Foto del docente

Patrizia Romualdi

Professoressa ordinaria

Dipartimento di Farmacia e Biotecnologie

Coordinatrice del Corso di Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico in Farmacia


Prof .ssa Patrizia ROMUALDI


Elenco delle Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

                                    A) Pubblicazioni in extenso

       su Riviste Internazionali e  Monografie

                                    B) Short communications

                                    C) Partecipazioni a Congressi


A) Pubblicazioni in extenso edite su Riviste e Monografie:


1.       SPAMPINATO S., CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P., RUSSO A., STANZANI S., FERRI S., Effects of hypothalamic lesions on the content of dynorphin immunoreactivity in pituitary, Life Sci., 33, 503-506, 1983.

2.       PAOLINI M., HRELIA P., ROMUALDI P., CORSI C., BAUER C., Problematiche enzimologiche del metabolismo degli xenobiotici. Atti del IV Convegno sulla Patologia da Tossici Ambientali ed Occupazionali. Torino, Edigraf. pp. 323-328, 1983.

3.       CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., SPAMPINATO S., SPERONI E.,FERRI S., Neurotrasmettitori coinvolti nei meccanismi di controllo del dolore. In: Atti  del IV Corso di Clinica Oncologica. Pannuti F., Ed., Bologna, 1983, pp. 308-313.

4.       CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., FERRI S., ROMUALDI P., SPADARO C., SPERONI E., Effects of a Met‑Enkephalin analog on experimentally induced gastric lesions, Farmaci & Terapia, 1, 3-5, 1984.

5.       CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., SPAMPINATO S., FERRI S., Antinociceptive activity  of intrathecal opioid and non-opioid peptides ascertained by different analgesimetric procedures, Drugs Exptl.Clin.Res., 10, 877-882, 1984.

6.       SPAMPINATO S., CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., SPERONI E., FERRI S., Antinociceptive activity of salmon calcitonin injected intrathecally in the rat, Neurosci. Lett., 45, 135-139, 1984.

7.       SPAMPINATO S., CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P., SPERONI E., CAVICCHINI E., SPADARO C., MURARI G., GIOBBI G., FERRI S., Opioid receptors mediating the antinociceptive effect of dynorphin at spinal cord level, Ann. Ist. Super. Sanità, 20, 99-102, 1984.

8.       CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., FERRI S., ROMUALDI P., SPERONI E., SPAMPINATO S. Impact of opioid and non opioid peptides on nociceptive transmission at spinal cord level. in: Recent Progress in Neurotransmission: Neuropeptides , 1984, pp. 174-178.

9.       FERRI S., CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., SPADARO C., SPERONI E., SPAMPINATO S., Effects of opioid peptides on gastric secretion and ulceration. In: Central and Peripheral Endorphins: Basic and Clinical Aspects. E.E. Muller, A.R. Genazzani, 1984, pp. 217-227.

10.   CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P., SPADARO C., SPAMPINATO S.,FERRI S., Studies on the antinociceptive effect of intrathecal salmon calcitonin, Peptides, 6, 273-276, 1985.

11.   SPAMPINATO S., CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P., CAVICCHINI E., PANERAI A.E., FERRI S., Possible involvement of dynorphinergic system in nociceptive transmission at spinal level, Neuropeptides, 5, 425-428, 1985.

12.   FERRI S., CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., SPERONI E., SPAMPINATO S., Possible involvement of the spinal dynorphinergic system in nociceptive mechanisms. In: Receptors and Centrally Acting Drugs. E.S. Vizi, S. Furst, G. Zsilla, Eds. 1985, pp. 205-214.

13.   FERRI S., CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., SPERONI E., SPAMPINATO S. Comparison of antinociceptive effects of  calcitonin and dynorphin intrathecally administered in the rat. In: Neuropharmacology '85. K.Kelemen, K.Magyar, E.S. Vizi, Eds. 1985. pp. 119-124.

14.   FERRI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., SPERONI E., MURARI G., Possible mediation of catecholaminergic pathways in the antinociceptive effect of an extract of Cannabis sativa L., Psychopharmacology, 89, 244-247, 1986.

15.   SPAMPINATO S., CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., SPERONI E., FERRI S. Differential effects of selective brain lesions on hypothalamic and pituitary ir-dynorphin. In: Progress in Opioid Research. J.W. Holaday, P.-Y. Law, A. Herz, Eds. 1986. pp. 410-413.

16.   CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., FERRI S., ROMUALDI P., SPAMPINATO S., SPERONI E., Possible relationships between proopiomelanocortin and prodynorphin derived  peptides. In: Central Actions of ACTH and Related Peptides, D. de Wied, W. Ferrari, eds., Liviana Press, Padova, 1986, pp. 231-237.

17.   SPAMPINATO S., CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., SPERONI E., FERRI S., Behavioral effects of intrathecally administered neuropeptides in the rat. In: Advances in Pain Research and Therapy, 10.vol., M. Tiengo et al. Eds., New York, Raven Press, 1987, pp. 169-178.

18.   CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., SPAMPINATO S., SPERONI E., FERRI S., Pharmacology of neuropeptides in nociceptive transmission. In: Trends in Cluster Headache. F. Sicuteri et al., Eds., Amsterdam, Elsevier Sci. Publ. BV, 1987. pp. 97-103.

19.   CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., FERRI S., New trends in pharmacological pain control: neuropeptides and spinal transmission. In: Proceedings  of  the 1st Italian‑Polish Meeting on Pain. R. Rizzi, S. Nicoscia, Eds., Vercelli. 1987. pp. 19-22.

20.   FERRI S., CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P.,SPERONI E., SPAMPINATO S., Coinvolgimento di peptidi oppioidi derivanti dalla prodinorfina nella trasmissione nocicettiva a livello spinale. In: Somministrazione per via Peridurale e Subaracnoidea 1987. pp. 11-16.

21.   FERRI S., CANDELETTI S., SPERONI E., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., GOVONI P., MARCHINI M., Protection by opioids against gastric lesions caused by necrotizing agents, Pharmacology, 36, 140-144 1988.

22.   SPAMPINATO S., FERRI G-L., CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P., CAVICCHINI E., SOIMERO L., LABO' G., FERRI S., Regional distribution of immunoreactive dynorphin A in the human gastrointestinal tract, Neuropeptides, 11, 101-105, 1988.

23.   SPAMPINATO S., ROMUALDI P., CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., FERRI S., Distinguishable effects of intrathecal dynorphins, somatostatin, neurotensin and s‑calcitonin on nociception and motor function in the rat, Pain, 35, 95-104, 1988.

24.   FERRI S., CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., SPAMPINATO S., SPERONI E., Investigations on dynorphin structurally-related opioid peptides. I. Impact on nociceptive transmission. II. Regulation of pituitary content, Ann. Ist. Super. Sanità, 24, 397-402, 1988.

25.   ROMUALDI P., LESA G., FERRI S., An opiate chronic treatment affects prodynorphin gene expression. Pharmacol. Research, 21, 477-478, 1989.

26.   ROMUALDI P., ROSENBERGER J.G., GOZZINI L., COX B.M., Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide Carboxy-terminal fragment, VIP(22-28), and other fragments of VIP, in the central nervous system of the rat, Peptides, 10, 621-626, 1989.

27.   ROMUALDI P., FERRI S., Un neuropeptide di recente identificazione: il VIP 22-28. Atti della Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna. Classe di Scienze Fisiche. Anno 276. Rendiconti, Serie XIV, Tomo V, 111-114, 1989.

28.   ROMUALDI P., LESA G., COX B.M., FERRI S., Distribution and characterization of VIP-related peptides in the rat spinal cord, Neuropeptides, 16, 219-225, 1990.

