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Patrizia Fariselli

Professoressa a contratto

Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne


Collaborazione con:
Nomisma, European Commission, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Nello svolgimento di numerosi progetti internazionali ha collaborato con un’ampia rete di centri di ricerca e di policy in Europa e negli Stati Uniti. Come Project leader: - 2004-2005, Integrated eGovernment Services for Business: a Comparative Study (jointly with CIMIC-Rutgers University, NJ), National Science Foundation, USA - 2003-2004, Impact of Online Public Sector Information on Italian Businesses, Telecom Italia - 2001-2003, BEEP Best eEurope practices, IST programme, responsible for the domain Digital SME. - 2000-2003, DEEDS - Digital Economy: Policy Exchange and Development for SMEs, European Commission, DG INFSO - IST, 1996-1998 G7 10 WGs Contributing to the definition of G7 Pilot Project n.10 “A Global Market-place for SMEs”, European Commission, DG III – ESPRIT, - 1996-1998, COMPETE Improving competitiveness of SMEs through business engineering and targeted research technologies: a methodological approach to the setting up of pilot cases in three European countries, European Commission, DG III – ESPRIT. - 1993-1995, MINT, The Transnational Evaluation of MINT – Managing the Integration of New Technologies- Programme, European Commission, DG XIII –SPRINT-EIMS. - 1998, Valutazione dell’innovatività delle piccole imprese [Evaluating the innovativeness of SME] project funded by Friulia – Region Friuli Venezia Giulia Come Research Partner: - 2006, Cost-Benefit Assessment of the Use of B2B eMarkets for European Enterprises with a Special View to Online Reverse Auctions, coordinated by IFO-Institute for Economic Research (Germany), (European Commission-DG Enterprise). - 2003, Reorganisation of government back offices for electronic public services, Subcontractor in service contract for DG INFSO (led by University of Bremen and Danish Technological Institute). - GECOMNET (1998-2000) Global Electronic Commerce Master Network (European Commission, DG III - Esprit). - BAPTISME(1998-2000) - Business Applications and Tools for SMEs to cope with the EURO event, project funded by Esprit, DGIII – European Commission, co-ordinated by Gruppo Formula (I) - PROINNO (1998-99) Promoting European Innovation Culture, project funded by the Innovation Programme, DGXIII – European Commission, co-ordinated by Kooperationsstelle Hamburg (Germany) Seminari, workshops, conferenze, collaborazioni • 2008, Member of the scientific committee of the Donne e Scienza (Women & Science) Conference, Trieste (Italy), 18-20 September • 2008, Course on Research Policy and Education Systems in the European Union (15 hours) to the Doctoral School – Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Milan (June) • 2008, Seminar in LERU – Laboratorio di Economia delle Risorse Umane (Postgraduate Corse on International and Local Cooperation and Development, University of Bologna) on ICT and Information Society, June 4 • 2007, Seminar in LERU – Laboratorio di Economia delle Risorse Umane (Postgraduate Corse on International and Local Cooperation and Development, University of Bologna) on ICT, Economy, Society and European Policies, May 24 • 2006, Speaker in the TALeP Conference Tecnologie per l’ePartecipation: freno o opportunità per la partecipazione democratica?, [Technologies for ePartecipation], DEMO-net Network of Excellence, CNR Pisa (I), 27 November • 2006, Speaker and Rapporteur in the IPTS Workshop Future Scenarios of Government in 2020 and Emerging ICT Challenges, Sevilla (E) 13-14 November • 2006, Speaker in the Conference Donne e Scienza III-06 (Women and Science) , Donne e tecnologia tra innovazione e procedure [Women and Technology between innovation and procedures], Università di Padova, Dip. Ingegneria dell’Informazione, September 21-23 • 2006, Speaker in the Workshop on Information Technology: Scenari di Sviluppo