Foto del docente

Riccardo Silvi

Full Professor

Department of Management

Academic discipline: ECON-06/A Business Administration, Accounting & Performance Measurement

Curriculum vitae

Academic  Positions

Since 2019 Full professor of Business Economics, Department of Management, Univeristy of Bologna


Associate professor of management accounting at the University of Bologna, School of Economics, Management and Statistics,  Forlì campus.


 Assistant professor of Business Economics, University of Bologna, Faculty of Economics of Forlì.


Adjunct professor in Management Control, University of Bologna, Faculty of Economics, Forlì Campus


Adjunct professor in Management Accounting, University “L. D'Annunzio” of Chieti, Faculty of Economics of Pescara.


Lecturer of Business Economics, University of Ancona.


 Other academic positions


Member of the Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics, Forlì Campus, of the University of Bologna




Co-Director of the International Summer School in Management Accounting Research, Università of Bologna, Faculty of Economics of Forlì.


Vice-head of the Department of Management Studies, University of Bologna



Member of the steering committee of the Cardiff Innovative Manufacturing Research Centre


2019 (since)

Director of the Executive Master in Business Administration (English edition) at the Bologna Business School of the University of Bologna


Director of the Executive Master in Digital Business at the Bologna Business School of the University of Bologna


Director of the Master in Finance at the Bologna Business School of the University of Bologna


Program Director of the Executive MBA at the Bologna Business School of the University of Bologna

Since 2003

Lecturer of Management Accounting, Strategic Cost Management and Strategic Financial Analysis at the Executive MBA, MBA and Finance program at the Alma Graduate School of the University of Bologna

Since 2011

Affliated researcher at CEPRA - Center for perofrmance Research & Analytics at the University of Augsburg.


Visiting professor at the Faculty of Economic Science, Univeristy of Gottingen


2009 and 2008               

Visiting Scholar at the Sydney University (January-February)


Visiting Scholar al the Macquarie Graduate School of Management


Visiting Scholar at the Sydney University (January-February)


Visiting Professor at the Babson College, One Year MBA Program, Wellesley, USA (June-July)


Research Fellow at the Babson College, Wellesley, USA


Research activities and grants

Since 2010

Business Performance Analytics, Analytical Performance Management. 

Since 2006      

Lean Management Accounting Framework and Practices

Since 2006      

Supply Chain Financial Performance and Supply Chain Performance Scorecard

Since 2005      

Strategic Control Systems: Practices and Needs in an international perspectives (in progress)

Since 2004      

Italian Cost Management Practices, University of Bologna Research Funds


Benchmarking for strategic cost analysis, University of Bologna Research Funds


Cost Management Practices in local firms, SAS Institute, University of Bologna, University of Ancona and Romagna and Marche Local Manufacturer Associations.


Lean Management Accounting, LERC (Lean Enterprise Research Center), Cardiff Business School, Wales (project related with the 3Day Car Programme).


Grantee at the CIMA (Center for Innovation in Management Accounting), Babson College, Wellesley, USA, research projects: value creation model and strategic cost management in networked organizations.


Grantee at University of Ancona, research project: The Role of the Finance and Accounting  function in small business development



- European Accounting Association

- American Accounting Association

- Italian Academy of Business Economics


Conferences and workshop presentations

Digital Accounting through the Lens of Intellectual Capital Studies, 13th EIASM Interdisciplinary Workshop on Intangible and Intellectual Capital, Value Creation, Integrated Reporting and Governance, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, 21-22 September 2017 (with Gardini S., Bartolini M.)

 Business Performance Analytics & ICT. Issues and Challenges, 9th EIASM Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control, Nice, 13-15 September 2017 (with Bartolini M., Visani F., Raffoni A.)

Understanding the role of Business Performance Analytics for performance management, Management Accounting Research Group Conference, Aston Business School, Aston, UK, 19-20 november 2015 (with Anna Raffoni, Franco Visani, Monica Bartolini).

