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Roberto Cazzolla Gatti

Professore associato

Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche e Ambientali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: BIOS-01/C Botanica ambientale e applicata




  • Merelli, P., Clemente, L., Cazzolla Gatti, R., Monitoring the Rewilding of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest on Tree and Mammal Diversity: From a Biodiversity Hotspot to a Biodiversity Hopespot, Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, in press, 2024 [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Rocchini, D., et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), Addressing multiple facets of bias and uncertainty in continental-scale biodiversity databases, Biodiversity Informatics, in press, 2024 [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Moudrý, V., et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), Comparison of Three High-Resolution Global Canopy Height Maps and Their Applicability to Biodiversity Modelling, Ecosphere, in press, 2024
  • Mo, L., et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), The global distribution and drivers of wood density and their impact on forest carbon stocks, Nature Ecology & Evolution, in press, 2024 [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Martini, M., Patelli, S., Cassola, F. M., Iaria, J., Livornese, M., Prandelli, S., ... & Cazzolla Gatti, R., A Case Study on the Impact of Coppicing on Small Mammal Conservation in Italy, Journal for Nature Conservation,, 2024 [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Zou, Y., et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), Positive feedbacks and alternative stable states in forest leaf types. Nature Communications, 15(1), 4658, 2024 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti, R., et al., EU2030 biodiversity strategy: Unveiling gaps in the coverage of ecoregions and threatened species within the strictly protected areas of Italy. Journal for Nature Conservation, 79, 126621, 2024 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Ricci, L., et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), A multi-taxonomic assessment of Natura 2000 effectiveness at supporting priority species across biogeographic regions in the European Union, Conservation Biology, 38(3), e14212, 2024 [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE] LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Sarneel, J. M., et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), Reading tea leaves worldwide: Decoupled drivers of initial litter decomposition mass‐loss rate and stabilization. Ecology letters, 27(5), e14415, 2024 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Bergamini, E., Prandelli, S., Minelli, F., Cazzolla Gatti, R., Impacts of noise pollution from high-speed rail and road on bird diversity: a case study in a protected area of Italy. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 31(22), 32033-32042, 2024 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Moudrý, V., et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), Optimising occurrence data in species distribution models: sample size, positional uncertainty, and sampling bias matter. Ecography, e07294, 2024 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Hordijk I., et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), Dominance and rarity in tree communities across the globe: Patterns, predictors and threats. Global Ecology and Biogeography, e13889, 2024 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Fania, A., et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), Machine Learning and XAI approaches highlight the strong connection between O3 and NO2 pollutants and Alzheimer’s disease, Scientific Reports, in press, 2024 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Torresani, M., et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), Grassland vertical height heterogeneity predicts flower and bee diversity: an UAV photogrammetric approach. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 809., 2024 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Bouchard, E., et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), Global patterns and environmental drivers of forest functional composition. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 33(2), 303-324, 2024 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]


  • Koppl, R., Cazzolla Gatti, R., et al. Explaining technology. Cambridge University Press, 2023 LINK [ACADEMIC BOOK]
  • Mo L. et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), Integrated global assessment of the natural forest carbon potential, Nature, 624, 92–101, 2023 [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE] LINK
  • Ma H. et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), The global biogeography of tree leaf form and habit, Nature Plants, 9, 1795–1809, 2023 [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE] LINK
  • Ricci L. et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), A multi-taxonomic assessment of Natura 2000 effectiveness at supporting priority species across biogeographic regions in the European Union, Conservation Biology, e14212, 2023 [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE] LINK 
