main interest is about formal methods for the modelling, design, specification and verification of reactive, concurrent, distributed, mobile and real-time systems. By formal methods we mean techniques and methodologies, mathematically well-founded, for the description and the analysis of such systems.
Among these techniques, particular emphasis is given to Process Algebras and Petri nets. The applicative areas where these techniques have been used include:
specification and verification of security properties (information flow, non-interference, authentication, secrecy, integrity), the study of models and analysis techniques for real-time systems (timed automata) and for performance evaluation (stochastic process algebra), the study of complex biological systems (bio-inspired models of computation, models for bio-pathways) and also new programming paradigm such as service-oriented computing.

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