Foto del docente

Pinuccia Pasqualina Calia

Associate Professor

Department of Statistical Sciences "Paolo Fortunati"

Curriculum vitae

Current Position:

Associate Professor in Economic Statistics - Department of Statistical Science, University of Bologna


Participation to research projects

Horizon 2020 European Project PERCEIVE: Perception and Evaluation of Regional and Cohesion Policies by Europeans and Identification with the Values of Europe - GA nr. 693529 (2016-19)

7th FP European Project BLUE-ETS: Enterprise and Trade Statistics (2010-13)

PRIN 2005: La delocalizzazione e la competitività del sistema delle imprese italiane: un quadro statistico interpretativo (2005-07)

PRIN 2003: Misura ed analisi statistica della specializzazione territoriale del sistema produttivo italiano in un'economia basata sulla conoscenza (2003-05)

PRIN 2001: L'utilizzo delle nuove strategie di formazione dei dati e dell'informazione statistica per lo studio e il governo dei sistemi economici (2001-03)


Conference participation and presentations 

AISRe 2023 - XLIV Annual Scientific Conference: Europe and the Mediterranean between transitions and conflicts. Opportunities and risks for regions and territories, Napoli, 6-8 Settembre 2023

AISRe 2022 - XLIII Conferenza Scientifica Annuale: Citta e regioni in transizione, Milano, 5-7 Settembre 2022

H2020 PERCEIVE - Project Final Review (European Commission), Bruxelles, October 2019

AISRe 2018 - XXXIX Conferenza Scientifica Annuale: Le regioni d’Europa tra identità locali, nuove comunità e disparità territoriali, Bolzano, Settembre 2018

ERSA 2018 – 58th ERSA Congress: Places for people: innovative, inclusive and liveable regions, University College, Cork, August 2018

BLUE-ETS EU FP7 PROJECT: Workshop on phase 2 advances, new tools and research results - Rome, November 2012

ISTAT - L'analisi dei dati di impresa per la conoscenza del sistema produttivo Italiano: il ruolo della statistica ufficiale, Roma, 21-22 novembre 2011

ETSG 2010 - European Trade Study Group - 12th Annual Conference,  Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Lausanne, September 9-11 2010

11th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Business and Economics, “G. Enescu” University, Iasi, Romania, June 13-15, 2010

EWEPA 2009 - XI European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis - University of Pisa, Pisa,  June 23-26, 2009

PRIN 2007, Globalization, local development and emerging powers - The role of innovation policies, University of Bologna, February 6-7, 2009



July 1992 -  Degree in Statistics and Economics (summa cum laude), University of Bologna

October 1996 -  PhD in Applied Statistics, University of Firenze, doctoral dissertation "Semiparametric methods for impact evaluation", advisor: prof. Enrico Gori.

1994-1995: Visiting scholar at the Department of Economics, University of Leicester (UK)

1997-1998: CNR grant at the Department of Economics, Universiy of Cagliari

2000-2002: Research fellowship at the Department of Statistics, University of Bologna

2002-2004: Research fellowship at the Department of Statistics, University of Bologna

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