29.   ROMUALDI P., LESA G., FERRI S., Morphine affects prodynorphin gene expression in some areas of rat brain, Ann. Ist. Super. Sanità, 26, 43-46, 1990.

30.   ROMUALDI P., LESA G., FERRI S., Chronic exposure to opioid agonists and an antagonist affects prodynorphin gene expression. In: New Leads in Opioid  Research. J.M. van Ree, A.H. Mulder, V.M. Wiegant, M.B.van Wimersma Greidanus, Eds. Amsterdam 1990. pp. 146-147.

31.   FANTINI F., PINCELLI C., ROMUALDI P., LESA G., SEIDENARI S., Cutaneous Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide levels in the elicitation phase of allergic contact dermatitis,   Pharmacol. Skin,  4,  76-79, 1991.

32.   PINCELLI C., FANTINI F., ROMUALDI P., LESA G., GIANNETTI A., Skin levels of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide in atopic dermatitis, Arch. Dermatol. Res., 283, 230-232, 1991.

33.   ROMUALDI P., LESA G., FERRI S., Chronic opiate agonists down-regulate prodynorphin gene expression in rat brain, Brain Research, 563, 132-136, 1991.

34.   MARASTONI M., SALVADORI S., BALBONI G., SCARANARI V., SANTAGADA V., ROMUALDI P., FERRI S., TOMATIS R., Studies on the anti-phospholipase A2 and antiinflammatory activities of a synthetic nonapeptide from uteroglobin, Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug Res., 563, 132-136, 1991.

35.   ROMUALDI P., LESA G., DONATINI A., BALBONI G., TOMATIS R., FERRI S., Alterations in Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide-related peptides after pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures in rat brain, Eur. J. Pharmacol., 229, 149-153, 1992.

36.   CANOSSA M., FERRI S., ROMUALDI P., MELCHIORRE C., Binding profile of WB 4101, benoxathian and of their respective enantiomers at a 1-adrenoceptor subtypes, Pharm. Pharmacol. Lett., 2, 77-79, 1992.

37.   PINCELLI C., FANTINI F., ROMUALDI P., SEVIGNANI C., LESA G., BENASSI L., GIANNETTI A., Substance P is diminished and Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide is augmented in psoriatic lesions and these peptides exert disparate effects on the proliferation of cultured human keratocytes, J. Invest. Dermatol., 98, 421-427, 1992.

38.   FANTINI F., PINCELLI C., ROMUALDI P., DONATINI A., GIANNETTI A., Substance P levels are decreased in lesional skin of atopic dermatitis, Exp. Dermatol., 1, 126-128, 1992.

39.   MARASTONI M., SCARANARI V., ROMUALDI P., DONATINI A., FERRI S., TOMATIS R., Studies on the antiphospholipase A2 and anti-inflammatory activities of a uteroglobin fragment and related peptides, Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug Res., 43, 997-1000, 1993.

40.   ROMUALDI P., Meccanismi cellulari dello sviluppo della tolleranza agli oppiacei. It. J. of Addiction, 1, 46-49, 1993.

41.   ROMUALDI P., DONATINI A., FERRI S., Opioid antagonists up-regulate prodynorphin gene expression in rat brain, Regul. Peptides, 47, 323-325, 1994.

42.   MELCHIORRE C., ROMUALDI P., BOLOGNESI M.L., DONATINI A., FERRI S., Binding profile of benextramine at neuropeptide Y receptor subtypes in rat brain areas, Eur. J. Pharmacol., 265, 93-98, 1994.

43.   ROMUALDI P., LESA G., DONATINI A., FERRI S., Long-term exposure to opioid antagonists up-regulates prodynorphin gene expression in rat brain, Brain Res., 672, 42-47, 1995.

44.   ROMUALDI P., DONATINI A., BREGOLA G., BIANCHI C., BEANI L., FERRI S., SIMONATO M., Early changes in prodynorphin mRNA and ir-dynorphin A levels after kindled seizures, Eur. J. Neurosci., 7, 1850-1856, 1995.

45.   ROMUALDI P., DONATINI A., FERRI S., Prodynorphin gene expression regulation by chronic methamphetamine in rat brain, Analgesia, 1, 679-682, 1995

46.   ROMUALDI P., DONATINI A., IZENWASSER S., COX B.M., FERRI S., Chronic intracerebroventricular cocaine differentially affects prodynorphin gene expression in rat hypothalamus and caudate-putamen, Mol. Brain Res., 40, 153-156, 1996.

47.   SIMONATO M., BREGOLA G., DONATINI A., BIANCHI C., BEANI L., FERRI S., ROMUALDI P., Kindled seizure-induced c-fos and prodynorphin mRNA expressions are unrelated in the rat brain, Eur. J. Neurosci., 8, 2064-2067, 1996.

48.   SIMONATO M. and ROMUALDI P., Dynorphin and epilepsy, Progress in Neurobiology, 50, 557-583, 1996.

49.   ROMUALDI P., DONATINI A., CAPOBIANCO A., FERRI S., Methamphetamine alters prodynorphin gene expression and dynorphin A levels in rat hypothalamus, European J. Pharmacology, 365, 183-186, 1999.

50.   BREGOLA G., CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P., SIMONATO S., Limbic seizures increase pronociceptin mRNA levels in the thalamic reticular nucleus, NeuroReport, 10, 541-546, 1999.

51.   ROMUALDI P., BREGOLA G., DONATINI A., CAPOBIANCO A., SIMONATO S., Region-specific changes in prodynorphin mRNA and ir-dynorphin A levels after seizures, J. Molecular Neurosci., 13, 69-75, 1999.

52.   CANDELETTI S., GUERRINI R., CALO' G., ROMUALDI P., FERRI S., Supraspinal and spinal effects of [Phe1 y (CH2NH)GLY 2]-nociceptin(1-13)-NH2 on nociception in the rat. Life Sci., 66, 257-264, 2000.

53.   FERRANTI A., GIOVANNINETTI G., PIAZZA F., CAPOBIANCO A., CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P., Some new 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline derivatives, Il Farmaco, 55, 47-50, 2000.

54.   ROMUALDI P. and CAPOBIANCO A., Molecular mechanisms underlying the effects of chronic exposure to addictive drugs, in: Progress in the Reduction, Refinement and Replacement of Animal Experimentation, (Balls M., vanZeller A.-M., Halder M.E., eds.), vol. 31, 193-198, 2000.

55.  SANDRINI M., ROMUALDI P., VITALE G., MORELLI G., CAPOBIANCO A., PINI L.A., CANDELETTI S., The effect of a paracetamol and morphine combination on dynorphin A levels in the rat brain, Biochem. Pharmacol., 61, 1409-1416, 2001.

56.  SANDRINI M., ROMUALDI P., CAPOBIANCO A., VITALE G., MORELLI G., PINI L.A., CANDELETTI S., The effect of paracetamol on nociceptin and dynorphin A levels in the rat brain, Neuropeptides, 35, 110-116, 2001

57.   ROMUALDI P., D'ADDARIO C., FERRI S., COX B.M., IZENWASSER S., Chronic GBR12909 administration differentially alters prodynorphin gene expression compared to cocaine, Eur. J. Pharmacol., 413, 207-212, 2001.

58.   BREGOLA G., ZUCCHINI S., FRIGATI L., CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P., REINSCHEID R., SIMONATO M.: Involvement of the Neuropeptide Orphanin FQ/Nociceptin in Kainate and Kindling Seizures and Epileptogenesis. Epilepsia 43 (S5),18-19,2002.

