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I am a sociologist with an interdisciplinary outlook and a strong interest in consumer culture and its politics, cultural theory, gender studies and the sociology of the body, food studies, leisure studies and visual studies.
Before taking up my current position at the University of Bologna, I worked at the University of Milan (I) and at the University of East Anglia (UK). I'm a founding member of the journal "Studi Culturali" (2004), which I co-edited in years 2013-15, I am also member of the board of Directors of the Journal “Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia”, which I edited in years 2016-18. I am currently co-editor of the Journal “European Journal of Sociology”. I have been Visiting Fellow at the University of New England, Australia; at Birkbeck College, London, UK and at the California Institute of Technology, Ca, USA.
Among my recent books: Italians and Food (ed) Palgrave, 2019; Body and Gender, Polity, 2024 (with R. Ghigi), Consumo e teoria sociale (a cura di), Il Mulino, 2024.
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