P. Buonanno; G. Pasini; P. Vanin, Crime and Social Sanction, «PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE», 2012, 91, pp. 193 - 218 [Scientific article]
F. Albornoz; P. Vanin, Trade Protection and Industrial Structure, «THE B.E. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS & POLICY», 2010, 10(1) Article 57, pp. 1 - 29 [Scientific article]
P. Vanin, Capitale sociale, in: Dizionario di Economia Civile, ROMA, Città Nuova, 2009, pp. 146 - 151 [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]
P. Buonanno; D. Montolio; P. Vanin, Does social capital reduce crime?, «THE JOURNAL OF LAW & ECONOMICS», 2009, 52(1), pp. 145 - 170 [Scientific article]
P. Buonanno; G. Caggiano; M. Galizzi; L. Leonida; P. Vanin, Expert and Peer Pressure in Food and Wine Tasting: Evidence from a Pilot Experiment, «ENOMETRICA», 2008, 1(1), pp. 51 - 68 [Scientific article]
P. Vanin, Review of: Goyal, S.: Connections: an introduction to the economics of networks, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS», 2008, 95(1), pp. 83 - 86 [Review]
A. Antoci; P. L. Sacco; P. Vanin, Participation, Growth and Social Poverty: Social Capital in a Homogeneous Society, «OPEN ECONOMICS JOURNAL», 2008, 1, pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]
A. Antoci; P. L. Sacco; P. Vanin, Social Capital Accumulation and the Evolution of Social Participation, «JOURNAL OF SOCIO-ECONOMICS», 2007, 36(1), pp. 128 - 143 [Scientific article]
P. L. SACCO; P. VANIN; S. ZAMAGNI, The Economics of Human Relationships, in: Handbook of the Economics of Giving, Altruism and Reciprocity (vol. 1), AMSTERDAM, Elsevier North Holland, 2006, pp. 695 - 730 [Chapter or essay]
ANTOCI A.; SACCO P. L.; VANIN P., On the Possible Conflict Between Economic Growth and Social Development, in: Economics and Social Interaction: Accounting for Interpersonal Relations, CAMBRIDGE, Cambridge University Press, 2005, pp. 150 - 173 [Chapter or essay]
Sacco, P.L.; Vanin, P., Network Interaction with Material and Relational Goods: An Exploratory Simulation, «ANNALS OF PUBLIC AND COOPERATIVE ECONOMICS», 2000, 71, pp. 229 - 259 [Scientific article]