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Rachel Elisabeth Pearce

Collaboratrice ed esperta linguistica di madre lingua: inglese

Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne


3rd year - Integrated Skills programme- 2023 - 24

     Admin & Attendance

You will have 3 Esercitazioni classes per week:

- Esercitazioni di Lingua Inglese: 2 classes

- Esercitazioni di Traduzione: 1 class

Note: Erasmus students are not required to take Traduzione classes.

All Esercitazioni classes start on October 2nd, 2023 (NOT on Sept 25). Class mode: in-person only.

Please check your group below. Erasmus students can contact the instructors to be assigned to the appropriate group.

Group A

Studenti che hanno riportato la votazione NS e 18-22 nella parte scritta di Esercitazioni di Inglese 2

Lingua []

Dott.ssa Pearce

Monday, 13:00-15:00

Wednesday, 13:00-15:00

Aula E - Via Filippo Re, 8

Traduzione []

Dott.ssa Maldina

Tuesday, 11:00-13:00

Aula C – Via Filippo Re, 8

Group B

Studenti che hanno riportato la votazione 23-24 nella parte scritta di Esercitazioni di Inglese 2.

Lingua []

Dott.ssa Pearce

Monday, 11:00-13:00

Wednesday, 11:00-13:00

Aula E - Via Filippo Re, 8

Traduzione []

Dott.ssa Maldina

Thursday, 15:00-17:00

Aula C – Via Filippo Re, 8

Group C

Studenti che hanno riportato la votazione 25-26 nella parte scritta di Esercitazioni di Inglese 2.

Lingua []

Dott. Ashley Phillis

Thursday, 13:00-15:00

Friday, 17:00-19:00

Aula IX – Via Cartoleria 5

Traduzione []

Dott.ssa Maldina

Tuesday, 09:00-11:00

Aula C – Via Filippo Re, 8

Group D

Studenti che hanno riportato la votazione 27-30 nella parte scritta di Esercitazioni di Inglese 2

Lingua []

Dott.ssa Maldina

Tuesday, 15:00-17:00 and 17:00-19:00

Aula C – Via Filippo Re, 8

Traduzione []

Dott.ssa Maldina

Thursday, 17:00-19:00

Aula C – Via Filippo Re 8


All the groups of Esercitazioni di Lingua Inglese 3 will use the following textbooks:

  • Unlock – Level 5 (Second Edition): Reading, Writing & Critical Thinking ( )
  • Unlock – Level 5 (Second Edition): Listening, Speaking & Critical Thinking ( )

The books can be ordered online or at local bookstores.

You will find a paper copy of both books at the LILEC library. However, due to obvious technical reasons, these copies do not include the digital resources or the listening tracks, which are valuable material.


Homework and Assignments - Group 3A + 3B (2023 - 2024)

Week 2 (9/10) Finish part B of the handout (Formal and Informal vocabulary) for 11/10.

Week 3 (16/10) Finish exercises on p.21 + 22 (4 - 8) of text book (Unlock 5 - Reading Writing) for Mon 23/10

Week 4 (23/10)

Week 5 (30/10) Read p24 and do exercises on p25 +p26 of text book (Unlock Reading + Writing) for Mon. 6/11

Week 6 (6/11) Find an existing old abandoned building or stately home on the internet that you feel should be renovated and adapted for public use. Imagine you live in the area where this building is situated. Write a persuasive article to a local newspaper stating how the building could be put to a new use and the benefits for the local community of carrying out such a project. If possible include a small picture of the actual building with your essay. Send by email. (210 - max. 250 words) Deadline: 25/11/2023

Week 7 (13/11) Do grammar p.32 - Critical thinking on page 30 + 31 and translate the vocabulary on Exercise 2 p.37 and study + Review the conditionals on p.32 for Wed. 22/11.

Week 8 (20/11) 

Week 9 (27/11)  Do p51 in Reading Unlock on describing Emotional responses.

Week 10 (4/12) Study the use of the comma (Handout on virtuale) - test on Wed. 6/12   Study the Hythen for Mon 11/12               

Week 11 (11/12) Study the Colon (Test 13/12- on both the hythen and colon.) Study the Semi-Colon and Dash for Mon. 18/12.   

Week 12 (18/12) Mock Exam - held in both classes (group 3A+B) on 18.12.23


 Christmas Break


Week 13 (12.02.24) Read the article 'The Creative Mind' p.116+117 for 14/02

Week 14 (19/02)  Read about Annotating on p115  and then annotate the rest of the text (The Creative Mind) on p116 +117 (textbook) 

Week 15 (26/02) Do Complex noun phrases with 'What' p.127 for 25/02.

Essay: Write a story about an amusing  event that took place in your childhood including where appropriate a variety of rhetorical devices to enhance its style. Deadline 16/03

Week 16 (4/3) After reading The Creative Mind p.116/117, write an essay on your own views concerning creativity. (roughly 250 - 300 words) Try to support your ideas by using some of the material taken from the above above text . Make sure that this 'borrowed material' has a citation and has been either summarized in your own words. If it is a direct quote it should be relatively short and have quotation marks. (see page 128 in your textbook - 'Citing Quoted Material')  Deadline 22/3 - no later.                                            

Week 17 (11/3) Do p162 + 163 Read text on Superbugs. Study the use of commas, the hythen and the colon - test next lesson

Week 18 (18/3) Do predictions p.237

Week 19 (8/4) Do reading p.167, 168 and 169 + Fixed Expressions p.40/41

Week 20 (15/4) Do Cause + Effect: Logical Connectors p176,177, 178, 179

Essay: Throughout mankind's history, humans have strived to advance both as individuals and societies. Yet this 'progress' has come at a grave cost to our planet, our environment and our wildlife. How can we attempt to put right some of our past mistakes, to build a better future for not only ourselves but also for the wild creatures that live here. Deadline: 27/4

Week 21 (22/4) Study the use of the colon, semi-colon and dash (p.63,64 + 65 -  dispenser). 

Week 22 (29/4) Mock exam 29/4 

Week 23 (6/5) Last Lesson - Test on punctuation. 

In preparation for the exam review: the recognition of the various rhetorical devices and parallelism + mood and tone, the structural design of a text,  style + formality/informality, the use of punctuation, hedging and language.


Pubblicato il: 03 dicembre 2016