Foto del docente

Patrizia Fariselli

Professoressa a contratto

Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne


2021, Fariselli P., Diversità e inclusione nello spazio digitale di rete, in “DIVE-IN, An International Journal on Diversity & Inclusion”, vol.1, n.2 (2021), pp.169-190,

2020, Fariselli P. (a cura di), La Cina nel mercato globale. Bologna: Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne, p. 428. ISBN 9788854970229, DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6431. Il volume è disponibile alla seguente URL

2014, Fariselli P., Economia dell'innovazione, Giappichelli Editore, Torino

2012, Fariselli P., La risorsa informazione e le tecnologie digitali di rete:  abbondanza e scarsità (Information and Network Digital Technologies : Plenty and Scarcity), in Antonelli G. et al., Economia come scienza sociale: teoria, istituzioni e storia. Studi in onore di Alberto Quadrio Curzio (Economics as a social science: theory, institutions and history. Studies in honour of Alberto Quadrio Curzio), il Mulino, Bologna.

2009, Fariselli P., Fortis M., Quadrio Curzio A., Fondazioni, enti e reti nello spazio europeo della ricerca - La sussidiarietà in atto,  (Foundations, Associations and Networks in the European Research Area - Subsidiarity in progress), il Mulino, Bologna

2008, Fariselli P., Guest Editor (with Paul Timmers and Clayton Lewis) of the special issue on Inclusive ICT Business of “Electronic Markets – The International Journal” vol.18, n.4, Novembre 2008,

2008, Fariselli P., Donne e tecnologie dell'Informazione tra innovazione e procedure, in Capitani T.A. (a cura di) Un altro genere di tecnologia, Associazione Il Secolo della Rete,

2006, Fariselli P., Culver-Hopper J. , Bojic O.,  eGovernment for Business across the Atlantic: from Cases to Models, in The Proceedings of the 7th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, San Diego CA (USA), May 21-24, 2006

20 0 5, Fariselli P. (editor), Tecnologie dell'informazione e imprese [Information Technologies and Enteprises. Demand and Supply of Public Information Online in Italy], Nomisma Studi e Ricerche

2005, Adam N., Atluri, V., Chun, S., Fariselli P., Culver-Hopper J., Bojic O., Stewart R., Fruscione J., Mannocchio N, Technology Transfer of Inter-Agency Government Services and their Transnational Feasibility Studies, Proceedings of the NSF dg.o 2005 Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, May 15-18, 2005

2005, Fariselli P., Culver-Hopper J., Bojic O., Integrated eGovernment Services for Business: a Comparative Study, in Andersen K.V., Grönlund A., Traunmüller R., Wimmer M.A. (eds.), Electronic Government, 4th International eGOV Conference Proceedings, Copenhagen 22-26 August 2005, Trauner

2004, Fariselli P., Uberti E.T., Reti e informazioni digitali nelle pubbliche amministrazioni locali. eGovernment nella provincia di Sondrio, in Quadrio Curzio A., Valtellina. Profili di sviluppo, FrancoAngeli

2004, Fariselli P., Value Networks Dynamics in ICT Symbiosis,  in: Chang Y., Makatsoris H., Richards H.(eds.), Evolution of Supply Chain Management. Symbiosis of Adaptive Value Networks and ICT, Kluwer Academic Publishers

2004, Fariselli P., Bojic O., Culver Hopper J., Demand and Supply of Public Information Online for Business in Italy: a Comparison with EU Countries and the USA, in  Traunmueller R. (ed.), Electronic Government, 3rd International Conference, eGOV 2004, Zaragoza (Spain), August/September 2004, Proceedings, Springer

2003, Fariselli P., Learning from DEEDS. Inputs to Policy Innovation in the Digital/Knowledge Economy, in DEEDS 3nd Annual Report, in

2003, Fariselli P., Pointing the policy sextant to hold the course from the digital to the knowledge economy, DEEDS 2nd Annual Report, in

2002, Fariselli P., E-Commerce for Development: A General Framework, in Goldstein A. and O'Connor D. (eds.), Development Centre Studies, Electronic Commerce for Development, OECD, Paris

2001, Fariselli P., Policies for the SMEs in the Digital Economy: from Policy Assessment to Policy Innovation, DEEDS 1st Annual Report, in

1999. Fariselli P., Small Enterprises in the Digital Economy: New and Old Challenges, paper presented in international conference Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises: Challenges for Competitiveness, Rio de Janeiro, CIET (SENAI-CNI), 2-3 December 1999, in

1999,Fariselli P., Innovation Diffusion and Project Management, report for the project Proinno, Inami 0606 22303/0, Innovation Programme, European Commission DGXIII, October 1999 (mimeo)

1999, P. Fariselli, C. Oughton, C. Picory, R. Sugden, Electronic Commerce and the Future for SMEs in a Global Market-Place: Networking Opportunities and Public Policy Requirements, in “Small Business Economics”, vol.12, Issue 3, May 1999, Kluwer Academic Publishers, (a previous version in

1999, Fariselli P., A Global Market-place for SME. The role of Electronic Commerce, paper presented in the  G8 Global Market-place for SME Seminar, Dallas (TX-USA), April 1999. The paper is included in the Final Report, published in

1998, Fariselli P (ed.), Innovating  SME  Business Practices. The Compete Methodology and Tools, Bologna, Pendragon

1998, Fariselli P., Contributing to the definition of G7 Pilot Project n.10 A Global Marketplace for SMEs, in

1992, Co-editor of  the book Gli aiuti di Stato nel Mercato Unico Europeo [State Aids in the European Single Market], Perugia, Protagon