Updated October, 2020
Pietro CAPODIFERRO was born in Laterza (TARANTO) in 1962. He
graduated at USL TA 1 School of Nursing as Registered Nurse
in 1989 and later graduating at University of Bologna in 1998 as
"Dirigente e Docente in Science infermieristiche"
He was employed in adult and pediatric open heart
surgery intensive care Unit for ten years, and for three years as
Head Nurse in adult general Intensive care Unit
He graduated in Nursing and Midwifery Science (second
Cycle degree), at University " G. D'Annunzio" of
Chieti-Pescara in 2006.
He also graduated in 2007 at University of Firenze as first
Level Master Degree in "Metodologia ed analisi della
responsabilità professionale nell'area infermieristica" (Forensic
Fellow of ANIARTI (Italian Association of Critical care
Nurses) since 1994
Specific interest in Critical care and forensic Nursing
He is an adjunct professor of Critical care Nursing ( first
Cycle degree / Bachelor), since 2003.