Foto del docente

Roberto Brigati

Full Professor

Department of Philosophy

Academic discipline: PHIL-03/A Moral Philosophy


Keywords: philosophy of social sciences philosophical anthropology philosophy and psychoanalysis theories of justice relativism history of ethics

Ethics, philosophical anthropology, applied ethics, practice studies; history and philosophy of psychology and psychoanalysis, philosophy of illness

Recent topics include:
  1. Ontological turn in anthropology
  2. Relativism (moral, epistemic, cultural)
  3. Justice, both distributive and retributive; the concepts of merit and meritocracy
  4. Philosophy of psychology and psychoanalysis
  5. Theories of illness and definitions of normal/pathological in connection to chronic illness and disability.

Ongoing projects and works in progress:

- The invention of nature: A critique of the nature/culture dichotomy

- Cynicism, old and new: a philosophy of the body and the word