Foto del docente

Pasquale Colloca

Associate Professor

Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Academic discipline: GSPS-05/A General Sociology

Curriculum vitae

Associate Professor at the University of Bologna since 2019, he carries out his research in the field of sociology. His main research interests include the study of political culture, civic and political participation, old and new political cleavages. Currently he focuses his research on civic and political consequences of the economic crisis, and on populist impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

From 2024 is member of the Editorial Board of "Humanities and Social Sciences Communications" (edited by Springer), "Sage Open" (edited by Sage) and "Discover Social Science and Health" (edited by Springer)



2008-2012: Post-doctoral research fellow, University of Bologna.

2008: PhD in Sociology and Social research, University of Trento.                  

2001: Degree in Sociology, score 110/110, University of Trento.


Academic positions:

2012-2019  Assistant Professor in Sociology, Department of Educational Sciences “Giovanni Maria Bertin”, University of Bologna

2008-2012 Post-doctoral Fellowship, Department of Educational Sciences “Giovanni Maria Bertin”, University of Bologna

2009-2012 Teaching Assistant in Statistics for Social Research, Department of Educational Sciences “Giovanni Maria Bertin”, University of Bologna


Teaching activities:

He has taught a variety of courses at University of Bologna for the School of Psychology and Educational Sciences. 

He is currently Professor of "Social Research Methodology" for the Second cycle degree programmes in Planning and managing of educational intervention in social distress and in Science Of Lifelong Educational Processes, and "Sociology of Welfare and Social Policies" for Second cycle degree programme in Planning and managing of educational intervention in social distress of the University of Bologna.


Selected recent publications

Colloca, Pasquale; Roccato, Michele; Russo, Silvia, Rally ‘round the flag effects are not for all : Trajectories of institutional trust among populist and non-populist voters, «SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH», 2024, 119, Article number: 102986 , pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]Open Access

Roccato, Michele; Cavazza, Nicoletta; Colloca, Pasquale, This Is Not the End: How the Appeal of Populism Changed Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, in: Political psychology perspectives on populism, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2024, pp. 235 - 262 (PALGRAVE STUDIES IN POLITICAL PSYCHOLOGY) [Chapter or essay]

Russo S.; Colloca P.; Cavazza N.; Roccato M., Household crowding during the COVID-19 lockdown fosters anti-democracy even after 17 months: A 5-wave latent growth curve study, «JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY», 2022, 83, Article number: 101867 [Scientific article]

Nicoletta Cavazza, Silvia Russo, Pasquale Colloca, Michele Roccato, How and why is the COVID-19 crisis impacting trust in institutions? A two-wave longitudinal study in Italy, «PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE», 2022, 17, pp. 341 - 358 [Scientific article]

Cavazza, Nicoletta; Colloca, Pasquale; Roccato, Michele, Left and right in the age of populism : has the populist zeitgeist permeated citizens’ representation of ideological labels?, «CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN POLITICS», 2022, 14, pp. 68 - 86 [Scientific article]Open Access

Lorenzo Cini, Pasquale Colloca, Nicola Maggini, Federico Tomassi, Marco Valbruzzi, An inquiry into urban peripheries, socio-economic distress and vote. The cases of Bologna, Florence and Rome, «QUADERNI DI SCIENZA POLITICA», 2021, 2, pp. 137 - 177 [Scientific article]

Roccato M.; Colloca P.; Cavazza N.; Russo S., Coping with the COVID-19 pandemic through institutional trust : rally effects, compensatory control, and emotions, «SOCIAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY», 2021, 102, pp. 2360 - 2367 [Scientific article]Open Access

Cavazza N.; Russo S.; Colloca P.; Roccato M., Household crowding can have political effects : An empirical study on support for anti-democratic political systems during the COVID-19 lockdown in Italy, «JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY», 2021, 76, Article number: 101628 [Scientific article]Open Access

Silvia Russo, Pasquale Colloca, Nicoletta Cavazza, Michele Roccato, Moving away from Populist Votes. The Role of Anxiety during the COVID-19 Pandemic, «POLIS», 2021, XXXVI, pp. 153 - 164 [Scientific article]

Pasquale Colloca, Nicola Maggini, Marco Valbruzzi, Periferie urbane e disagio socio-economico: com'è cambiato il voto degli italiani tra il 2008 e il 2018, in: Come votano le periferie. Comportamento elettorale e disagio sociale nelle città italiane, Bologna, Società editrice il Mulino, 2021, pp. 89 - 112 [Chapter or essay]

COLLOCA, P; TUORTO, D; VALBRUZZI M, Prospettiva subnazionale. Bologna, in: Come votano le periferie. Comportamento elettorale e disagio sociale nelle città italiane, BOLOGNA, IL MULINO, 2021, pp. 167 - 180 [Chapter or essay]

Roccato, Michele; Russo, Silvia; Colloca, Pasquale; Cavazza, Nicoletta, The Lasting Effects of the COVID‐19 Pandemic on Support for Anti‐Democratic Political Systems : A Six‐Month Longitudinal Study, «SOCIAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY», 2021, 102, pp. 2285 - 2295 [Scientific article]Open Access

Roccato, Michele; Cavazza, Nicoletta; Colloca, Pasquale; Russo, Silvia, A Democratic Emergency After a Health Emergency? Exposure to COVID‐19, Perceived Economic Threat and Support for Anti‐Democratic Political Systems, «SOCIAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY», 2020, 101, pp. 2193 - 2202 [Scientific article]

Roccato, Michele; Cavazza, Nicoletta; Colloca, Pasquale; Russo, Silvia, Three Roads to Populism? An Italian Field Study on the 2019 European Election, «SOCIAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY», 2020, 101, pp. 1222 - 1235 [Scientific article]Open Access

Cavazza, Nicoletta; Colloca, Pasquale; Corbetta, Piergiorgio; Mosso, Cristina O; Roccato, Michele, ‘Strangers in Their Own Land’: Development and Validation of a Balanced, Unidimensional Scale to Measure the Sense of Threat to Local Traditions, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC OPINION RESEARCH», 2020, 32, pp. 189 - 201 [Scientific article]

First cycle degree programme (L) in Expert Social And Cultural Education

First cycle degree programme (L) in Expert Social And Cultural Education

First cycle degree programme (L) in Expert Social And Cultural Education