59.   COLLINS S., D'ADDARIO C., ROMUALDI P., CANDELETTI S., IZENWASSER S., Regulation of dynorphin gene expression by k-opioid agonist treatment, NeuroReport, 13, 107-110, 2002.

60.   ROMUALDI P., LANDUZZI D., D'ADDARIO C., CANDELETTI S., Modulation of proorphaninFQ/N gene expression by morphine in the rat mesocorticolimbic system, NeuroReport, 13, 645-648,  2002.

61.   BREGOLA G., ZUCCHINI S., RODI D., BINASCHI A., D'ADDARIO C., LANDUZZI D., REINSCHEID R., CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P., and SIMONATO M. Involvement of the neuropeptide Nociceptin/Orphanin FQ in kainate seizures. J. Neurosci. 22, 10030-10038, 2002

62.   DI BENEDETTO M., D'ADDARIO C., COLLINS S.L., IZENWASSER S., CANDELETTI S. and ROMUALDI P., Role of serotonin on cocaine mediated effects on prodynorphin gene expression in the rat brain, J. Mol. Neuroscience, 22, 213-222, 2004.

63.   APARICIO L.C., CANDELETTI S., BINASCHI A., MAZZUFERI M., DI BENEDETTO M., LANDUZZI D., ROMUALDI P. and SIMONATO M., Kainate Seizures Increase Nociceptin/Orphanin FQ Release in the Rat Hippocampus and Thalamus: a Microdialysis Study, J. Neurochemistry, 91, 30-37, 2004.

64.   D'ADDARIO, C., DI BENEDETTO M.,, IZENWASSER S., CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P., Differential time course of the effects of kappa-opioid agonist treatment on dynorphin A and on k-opioid receptor density, J. Mol. Neuroscience, 24, 307-314, 2004.

65.   DI BENEDETTO M., FELICIANI D., D'ADDARIO C., IZENWASSER  S., CANDELETTI S. and ROMUALDI P., Effects of the selective norepinephrine uptake inhibitor nisoxetine on prodynorphin gene expression in rat CNS,  Mol. Brain Res.,  127, 115-120, 2004.

66.  SANDRINI M, VITALE G., PINI L.A., LOPETUSO G., ROMUALDI P., CANDELETTI S. Nociceptin/orphaninFQ prevents the antinociceptive action of paracetamol on the rat hot plate test, Eur. J. Pharmacol., 507,43-8, 2005.

67.  Marti M., Mela F., Fantin M., Zucchini S., Brown J.M., Witta J., Di Benedetto M., Buzas B., Reinscheid R.K., Salvadori S., Guerrini R., Romualdi P., Candeletti S., Simonato M., Cox B.M., Morari M.,  Blockade of Nociceptin/OrphaninFQ Transmission attenuates Symptoms and Neurodegeneration Associated with Parkinson's Disease, J. Neuroscience,  25:9591–9601, 2005.

68.  Di BENEDETTO M, D'addario C, Candeletti S, ROMUALDI P., Chronic and acute effects of 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine ('Ecstasy') administration on the dynorphinergic system in the rat brain. Neuroscience, 137(1):187-96, 2006. Epub 2005 Nov 10.

69.  Candeletti S., Lopetuso G., Cannarsa R., Cavina C., Romualdi P . Effects of prolonged treatment with the opiate tramadol on prodynorphin gene expression in  rat CNS. J. Mol. Neuroscience, 30:341-348, 2006.

70.  Király, K.P, Riba, P, D'Addario, C., Di Benedetto, M., Landuzzi, D., Candeletti, S., ROMUALDI, P. and FURST S. Alterations in prodynorphin gene expression and dynorphin levels in different brain regions after chronic administration of 14-methoxy-metopon and oxycodone-6-oxime. Brain Res. Bull., 70:233-9, 2006.

71.  Raffaeli W, Samolsky Dekel Gedaliahu B., Landuzzi D., Caminiti A.,  Righetti D.,  Balestri M., Montanari F., Romualdi P. and Candeletti S. Nociceptin levels in the CSF of chronic pain patients with or without intrathecal administration of morphine.J. Pain Symp. and Management, 32:372-377, 2006.

72.  D'Addario C., Di Benedetto M., Izenwasser S., Candeletti S., Romualdi P., Role of serotonin in the regulation of the dynorphinergic system by a kappa-opioid agonist and cocaine treatment in rat CNS.  Neuroscience144:157-64, 2007. Epub 2006 Oct 19.

73.  Di Benedetto M., D'Addario C., Candeletti S., Romualdi P., Alterations of CREB and DARPP-32 phosphorylation following cocaine and monoaminergic uptake inhibitors. Brain Res. 2007 Jan 12;1128(1):33-9. Epub 2006 Nov 27.

74.  Romualdi, P., Di Benedetto, M., D'Addario, C., Colins, S. L., Wade, D.,Candeletti, S., and Izenwasser, S. Chronic cocaine produces decreases in N/OFQ peptide levels in select rat brain regions. J Mol Neurosci 31(2), 159-165, 2007.

75.  D'Addario C., Di Benedetto M., Candeletti S., Romualdi P, The k-opioid receptor agonist U-69593 prevents cocaine-induced DARPP-32 phosphorylation at Thr34 in the rat brain. Brain Res. Bull, 73, 34-39, 2007.

76.   RUBINO T., VIGANO' D., REALINI N., GUIDALI C., BRAIDA D., CAPURRO V., CASTIGLIONI C., CHERUBINO F., ROMUALDI P., CANDELETTI S., SALA M., PAROLARO D., Chronic Delta(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol During Adolescence Provokes Sex-Dependent Changes in the Emotional Profile in Adult Rats: Behavioral and Biochemical Correlates. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2008 Jan 2.

76. C ANNARSA R., L ANDUZZI D., C AVINA C., C ANDELETTI S., R OMUALDI P., Kainic Acid Down-regulates NOP Receptor Density and Gene Expression in Human Neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y Cells. Mol Neurosci. 2008 Jun;35(2):171-7. Epub 2008 Feb 20.

77.  M AIRE-C LAIREC., P ALMINTERIS., R OMUALDIP., N OBLEF., Effects of the selective neurotensin antagonist SR 142948A on 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced behaviours in mice. Neuropharmacology2008 Jun;54(7):1107-11. Epub 2008 Mar 8.





B) Short Communications con Referees:


78. FERRI S., CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P., SPAMPINATO S., Effects of opioid and non-opioid peptides intrathecally administered on nociceptive transmission, Pain, Suppl.2, S230, 1984.

79.      CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., FERRI S., ROMUALDI P., SPAMPINATO S., SPERONI E. Characterization of antinociceptive profiles of intrathecal dynorphin and calcitonin‑related peptides, Brit. J. Pharmacol., 86, 528P, 1985.

80. FERRI S., CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., Effect of calcitonin-related peptides on nociception and thermoregulation of the rat. Pain (Suppl. 4), S46, 1987.

81.      ROMUALDI P., COX B.M., FERRI S., Evidence for the presence of VIP 22-28 heptapeptide in rat brain cortex, Pharmacol. Res. Commun., 20, Suppl. 1, 35-36, 1988.

82.      ROMUALDI P., FERRI S., SCHOENBERG D.R., COX B.M., Prodynorphin gene expression in rat brain by "in situ" hybridization, Pharmacol. Res. Commun., 20, Suppl. 2, 330, 1988.

83.      ROMUALDI P., CAVICCHINI E., CANDELETTI E., FERRI S., Interplay between VIP and serotonergic system in rat CNS, Pharmacol. Res. Commun., 20, Suppl. 2, 329, 1988.

