Foto del docente

Paolo Bernardo Trost

Full Professor

Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology

Academic discipline: BIOS-02/A Plant Physiology


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Publications prior to 2004


46. TROST P (2003) Plasma membrane redox systems. Editorial. Protoplasma, 222(1-2): 1

45. Falini G, Fermani S, Ripamonti A, Sabatino P, SparlA F, Pupillo P, Trost P(2003) The dual coenzyme specificity of photosynthetic glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase interpreted by the crystal structure of A4 isoform complexed with NAD. Biochemistry, 42(16): 4631-9

44. sparla f, rotino l, valgimigli mc, pupillo p, trost p (2003) Resistenza sistemica indotta da Bion (Acibenzolar-S-metile) in pero cv. Abate Fetel inoculato con Erwinia amylovora. Notiziario tecnico Centro Ricerche Produzioni Vegetali, numero 66, 131-140

43.TROST P. Conversione di materia ed energia: il catabolismo. In Biologia vegetale, a cura di Pupillo P, Cervone F, Cresti M, Rascio N (2003), Zanichelli, Bologna, pagg. 307-326


42.TROST P. Produttività primaria. In Biologia vegetale, a cura di Pupillo P, Cervone F, Cresti M, Rascio N (2003), Zanichelli, Bologna, pagg. 420-427



41.SPARLA F, PUPILLO P, TROST P (2002) The C-terminal extension of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase subunit B acts as an autoinhibitory domain regulated by thioredoxins and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, J Biol Chem, 277, 44946-44952



40. PREGER V, PESARESI A, PUPILLO P, TROST P (2001) Ascorbate-independent electron transfer between cytochrome b-561 and a 27-kda ascorbate peroxidase of bean hypocotyls, Protoplasma, 217, 137-145

39. FERMANI S, RIPAMONTI A, SABATINO P, ZANOTTI G, SCAGLIARINI S, SPARLA F, TROST P, PUPILLO P (2001) Crystal structure of the non-regulatory A4 isoform of spinach chloroplast glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase complexed with NADP, J Mol Biol, 314, 527-542

38. Fermani S, Ripamonti A, Sabatino P, Zanotti G, Scagliarini S, Trost P, Pupillo P (2001) Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenases from chloroplasts. Elettra Highlights, Vol 2000-2001, pp 22-25



37. TROST P, BÈRCZI A, SPARLA F, SPONZA G, MARZADORI B, ASARD H, PUPILLO P (2000) Purification of cytochrome b-561 from bean hypocotyls plasma membrane. Evidence for the presence of two heme centres. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1468, 1-5

36. GUERRINI F, CANGINI M, PISTOCCHI R, TROST P, BONI L (2000) Metabolic responses of the diatom Achnantes brevipes to nutrient limitation. J Phycol, 36, 882-890

35. ASARD H, TEROL-ALCAYDE J, PREGER V, DEL FAVERO J, VERELST W, SPARLA F, PEREZ-ALONSO M, TROST P (2000) Arabidopsis thaliana sequence analysis confirms the presence of cyt b-561 in plants: evidence for a novel protein family. Plant Physiol Biochem, 38, 905-912



34. SABATINO P, FERMANI S, RIPAMONTI A, CASSETTA A, SCAGLIARINI S, TROST P (1999) Crystallization and preliminary X-ray study of chloroplast glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. Acta Chryst D, 55, 566-567

33. SPARLA F, PREGER V, PUPILLO P, TROST P (1999) Characterization of a novel NADH-specific, FAD-containing soluble reductase with ferric citrate reductase activity from maize seedlings. Arch Biochem Biophys, 363, 301-308

32. SPARLA F, TEDESCHI G, PUPILLO P, TROST P (1999) Cloning and heterologous expression of NAD(P)H:quinone reductase of Arabidopsis thaliana, a functional homologue of animal DT-diaphorase. FEBS Lett, 463, 382-386



31. SCAGLIARINI S, TROST P, PUPILLO P (1998) The non-regulatory isoform of NAD(P)-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from spinach chloroplasts. J Exp Bot, 49: 1307-1315

30. SPARLA F, TEDESCHI G, PUPILLO P, TROST P (1998) Molecular characterization of NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase of tobacco leaves. Protoplasma, 205, 52-58

29. SCAGLIARINI S, ROTINO L, BAEURLE I, ASARD H, PUPILLO P, TROST P (1998) Initial purification study of the cytochrome b-561 of bean hypocotyls plasma membrane. Protoplasma, 205, 66-73

28. ASARD H, HOREMANS N, PREGER V, TROST P (1998) Plasma membrane b-type cytochromes. In: Asard H, Bérczi A, Caubergs R, Eds, Plasma membrane redox systems and their role in biological stress and disease, Kluwer Academic Publisher, Amsterdam, pp. 1-32

27. TROST P, PREGER V (1998) Il citocromo b-561 della membrana plasmatica vegetale: studi molecolari e funzionali. Seminari di cibernetica e di biofisica. CNR, Istituto di Cibernetica e di Biofisica, Genova, numero 2, 69-81

26. PREGER V, SPARLA F, TROST P (1998) Inhibition of plasma membrane NAD(P)H.quinone oxidoreductase by diphenylene iodonium. J Biol Res, 73: 116-117

