Foto del docente

Roberta Lo Vecchio

Adjunct professor

Department for Life Quality Studies

Curriculum vitae

Curriculum Vitae

• Name: Roberta
• Surname: Lo Vecchio
• Date of Birth: June 9, 1979
• Place of birth: Catania  

• 1997: Diploma at Liceo Classico "N. Spedalieri "in Catania.
• 2002: Degree in "Economics of Tourism" at the University of Bologna. Rate 94/110.
• 2007: Degree in "Physical Education" at the University of Bologna. Thesis with Prof. Melissa Milani, titled "Goalball, I would like to know what it is." Rate 102/110.
• 2011: Degree in "Management Sports Activities" at the University of Bologna. Rate 110/110 cum laude.
• 2013: Master's Degree in "Functional Psychomotor" at Isfar Training and Research Institute, Florence. Rate 100/100 cum laude.

• 2013: TFA, professional course, competition class A030, at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo. Rate 95/100.
• 2014: "Disability specialization course" at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo.

• From 2000 to 2012 Instructor and mini-soccer at various primary schools in Rimini.
• Football seasons 2005/2006, 2006/2007, 2007/2008 Instructor / Coach of the "First kick" in Promosport Company Football Rimini.
• Summer seasons 2005 and 2006: Manager of Summer Centre at the Water Park Marebello (Rn).
• March-May 2008: Collaboration with Professor Milani at the Faculty of Physical Education, University of Bologna.
• Summer seasons 2007 and 2008: Instructor multidisciplinary and responsible within the Summer Centre "Junior Club" at the Garden Sporting Center.
• From September 2006 to April 2010: Swimming Instructor "FIN" and instructor of fitness activities in water "Aquaria" at the Garden Sporting Center, Rimini.
• From 2007 to 2010: Collaboration with Professor Milani for the preparation of the national team women's Goalball.
• From July 2007 to April 2010: Design, implementation, management and development of the Project "Aqualudo," water activities for disabled children at the Garden Sporting Center.
• Football season 2008/2009 Instructor of the "First kick" and "Chicks" for the Rimini Calcio Football Association.
• Assistant Coach Goalball, National Italian Team.
• Responsible of School for CIP, for the Province of Rimini.
• Since 2009: Implementation of the project "Schools-integration" in the province of Rimini.
• March-May 2009: Collaborator for a supplementary course at the Faculty of Physical Education, University of Bologna, Sport for Disabled People.
• Assistant to the organization of various events: "Cesenatico Open", National Championship Sailing for disabled people in Cattolica 2009 and Water Ski Course at the KLI in Ravenna.
• Since September 2009: Project in different Primary Schools for the integration of children who are blind and visually impaired.
• Since January 2010: instructor and responsible for the project "Sport Integration" for the CIP in kindergardens, primary, secondary and high school in the province of Rimini.
• School year 2009/2010: Instructor and advisor to the Goalball Project for CONI.
• Academic year 2009/2010: Tutor didactic teaching TTD of physical activity and sport adapted from the Faculty of Physical Education, University of Bologna.
• Since 2012: Event Organiser "Paganello" world championship beach ultimate for club.

• From 2012: Professor trainer for the Uisp in the field of disability.
• From 2012: Federal Referee Fispic sports torball and goalball.
• Summer seasons 2012 and 2013: Educator specializing in disability Summer Camps UISP Rimini.
• November 2013: Professor trainer for the Regional School CONI on disability in kindergarden.
• School year 2013/2014: Professor trainer for the course "Open your mind" at DD1 Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN)
• 2014: Instructor at the Miramare School for the project "Alfabetizzazione Motoria".
• Academic year 2013/2014: Professor teaching TTD of physical activity and sport adapted from the Faculty of Physical Education, University of Bologna.

• From School year 2014/2015: Professor for disability people in secondary school.

• From Academic year 2015/2016 to now: Professor teaching Sport for disability people, University of Bologna.


Roberta Lo Vecchio

Ai sensi dell'art. 15 co. 1 lett. c) del Decreto Legislativo 33/2013 ed in ottemperanza delle disposizioni del D.P.R. 445/2000 la sottoscritta Roberta Lo Vecchio nata a Catania il 09/06/1979  Dichiara di NON svolgere incarichi, di NON avere titolarità di cariche di diritto privato regolati o finanziati dalla pubblica amministrazione e di NON di svolgere attività professionali.