84. FERRI S., ROMUALDI P., SPAMPINATO S., Regulation of opioid peptide gene expression by antisense RNA. Neurosci. Lett. (Suppl. 33), S86, 1988.

85.      SALVADORI S., MARASTONI M., BALBONI G., SCARANARI V., SANTAGADA V., ROMUALDI P., FERRI S., TOMATIS R., Synthesis and activity of antiflamin, In: Peptides 1990, Giralt E. and Andreu D. Eds. Leiden, 1991, pp. 757-758.

86.      ROMUALDI P., LESA G., DONATINI A., FERRI S., Changes in VIP-related peptides after seizures in rat brain, Neuropeptides, 22, 57, 1992.

87.      ROMUALDI P., SIMONATO M., BREGOLA G., DONATINI A., BIANCHI C., BEANI L., FERRI S., Prodynorphin gene expression in different rat brain areas in the kindling model of epilepsy, Brit. J. Pharmacol., 111, 126P, 1994.

88.      ROMUALDI P., DONATINI A., FERRI S., Chronic bupropion and imipramine differently affect prodynorphin gene expression., Trends in Neuroscience, 20, suppl.9, 34, 1997.

89.      ROMUALDI P., CAPOBIANCO A., FERRI S., Prodynorphin gene expression regulation by antidepressants in rat brain. Naunyn-Schmiedberg, Archives of Pharmacology,  45, 567, 1998.


C) Elenco delle Partecipazioni a Congressi:


  1. FERRI S.,  CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., SPERONI E., SPAMPINATO S., Modulation of nociception by intrathecally administered calcitonin and dynorphin, 3rd Capo Boi Conference on Neuroscience, Abstr. 28, Villasimius, 29 May-2 June 1983.
  2. SPAMPINATO S.,  CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P., RUSSO A., S. STANZANI, FERRI S., Effects of hypothalamic lesions on the content of dynorphin immunoreactivity in pituitary, Proc. International Narcotic Research Conference, Abstr. 111, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 26 June-July 1 1983.
  3. FERRI S., CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., CHIECO P., ROMUALDI P., SPERONI E., SPAMPINATO S., SPADARO C., Effects of opioid peptides on gastric lesions, 1st Int. Meeting of the Italian Society of Endocrinology. Recent Progress in opioid Research. Central and Peripheral Endorphins, Abstr. pag. 53, Viareggio, 6-8 Ottobre 1983.
  4. CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P., CAVICCHINI E., FERRI S., Modulazione della trasmissione nocicettiva operata a livello spinale da peptidi endogeni oppioidi e non oppioidi, XX Congresso Nazionale A.I.D.M., Abstr. pag. 4, Bologna, 14-16 Ottobre 1983.
  5. SPAMPINATO S., CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P., SPERONI E., CAVICCHINI E., FERRI S., Modulation of the spinal nociceptive transmission by intrathecal opioid and non opioid peptides, 5th Joint Meeting Italian and Soviet Neuropharmacologists, Abstr. pag. 2, Florence, 23-25 November 1983.
  6. GARUTI L., GIOVANNINETTI G., SPERONI E., ROMUALDI P., Calcio antagonisti a base indolica, Atti IV Con. Naz. Div. Chim. Farmaceutica, Palermo, 18-22 Ottobre 1983, p.143.
  7. FERRI S., CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., SPERONI E., SPAMPINATO S., Opioid receptors mediating the antinociceptive effect of dynorphin at spinal cord level, It. Congr. Neuroreceptor Mechanisms in Human Diseases, Abstr. pag. 25, Florence, 21-23 March 1984.
  8. CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., SPAMPINATO S., SPERONI E., FERRI S., Antinociceptive activity of intrathecal opioid and non opioid peptides ascertained by different analgesimetric procedures, 1st World Conference on Inflammation, Antirheumatics, Analgesics, Immunomodulators, Abstr. pag. 87, Venice, 16-18 April 1984.
  9. CANDELETTI S., FERRI G-L., ROMUALDI P., SPAMPINATO S., SOIMERO L., FERRI S., LABO' G., Evidence for the presence of immunoreactive dynorphin throughout the human gastrointestinal tract, Opioid Peptides in Periphery, Abstr. pag. 54, Rome, 23-25 May 1984.
  10. FERRI S., CANDELETTI S., SPAMPINATO S., ROMUALDI P., CAVICCHINI E., SPERONI E., Basic pharmacology of the manipulation of the analgesizing system, 1st Congress of the Mediterranean Society of Therapy, Florence, 10-15 June 1984.
  11. SPAMPINATO S., CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., SPERONI E.,  RUSSO A., STANZANI S., FERRI S., Regulation of immunoreactive dynorphin in rat anterior pituitary, 14th C.I.N.P. Congress, Abstr. 668, Florence, 19-23 June 1984.
  12. SPAMPINATO S., CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P., CAVICCHINI E., PANERAI A.E., FERRI S., Possible involvement of the spinal dynorphinergic system in stress-induced analgesia, Proc. International Narcotic Research Conference, Abstr. P13, Cambridge, 23-28 July 1984.
  13. SPAMPINATO S., CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P., FERRI S., Opioid receptors mediating antinociceptive and motor effects of dynorphin A at spinal level, 9th Int. Congr. of Pharmacology,  Abstr. 273, London, 29 July-4 August 1984.
  14. SPAMPINATO S., CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P., CAVICCHINI E., FERRI S., Effect of intrathecal opioid and non opioid peptides on nociceptive transmission, XXII Congresso della Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Abstr. pag. 442, Bologna, 10-13 Ottobre 1984.
  15. CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., FERRI S., ROMUALDI P., SPERONI E., SPAMPINATO S., Impact of opioid and non opioid peptides on nociceptive transmission at spinal cord level, Ist  Congress of Italian Soc. of Neuroscience, Abstr.174, Rome, 12-15 dicembre 1984.
  16. FERRI S., CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., SPERONI E., SPAMPINATO S., Coinvolgimento di peptidi oppioidi e non oppioidi nella trasmissione nocicettiva a livello spinale. VIII Congresso Nazionale dell'AISD, Verona, 4‑5 maggio 1985.
  17. SPAMPINATO S., CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., SPERONI E., FERRI S., Possible involvement of the spinal dynorphinergic system in the response to aversive stimuli. International Narcotic Research Conference 1985, North Fallmouth MA, USA, June 23-28, 1985.
  18. FERRI S., CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., SPERONI E., SPAMPINATO S., Possible involvement of the spinal dynorphinergic system in nociceptive mechanisms. 4 ° Congr. Hungarian Pharmacological Society, Budapest, August 1985.
  19. SPAMPINATO S., CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., SPERONI E., FERRI S., Characterization of antinociceptive profiles of intrathecal dynorphin and calcitonin‑related peptides. Proc. British Pharmacological Society, Joint Meeting with S.I.F., Edinburgh, September 1985.
  20. FERRI S., CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P., SPAMPINATO S., Pharmacodynamic profiles of prodynorphin‑derived peptides. Int. Symposium on Pain Therapy, Rome, September 1985.
  21. CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., FERRI S., ROMUALDI P., SPAMPINATO S., SPERONI E., Possible relationships between proopiomelanocortin and prodynorphin derived peptides. 4th Capo Boi Conference on Neuroscience. Villasimius, June 2-7, 1985.
  22. SPAMPINATO S., CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., SPERONI E., FERRI S., Effect of neuropeptides on the modulation of pain and motility. International Conference on Pain and Motility. From physiology to overt behaviour. Milano, March 18-21, 1986.

23.   FERRI S., CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., SPAMPINATO S., SPERONI E., Trattamenti farmacologici e non farmacologici per il controllo del dolore. Progetto Finalizzato "Medicina Preventiva e Riabilitativa". Risultati e Prospettive, Roma, 17-21 marzo 1986.