25. SPARLA F, BAGNARESI P, SCAGLIARINI S, TROST P (1998) NADH:Fe(III)-citrate reductase and cytochrome b-5 reductase of maize roots are strictly related flavoproteins. J Biol Res, 73: 125-126



24. TROST P, FOSCARINI S, PREGER V, BONORA P, VITALE L, PUPILLO P (1997) Dissecting the diyphenylene iodonium-sensitive NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase of zucchini plasma membrane. Plant Physiol 114: 737-746

23. SPARLA F, BAGNARESI P, SCAGLIARINI S, TROST P (1997) NADH:Fe(III)-chelate reductase of maize roots is an active cytochrome b5 reductase. FEBS Lett, 414: 571-575

22. PUPILLO P, TROST P (1997) Enzimi redox della membrana plasmatica delle piante. Atti dell'accademia dei Fisiocritici, Siena, serie XV – tomo XVI (suppl.), pp 1-14

21. SPARLA F, PREGER V, PUPILLO P, TROST P (1997) Purification and properties of two soluble flavoproteins of maize roots reducing ferric chelates and quinones. J Biol Res, 73: 71-72



20.SPARLA F, TEDESCHI G, TROST P (1996) NAD(P)H:(quinone-acceptor) oxidoreductase of tobacco leaves is a flavin mononucleotide-containing flavoenzyme. Plant Physiol 112: 249-258



19. TROST P, BONORA P, SCAGLIARINI S, PUPILLO P (1995) Purification and properties of NAD(P)H:quinone acceptor oxidoreductase of sugarbeet cells. Eur J Biochem 234: 452-458

18. SPARLA F, VITALE L, TROST P (1995) Properties of purified NAD(P)H-quinone oxidoreductase from tobacco leaves. Giorn Bot It 129: 975-976

17. TROST P, BONORA P, SCAGLIARINI S, PUPILLO P (1995) Soluble NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase replaces DT-diaphorase in plants. Giorn Bot It 129: 979-980

16. SCAGLIARINI S, TROST P, PUPILLO P (1995) Permanent activated state of NAD(P)-dependent glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. Giorn Bot It 129: 971-972



15. MICHELS S, SCAGLIARINI S, DELLA SETA F, CARLES C, RIVA M, TROST P, BRANLANT G (1994) Arguments against a close relationship between non-phosphorylating and phosphorylating glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenases.  FEBS Letters, 339: 97-100



14. SCAGLIARINI S, TROST P, PUPILLO P, VALENTI V (1993) Light activation and molecular mass changes of NAD(P)-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase of spinach and maize leaves.  Planta 190: 313-319

13. TROST P, SCAGLIARINI S, VALENTI V, PUPILLO P (1993) Activation of spinach chloroplast glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase: effect of glycerate 1,3-bisphosphate. Planta 190: 320-326

12. TROST P, PUPILLO P (1993) Inhibition of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate: NADP+ oxidoreductase (nonphosphorylating) by adenylate compounds: the effect of dead-end inhibitors on a steady state random reaction mechanism.  Arch  Biochem  Biophys 306: 76-82

11. TROST P, SCAGLIARINI S, PUPILLO P (1993) Purification of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate: NADP+ reductase. Giorn Bot It 127: 52-53

10. VALENTI V, TROST P, SCAGLIARINI S (1993) Glycerate-1,3-bisphosphate is a powerful effector in the light/dark  modulation of NAD(P) dependent glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from spinach leaves. Giorn Bot It 127: 54-55

9. SCAGLIARINI S, TROST P, VALERI M, PUPILLO P (1993) A nonregulatory isozyme of chloroplast glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase NAD(P)-dependent.  Giorn  Bot  It 127: 922­-923

8. TROST P, STITT M (1993) Nucleotide biosynthesis and phloem translocation in castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) Seedlings. Giorn  Bot  It  127: 925-926



7. TROST P, SCAGLIARINI S, VALENTI V, PUPILLO P (1991) Relationships between NAD-specific glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate: NADP+ oxidoreductase activities in spinach leaves. Giorn. Bot. It. 125: 546-547

6. SCAGLIARINI S, VALENTI V, TROST P, PUPILLO P (1991) Light activation and oligomer dissociation of chloroplast NAD(P)- dependent glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in spinach and maize leaves. Giorn Bot It 125: 543-544



5. SCAGLIARINI S, TROST P, VALENTI V, PUPILLO P (1990) Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate: NADP+ reductase of spinach leaves. Steady state kinetics and effect of inhibitors. Plant Physiol 94: 1337-1344

4. TROST P, VALENTI V, PUPILLO P (1990) Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate: NADP+ reductase function and energy charge. Giorn. Bot. It.  124: 101-102



3. PUPILLO P, TROST P, SCAGLIARINI S, VALENTI V (1989) Towards an understanding of the photosynthetic role of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate: NADP+ reductase. Giorn. Bot. It. 123: 105-106  



2. TROST P, SCAGLIARINI S, PUPILLO P, VALENTI V (1988) Isozymes of ribulose 5-phosphate kinase in the maize leaf. Giorn. Bot. It. 122: 93-94



1.VALENTI V, TROST P, SCAGLIARINI S, PUPILLO P (1987) Functioning of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate NADP+ reductase in the green cell. Giorn. Bot It. 121: 99-100 

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