Foto del docente

Piero Di Domenico

Adjunct professor

Department of the Arts

Short Bio

For many years he has been carrying out research on the relationships between cinema, comics, literature and video games, on the development of new media, on the contents disseminated by new technologies, on transmedia and on the consequences of the use of streaming. After having worked for a long time in the information sector, radio (Radio Città) and on paper ("Corriere della Sera Bologna"), he was the promoter of the multimedia publishing house Ermitage Cinema. Already the initiator of the home-video sector of the Cineteca di Bologna, he is part of the register of experts selected by the Emilia-Romagna Region called to verify the results of the training courses and the register of professionals selected to train audiovisual teachers in schools Italian. He has been in the National Film Critics Union for years, created and directed the "Scriba" festival dedicated to professional writing, worked with the Coconino Press publishing house and as educational director of the Bottega Finzioni narrative school founded by Carlo Lucarelli. He is the director of the "", film festival which brings cinema to places such as prisons and hospitals. Go to the Curriculum vitae



Dipartimento delle Arti
Via Barberia 4, Bologna - Go to map

Office hours

 I ricevimenti riprenderanno dopo l'estate, a settembre, in via Barberia 4.

Il primo sarà solo online su Teams giovedì 12 settembre, su prenotazione, dalle 9


I successivi:

venerdì 11 ottobre ore 10 Aula Ferrero, via Barberia 4

venerdì 15 novembre ore 10 Salone Marescotti, via Barberia 4

venerdì 13 dicembre ore 10 Salone Marescotti, via Barberia 4

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