  1. FERRI S., CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., SPAMPINATO S., SPERONI E., Investigations on dynorphin structurally-related opioid peptides. I. Impact on nociceptive transmission. II. Regulation of pituitary content. VI Joint Meeting of Soviet-Italian Neuropharmacologist, Tashkent, U.S.S.R., April 19-26, 1986.
  2. SPAMPINATO S., CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., SPERONI E., FERRI S., Differential effects of selective brain lesions on CNS ir-dynorphin. Proc. International Narcotic Research Conference, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A., 6-11 July 1986.
  3. CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., SPAMPINATO S., SPERONI E., FERRI S., Pharmacology of neuropeptides in nociceptive transmission. International Workshop on Trends in Cluster Headache, Chieti-Montesilvano, September 7-10, 1986.
  4. CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., SPADARO C., SPERONI E., SPAMPINATO S., FERRI S., Comparazione dell'effetto antinocicettivo e ipertermizzante di alcuni peptidi correlati alla calcitonina. Simposio Internazionale "La Calcitonina nell'Osteoporosi". Stato dell'arte, attualità e prospettiva, Giardini Naxos, 26-27 settembre 1986, Abstr. no. 131.
  5. CANDELETTI S., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., SPAMPINATO S., SPERONI E., FERRI S., Lesioni di aree cerebrali e livelli centrali di dinorfine. XXIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Sanremo, 6-8 Ottobre 1986.
  6. SPAMPINATO S., CANDELETTI S, ROMUALDI P. and FERRI S., Estrogen influence on hypothalamic and pituitary dynorphins, Proc. First Joint Meet. Ital. and Dutch Pharmacol. Soc., Florence, May 10-13, 1987, p.29.
  7. SPAMPINATO S., CANDELETTI S., CANOSSA M., CAVICCHINI E., ROMUALDI P., FERRI S., Estrogen‑induced changes in pituitary ir-dynorphin in the rat. Regulatory roles of opioid peptides. II International Congress of Neuroscience. Budapest, August 14-15, 1987, Atti p. 80.
  8. ROMUALDI P., SCHOENBERG D.R., COX B.M., STROCCHI P., FERRI S.,  CNS localization of prodynorphin mRNA by "in situ hybridization". Biotech RIA '88 Molecular Probes. Florence, April 11-13, 1988, p. 174.
  9. ROMUALDI P., SPAMPINATO S., Gene expression of prodynorphin in rat brain evaluated by "in sity hybridization". Joint Soviet-Italian Meet. on Neuropsychopharmacology. Copanello, September 19-21, 1988, p. 47.
  10. ROMUALDI P., FERRI S., COX B.M., SCHOENBERG D.R., Prodynorphin gene expression in the rat brain. European Conference on Biotechnology. Verona, November 7-8 1988, p. 231-232.
  11. ROMUALDI P., LESA G., FERRI S., Chronic opiates affect prodynorphin gene expression, Post Febs '89. Società Italiana di Biochimica. Symposium on Biochemistry for Biotechnology. Villa Olmo, Como,  July 10-11, 1989, pp.31-32.
  12. ROMUALDI P., LESA G., FERRI S., The opioid antagonist naloxone influences prodynorphin gene expression. IV Riunione Gruppo Inter-Regionale Società Italiana di Farmacologia. Bologna, 15 Dicembre 1989, pp. 1-2.
  13. PINCELLI C., FANTINI F., ROMUALDI P., LESA G., GIANNETTI A., Increased VIP levels in lesional skin of psoriasis. Society for Investigative Dermatology. Washington, May 2-5 1990.
  14. ROMUALDI P., LESA G., FERRI S., Chronic exposure to opioid agonists and antagonist affect prodynorphin gene expression. 2nd Joint Meeting Italian and Hungarian Pharmacological Societies. Budapest, May 14-15, 1990.
  15. PINCELLI C., FANTINI F., ROMUALDI P., LESA G., GIROLIMONI G., MASSIMI P., GIANNETTI A., Increased VIP levels in lesional skin of atopic dermatitis, 1st International Congress ISNIM. Florence, May 23-26, 1990.
  16. PINCELLI C., FANTINI F., BARANZONI N., ROMUALDI P., LESA G., SEVIGNANI C., GIANNETTI A. Polipeptide vasoattivo intestinale (VIP) e psoriasi: studio radioimmunologico, 66° Cong. Naz. Soc. It. Derm. Ven., Bologna, 30 maggio-2 giugno 1990, Abstr. no. 37.
  17. ROMUALDI P., LESA G., FERRI S., Differential changes in rat brain levels of ir‑VIP after pentylenetetrazole seizures. IUPHAR XIth  International Congress of Pharmacology. Amsterdam, July 2-6, 1990.
  18. SALVADORI S., MARASTONI M., BALBONI G., ROMUALDI P., FERRI S.,  TOMATIS R., Synthesis and bioactivity of "antiflammins". 21st European Peptide Symposium, Platja d'Aro, September 2-8, 1990, Abs. 288.

42.   FANTINI F., PINCELLI C., ROMUALDI P., LESA G., SEIDENARI S., Cutaneous VIP levels in the elicitation phase of allergic contact dermatitis. 9th Symposium Adv. in Skin Pharmacology. Cannes, October 4-6, 1990, p. 34-35.

43.   FANTINI F., PINCELLI C., ROMUALDI P., LESA G., GIROLOMONI G., GIANNETTI A. Increased vasoactive intestinal polypeptide levels in lesional skin of atopic dermatitis, 20th Meet. Eur. Soc. Derm. Res., Turin, 1990, Abstr. no. 88.

44.   FANTINI F., PINCELLI C., ROMUALDI P., LESA G., GIANNETTI A., Quantification of Substance P cutaneous levels in atopic dermatitis. 21st Ann. Meet. Eur. Soc. Derm. Res. Copenhagen, July 10-14, 1991, Abs. 54.

45.   FANTINI F., PINCELLI C., ROMUALDI P., LESA G., GIANNETTI A., Substance P cutaneous levels are decreased in psoriasis, Proc. 5th Int. Psor. Symp., S. Francisco, CA, USA, August 10-14, 1991, p. 178.

46.   FERRI S., CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P., SPAMPINATO S.,  CANOSSA M., LESA G., Sviluppo di sonde molecolari per lo studio dell'espressione genica di neuropeptidi. Convegno del Progetto Finalizzato CNR "Biotecnologie e Biostrumentazione". Genova, 22-26 Settembre 1991, p. 308.

47.   ROMUALDI P., LESA G., Profilo farmacologico del neuropeptide VIP 22-28 di recente individuazione. Soc. It. Neuroscienze, Firenze, 28-30 Novembre 1991, p. 27.

48.   ROMUALDI P., LESA G., NEGRI L., FERRI S., Opioid gene regulation by m, k, d opiate agonists. 3rd Joint Meet. Hungarian, Italian, Polish Pharmacol. Soc., Modena, June 8-10, 1992, p. 264-265.

49.   FANTINI F., PINCELLI C., ROMUALDI P., LESA G., SEVIGNANI C., GIANNETTI A., Substance P and Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide in the pathogenesis of psoriatic lesions, 18th World congress of dermatology, New York, June 12-18, 1992, p. 63A.

50.   ROMUALDI P., LESA G., NEGRI L., MELCHIORRI P., FERRI S., Chronic D-Ala2-Deltorphin I alters prodynorphin gene expression in rat brain. Proc. Int. Narc. Res. Conf., Keystone, Colorado, June 23-27, 1992, p. 143.

