Foto del docente

Roberta Bonfiglioli

Associate Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Academic discipline: MED/44 Occupational Medicine

Director of First Cycle Degree in Environment and Workplace Prevention Techniques


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Publications prior to 2004


Violante FS, Romano P, Bonfiglioli R, Lodi V, Missere M, Mattioli S, Raffi GB. Lack of association between

occupational radiation exposure and thyroid nodules in healthcare personnel. Int Arch Occup Environ

Health, 2003 Sep;76(7):529-32 [IF 1.476; IFN 1 (50% di 2)]


Isolani L, Bonfiglioli R, Raffi GB. Violante FS: Different case definitions to describe the prevalence of

occupational carpal tunnel syndrome in meat industry workers. Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 2002, 7

(4):229-234 [IF 1.476; IFN 2]


Cipolla C, Lugo G, Sassi C, Bonfiglioli R, Maini S, Tommasini MG, Raffi GB. A new risk of occupational

disease: allergic asthma and rhinoconjunctivitis in persons working with beneficial arthropods. Int Arch

Occup Environ Health, 1996, 68(2): 133-135 [IF 1.476; IFN 1 (50% di 2)]


Lugo G, Cipolla C, Bonfiglioli R, Sassi C, Maini S, Cancellieri MP, Raffi GB, Pisi E. A new risk of occupational

disease: allergic asthma and rhinoconjunctivitis in persons working with beneficial arthropods. Preliminary data. Int

Arch Occup Environ Health , 1994, 65(5): 291-294 [IF 1.476; IFN 1 (50% di 2)]

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