in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Ecoistituto del FVG, Udine, 24 June • 2006, Participant in the EC-DG INFSO Workshop on Women in Information Society, Brussels April 5 • 2004-present: Member of the Programme Committee of the DEXA Conference on eGovernment • 2005, Session Chair/Speaker, EC-DG INFSO eChallenges 2005 Conference, Ljubljana, (Slovenia) 19-21 Oct, Integrated eGovernment Services for Business: a Comparative Study • 2005, Workshop Tecnologie dell'informazione e imprese [Information Technologies and Enteprises. Demand and Supply of Public Information Online in Italy], Rome 21 September, Presentation of the Nomisma Report, introduced by Lucio Stanca, Italian Minister of Technology & Innovation • 2005, Co-chair, Workshop for Finalists to the eEurope Awards for eGovernment , European Commission - EIPA, Brussels, 15 September • Session Chair and Speaker, DEXA Conference eGovernment, Copenhagen (DK) 22-26 August, Integrated eGovernment Services for Business: a Comparative Study • 2004, Session Chair/Speaker, international conference Knowledge Economy: Luxury or Necessity of National Strategy, Vilnius (Lithuania), 7-8 October, ICTs in the Knowledge Society: Market, Policy and Research Interplay in Europe. • 2004, Participant, EC-DG INFSO Thematic Workshops on Public Service Delivery (eGovernment, eHealth, eLearning) within the Preliminary Analysis of the Contribution of the EU Information Society Policies and Programmes to the Lisbon and Sustainable Development Strategies, Brussels 24 September and 15 December • 2004, Session Chair and Speaker, DEXA Conference eGovernment 2004, Zaragoza (Spain) 30 August - 3 September, 'Demand and Supply of Public Information Online for Business in Italy: a Comparison with EU Countries and the USA • 2004, Participant, dg.o 2004 Conference, NSF-Digital Government Program, Seattle WA, USA, 24-26 May, • 2000-2003, Policy Group Meetings and Thematic Workshops of the DEEDS project, • 2003, Speaker, 2nd ePower Conference Regional Response to the Global Challenge Vienna, 3rd July, on Policies for the access of SMEs to the digital economy • 2003, Participant, JRC-IPTS Workshop New technology spin-off: a prospective analysis of productivity gains in Europe and in the US, Seville, 27-28 March • 2003, Panellist, EU Conference Benchmarking National Research Policies, Athens, 17-18 January • 2002, Speaker and chair, plenary session on eBusiness: Opportunities and Constraints for SMEs, 3rd South Eastern European Conference on eCommerce, Nicosia (Cyprus), March 14-15 • 2001, Co-organizer, Chair and Opening Speaker, International conference E-commerce for Development, OECD Development Centre and SDIC- School of Development, Innovation and Change (University of Bologna), Bologna, 4-5 May, • 2001, Lecture on DEEDS-Digital Economy: Policy Exchange and Development for Smes, 4th Eurolat-IS Workshop Regional digital Economy, San Pedro Sula (Honduras), April 2-4 • 2000, Session Chair, Policy and Regulatory Framework in the Second South Eastern European Conference on e-Commerce, Sofia (Bulgaria), October 24-26 • 1999, Speaker, Seminar G8 A Global Market-place for SMEs, Dallas, Texas, US, April 16, A Global Market-place for SME: The role of Electronic Commerce, • 1999, Speaker, International Conference Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises: Challenges for Competitiveness, Rio de Janeiro, CIET (SENAI-CNI), 2-3 December, Small Enterprises in the Digital Economy: New and Old Challenges • 1998, Facilitator, Workshop Operating Successful Global Supply Chain Strategies, SAGE -Strategic Approach to the Global Economy Project, European Commission - Leonardo Programme , Bologna, 11-12 June • 1997, EMMSEC Conference European Multimedia, Microprocessor Systems and Electronic Commerce, Firenze 3-5 November, Chair of the plenary session International Co-operation • 1996-1997, Member of the Programme Committee of the First G7 Annual Conference Global Marketplace for SMEs - Electronic Commerce, Bonn 7-9 April, Chair of the Global Panel on Electronic Commerce for SMEs.