  • Delavaux C. S. et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), Native diversity buffers against severity of non-native tree invasions, Nature, 621, 7980, (773-781), 2023 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Fania, A. et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), A Dementia mortality rates dataset in Italy (2012–2019). Nature Scientific Data, 10, 564, 2023 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R. et al., Analysing the distribution of strictly protected areas toward the EU2030 target, Biodiversity and Conservation,32, 3157–3174, 2023 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Hordijk I. et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), Evenness mediates the global relationship between forest productivity and richness, Journal of Ecology, 111(6), 1308-1326, 2023 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Rocchini D. et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), A quixotic view of spatial bias in modelling the distribution of species and their diversity, npj Biodiversity, 2, 10, 2023 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Torresani M. et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), A novel approach for surveying flowers as a proxy for bee pollinators using drone images, Ecological Indicators, 149, 110123, 2023 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Rocchini D. et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), Scientific maps should reach everyone: The cblindplot R package to let colour blind people visualise spatial patterns, Ecological Informatics, 76, 102045, 2023 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Thouverai E. et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), Integrals of life: tracking ecosystem spatial heterogeneity from space through the area under the curve of the parametric Rao's Q index, Ecological Complexity, 52, 101029, 2023 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Thouverai E. et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), Helical graphs to visualize the NDVI temporal variation of forest vegetation in an open source space, Ecological Informatics, 74, 101956, 2023 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Di Paola A., Monaco A., Velichevskaia A., Bellotti R., Amoroso N. The spatial association between environmental pollution and long-term cancer mortality in Italy, Science of the Total Environment, 855, 158439, 2023 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]


  • Cazzolla Gatti R. et al., The number of tree species on Earth, PNAS, 119(6), e2115329119, 2022 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Di Paola A., Monaco A., Velichevskaia A., Bellotti R., Amoroso N., A ten-year (2009-2018) database of cancer mortality rates in Italy, Nature Scientific Data, 9,638, 2022 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Rozendaal D. M. et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), Aboveground forest biomass varies across continents, ecological zones and successional stages: refined IPCC default values for tropical and subtropical forests. Environmental Research Letters, 17, 014047, 2022 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Callaghan T., Cazzolla Gatti R., Phoenix G., The need to understand the stability of arctic vegetation during rapid climate change: An assessment of imbalance in the literature, AMBIO, 51, 1034–1044, 2022 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Vianna Franco M. et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), Diversity Regained: precautionary approaches to COVID-19 as a phenomenon of the total environment, Science of the Total Environment, 825, 154029, 2022 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Velichevksaya A., Taranto’s Long Shadow? Cancer Mortality Is Higher for People Living Closer to One of the Most Polluted City of Italy, Sustainability, 14(5), 2662, 2022 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]


  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Velichevskaya A., Simeone L., Claryfing the smokescreen of Russian protected areas, Sustainability, 13(24), 13774, 2021 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Piovesan G., Chiarucci A., Italy: Forest harvesting is the opposite of green growth, Nature, 595:353, 2021 LINK [CORRESPONDENCE]
  • Callaghan T., Cazzolla Gatti R., Phoenix G., Stability of Arctic vegetation: an ecological anchor hidden by greening and browning trends, AMBIO, doi: 10.1007/s13280-021-01607-w, 2021 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Dudko A., Fabbio L., Velichevskaya A., Notarnicola C., The smokescreen of Russian protected areas, Science of the Total Environment, 147372, 2021 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Why we will continue to lose our battle with cancers if we do not stop their triggers from environmental pollution, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(11), 6107, 2021 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Io sono l'ambiente, Padova, Italy [ESSAY BOOK] LINK
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Ugarkovic P., Tiralongo F., New evidence of a fish-bird interspecific feeding association between the European seabass and the European shag in the Mediterranean Sea, Aquatic Ecology, 55, 1113–1119, 2021 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Santoro M. et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), The global forest above-ground biomass pool for 2010 estimated from high-resolution satellite observations, Earth System Science Data, 13, 3927–3950 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Turcios-Casco M.A., Cazzolla Gatti R., De Sales Dambros C., Franzoi Dri Gabriela, Caceres N., Stevens R., Ecological gradients explain variation of phyllostomid bat (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) diversity in Honduras, Mammalian Biology, 101(6), 949-961, 2021 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Kwon T. et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), Effects of Climate and Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition on Early to Mid-Term Stage Litter Decomposition Across Biomes, Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 4:678480, 2021 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R. et al., Diversity lost: COVID-19 as a phenomenon of the total environment, Science of The Total Environment, 756: 144014, 2021 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Velichevskaya A., Gottesman B., Devis K., Grey wolf shows signs of self-consciousness with the sniff-test of self-recognition (STSR), Ethology, Ecology and Evolution, 33(4), 444-467, 2021 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., A multi-armed bandit algorithm speeds up the evolution of cooperation, Ecological Modelling, 439, 109348, 2021 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Turcios-Casco M.A., Cazzolla Gatti R., Do not blame bats and pangolins! Global consequences for wildlife conservation after the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, Biodiversity and Conservation, 29, 3829–3833, 2020 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Velichevskaya A., Tateo A., Amoroso, A., & Monaco A., Machine learning reveals that prolonged exposure to air pollution is associated with SARS-CoV-2 mortality and infectivity in Italy. Environmental Pollution, 115471, 2020 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Velichevksaya A., Certified “sustainable” palm oil took the place of endangered Bornean and Sumatran big mammals habitat and tropical forests in the last 30 years, Science of The Total Environment, 742, 140712, 2020 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., The pangolin’s revenge: SARS-CoV-2 did not emerge from a lab but from wildlife exploitation, GAIA: Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 29(2), 79-82, 2020 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Koppl R., Fath B., Hordijk W., Kauffman S., Ulanowicz R., On the emergence of ecological and economic niches, Journal of Bioeconomics, 22, 99–127, 2020 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Coronavirus outbreak is a symptom of Gaia’s sickness, Ecological Modelling, 426, 109075, 2020 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Amoroso N., Monaco A., Estimating and comparing biodiversity with a single universal metric, Ecological modelling, 424, 109020, 2020 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Messina G., Tiralongo F., Ursino L.A., Lombardo B.M. Learning from the environment: how predation changes the behavior of terrestrial Isopoda, Ethology, Ecology, and Evolution, 32(1), 29-45, 2020 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Velichevksaya A., Taranto’s long shadow? Cancer mortality shows alarming peaks for specific types in the most polluted city of Italy but also in surrounding towns, MedRxiv 2020.12.18.20248464, DOI: LINK [PRE-PRINT ARTICLE]
  • Chapungu L., Nhamo L., Cazzolla Gatti R., Estimating biomass of savanna grasslands as a proxy of carbon stock using multispectral remote sensing, Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 17, 100275, 2020 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Chapungu L., Nhamo L., Cazzolla Gatti R., Chitakira M., Quantifying changes in plant species diversity in a savanna ecosystem through observed and remotely sensed data, Sustainability, 12(6), 2345, 2020 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Callaghan T., Velichevskaya A., Dudko A., Fabbio L., Battipaglia G., Liang J., Accelerating upward treeline shift in the Altai Mountains under last-century climate change, Scientific Reports, 9(1), 7678, 2019 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Steidinger B. et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.). Climatic controls of decomposition drive the global biogeography of forest tree symbioses. Nature, 569(7756), 404-408, 2019 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Luo W., Liang J., Cazzolla Gatti R., Zhao X., Zhang C. Parameterization of biodiversity–productivity relationship and its scale dependency using georeferenced tree-level data. Journal of Ecology, 107(3), 1106-1119, 2019 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Liang J., Velichevskaya A., Zhou M. Sustainable palm oil may not be so sustainable. Science of The Total Environment, 652, 48-51, 2019 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Volkov, I. V., Volkova, I. I., Muhortov, V. V., Nikitkina, E. G., Nikitkin, V. A., Popova, E. D., Lucasheva I. V., Cazzolla Gatti R., Kirpotin, S. N. Influence of the temperature regime on the diversity of microorganisms and plants on moraines of the Maly Aktru glacier (Russia). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 232(1): 012017, 2019 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Tiralongo, F., Messina, G., Cazzolla Gatti, R., Tibullo, D., Lombardo, B. M. Some biological aspects of juveniles of the rough ray, Raja radula Delaroche, 1809 in Eastern Sicily (central Mediterranean Sea). Journal of Sea Research, 142: 174-179, 2018 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Is Gaia alive? The future of a symbiotic planet, Futures, 104: 91-99, 2018 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Callaghan T.V., Rozhkova-Timina I., Dudko A., Lim A., Vorobiov S., Kirpotin S., Pokrovsky O., The role of Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) in the storage, emission and deposition of carbon in lakes and rivers of the River Ob flood plain, western Siberia, Science of the Total Environment, 644:1371-1379, 2018 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R. Endogenosymbiosis: from hypothesis to empirical evidence towards a Unified Symbiogenetic Theory (UST). Theoretical Biology Forum, 111(1-2), 13-26, 2018 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Dudko A., Lim A., Velichevskaya A., Lushchaeva I.., Pivovarova A., Ventura S., Lumini E., Berruti A., Volkov I., The last 50 years of climate‐induced melting of the Maliy Aktru glacier (Altai Mountains, Russia) revealed in a primary ecological succession, Ecology and Evolution, 8:7401–7420, 2018 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Dornelas et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), BioTIME: a database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(7):760-786, 2018 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Fath, B., Hordijk, W., Kauffman, S., & Ulanowicz, R. Niche emergence as an autocatalytic process in the evolution of ecosystems. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 454, 110 –117, 2018 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Biodiversity in Time and Space, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 352 pp., 2018 LINK [ACADEMIC BOOK]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Messina G., Ruggieri M., Della Nora V., Lombardo B. M., Habitat and ecological diversity influences the species-area relationship and the biogeography of the Sicilian archipelago’s isopods, European Zoological Journal, 85(1), 210-226, 2018 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Djukic et al. (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), Early stage litter decomposition across biomes, Science of the Total Environment, 628–629: 1369-1394, 2018 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Modelling weed and vine disturbance in tropical forests after selective logging and clearcutting, Ecological Modelling, 375, 13-19, 2018 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R. and Notarnicola C., A novel Multilevel Biodiversity Index (MBI) for combined field survey and satellite imagery assessments, Global Ecology and Conservation, 13, e0036117, 2018 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Adaptation, evolution and reproduction of Gaia by the means of our species, Theoretical Biology Forum, 110(1-2): 25-46, 2017 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., A century of biodiversity: some open questions and some answers, Biodiversity, 18(4): 175-185, 2017 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Di Paola A., Bombelli A., Valentini R., Exploring the relationship between canopy height and terrestrial plant diversity, Plant Ecology, 218(7): 899-908, 2017 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Hordijk W., Kauffman S., Biodiversity is autocatalytic, Ecological Modelling, 346: 70-76, 2017 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Laurin-Vaglio G., Valentini R., Tree species data and diversity analyses of tropical forests in three protected areas of Ghana, iForest, 10(2):362-368, 2017 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Banerjee, K., Cazzolla Gatti, R., & Mitra, A., Climate change-induced salinity variation impacts on a stenoecious mangrove species in the Indian Sundarbans. Ambio, 46(4): 492–499, 2017 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Messina, G., Cazzolla Gatti, R., Sciandrello, S., & Lombardo, B. M. The influence of coastal zonation and meteorological variables on terrestrial isopod populations: a case study in western Sicily (Italy). Italian Journal of Zoology, 83(4): 571-578, 2016 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Freshwater biodiversity: a review of local and global threats, International Journal of Environmental Studies, 73(6), 887-904, 2016 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Avitabile V., Herold M. , Lewis S.L., Phillips O.L., Aguilar-Amuchastegui N., Asner G.P, Brienen R.J.W., DeVries B., Cazzolla Gatti R., Feldpausch T.R., Girardin C., de Jong B., Kearsley E., Klop E, Lin X., Lindsell J. , Lopez-Gonzalez G., Lucas R., Malhi Y., Morel A., Mitchard E., Pandey D., Piao S., Ryan C., Sales M., Santoro M., Vaglio Laurin G., Valentini R., Verbeeck H., Wijaya A., Willcock S., An integrated pan-tropical biomass map using multiple reference datasets, Global Change Biology, 22(4):1406–1420, 2016 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Trends in Human Development and Environmental Protection, International Journal of Environmental Studies, 73(2): 268-276, 2016 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., The fractal nature of the latitudinal biodiversity gradient, Biologia, 71(6), 669-672, 2016 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Biological Diversity and Current Threats of Lotic Ecosystems, in Riparian Zones: Characteristics, Management Practices and Ecological Impacts, Oleg S. Pokrovsky (Eds.), Nova Science Publisher, New York, 2016 LINK [SCIENTIFIC BOOK CHAPTER]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., A conceptual model of new hypothesis on the evolution of biodiversity, Biologia, 71(3): 343-351, 2016 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Messina G., Cazzolla Gatti R., Droutsa A., Barchitta M., Pezzino E., Agodi A., Lombardo B.M., A sampling optimization analysis of soil-bugs diversity (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea), Ecology and Evolution, 6(1):191-201, 2016 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Vaglio Laurin G., Hawthorne W., Chiti T., Di Paola A., Cazzolla Gatti R., Marconi S., Noce S., Grieco E., Pirotti F., Valentini R., Does degradation from selective logging and illegal activities differently impact forest resources? A case study in Ghana, iForest, 8(6), 2016 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Self-consciousness: beyond the looking-glass and what dogs found there, Ethology, Ecology and Evolution, 28(2):232-240, 2016 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Animali non umani. Una nuova coscienza: Saggi scelti e racconti, Key editore, 2016 LINK [ESSAY BOOK]
