Home > Avvisi > CLABE Students – Commercial Law Mock Midterm Exam
CLABE Students – Commercial Law Mock Midterm Exam
The Mock Midterm exam for CLABE Commercial Law Students will take place on Friday the 15th of May, at 16.00, starting on our Teams channel and then moving to EOL and Zoom.
It is a practice test: the results will not be registered and will not count towards the final grade. Students may take the Mock Midterm exam even if they failed the First Midterm exam.
Those wishing to take the Mock Midterm Exam need subscribe to the “Mock Midterm exam” on almaesami before Tuesday the 12th of May. They are also need to satisfy all technical requirements specified here. Students who do not fulfil these requirements will not be admitted to the Mock Midterm exam.
Students experiencing technical difficulties may follow the instructions on www.unibo.it or talk to CESIA contact center.
Pubblicato il: 10 maggio 2020