Roberto Diversi graduated with honors in Electronics Engineering
in 1996 at the University of Bologna. Since 1997 he has been with
the Department of Electronics, Computer Science and Systems at
University of Bologna, where he obtained the Ph.D. degree in System
Engineering on February, 2000. In the academic years from 1999/2000
to 2000/2003 he was Lecturer at both the Universities of Bologna
and Ferrara. Since 2004 he is Research Associate as well as
Assistant Professor at the Department of Electronics, Computer
Science and Systems, Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna.
Since 2015 he is Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering, University of Bologna. His research interest are mainly in the fields of system
identification, signal processing, multivariable models, fault
diagnosis. During his research activity he has collaborated with
the Universities of Bordeaux (Departement de Automatique,
Productique, Signal et Image), Uppsala (Department of Systems and
Control) and Coventry (Control Theory and Applications Centre).
Besides, he has been involved in some national and European
research projects. He is author of more than 120
scientific publications concerning errors-in-variables
identification, optimal filtering, signal processing, fault
diagnosis, realization and identification of multivariable models,
dynamic modelling of heat exchangers in vapor compression cycles.
He is also interested in the application of advanced instruments in
teaching with particular emphasis on e-learning methodologies both
in traditional courses and in distance-learning ones. He serves as
Reviewer for several international journals and conferences.
Roberto Diversi is currently lecturer of
the course "Automatic Controls T-1" for the Bachelor Degree in Automation Engineering, University of Bologna. He is also lecturer, from the academic year 2015/2016, of the course "Learning and Estimation of Dynamical Systems M" for the International Master Degree in Automation Engineering, University of Bologna. Previously he taught
also (starting from 1999/2000) courses of Modelling and Simulation,
System Identification and Data Analysis, Automatic Control, Diagnosis and Control at the
Universities of Bologna and Ferrara. He has been supervisor of
several graduation thesis concerning modelling and simulation,
system identification and control systems. He is also lecturer for
the Ph.D. course in Control System Engineering and Operational