51.   ROMUALDI P., LESA G., FERRI S., Regulation of opioid gene expression following chronic opiate treatment. XXVI Congresso della Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Napoli, 29 settembre - 3 ottobre, 1992, p. 16.

52.   ROMUALDI P., DONATINI A., FERRI S., Regulation of prodynorphin gene expression by chronic opiate receptor agonists. Joint Meeting of Russian and Italian Neuropharmacologists. Molecular Pharmacology of the CNS, Urbino, October 14-16, 1992, p. 26.

53.   ROMUALDI P., IZENWASSER S., COX B.M., FERRI S., Chronic cocaine administration affects opioid gene expression in rat brain. Proc. International Narcotic Research Conference, Skovde, Sweden,  July 10-15, 1993, Abst. p. 80.

54.   ROMUALDI P., DONATINI A., FERRI S., Opioid antagonists up-regulate prodynorphin gene expression in rat brain.  Proc. International Narcotic Research Conference, Skovde, Sweden,  July 10-15, 1993. Abst. p. 81.

55.   ROMUALDI P., SIMONATO M., BREGOLA G., DONATINI A., BIANCHI C., BEANI L., FERRI S., Prodynorphin gene expression in different rat brain areas in the kindling model of epilepsy.  Proc. British Pharmacological Society. V Joint Meeting, Roma, September 14-16, 1993. Abst. C158.

56.   ROMUALDI P., DONATINI A., FERRI S., Central effects of the VIP-related neuropeptide VIP 22-28. III European Neuropeptide Club, Verona, October 14, 1993. Abst. 5.

57.   ROMUALDI P., DONATINI A., FERRI S., Prodynorphin gene expression is affected by chronic exposure to opiates and cocaine. XII International Congress of Pharmacology, Montréal, Canada 24-29 July 1994. Abstr. p. 394.

58.   ROMUALDI P., DONATINI A., FERRI S., Regulation of prodynorphin gene expression by chronic opiate agonists and antagonists. 10th Meeting of the European Society for Neurochemistry, Jerusalem, Istrael, 14-19 August 1994. Abstr. S56C.

59.   ROMUALDI P., DONATINI A., FERRI S., m, k and d  opioid antagonists up-regulate prodynorphin gene expression in rat brain. IV Joint Meeting of Hungarian, Italian and Polish Pharmacological Societies, Poznan, 19-21 September 1994. Abstr. p. 219.

60.   CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P., FERRI S., Enhancement of prodynorphin gene expression in rat CNS after dorsal rhizotomy. XXVII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Torino, 25-29 Settembre 1994. Abstr. p. 26.

61.   ROMUALDI P., SIMONATO M., BREGOLA G., DONATINI A., BIANCHI C., BEANI L., FERRI S., Early changes in ir-dynorphin A content in the rat brain following kindled seizures. XXVII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Torino, 25-29 Settembre 1994. Abstr. p. 358.

62.   ROMUALDI P., DONATINI A., FERRI S., Regolazione dell'espressione genica del peptide oppioide prodinorfina dopo somministrazione cronica di oppiacei e cocaina. 7 ° Congresso della Società di Psichiatria Biologica, S. Margherita di Pula-Cagliari, 4-7 Ottobre 1994. Abstr. p. 69.

63.   ROMUALDI P., DONATINI A., FERRI S., Chronic methamphetamine affects prodynorphin gene expression in rat brain. First European Congress of Pharmacology, Milan, June 16-19, 1995, Abstr. p. 111.

64.   ROMUALDI P., DONATINI A., FERRI S., Prodynorphin gene expression regulation by chronic methamphetamine in rat brain. XXVI International Narcotics Research Conference, St. Andrews, UK, July 9-13, 1995. Asbtr. T50.

  1. ROMUALDI P., DONATINI A., FERRI S., Prodynorphin gene expression regulation by methamphetamine in mesocorticolimbic areas of rat brain, Proc. 3rd Joint Meet. French-Italian Pharmacol. Soc., Capri 23-25 May, 1996, Fund. Clin. Pharmacol., 10, 213, 1996.

66.   ROMUALDI P., DONATINI A., FERRI S., Cocaine and methamphetamine differently affect prodynorphin gene expression in rat brain, VII Congress on University and Biotechnology Inn., Genova, 15-16 July 1996, p.53.

  1. ROMUALDI P., DONATINI A., FERRI S., Dopaminergic involvement in methamphetamine-induced  prodynorphin gene expression  in rat mesocorticolimbic system, Proc. INRC, Long Beach, CA, 21-26 July 1996, P50.
  2. SIMONATO M., BREGOLA G., DONATINI A., BIANCHI C., BEANI L., FERRI S., ROMUALDI P., Kindled seizure-induced c-fos and prodynorphin mRNA expressions are unrelated in the rat brain, II° Meet. of European Neuroscience, Strasbourg, France, 24-28 September 1996, abst. 113.20, p. 208.
  3. BREGOLA G., DONATINI A., ROMUALDI P., SIMONATO M., Espressione di prodinorfina e di c-fos nel cervello di ratto in seguito a convulsioni da kindling, Proc.  V Congr. Naz. Giovani Cultori delle Neuroscienze, Soc. It. Neuroscienze, Pisa, 12-14 dicembre 1996, abstr. R6.
  4. ROMUALDI P., DONATINI A., FERRI S., Methamphetamine-induced prodynorphin gene expression and dopaminergic involvement in rat mesocorticolimbic system, Proc. XXVIII Nat. Congr. of It. Pharmacol. Soc., Bari, April 30-May 3, 1997, p.53.
  5. ROMUALDI P., DONATINI A., FERRI S., Chronic bupropion and imipramine differently affect prodynorphin gene expression in rat brain., 6th World Congr. Biol. Psychiatry, Nice, France, June 2-7, 1997.
  6. ROMUALDI P., DONATINI A., FERRI S., Chronic bupropion and imipramine differently affect prodynorphin gene expression., 7th Congr. Ital. Soc. Neurosciences, Brescia, September 20-23, 1997, Abstract P55.

73.  ROMUALDI P., CAPOBIANCO A., DONATINI A., FERRI S., Prodynorphin gene expression regulation by chronic antidepressants, 6th Joint Meet. Italian, Hungarian and Polish Pharmacol. Soc., Pisa, May, 14-16, 1998, P163.

74.  ROMUALDI P., CAPOBIANCO A., DONATINI A., FERRI S., The atypical antidepressant bupropion affects prodynorphin gene expression in rat brain. Proc. 29° Int. Narc. Res. Conf., Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 20-25 July 1998, Abstract Fr05, p.62.

  1. ROMUALDI P., CAPOBIANCO A., FERRI S., Prodynorphin gene expression regulation by antidepressants in rat brain. 13th IUPHAR, Munchen, 26-31 July 1998, p.

76.   SIMONATO S., BREGOLA G., BEANI L., CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P.,             Increased pronociceptin gene expression in the thalamic reticular nucleus following limbic seizures. 28th Ann. Meet. Soc. for Neuroscience, Los Angeles, November 7-12,             1998. Abstract no. 850.15, p. 2140.

77.   ROMUALDI P., BREGOLA G., CAPOBIANCO A.,  SIMONATO M., Region-specific changes in prodynorphin mRNA and ir-Dynorphin A levels afetr seizures. Regul. Peptides, vol. 80, 9th Meeting Europ. Neuropeptide Club, Ferrara, Italy, May 12-15, 1999, p. 130.

