Foto del docente

Riccardo Gasperina Geroni

Associate Professor

Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies

Short Bio

Riccardo Gasperina Geroni is researcher at the University of Bologna. His interest lies in the relationship among twentieth-century Italian literature, anthropology and psychoanalysis. Recently, he has published articles on several international journals, such as Cuadernos de Filología Italiana, The Italianist, Esperienze Letterarie and Arabeschi. His first book, Il Custode della Soglia. Il Sacro e le Forme nell’Opera di Carlo Levi, published in 2018, won the twenty-first edition of the Carlo Levi Prize. He also edited the new edition of Quaderno a Cancelli, published by Einaudi in 2020.

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+39 051 20 9 8584

Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica
Via Zamboni 32, Bologna - Go to map

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Previo appuntamento, il ricevimento si svolge il lunedì dalle ore 11 alle ore 12, presso lo studio 40 in Via Zamboni, 32. 



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