Foto del docente

Riccardo Rovelli

Alma Mater Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Adjunct professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Publications prior to 2004

  • Articles in International Journals (Refereed)- before 2004
  1. A cointegration analysis of the relationship between bank reserves, deposits and loans: the case of Italy, 1965-1987 (with Valentina Corradi e Marzio Galeotti), Journal of Banking and Finance, 14(1), 1990, 199-214.
  2. How much (A)symmetry in Europe? Evidence from Industrial Sectors (with Rodolfo Helg, Paolo Manasse, Tommaso Monacelli), European Economic Review, 39, 1995, May, 1017-1042.
  3. Central banking and seigniorage: A study of three economies in transition (with Eduard Hochreiter and Georg Winckler), European Economic Review - Papers and Proceedings, 40, 1996, April, 629-644. Czech translation in: Politická Ekonomie, XLV, 97/2, 193-206.
  4. Financial Intermediation Versus Stock Markets in a Dynamic Intertemporal Model (with Sudipto Bhattacharya and Paolo Fulghieri). Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 154, No.1, March 1998, 291-319.
  5. Capital markets, financial intermediaries and liquidity supply (with Paolo Fulghieri). Journal of Banking and Finance, 22(9), 1998, 1157-1179.
  6. Investor risk aversion and financial fragility in emerging economies (with Jeffrey H. Nilsen). Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 11, No.3/4, 2001, 443-474.
  7. Painless Disinflation? Monetary Policy Rules in Hungary, 1991-1999 (with Roberto Golinelli) The Economics of Transition, 10 (1), 2002, 55-91.
  8. The Generation and Distribution of Central Bank Seigniorage in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland (with Eduard Hochreiter). Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review, no.223, 2002 Dec., 391-415.
  9. Macroeconomic stability and the preferences of the Fed. A formal analysis, 1961-98 (with Carlo A. Favero). Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 35 (4), 2003, 545-556. .


  • Chapters in Books and Other Publications (English) - before 2004
  1. The impact of a new futures contract on risk premia in the term structure: An APT analysis for French government bonds (with Alessandro Citanna). In: V.Conti and R.Hamaui (eds.), Financial markets liberalization and the role of banks, Cambridge U. Press, 1993.
  2. Reserve requirements, seigniorage and the financing of the government in an economic and monetary union. In: Directorate General for Economics and Financial Affairs, European Commission, Applying market principles to government borrowing; Growth and employment. Series: European Economy - Reports and studies, No.1, 1994, 11-56. ISBN: 92-826-7471-1.
  3. Review of: Eichengreen, B., Frieden, J., and von Hagen, J., (eds.) Monetary and Fiscal Policy in an Integrated Europe, Journal of Economics, 65, 1997, no.1, 104-110.
  4. Discussion of: Eijffinger S.C.W., Central Bank Independence in Practice - An International Comparison. In: Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Central Bank Independence and the Credibility of European Monetary Policy, Vienna,1997.
  5. Central banks and seigniorage: a study of three transition economies (with Eduard Hochreiter and Georg Winckler). In: C.Helmenstein (ed.), Capital Markets in Transition Economies, Edward Elgar, 1998, vol. 1.
  6. Editor of, and Introduction in: Monetary Policy and Interest Rates (with Ignazio Angeloni), Macmillan Press, 1998.


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