Business Performance Analytics (BPA): a framework and evidence from the field, PMA Symposium 2015 - Performance Measurement in Transition - Moving Beyond Control”, Bologna (Italy) 23rd – 25th September 2015 (with Anna Raffoni, Franco Visani, Monica Bartolini).

The use of Business Analytics for performance management: a framework and empirical evidence from a construction company, 8th conference on performance measurement and management control, Nice, 30 september- 2 october 2015 (with Anna Raffoni, Franco Visani, Monica Bartolini)

Key Performance Indicators and Enhanced Business Reporting. Evidence from the field, 35th EAA Annual Congress, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9-11 May 2012 (with Bartolini M.)

  Business Performance Analytics: level of adoption and support provided to Performance Measurement Systems, 1st Management Control Journal Workshop, Pisa, February 2012 (with  Bartolini M., Raffoni A., Visani F.)

Business Performance Analytics: a blueprint for Performance Measurement Systems,,  6th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control, Nice, September 2011 (with Bartolini M., Raffoni A., Visani F.).

"Performance management analytics: the next extension in managerial accounting", Workshop on PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy, 10-11th September 2010

"Performance management analytics: the next extension in managerial accounting", Convegno Nazionale Sidrea "I risultati aziendali: significato, misurazione, comunicazione", Naples, 1-2nd December 2010

"Fashion Industry: A Value Creation Perspective" (con Polutnik L., Visani F.), 2010 GAOC Conference, Babson College, Boston, luglio 2010

"Multidimensional Performance Measurement Systems in theory and practice: a long “random approaching walk”", (with Bartolini M., Raffoni A., Visani F.), Workshop on Innovating Management&Accounting Practices, Milan, 1-2 november 2009

"Examining knowledge management in action: Italian ERP uptake and implications for management accounting", (with Visani F., Bartolini M.), 1st Journal of Management and Governance Conference, Venice, 8-10 october 2009

“Management Accounting and Strategic Control Systems in Italian Companies: evidence from the field”, (with M. Bartolini, A. Raffoni, F. Visani), 4th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control, Nice, 26-28 september 2007

“Strategic Cost Analysis: Field Evidence”, 8th  Manufacturing Accounting Research Conference on Cost and Performance Management in Services and Operations, Trento, 18-20 june 2007,   (key note speaker).

“Performance Measurement Systems: Putting Organizational Effectiveness Ahead” (with D.M. Macrì and  M.R. Tagliaventi),  2nd Workshop on “Performance Measuremt and Management Control”, Nice, 18-19 settembre 2003

“Strategic Cost Management and Lean Thinking: A Framework for Management Accounting”, (with P. Hines, M. Bartolini), XXVI Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, Sevilla, 2-4 april, 2003.

“Knowledge Management: A Strategic Cost Management Perspective”, 2002 Management Accounting Research Conference & Case Symposium, Austin, Texas, USA, 11-12 january 2002.

“A Framework for Extending Lean Accounting into a Supply Chain”, (with M. Bartolini, P. Hines, A. Raschi, Research Workshop, Cost Management in Supply Chains, University of Oldenburg, 24-25 September, 2001, Oldenburg, Germany.

“A Strategic Framework for Supply Chain Change Management”, Logistics Research Network 6th Annual Conference, Heriot-Watt University, 13-14th September, 2001, Edinburgh, (with P. Hines, M. Bartolini and A. Raschi).

“Connecting the Customer to the Supply Chain - Integrating Value Stream Management and Strategic Cost Management, Proceedings of the UK Symposium on Supply Chain Alignment, The University of Liverpool & Loughborough University, July 2001, Liverpool, (with P. Hines and M. Bartolini).

“Integrating Lean Thinking and Strategic Cost Management”, (with P. Hines and M. Bartolini), 5th EIASM INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON MANUFACTURING ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, Pisa 6-8, June 2001.


“Interfirm Organizations: a New Perspective for Cost Management", (with D.M Macrì and A. Zanoni), XXIII annual congress of the European Accounting Association, Munich, Germany, 29-31 march 2000.

“Networked Organizations: A Strategic Cost Management Perspective”, (with J. K. Shank and G. Lorenzoni), 2000 Management Accounting Research Conference & Case Symposium, Mesa, Arizona, USA, 6-8 january 2000.

