Foto del docente

Patrycja Anna Glogowski

Research fellow

Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences

Curriculum vitae


- Bachelor's degree in Animal Welfare and Protection at University of Teramo, 2020.

- Master's degree in Animal Biotechnology at Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna, valutation 110/110 cum laude.

Title obtained on 7/12/2022.

Thesis title: Molecular and morfological identification of Contracaecum rudolphii. Supervisor: Prof.ssa Monica Caffara. Co-supervisor: Dott.ssa Alice Magri.


- 2023 stagist at Epidemiology and Biotechnology laboratory of University of Foro Italico, Rome.

- 2024 winner of the research scholarship entitled "Dissecting a molecular mechanism for cardiac hypertrophy in hypertension: roles of mitochondrial NDUFC2-dependent Complex I dysfunction and of mitochondrial permeability transition", at MEDVET UNIBO

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