  1. ROMUALDI P., CAPOBIANCO A., FERRI S., Dopaminergic involvement in cocaine-induced effects on  prodynorphin gene expression  in rat brain. Proc. XXIX  Nat. Congr. It. Pharmacol. Soc., Florence, Italy, 20-23 June 1999, p. 42.
  2. CANDELETTI S., BREGOLA G., ROMUALDI P., SIMONATO M., Kainate-induced limbic seizures increase pronociceptin gene expression. Proc. XXIX  Nat. Congr. It. Pharmacol. Soc., Florence, Italy, 20-23 June 1999, p. 80.
  3. ROMUALDI P. Molecular mechanisms underlying the effects of chronic exposure to addictive drugs. ATLA, vol. 27, special issue July 1999, Third World Congr. On Alternatives and Animal use in the Life Sci., 29 August-2 September 1999,  Bologna, Italy, p. 75.
  4. ROMUALDI P., CAPOBIANCO A., FERRI S., COX B.M.,  IZENWASSER S., Differential alterations in prodynorphin gene expression following chronic administration of GBR 12909 or cocaine, 29th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Miami Beach, FLA, USA, October 23-28, 1999, abs. 327.5, p. 811.
  5. ROMUALDI P., MAIE I., FERRI S. "Ecstasy: acute and chronic effects on endogenous opioid system in rat CNS" La Neuropsicofarmacologia nel terzo millenio-XII Cong. Soc. It. Neuropsicofarmacologia (Cagliari, 7-10/6/2000) a cura di Biggio G. Fratta W.pp. 145-145, Societa' Italiana di Neuropsicofarmacologia, Cagliari, 2000
  6. D'ADDARIO C., LANDUZZI D., FUSCONI E., ROMUALDI P., CANDELETTI S."Alterations of pronociceptin biosynthesis after acute and chronic morphine administrations in rat CNS"SIF-VII Convegno Nazionale dei Giovani Cultori delle Neuroscienze (Pisa, 5-7/12/2000) a cura di Corsini G.U. Giovannini L. Maggio R. Scalori V.pp. 54-54, Universita' degli Studi di Pisa- Societa' Italiana di Neuroscienze,

84.  BREGOLA G., ZUCCHINI S., FRIGATI L., CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P., REINSCHEID R., SIMONATO M., Involvement of the nueropeptide orphanin FQ/nociceptin in kainate and kindling seizures and epileptogenesis, VI Workshop on Neurobiology of Epilepsy, Iguazù, Brazil, May 8-12, 2001.

85.   BREGOLA G., ZUCCHINI S., FRIGATI L., CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P., REINSCHEID R., SIMONATO M., Involvement of the neuropeptide orphanin FQ/nociceptin in kainate and kinding seizures and epileptogenesis, Nat. Congr. It. Pharmacol. Soc., Genova, Italy, may 30-June 2, 2001, Pharmacol. Res. 43(A), 77, 2001.

86.   ROMUALDI P., FERRI S., LANDUZZI D., FUSCONI E., D'ADDARIO C., CANDELETTI S., Modulation of pronociceptin gene expression in the rat brain, Nat. Congr. It. Pharmacol. Soc., Genoa, Italy, May 30-June 2, 2001, Pharmacol. Res. 43(A), 157, 2001.

87.   CANDELETTI S., LANDUZZI D., D'ADDARIO C., ROMUALDI P., Acute and chronic morphine affect proOFQ/N gene expression in different rat brain areas, 32th International Narcotics Research Conference, Helsinki (Finland) July 14-19, 2001. Abstr. p. 43.

88.   IZENWASSER S., CANDELETTI S., D'ADDARIO C., DI BENEDETTO M., COLLINS S.L., ROMUALDI P., Depletion of serotonin blocks the regulation of dynorphin by kappa-opioid agonists, 33th International Narcotics Research Conference, Asilomar, Pacific Grove, CA (USA) July 9-14, 2002. Abstr. p. 31.

89.   COLLINS S.L., D'ADDARIO C., ROMUALDI P., CANDELETTI S., IZENWASSER S., Regulation of dynorphin gene expression by kappa-opioid agonists and cocaine, 33th International Narcotics Research Conference, Asilomar, Pacific Grove, CA (USA) July 9-14, 2002. Abstr. p. 70

90.   D'ADDARIO C., IZENWASSER S., ROMUALDI P., CANDELETTI S., Regolazione dell'espressione genica della prodinorfina da parte dell'U-69593, agonista del recettore oppioide kappa, VII Convegno Monotematico S.I.F. “Aspetti Neurochimici e Farmacologici delle Dipendenze”, Capri, 20 Settembre 2002. Abstr. O9.

91.   DI BENEDETTO M., CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P., Effetti della fluoxetina sull'espressione genica del precursore oppioide prodinorfina nel SNC di ratto, VII Convegno Monotematico S.I.F. “Aspetti Neurochimici e Farmacologici delle Dipendenze”, Capri, 20 Settembre 2002. Abstr. P3.

  1. LANDUZZI D., ROMUALDI P., Effetti della morfina sull'espressione genica del recettore della nocicettina  (NOP) in cellule SH-SY5Y, VII Convegno Monotematico, Aspetti Neurochimici e Farmacologici delle Dipendenze, Capri, 20 settembre 2002, p. 5.
  2. COLLINS S.L., ROMUALDI P., CANDELETTI S., IZENWASSER S., Serotonin depletion decreases the effects of U-69593 on cocaine-stimulated activity, 32th Annual Meeting of The Society for Neuroscience, Orlando (FL, USA), November 2-7, 2002. Abstr. 608.9.
  3. D'ADDARIO C., CANDELETTI S., COLLINS S.L., DI BENEDETTO M., IZENWASSER S., ROMUALDI P., Cocaine and fluoxetine produce opposite effects on dynorphin gene expression, 32th Annual Meeting of The Society for Neuroscience, Orlando (FL, USA), November 2-7, 2002. Abstr. 608.10.

95.   DI BENEDETTO M., D'ADDARIO C., FELICIANI D., CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P., Effects of chronic nisoxetine on prodynorphin gene expression in rat CNS, 31° Congresso della Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Trieste, 26-29 Giugno 2003.

96.   LANDUZZI D., D'ADDARIO C., DI BENEDETTO M., CEVOLANI A., ROMUALDI P., CANDELETTI S., Hiipocampal N/OFQ and NOP receptor alterations induced by morphine tolerance, 31° Congresso della Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Trieste, 26-29 Giugno 2003.

97.   CANDELETTI S., FERRI S., ROMUALDI P., Comparison of the effects of a prolonged exposure to tramadol or morphine on prodynorphin gene expression, 34th International Narcotics Research Conference, 6-11 July, Perpignan, France.

98.   ROMUALDI P., D'ADDARIO C., DI BENEDETTO M., IZENWASSER S., CANDELETTI S., Differential time course of the effects of kappa-opioid agonist treatment on dynorphin A and on kappa-opioid receptor density, 34th International Narcotics Research Conference, 6-11 July, Perpignan, France.

99.   CANDELETTI S., LANDUZZI D., D'ADDARIO C., DI BENEDETTO M., ROMUALDI P., Chronic morphine markedly affects the nociceptin/orphanin FQ system in the rat hippocampus, 34th International Narcotics Research Conference, 6-11 July, Perpignan, France.

  1. Simonato M., Aparicio L., Bregola G., Zucchini S., Rodi D., Binaschi A., Mazzuferi M., D'Addario C., Landuzzi D., Di Benedetto M., Reinscheid R., Romualdi P. Candeletti S.: Involvement of the Neuropeptide Nociceptin/Orphanin FQ in Kainate Seizures. XLVI Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Fisiologicas. Aguascalientes, Mexico, 3-6 Agosto 2003. 