“ Outside-In:Cost and the Creation of Customer Value, (with CJ McNair and L. Polutnik), 2000 Management Accounting Research Conference & Case Symposium, Mesa, Arizona, USA, 6-8 january 2000.

"Cost management and value creation: the missing link”, (with CJ McNair and L. Polutnik), 4th  International Seminar on Manufacturing Accounting Research, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Kolding Denmark, 10-12 june 1999.

“Cost management and value creation: the missing link”, (with CJ McNair and L. Polutnik),  XXII annual congress of the European Accounting Association, Bordeaux, France, 5-7 may 1999.

“A survey on cost accounting practices in Italian large and medium size manufacturing firms”, (with L. Cinquini, P. Collini, A. Quagli, A. Marelli), XXII annual congress of the European Accounting Association, Bordeaux, France, 5-7 may 1999.

“The Value Creation Model”, First Annual “Profitability and Performance Measurement” (with CJ McNair), Conference, Institute of Management Accountants, Orlando, FL, USA, march 22, 1999.

“Performance Measurement: An Analytical Framework”, International Workshop on Cost Management”, Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Venice  27-29 june 1996.


Recent Publications

Silvi R., Bartolini M., The role of performance indicators in management commentary, in Financial Reporting, Special Issue “The managerialisation of Financial Reporting”, ISSN 2036-671X, 2011, vol. 3, n. 11, pp. 61-79

“Efficiency Measurement for Supplier Selection and Control: a Data Envelopment Analysis Approach”, in Gregoriou G.N., Finch N. (eds), Best Practices in Management Accounting, 2011, ISBN 978-02-303-5836-2, Palgrave Macmillan (UK), chap. 9, pp. 133-146. Coautori  Silvi R., Bartolini M.

Silvi R., Bartolini M., Visani F., Management Accounting in a Lean Environment, in Gregoriou G.N., Finch N. (eds), Best Practices in Management Accounting, 2011, ISBN 978-02-303-5836-2, Palgrave Macmillan (UK), chap. 3, pp. 33-51

Strategic Cost Management and Lean Thinking: A Framework for Management Accounting, in Cost Management, January February, vol. 22/1, 2008, with P. Hines and M. Bartolini

Contractual and accounting controls in outsourcing agreements, in  Journal of Law and Financial Management, vol. 5/1, pp. 8 – 17, with  Cuganesan S., Rooney J., 2006.

Customer Driven Lean Cost Management, in  Cost Management, vol. 20/6, 2006, with  CJ McNair, L. Polutnik.

Investigating the Management of Knowledge for Competitive Advantage: A Strategic Cost Management Perspective, in  Journal of Intellectual Capital, vol. 7/3, 2006, with con S. Cuganesan.

Demand Chain Management: An Integrative Approach in Automotive Retailing, Journal of Operations Management, November 2002, vol. 3, n. 6, pp. 707-728, with Hines P. and Bartolini M.

Lean Profit Potential, Lean Enterprise Research Centre, Cardiff Business School, 2002. with Hines P. and  Bartolini M.

A Framework for Extending Lean Accounting into a Supply Chain, in Seuring S., Goldbach M. (editors), Cost Management in Supply Chains, Physica Verlag, Heidelberg, 2002, pp. 53-73., with Hines P., Bartolini M., Raschi A.

Customer value: a new kind of cost management, in Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance, 12, n. 3, pp. 9-14 ,2001, with CJ McNair and Lidija Polutnik.

Cost and the Creation of Customer Value,  Handbook of Cost Management, edited by John Shank, Warren, Gorham, and Lamont Publishing Company, New York, Spring 2001, with CJ McNair and L. Polutnik

Cost management and value creation: the missing link, in The European Accounting Review 2001. with CJ McNair and  L. Polutnik.

Outside-In: Cost and the Creation of Customer Value, in Advances In Management Accounting, Spring 2000,Vol. 9, pp. 1-41, with CJ McNair and L. Polutnik.


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