Foto del docente

Roberta Fazzeri

Research fellow

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Curriculum vitae

Biologist and Nutritionist, registered in the National Biologist Order, sez. A, n° AA_090011


Present position:

Research Fellow at the UOC Endocrinology, Prevention and Treatment of Diabetes, in the field of research “Lifestyle intervention in patients affected by PCOS in the context of the project H2020 SPIOMET4HEALTH”

Business address:

Clinical Nutrition Ambulatory, Policlinico Sant'Orsola-Malpighi, UOC Endocrinology, Prevention and Treatment of Diabetes. Director: Prof. Uberto Pagotto


2023: Student Master Universitario di II livello in Alimentazione ed Educazione alla salute at Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna

2022: Master in Dietetics and Nutrition at Institute of higher education, Rome

2021: Master's Degree in Molecular and Applied Biology (Biosanitary and Nutritional curriculum), at the University of Florence.

2018: Bachelor's Degree in Biological Sciences, at the University of Florence



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