101.                       LANDUZZI D., D'ADDARIO C., DI BENEDETTO M., ROMUALDI P., CANDELETTI S., possible involvement of nociceptin/NOP endogenous system in morphine tolerance in the rat hippocampus, VIII Convegno Monotematico della Società Italiana di Farmacologia su “La Nocicettina/Orfanina FQ ed il suo recettore: recenti acquisizioni fisiofarmacologiche e prospettive farmacoterapeutiche”, Camerino, 15 Settembre 2003.

102.                       MAZZUFERI M., SIMONATO M., APARICIO L., BREGOLA G., ZUCCHINI S., RODI D., BINASCHI A., D'ADDARIO C., LANDUZZI D., DI BENEDETTO M., REINSCHEID R., ROMUALDIi P., CANDELETTI S.: Involvement of the Neuropeptide Nociceptin/Orphanin FQ in Kainate Seizures. Convegno Monotematico della Società Italiana di Farmacologia su “La Nocicettina/Orfanina FQ ed il suo recettore: recenti acquisizioni fisiofarmacologiche e prospettive farmacoterapeutiche”. Camerino, 15 Settembre 2003.

  1. MAZZUFERI M., SIMONATO M., APARICIO L., BREGOLA G., ZUCCHINI S., RODI D., BINASCHI A., D'ADDARIO C., LANDUZZI D., DI BENEDETTO M., REINSCHEID R., ROMUALDIi P., CANDELETTI S. Involvement of the Neuropeptide Nociceptin/Orphanin FQ in Kainate Seizures. Società Italiana di Neuroscienze. Pisa, 26-28 Settembre 2003.
  2. K. Királi, C. D'Addario, M. Di Benedetto, D. Landuzzi, P. Riba, S. Candeletti, P. Romualdi, S. Fürst, Alterations of the dynorphinergic system during tolerance development in rat brain by novel opioid compounds. EOC, Visegrad, Hungary, April –7, 2004, p.23.
  3. M. Di Benedetto, D. Landuzzi, C. D'Addario, G. Lopetuso, S. Candeletti, P. Romualdi, Alterations in prodynorphin gene expression in 6-OHDA lesioned rat brain. XIV SINPF Bologna, June 1-4, 2004, p.19. 
  4. D. Landuzzi, S. Candeletti, P. Romualdi. Regulation of NOP receptor density by delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol treatment in SH-SY5Y cells. ICRS, 14th annual symposium on the cannabinoid, Paestum, June 22-27 2004, p.232.
  5. LANDUZZI D., CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P. Modulation of nociceptin/NOP system by delta9-THC in SH-SY5Y cell line, Second European workshop on cannabinoid research, Busto Arsizio (Varese, Italy), 29-30 Aprile, 2005, p. 77.
  6. LANDUZZI D., CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P., Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol down regualtes NOP receptor gene expression in SH-SY5Y cells, 32° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Napoli, 1-4 giugno 2005, p.142.
  7. Di Benedetto M., D'Addario C., Candeletti S., Romualdi P ROLE OF DIFFERENT NEUROTRANSMITTERS ON COCAINE-MEDIATED EFFECTS ON PRODYNORPHIN GENE EXPRESSION AND CREB ACTIVATION IN THE RAT BRAIN. , 32° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Napoli, 1-4 giugno 2005, p.144.
  8.       DI BENEDETTO M., D'ADDARIO C., CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P Possibile role of  NOCICEPTIN/OFQ-NOP system in experimental models of  Parkinson  disease, 32° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Napoli, 1-4 giugno 2005, p.142.
  10. LANDUZZI D., CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P.,  Cocaine affects NOP receptor gene expression in SH-SY5Y cells, XI Convegno Monotematico SIF Neurofarmacologia e Neurobiologia delle Dipendenze, Bologna 9 settembre 2005, p. 37.
  11. LANDUZZI D., CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P., Cross-talk between CB1 and NOP receptors in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells XI Convegno Monotematico SIF Neurofarmacologia e Neurobiologia delle Dipendenze, Bologna 9 settembre 2005, p. 38.
  12.    Di Benedetto M., D'Addario C., Candeletti S., Romualdi P.EFFECTS OF 3,4-METHYLENDIOXY-N-METHYLAMPHETAMINE (MDMA, ‘ECSTASY') ADMINISTRATION ON THE DYNORPHINERGIC SYSTEM IN THE RAT BRAIN. XI Convegno Monotematico SIF Neurofarmacologia e Neurobiologia delle Dipendenze, Bologna 9 settembre 2005, p. 45.
  13. D'Addario C., Drgon T, Romualdi P. and Uhl GR .Linkage disequilibrium and haplotype analysis of polymorphisms in the GABA receptor cluster on chromosome 4: association study. XI Convegno Monotematico SIF Neurofarmacologia e Neurobiologia delle Dipendenze, Bologna 9 settembre 2005, p. 43.
  14. LOPETUSO G., ROMUALDI P., CANDELETTI S., NOP receptor density is reduced by chronic infusion with buprenorphine in selected rat brain areas, XI Convegno Monotematico SIF Neurofarmacologia e Neurobiologia delle Dipendenze, Bologna 9 settembre 2005, p. 25.
  15. LOPETUSO G., LANDUZZI D., CANDELETTI S., ROMUALDI P., Different impact of chronic tramadol or morphine on prodynorphin  gene expression, XI Convegno Monotematico SIF Neurofarmacologia e Neurobiologia delle Dipendenze, Bologna 9 settembre 2005, p. 30.
  16. Romualdi P., Gli oppiacei nel trattamento farmacologico del dolore da cancro: recenti acquisizioni di farmacogenetica. XIII Congr. Naz. Di Cure Palliative,  Bologna, 26 Aprile 2006.
  17. Romualdi P ., The Pharmacology of Opiates, ABCDE Meeting, Bologna 6 June, 2006.
  18. Romualdi P., The Pharmacology of Opiates, ABCDE Meeting, Bologna 6 June, 2006.
  19. Di Benedetto M, D'Addario C., Candeletti S., Romualdi P, Role of CREB in the prodynorphin gene expression  regulation by MDMA, Int. Narcotic Research Conference, Berlin 8-13 July 2007, Abst. 233.
  20. Di Benedetto M, Porticella E., D'Addario C., Candeletti S., Romualdi P,. Role of CREB in the prodynorphin gene expression regulation by MDMA, 33° Congresso nazionale della SIF, Cagliari, 6-9 Giugno 2007, p. 171
  21. D´Addario C, Di Benedetto M, Candeletti S, Romualdi P.,  The k-opioid receptor agonist U-69593 prevents cocaine-induced DARPP-32 phosphorylation at the P34 in the rat brain, 33° Congresso nazionale della SIF, Cagliari, 6-9 Giugno 2007, p. 167
  22. Lopetuso G., Romualdi P., Candeletti S., Detection and quantification of endogenous N/OFQ in the rat cerebrospinal fluid under basal and stimulated conditions. 33° Congresso nazionale della SIF, Cagliari, 6-9 Giugno 2007, p.128.
  23. Ruggeri V., Sandrini M., Vitale G., Filaferro M., Pini L.A., Cavina C., Romualdi P., Candeletti S., Possible role for serotonin in the nociceptin/orphanin FQ inhibition of paracetamol-induced antinociception in the rat. European Opioid Conference (EOC) European Neuropeptide Club (ENC), Ferrara, 8-11 Aprile 2008, p.64.
  24. Cavina C., Di Benedetto M., D'Addario C., Izenwasser S., Candeletti S., Romualdi P., Chronic cocaine induces alterations of N/OFQ-NOP system gene expression in the rat brain. European Opioid Conference (EOC) European Neuropeptide Club (ENC), Ferrara, 8-11 Aprile 2008, p.57.