  • Mitra A., Kakoli B., Cazzolla Gatti R., Do all mangroves exhibit uniform resilience to climate change induced salinity alteration?, Economology Journal, 5(3):45-68, 2015 [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Mitra A. and Cazzolla Gatti R., Carbon census in the mangrove ecosystem of lower Gangetic delta, Economology Journal, 5(3):11-27, 2015 [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Castaldi S., Coomes D., Linsdell J., Marchetti M., Maesano M., Di Paola A., Paparella F., Valentini R., The impact of selective logging and clearcutting on forest structure, tree diversity and above-ground biomass of African tropical forests, Ecological Research, 30(1): 119-132, 2015 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Battipaglia G., Zalloni E., Castaldi S., Marzaioli F., Cazzolla Gatti R., Lasserre B., Tognetti R., Marchetti M., Valentini R., Long tree-ring chronologies provide evidences of tree growth decrease in the 21st century in a central Africa tropical forest, PlosONE, 10(3): e01209622014, 2015 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Biodiversità, in teoria e in pratica, Edizioni, 2014 LINK [ACADEMIC BOOK]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Bioetica della sperimentazione animale e dei metodi sostitutivi, 01/2014, Camera dei Deputati, Atti LINK [CONFERENCE PAPER]
  • Valentini R., Arneth A., Bombelli A., Castaldi S., Cazzolla Gatti R., Chevallier F., Ciais P., Grieco E., Hartmann J., Henry M. , Houghton R. A. , Jung M., Kutsch W. L. , Malhi Y. , Mayorga E. , Merbold L., Murray-Tortarolo G., Papale D., Peylin P., Poulter B., Raymond P. A., Santini M., Sitch S., Vaglio Laurin G., van der Werf G. R., Williams C. A., and Scholes R. J., The full greenhouse gases budget of Africa: synthesis, uncertainties, and vulnerabilities, Biogeosciences, 11, 381-407, 2014 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Il paradosso della civiltà, Adda Editore, 2013 LINK [NOVEL-ESSAY BOOK]
  • Vaglio Laurin G., Chen Q., Lindsell J., Coomes D., Cazzolla Gatti R., Grieco E., Valentini R., Aboveground biomass estimation from lidar and hyperspectral airbone data in West African moist forest, EGU General Assembly Conference, 2013 LINK [CONFERENCE PAPER]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., The anthropogenic impacts on tropical forest ecology and dynamics, PhD Thesis, University of Tuscia, Italy, 2013 [PHD THESIS]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Ambienti flora e fauna delle Murge di sud-est, Adda Editore, 2011 LINK [NATURALISTIC BOOK]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Evolution is a cooperative process: the Biodiversity-related Niches Differentiation Theory (BNDT) can explain why, Theoretical Biology Forum 104-1, 2011 LINK [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Delitto di Avetrana e Dilemma del Prigioniero, un equilibrio emergente per la teoria dei giochi, 02/2011, LINK [ESSAY]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R. & Notarnicola C., Analisi di specie e di ecosistemi – La ricca biodiversità delle Murge di Sud-Est rilevata al suolo e da immagini satellitari, Umanesimo della Pietra, 34-2011, pp. 129-138 LINK [ESSAY]
  • Andrade A. P., Herrera B. F. and Cazzolla Gatti R., Building Resilience to Climate Change: Ecosystem-based adaptation and lessons from the field, IUCN (Gland, Svizzera). 164 pp., 2010 LINK [SCIENTIFIC BOOK]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Developments of biodiversity analysis: the Biodiversity-related Niches Differentiation Theory (BNDT), XX Congress of the Italian Society of Ecology (SITE), 2010 LINK [CONFERENCE PAPER]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Biodiversity monitoring in the Mediterranean ecoregion: synergy between remote sensing analysis and field researches, IUCN Bulletin, May 2010, Gland, Switzerland LINK [BULLETIN ARTICLE]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R. & Notarnicola C., Il monitoraggio della biodiversità nell’Ecoregione Mediterranea: sinergia fra ricerche in campo ed analisi satellitari, Congress Acts of the Italian Society of Ecology (SITE), Bolzano, 2009 LINK [CONFERENCE PAPER]
  • AA.VV (including Cazzolla Gatti R.), Terrestrial observation of our planet, GTOS Biennial report, FAO-UN, Rome, 2009 LINK [REPORT]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R. Africa and Climate Change: impacts on biodiversity, populations and natural resources, Global Environmental Protection, University of Tuscia & Italian Ministry of Environment, 2009 [II Level MSc THESIS]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Fire monitoring and the environment, FAO-UN, Environmental series, 2009 [SCIENTIFIC REPORT]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Alternative methods and protocols to animal laboratory experiments in biochemistry, University of Bari, 2009 [ESSAY]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., La visione stereoscopica nei primati e negli altri animali, Università degli Studi di Bari, Department of Biology, 2006 [MSc THESIS]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R. D’Ippolito D., Guagnano G., Paradiso E., La cava di Monte Rotondo: da scempio artificiale a serbatoio naturale, WWF Ed. & Italian Ministry of Environment, 2007 LINK [SCIENTIFIC REPORT]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Gravina S. Croce: un patrimonio di biodiversità, WWF Ed., 2007 [SCIENTIFIC REPORT]
  • Cazzolla Gatti R., Valutazione dello status di conservazione delle risorse marine del Mediterraneo, Università degli Studi di Bari, Department of Biology, 2006 [BSc THESIS]